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  • Odg: MOTO GP

    [quote author=vesna8.11 link=topic=1368.msg121262#msg121262 date=1270571141]

    Evo nesto o "crvenoj furiji", samo se nadam da su pogresili sto se tice naslova!
    [/quote]Nisu pogrijesili,valja biti realan,a i statistika 2007-2009 sve govori,covjek stvarno leti na ovoj stazi,ali mislim da je ove godine dosao red na Doktora. @(*6sd$%


    • Odg: MOTO GP

      [quote author=Sale 46 link=topic=1368.msg121263#msg121263 date=1270571950]
      [quote author=vesna8.11 link=topic=1368.msg121262#msg121262 date=1270571141]

      Evo nesto o "crvenoj furiji", samo se nadam da su pogresili sto se tice naslova!

      ..."We have always enjoyed great results in Qatar although the track isn't one of my favourites as a rider'' #^GH*# &Q45q@% #^GH*# &Q45q@%

      Čekajte, jel meni nešto promaklo il mi se samo čini? Zar do sada nije bila priča da je to Stonerov Muđelo, bla, bla, bla, a sad odjednom suprotno. Ili sam ja poludeo od ovlikog čekanja... :fc-[ #$&+|r &Q45q@%
      [/quote]I nije jedna od njegovih omiljeni staza,vec gledajuci uzastopne pobjede i dominaciju na njoj,izvuklo se iz konteksta,da je to Stonerov Mugello,poredeci njegovu dominaciju na ovoj stazi sa onom koju Rossi ima na Mugellu,a njegovu omiljenu stazu svi znamo,a to je Phillip Island.


      • Odg: MOTO GP

        [quote author=ferrari1 link=topic=1368.msg121266#msg121266 date=1270572972]
        I nije jedna od njegovih omiljeni staza,vec gledajuci uzastopne pobjede i dominaciju na njoj,izvuklo se iz konteksta,da je to Stonerov Mugello,poredeci njegovu dominaciju na ovoj stazi sa onom koju Rossi ima na Mugellu,a njegovu omiljenu stazu svi znamo,a to je Phillip Island.

        Znači ja sam poblesavio &@/+W $%&5qw7, moram podhitno na $*(5f da se razbudim l5'%9
        The most important thing is to stay truthful to who you really are, and be down to earth.
        As soon as you believe you are the best, you are not the best any more.
        From that stage there is no progress.


        • Odg: MOTO GP

          Yamaha setup report

          The waiting is over as MotoGP kicks off in Qatar

          The long winter break draws to a close this weekend as the 2010 MotoGP season gets going under the floodlights of the Losail International Circuit. Fiat Yamaha Team riders Valentino Rossi and Jorge Lorenzo are fresh from the recent pre-season test and both last year's World Champion and the runner-up are aiming to kick off their 2010 campaigns with a successful opening weekend.

          Last year saw Rossi take his fourth title for Yamaha and the ninth of his career and, with 103 race wins already under his belt, the Italian hero has nothing left to do to cement his place in the history of the sport. Despite 14 seasons in the World Championship the 31-year-old still has the same hunger and desire for victory as he did when he first started out and he claims that this year will be no different. He has been in intimidating form during pre-season testing, finishing fastest on five out of six days, and he looks to have already found an excellent base setting for the 2010 YZR-M1. Rossi has won only twice before in Qatar, last year he finished second after starting from the same spot. He will be looking to go one better this time and take his first victory in a night race.

          Lorenzo gave his more experienced team-mate an exciting run for his money last season but the 22-year-old eventually settled for the runner-up spot, an impressive feat nonetheless in just his second year in the premier-class. This year the Mallorcan's pre-season has been interrupted by a hand injury sustained in a fall with his motocross bike and he missed the second Sepang test, but he was back on board for the recent Qatar outing. Although still not at 100%, he is well on the way back to full fitness after an intensive physiotherapy routine at home in Barcelona. Qatar will always bring back memories of his thrilling 2008 MotoGP debut, when he burst onto the scene with a fantastic pole position and a second-place finish, while last year saw him make a solid start to the season by finishing third behind his team-mate.

