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Davis Cup

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  • Pitanje je ko ce od top igraca igrati sljedece godine, s obzirom na raspored Dejvis kupa... ;)

    A do sljedece godine, evo nekoliko danasnjih slicica, zasluzili su Rafa i Delpo...


    • Cestitke Spancima i njihovim navijacima odlicni su bili David i Nadal

      Zao mi je Argentinaca skoro kao nasih momaka kad su izgubili u polufinalu ali takav je sport neko mora da izgubi


      • Cestitke Spancima, stvarno steta sto nisu dosli u Arenu..


        • Ma nije normalan stvarno.Pa ne moze covjek mirno ni spavati.

          Samo je jedan čekanja vrijedan - Roger Federer!


          • Zao mi je Argentinu. Pogotovo Del Potra. Izgubio je dva meca a obadva je mogao pobijediti. Ocigledno je da su se Argentinci bili dobro pripremili.

            Del Potro je protiv Nadala kopirao Djokovica. I dok je imao koncentraciju i snagu mogao je da parira Nadalu. On je definitivno pokazao da mu je mjesto sa prvom cetvorkom.

            Rafa mora biti zabrinut poslije ove pobjede. Jeste to jos jedan DC ali isto tako je evidentno da Del Potro ide Novakovim stopama. Rafina apsolutna dominacija na sljaci je zavrsena.


            • Originally posted by NI View Post
              Zao mi je Argentinu. Pogotovo Del Potra. Izgubio je dva meca a obadva je mogao pobijediti. Ocigledno je da su se Argentinci bili dobro pripremili.

              Del Potro je protiv Nadala kopirao Djokovica. I dok je imao koncentraciju i snagu mogao je da parira Nadalu. On je definitivno pokazao da mu je mjesto sa prvom cetvorkom.

              Rafa mora biti zabrinut poslije ove pobjede. Jeste to jos jedan DC ali isto tako je evidentno da Del Potro ide Novakovim stopama. Rafina apsolutna dominacija na sljaci je zavrsena.
              Nije ga kopirao,Delpo je raznio Nadala na snagu u 1.setu,a to Djoka ne radi,Djoka izgradi poen pa onda zavrsi.


              • Originally posted by FC Nadal View Post
                Nije ga kopirao,Delpo je raznio Nadala na snagu u 1.setu,a to Djoka ne radi,Djoka izgradi poen pa onda zavrsi.
                Ma da bas tako


                • Dejvis kup mec izmedju Srbije i Svedske igrace se u HALI CAIR!



                  • Del Potro jeste kopirao Djokovica, naravno u onoj mjeri u kojoj on moze kopirati Novaka. Tacno da je kod njega puno vise u pitanju snaga nego kod Novaka ali osnovna ideja je ista. U fazama meca u kojima je Del Potro uspjesno izvodio napad sa svojim dvorucnim BH na Nadalov FH pobjedjivao je Rafu. U fazama meca kad je napad bio previse plitak ili kada je pravio previse gresaka Nadal je pobjedjivao.

                    Naravno Del Potro nema Novakov tajming, kretanje i sposobnost da prikrije smjer svoga BH. Ostaje mu u prvom redu snaga.


                    • Originally posted by Dusan View Post
                      Dejvis kup mec izmedju Srbije i Svedske igrace se u HALI CAIR!

                      TAKO JE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                      Obradovao si me sada mnogo majstore!
                      Jedan je Obradovic Zarko!


                      • Originally posted by AcaGrobar View Post
                        TAKO JE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        Obradovao si me sada mnogo majstore!
                        Znaci dolazis? Nemoj slucajno da mesas pesnikinju u ovo.


                        • Ja ne mogu nista pisat, toliko me pogodio ovaj poraz...
                          Zao mi je Delpa i Argentince, borili su se ali jbg... A Verdascu bi rado lupio dva samara
                          Everything you want is on the other side of fear.


                          • Finale je bilo odlicno i nijedan teniski turnir ne moze da se poredi sa DC, bog emocije koje takmicenje nosi.....
                            Glupo je sto nije dozvoljeno navijanje i na drugim turnirima....


                            • Evo malo slavlja Spanaca, Feli mi je mnogo smesan


                              Here's the most remarkable thing to me about Federer: Seems to me that the more you know about tennis, the more amazed you are by the guy. If you know nothing at all about tennis, he's amazing. If you know a little something about tennis—maybe you have played a few times in your life—he's more amazing. If you know a little more about tennis—maybe you played in high school and once had illusions of becoming a pro—he's even MORE amazing. And if you were a great player—if you are a McEnroe or a Connors or a Jim Courier—then Federer is preposterously amazing


                              Don't argue with idiots. They'll drag you down to their level and beat you...
                              with experience.


                              • Hahaha, kako su dobri.
                                A onaj klip sa Nadalom i Fererom me podsjetio na period osnovne skole i one djecije fazone kad smo jedni druge mazali kaladontom i raznim pjenama ili hranom po licu...

                                A evo i jednog simpaticnog pogleda na ovogodisnje finale Dejvis kupa. ;)

                                Daveed and Goliath

                                Is this the Age of Power in men’s tennis? Of Big 3 dominance? Or is it the Age of Emotion? The tears, the screams, the hugs, the kisses, the leaps, the bounds, the first-pumps, the chest slams: The men’s game is a dramatic place these days. All of which made this past weekend’s tumultuous Davis Cup tie between Spain and Argentina a fitting way to end the latest and some would say greatest season of this tennis epoch. We got plenty of leaps, bounds, and fist-pumps during the matches, and plenty of tears, hugs, and screams of joy afterward. Who could mistake this for a sport of genteel reserve anymore?

