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Barclays Premier League & SkyBet Championship 2014/15

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    • Chelsea’s Petr Cech in talks with Besiktas over summer move, says agent (Guardian)
      Smejurija ako ga ne ugrabi tim vise klase.

      “We have to change, from doubters, to believers, now.”
      -Jürgen Klopp


      • Nadam se da ćemo ga gledati uskoro i da se neće obnavljati povreda.


        • GREAT NEWS!

          Ko zna engleski:
          Lee Hoos today confirmed Burnley do not need to sell players following relegation from the Premier League.

          The Clarets’ Chief Executive insists the club is in a healthy position financially and has serious ambitions to mount another assault on the top flight.

          Hoos said: “We are in the fortunate position right now where we will not be forced to sell anyone for financial reasons.

          “We have managed things well and the whole point of building a squad is to try to hold on to what you have and then build from there.

          “I can’t predict the future and what might happen to individuals, but last time we were relegated we were forced to sell players to balance the books.

          “We won’t be in that position next season and we are now in a position where we can remind the players what we are capable of and that the best way to get to the Premier League is to stick with us and help take us back there.”

          Hoos, who confirmed manager Sean Dyche remains under contract, added: “There been speculation about Sean, but he is making plans for the final two games and then next season and how we take the club forward.

          “The really important thing now is that if you take two steps forward and one back, you are still going forwards.

          “What we need to do is make sure we don’t take two steps back. It’s important that we keep going forwards and that is about having the right investments and infrastructure and holding on

          to players to grow the club and take it forward.

          “It’s now about sustainability, and not just financially. When we get that chance to get back to the Premier League again, we want to make sure we are stronger for it and able to make it stick.

          “The Board are very ambitious and want to take the club forward. There are a couple of clubs in the mix right now who, if they are relegated, will have to sell players in order to make up the deficit.

          “Our Board have decided we don’t want to be in the position where we have to dismantle because that would be taking two steps back.”


          • Ma vraća se bre Burnley ko iz pi**e

            #PRAVDA ZA BRAĆU


            • Originally posted by Tom Lunatik View Post
              Nadam se da ćemo ga gledati uskoro i da se neće obnavljati povreda.
              Au bre, totalno sam zaboravio na ovog čoveka. Bio glavni igrač u Svecima, uz Lallanu. Nema ga već najmanje sezonu ipo na terenu jbte. A koliko debilna povreda. Skočio za neku loptu, i u padu mu ode zglob koliko se sećam...
              Ima li kakvih vesti kad bi mogao da se vrati na teren?
              I LOVE HOUSE MUSIC!!


              • Originally posted by z0La View Post
                Au bre, totalno sam zaboravio na ovog čoveka. Bio glavni igrač u Svecima, uz Lallanu. Nema ga već najmanje sezonu ipo na terenu jbte. A koliko debilna povreda. Skočio za neku loptu, i u padu mu ode zglob koliko se sećam...
                Ima li kakvih vesti kad bi mogao da se vrati na teren?
                Ma kakav zglob, koljeno ligamenti isto kao kod Walcotta samo se zakomplikovalo.


                • Da, da, tačno, sećam se da je bilo nešto totalno bezveze. Neki mali doskok ili tako nešto....
                  Sad sam baš gledao intervju sa njim. Pominjali su nešto da bi mogao da bude na klupi u poslednjoj utakmici u sezoni, što su odlične vesti. Imaće pune pripreme sa timom, i nadam se da ćemo ga gledati sledeće sezone...
                  I LOVE HOUSE MUSIC!!



                    Manchester City get financial fair play boost, but will they splash the cash?

                    ma ne neće da troše,štedeće novac u slamarici za novi stadion

                    što se tiče Čeha..

                    Kolar explained "Petr, if separated from the team, does not want to go to a team in England... a decision will come soon,"
                    inače izjava njegovog agenta
                    a ovo što se tiče Bešiktaša,tu ne treba ništa da vas čudi zato što Čelzi ima nekakvo partnerstvo sa njima/dogovor o posudbi "skupljih" igrača il tako nešto(ne sećam se više) ,setite se samo da je Ba na kraju tamo završio i oni nakon potpisivanja novog ugovora vezanog za TV prava imaju resurse da iskeširaju pristojne plate

                    inače,jedno vreme je PSG bio aktuelan,navodno bi da dovedu Čeha al imaju problema sa FFP pa pokušavaju da spuste cenu,dok Čelzi traži ok0 10-12 miliona funti i pitanje je dal bi im Čelzi izašo u susret

                    na kraju,ne kažem da nije nemoguće da ostane na ostrvu ali to je verovatno poslednja opcija,ako je uopšte i opcija iako je bilo i tih tekstova po kome bi klub dozvolio Čehu da sam izabere klub (gde je uskočilo odma ime Arsenala,Liverpula)mada čisto sumnjam

                    dok telegraf javlja

                    Arsenal move for Petr Cech depends on Roman Abramovich's consent (Telegraph)

                    Cech & family are settled in London and, while there'll be offers across Europe, Arsenal would clearly be a tempting option
                    Last edited by saburo sakai; 13-05-15, 07:54.
                    "When people get hurt, they learn to hate… when people hurt others, they become hated and racked with guilt. But knowing that pain allows people to be kind. Pain allows people to grow… and how you grow is up to you"


                    • Arsene je rekao da nece ic po novog golmana.


                      • Alardajs napusta klupu Vest Hema, a zamjene koje se pominju su blago je reci preambiciozne - Klop i Benitez, a onda idu Mojzi, Laudrup i Bilic.


                        • Ne vidim zasto bi bile preambiciozne? Ako su voljni ulagat zasto ne? Idu na novi stadion, neka potpisu jace ugovore sa sponzorima i uloze u ojacavanje momcadi, mogu realno ic u borbu za Europsku ligu.


                          • Vec su u LE. Ali u pravu si, nisu preambiciozni, preuzece ih Klop, a Benitez ce mu bit asistent.


                            • Originally posted by Freshman91 View Post
                              Bolje i za Englesku ligu, da Arsenal bude 4. jer su rutineri sto se kvalifikacija tice, Man Utd mi je ipak tu enigma.
                              Auuu Fresko, zar i tebe kompleks da drma pa da sumnjas da djavoli mozda ne mogu kvalifikacije da prodju


                              • Zasto nema Aguera u anketi?
                                sloboda ili ništa