          For the third time the opening race of the year will be run under the floodlights at the desert circuit, although hopefully without the torrential rain which saw last year's race delayed by 24 hours. The infrastructure features 3,600 light fixtures using 250, 1500 and 2500-watt bulbs and the system needs 13 megawatt generators to produce the required 5.4 million watts of power - creating enough light to cover an area equivalent to 70 football pitches. The bulbs are fixed on 1000 poles with mounting heights from 3 to 36 metres, all linked together by almost 500 kilometres of wire and supported by 300,000 kilos of concrete.

          Valentino Rossi - "A good pre-season"
          "Finally we're at the start of the season and we are all very excited. The pre-season has gone well for me, our new M1 is good, Yamaha and Bridgestone have done a great job and we have been fast. We have only had six days on track so we still have work to do and things to learn about the new bike, but we are starting in good shape. I expect this season to be a big battle with many riders very strong, and I hope that we will show some good racing to the fans! Qatar hasn't been one of the best tracks for our bike in the last few years but at the test we went well so I hope this will continue again for the race."

          Jorge Lorenzo - "Not perfect yet"
          "I am not perfect yet, I still need more time to recover 100% from my injury, but at least I can ride in Qatar. I am very happy because we are so close now to the start of the season; it's been a long winter! Unfortunately, I had some troubles in training and hurt my hand, but these things happen. Qatar is a very special track for me; it was the place where I got my first podium in MotoGP in 2008! I know this time it will be more difficult, but I will try to be close to the action. I hope this year it doesn't rain like last year!"

          Davide Brivio - "Let's go racing!"
          "Our development in testing has gone very well and this is encouraging for us all. We were fast in Sepang but also in Qatar, more than a second faster than last year in fact, so we are going into the first race feeling confident that we can put up a fight. It hasn't been the best race for us previously but everyone is very focused and we will be looking to make a strong start to the campaign. The waiting is nearly over and we're ready - let's go racing!"

          Wilco Zeelenberg - "A long season"
          "Jorge's thumb is still not perfect but he was stronger than we expected at the last test and he has had some more time to recover since then so the situation is not too bad. It was a great shame for him that this happened and he missed one test but he has had good treatment and he is in the best shape possible, considering the injury. He felt good on the bike at the test and now we will just try to make some more small steps during practice this weekend. It's a long season and this is just the first race."


          • Odg: MOTO GP

            [quote author=Sale 46 link=topic=1368.msg121267#msg121267 date=1270573121]
            [quote author=ferrari1 link=topic=1368.msg121266#msg121266 date=1270572972]
            I nije jedna od njegovih omiljeni staza,vec gledajuci uzastopne pobjede i dominaciju na njoj,izvuklo se iz konteksta,da je to Stonerov Mugello,poredeci njegovu dominaciju na ovoj stazi sa onom koju Rossi ima na Mugellu,a njegovu omiljenu stazu svi znamo,a to je Phillip Island.

            Znači ja sam poblesavio &@/+W $%&5qw7, moram podhitno na $*(5f da se razbudim l5'%9

            Yep, cak je vise puta izjavio da je to PI i vjerovali ili Ne upravo Mugello


            • Odg: MOTO GP

              [quote author=ferrari1 link=topic=1368.msg121264#msg121264 date=1270572239]
              [quote author=vesna8.11 link=topic=1368.msg121262#msg121262 date=1270571141]

              Evo nesto o "crvenoj furiji", samo se nadam da su pogresili sto se tice naslova!
              [/quote]Nisu pogrijesili,valja biti realan,a i statistika 2007-2009 sve govori,covjek stvarno leti na ovoj stazi,ali mislim da je ove godine dosao red na Doktora. @(*6sd$%

