Mark it zero will miss Miami Open?!
Mark it zero propusta Majami?!
Mark it zero- one of the key players in this season, still hasn't picked any player yet, putting his participation at Itau Miami Open in question.. There is still lack of any official informations about this. At the moment, there are just some rumors around, from unreliable sources, telling us that he is too busy, and is having troubles with his PC. Mark it zero hasn't confirmed nor retired(withdrawn) from the tournament, so he still has got some time to use his pick. Is he really going to skip this masters or will he be back with us on time? That already happened couple of times. Right now we can just wait to see what will happen tonight.
Mark it zero- jedan od glavnih igraca ove sezone jos uvek nije potvrdio ucesce na ovogodisnjem Itau Miami Openu. Zvanicne informacije i potvrde o razlogu neigranja za sada nemamo, nepouzdani izvori govore da je zauzet i da ima problema sa kompjuterom, ali nista jos nije potvrdjeno. Doticni se za sada nije oglasavao po ovom pitanju. Da li ce stvarno propustiti ovaj masters ili ce se kasno ukljuciti? Do sada se to desavalo nekoliko puta. Ostaje nam da sacekamo i vidimo sta ce noc doneti.
Sve je napisano saljivim i neobaveznim tonom. Svaka slicnost sa pravim dogadjajima u ovom i narednim postovima slicnim ovom je potpuno slucajna.

Mark it zero propusta Majami?!

Mark it zero- one of the key players in this season, still hasn't picked any player yet, putting his participation at Itau Miami Open in question.. There is still lack of any official informations about this. At the moment, there are just some rumors around, from unreliable sources, telling us that he is too busy, and is having troubles with his PC. Mark it zero hasn't confirmed nor retired(withdrawn) from the tournament, so he still has got some time to use his pick. Is he really going to skip this masters or will he be back with us on time? That already happened couple of times. Right now we can just wait to see what will happen tonight.
Mark it zero- jedan od glavnih igraca ove sezone jos uvek nije potvrdio ucesce na ovogodisnjem Itau Miami Openu. Zvanicne informacije i potvrde o razlogu neigranja za sada nemamo, nepouzdani izvori govore da je zauzet i da ima problema sa kompjuterom, ali nista jos nije potvrdjeno. Doticni se za sada nije oglasavao po ovom pitanju. Da li ce stvarno propustiti ovaj masters ili ce se kasno ukljuciti? Do sada se to desavalo nekoliko puta. Ostaje nam da sacekamo i vidimo sta ce noc doneti.
Sve je napisano saljivim i neobaveznim tonom. Svaka slicnost sa pravim dogadjajima u ovom i narednim postovima slicnim ovom je potpuno slucajna.