                                What should we make of it all, of Spain’s fifth victory in a decade and Argentina’s continued frustration? Here are five ways to think about 2011’s closing act.


                                As more proof of Spain’s historic excellence
                                There may have been better single-season Davis Cup teams than the Spanish have fielded during their five-title, decade-long run. The Aussies of 1973, who used two men, Rod Laver and John Newcombe, to blank the U.S. in the final, will always be tough to top. More recently, Mats Wilander and Stefan Edberg made for a similarly potent one-two punch during their stretch of seven straight finals in the 1980s. Spain’s last three wins have featured just one future Hall of Famer, Rafael Nadal, but the team has made up for it with unprecedented depth. For example: While Feliciano Lopez didn’t offer much of anything in the final, other than a funny stunned look after a Nadal passing shot on Sunday, he won what might have been the most important match of the year for the Spanish by beating Mardy Fish in the quarterfinals, in five sets, on the road.

                                On clay and at home especially, you have to put the Spanish up there with any Davis Cup team in history.


                                As proof, if it were needed, of the value of David Ferrer
                                I said above that recent Spanish teams haven’t had a No. 2 to match an Edberg or a Newcombe, but they haven’t really needed one with Ferrer around. The man has made himself into an uncanny and absolute master of the gritty, five-set, swing-match win. Nadal is the guy you want to close the deal, but he wouldn’t have had as many opportunities if Ferrer wasn’t so good at setting him up.

                                The game’s resident bricklayer does nothing more, and nothing less, that get the job done. There was no better evidence of that than his win over Juan Martin del Potro on Friday. Ferrer was out-hit and out-played for the better part of four sets, and much of the time he had no answer other than to get the ball back and hope that the big Argentine would miss. Yet there he was in the fifth set, still on his feet, playing the most aggressive tennis he’d played all day, and running away with the match. My favorite moment of the weekend was his extra-long roar of relief when he’d finally sown up the match and, for all intents and purposes, the Cup. Nadal is the star, but Ferrer is the proverbial heart of the Spanish team.


                                As a mixed set of messages from Juan Martin del Potro
                                Davis Cup is great in most ways, but it can be as cruel as any competition. Del Potro played nine sets of high-wire attacking tennis and came away with nothing. While he squandered a one-set lead, and a break in the fourth, against Nadal, you can’t really fault him in that match—making any inroads at all against Nadal on clay at home in the clincher was a borderline-heroic effort, coming back from a break down in the fourth was above and beyond expectations, and doing it all without a decent first serve was even more surprising. But you can’t say the same thing about his loss to Ferrer. Del Potro should have won that match. He was the better, stronger, player on the day, but he wasn’t the tougher player. He missed makeable shots when he needed them, and Ferrer didn’t.

                                What does this say about del Potro going forward? Pretty much what we’ve seen from him in the past. He can play with anyone and hit through anyone, including Nadal on clay. But he has a soft side—and that’s why so many people love him.


                                As a mostly positive set of messages from Rafael Nadal
                                Rafa said he knew it was “my moment” during his match with del Potro, and that he had to do his job—i.e., close the deal—for the team. Nadal doesn’t typically talk in those “just do it”-style jock terms, but I thought it was a good sign coming from someone who had taken the opposite approach last week in London. You could see from his body language that he knew the WTF was definitely not his moment.

                                From the first points on Friday, though, Nadal’s head was in a completely different place. The energy was high, the feet were moving forward, the backhand was penetrating, the forehand down the line was there whenever he needed it—he had none of those things in London. John McEnroe used to say that Davis Cup had the weird effect of making you so nervous that you couldn’t get nervous, especially when the team was counting on you. Playing for other people forces the finest DC performers to do their best. There’s no time for anxiety or doubt or anger or any of the other emotions that typically distract us from that effort.

                                You could see that feeling develop in Nadal against del Potro, as he fought hard to fend off his nerves. He started anxiously, hitting short, but by the start of the fourth set he was on an aggressive roll. Then, after a long break to let the Argentine fans vent whatever they still needed to vent, he tightened up again. But in the fourth-set tiebreaker, when everything was level and he knew it was his moment, Nadal was perfect, winning it 7-0.

                                Novak Djokovic played in much the same way in last year’s Davis Cup final. He knew he had to win twice, and he went about his business with dispatch, without any of the edgy doubts that can creep into his head. The question for 2012, of course, is whether Nadal can use this win the same way Djokovic did last year. We’ll see; it obviously won’t hurt, but the Aussie Open will be a very different venue. What’s interesting is that even in the year of Djokovic, it was the old guard, Federer and Nadal, who ended on high notes. You can’t ask for anything better if you’re looking ahead to 2012.

                                For the moment, what seems important to note is that Nadal, who says he won’t play Davis Cup next year, has made the competition a major part of his legacy. He’s 19-1 in it, and has been part of four winning campaigns. Now, after Sunday, he has something just as crucial: His first delirious Cup-clinching moment, one that can be replayed in highlight reels for decades. Nadal was right, it was his moment, and he made the most of it with a forehand winner on match point. We'll be seeing that shot for a long time to come.


                                As an example of the tenor of the times
                                While Nadal fell to the clay, del Potro trudged to the net, leaned over, and started to cry. Nadal, while his teammates jumped and hugged, made his way to the net and consoled him. Then he made his way to the other side of the court to share an embrace with each member of the Argentine team. That’s the men's game in the Age of Emotion. We’ll see Nadal’s forehand winner forever, but if future fans want to find out what tennis at its best was like in 2011, they should keep watching for the show of sportsmanship and deep feeling that followed from both sides.

                                Edit: Vaskez vise nece biti selektor Argentine.
                                Last edited by eM; 05-12-11, 21:10.