              + 1 +*@WT*48*

              Što se tiče omiljenih staza, Rosijeva je naravno Mugello i ne znam da li se sećate kada je pred trku u Mizanu dao izjavu da je Mizano tu, skoro pored njegove kuće, ali on ipak voli i preferira Mugello, da je to pravi Italijanski GP i da ga tako doživljava... Rosi obožava i Herez, Katalunju, Asen, PI ... ne voli Valensiju, iz očiglednih i svima dobro poznatih razloga (neverovatno za vozača njegovog kalibra i staža, ali čini mi se da u karijeru ima samo JEDNU pobedu na toj stazi) ...
              Što se tiče Stonera - naravno da mu najviše leži i da najviše voli PI..domaća staza, na njoj je "učio" da vozi i još nešto...pošto nije baš najomiljeniji lik na prostorima gde se voze trke - ovo je staza na kojoj ima najviše svojih navijača...Familijarna atmosfera, domaći teren i šta ćeš više... E, sad...Stoner bi voleo i stalno potencira i Mugello, ali to i nije čudno, jer ovo je "domaća" staza Dukatija... ja mislim da je bio najsrećniji kad je prošle godine uzeo pobedu tamo i prekinuo Doktorov niz... Srećan naravno iz najmanje 2 razloga ... @(*6sd$%


              • Odg: MOTO GP


                Ocigledno "temperatura" raste, kako se priblizava pocetak sezone. Gotovo iz minuta u minut mi stizu informacije o tome.
                Prilicno je tesko pronaci nesto, sto vec svi ne znamo napamet. Ova je, mozda, malo drugacija.


                • Odg: MOTO GP

                  [quote author=vesna8.11 link=topic=1368.msg121313#msg121313 date=1270639807]
                  [/quote]Pozitivan stav Edwardsa,ako je neko zasluzio pobjedu,onda je to definitivno ovaj covjek,ali bit ce to izuzetno tesko za ostvarit,ako ne i nemoguce.


                  • Odg: MOTO GP

                    [quote author=ferrari1 link=topic=1368.msg121314#msg121314 date=1270640837]
                    [quote author=vesna8.11 link=topic=1368.msg121313#msg121313 date=1270639807]
                    [/quote]Pozitivan stav Edwardsa,ako je neko zasluzio pobjedu,onda je to definitivno ovaj covjek,ali bit ce to izuzetno tesko za ostvarit,ako ne i nemoguce.

                    Ma žao mi je što nije pričvrljio Dovija prošle godine u Doningtonu...trebao je da ide na sve ili ništa, da proba da pobedi i gotovo...videlo se na kraju trke da mu je bilo krivo što nije probao... ili čuvena kolizija sa Nikijem u Asenu 2006-e (da je ostao na stazi i pobedio, makar Niki ostao drugi, Doktor bi odbranio titulu i te sezone)... Sve u svemu, nekoliko drugih pozicija, nikad na najvišoj stepenici - a zaslužio je, što kaže Ferari - ma 100% je zaslužio. +*@WT*48*


                    • Odg: MOTO GP

                      Dorna open to moving Qatar GP start time


                      • Odg: MOTO GP

                        [quote author=ferrari1 link=topic=1368.msg121318#msg121318 date=1270641237]
                        Dorna open to moving Qatar GP start time

                        Što odgovara svima, pa čak i nama ... +*@WT*48*


                        • Odg: MOTO GP

                          [quote author=N_Trooper link=topic=1368.msg121320#msg121320 date=1270642500]
                          [quote author=ferrari1 link=topic=1368.msg121318#msg121318 date=1270641237]
                          Dorna open to moving Qatar GP start time

                          Što odgovara svima, pa čak i nama ... +*@WT*48*
                          [/quote]Tako je.Joj sto se je oduzilo,petak tako blizu,a opet,kao da je vjecnost u pitanju.


                          • Odg: MOTO GP

                            Ma nije, petak je prekosutra, %QWT&W
                            Pa kada smo toliko cekali, izdrzacemo i ovih nekoliko dana, bar se nadam +-*^%*


                            • Odg: MOTO GP

                              Jasta cemo nego izdrzati,jos da Rossi pobjedi i svi srecni h5g6k8


                              • Odg: MOTO GP

                                [quote author=ferrari1 link=topic=1368.msg121323#msg121323 date=1270644523]
                                Jasta cemo nego izdrzati,jos da Rossi pobjedi i svi srecni h5g6k8

                                Ili je bolje reći ... SKORO SVI SREĆNI ... Srđane, šta ima burazere ? @(*6sd$% h5g6k8

