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Wimbledon 2013

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  • Zadnjih 4-5 godina postoji nekoliko nivoa u tenisu ,ja bih to nazvao recimo 1.liga sa 3+1 (Roger,Rafa,Novak +Endi) i 2.liga-Berdih,Delpo,Conga,Ferer ostali su daleko ispod.Bespotrebno je praviti paralele razlicitih stilova igre a renking samo pokazuje konstantnost jednog igraca tokom sezone u odnosu na ostale.Ne bih imao nista protiv da se Ferer nadje na kraju godine na poziciji broj 2 ako Rafe nema pola godine kao prosle ,Roger sa osvojenom 1 titulom dosad ne zasluzuje vise od mesta gde ce biti posle Wimbledona a Endiju ostaje da se dokaze da moze do titule na Wimbledonu i koliko je mentalno jak sto do sada nije pokazao.


    • Who the fuck is Kenny De Schepper ?! Al ono stvarno, nikad cuo a lik ima vec 26 godina.


      • Originally posted by Prototype View Post
        Who the fuck is Kenny De Schepper ?! Al ono stvarno, nikad cuo a lik ima vec 26 godina.

        Majka mu ne zna da se bavi tenisom Ali ovo nas ocekuje u buducnosti sto se prije naviknemo bice nam lakse


        • Originally posted by SonjaFan View Post
          He definitely has a chance that's why I'm so worried :-(...huge serve, great volleys and he's strong from both sides...and I think he has zero respect for the best players, he's confident and determined....
          And you shouldn't provoke me:-( :-D

          But hey, it's not gonna be disgrace if Novak loses to him.
          I also think thas he has a chance, but i just wanted to hear that from Novak fan

          Yes, Tommy has a great serve, grat return on second serve, he pick the ball very early using the power of opponents serve and groundstrokes.
          The effects of his groundstrokes depends of his posture, foot work and timing. His BH is not so powerful, but generally has a lot of variations which can make a lot of damage to his opponents. He has a flat, slice, spin, everything.

          On the other hand, Novak play wonderful this week. Great serve, typicaly good return. He feel the strokes, using his chances, and many poeple will say that he has not to be afraid of Tommy Haas. Of course, not me, he should be afraid, he is afraid, and he will lose. I promise you that.
          “It's no accident, I think, that tennis uses the language of life. Advantage, service, fault, break, love, the basic elements of tennis are those of everyday existence, because every match is a life in miniature. Points become games become sets become tournaments, and it's all so tightly connected that any point can become the turning point. It reminds me of the way seconds become minutes become hours, and any hour can be our finest. Or darkest. It's our choice.”


          • Originally posted by Prototype View Post
            Who the fuck is Kenny De Schepper ?! Al ono stvarno, nikad cuo a lik ima vec 26 godina.
            Dayman (a-a-ah...)
            Fighter of the Nightman (a-a-ah...)
            Champion of the sun (a-a-ah...)
            You're a master of karate and friendship
            For everyone


            • Kontam da ce biti ovakvih scena, al nadam se da nece biti bas ovako lose.


              • Originally posted by Prle! View Post
                On the other hand, Novak play wonderful this week. Great serve, typicaly good return. He feel the strokes, using his chances, and many poeple will say that he has not to be afraid of Tommy Haas. Of course, not me, he should be afraid, he is afraid, and he will lose. I promise you that.
                Well...except the chances (that he DOESN'T use), you're right... but Tommy isn't Florian, Bobby or Jeremy, he's 100 times better...maybe the best opponent Novak can possibly face on the way to final. So yes, I'm afraid, you can laugh at that :-(


                • Originally posted by Prototype View Post
                  Who the fuck is Kenny De Schepper ?! Al ono stvarno, nikad cuo a lik ima vec 26 godina.
                  Ma on je slucajno dosao do 4. kola, imao je lagan raspored. On je klasicni server, sto se vidi po njegovoj visini , visok je 203 cm. A tek je 2010 poceo da se bavi profesionalno tenisom zato niko nije cuo za njega


                  • Originally posted by SonjaFan View Post
                    Well...except the chances (that he DOESN'T use), you're right... but Tommy isn't Florian, Bobby or Jeremy, he's 100 times better...maybe the best opponent Novak can possibly face on the way to final. So yes, I'm afraid, you can laugh at that :-(
                    Don't be afraid, think pozitivno. You always know za koga možeš navijati when Novak G.T.F.O sa WB-a.
                    “It's no accident, I think, that tennis uses the language of life. Advantage, service, fault, break, love, the basic elements of tennis are those of everyday existence, because every match is a life in miniature. Points become games become sets become tournaments, and it's all so tightly connected that any point can become the turning point. It reminds me of the way seconds become minutes become hours, and any hour can be our finest. Or darkest. It's our choice.”


                    • Kako niste culi za Kennyja

                      Gasquet je bas razocarao, kao i Kei


                      • Ako niste čuli za Kennya ne igrate kladionicu sigurno


                        • Prle .

                          Daj mi 5 razloga zasto mislis da ce Novak izgubiti od Tomija ?

                          Joking around is part of my personality, just who I am. Novak Djokovic

                          Yesterday i was clever, so i wanted to change the world. Today i`m wise, so i`m changing myself.

                          Without error there can be no brilliancy.


                          • CW ga sigurno zna, igrao skoro Kenny Nothingem CH protiv Beckera, ima covek jak servis ,zasto bi bilo cudno kroz ovako prociscen zreb da dodje do 1/8, da li tu pripada to je druga stvar.
                            Nikad ljudima ugoditi, stalna zaljenja kako ista cetvorka stalno u zavrsnicama, pa kad im favoriti iz iste ispadnu, onda druga muka
                            Kako igra Del Potro? Jedino njega ne uspevam ispratiti na ovom W.
                            Similis simili gaudet


                            • Masina covjek na dvoranskim challengerima


                              • Originally posted by Prle! View Post
                                Don't be afraid, think pozitivno. You always know za koga možeš navijati when Novak G.T.F.O sa WB-a.
                                :-( Definitely not for Tommy. I respect him as a great player but that's all...okay, he's also quite handsome but that's definitely all....
                                If Novak loses, I will root for Andy. His emotions last year got me. It would mean a world to him to win this title in front of Britain...and it can make him stronger player. That would be interesting to watch :-)

