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  • #76
    Originally posted by Ljuba90 View Post
    Inace, razum mi govori da bi trebali da draftujemo Portera, ali srce trazi Bennetta
    Sto ce reci da dobijate Shabazza.
    It is not the violence that sets a man apart.
    It's the distance he's prepared to go.


    • #77
      Flip Saunders compares Sergey Karasev to Toni Kukoc. The new Timberwolves GM is a fan of the Russian teenager, who may be a possibility for Minnesota at No. 9.
      Rudy Gobert in SAC on Monday. Either agent believes Kings are working to trade down or Kings, at 6, like him a LOT more than other teams. Agents prefer being choosy w/ workouts so client doesn't get burned out. And not like Gobert can double in the area -- GSWs don't have pick.



      • #78
        Sta mislite ko ce pre biti izabran Saric ili Karasev?
        Meni je Saric zver od igraca.


        • #79
          Karasev. U poslednjih nekoliko nedelja je dosta napredovao na raznim mock-ovima, dok je Saric na pocetku sezone bio smatran za top 10 pika ako se ne varam.

          O igrackim sposobnostima ne mogu da raspravljam, jer ih maltene nisam ni gledao.


          • #80
            Iskreno, mislim da Karasev ima skillset koji se sada vise trazi, pogotovo od evropskih igraca. Pre mislim da ce neko skkociti na njega. Opet Saric ima vece sanse da napravi karijeru. Mada im ja obojici predvidjam vracanje u Evropu posle prvog, eventualno drugog ugovora. Od Evropljana na kraju ce ostati samo Gobert.
            Na celom svetu samo Crvena zvezda


            • #81
              Gobert garant ostaje, jos ako ode u dobru sredinu - sky is the limit.
              It is not the violence that sets a man apart.
              It's the distance he's prepared to go.


              • #82
                The Celtics could draft a point guard with the No. 16 pick in the June draft.
                Beat writer Gary Washburn writes "don't be surprised" if the Celtics "nab a point guard," and he specifically references Shane Larkin as a possibility to backup Rajon Rondo. Although the Celtics desperately need size, they also need a backup point guard badly, something that was obvious to anyone watching the team after Rondo went down last season. Washburn also notes Dennis Schroeder, a German point guard, is in the mix.
                Rudy Gobert will work out for the Kings on Monday.
                This is notable because the Kings hold the seventh pick and Gobert is not projected to go that high. It's possible the Kings either really like Gobert a lot and are entertaining picking him at seven, or the team could move back in the draft and pick Gobert a little later in the first round. Either way, Gobert is a 7'2" French center whose "defensive potential and athleticism have been touted by draft pundits."


                • #83
                  The Timberwolves will try to trade Derrick Williams and the No. 9 draft pick for a higher draft position this summer, according to Charley Walters of the Pioneer Press.
                  Ne bih imao nista protiv da trgujemo sa Minnesotom.


                  • #84
                    Originally posted by Ljuba90 View Post
                    Ne bih imao nista protiv da trgujemo sa Minnesotom.
                    Posto Wall trazi cetvorku koja moze P&P da igra, ovo bi bilo za Wizardse najbolje.


                    • #85
                      Originally posted by Reise View Post
                      Posto Wall trazi cetvorku koja moze P&P da igra, ovo bi bilo za Wizardse najbolje.
                      Dobili bi igraca koji moze da postane zver (i dalje ne odustajem od njega) i na to dodali centra (Olynyk/Plumlee/Zeller/Len) ili dobrog napadaca za klupe. Nadam se da ima sanse za ovaj deal.


                      • #86
                        I ja bi bio zadovoljan tim trejdom. Trenutno nam se Williams ne uklapa u ovaj tim(kukacu za njim ako ode Love). Taj trejd bi nam omogucio da sigurno uzmemo Oladipa i da postanemo ozbiljna ekipa popunjena na svakoj poziciji. A i oslobodice koji dolar, nista preterano, ali mozda bas onoliko koliko bude potrebno za nove ugovore Pekovica i Budingera.

                        Slazem se sa Ljubom za Williamsa ni ja ne odustajem od njega strasno je napredovao ove sezone. Smanjio je lose suteve, podigao samopouzdanje, agresivniji je u odbrani, na skoku i u napadu na kos moze i mora jos dosta da napreduje u tim segmentima ali se vidi da se dosta trudi i da zeli da uspe.


                        • #87
                          Sources tell ESPN that the Wizards' front office is "split" between Georgetown SF Otto Porter and UNLV SF/PF Anthony Bennett at No. 3 overall.
                          In this widely unpredictable draft, we can't even be sure that both players will be on the board. But if they are, the Wiz will have a tough decision on their hands. Porter is the local kid with the high basketball IQ that would plug a hole at small forward. Bennett is the potential stretch four with the higher offensive ceiling. ESPN's Chad Ford is mocking Porter to the Wiz because of concerns surrounding Bennett's shoulder surgery.
                          San Diego State SG Jamaal Franklin (ankle) expects to begin workouts in 1-2 weeks.
                          Franklin was in a walking boot at the Combine in Chicago and is still rehabbing. The only player to lead his team in points, rebounds, assists and steals last year, he needs to show he can shoot the NBA 3-pointer to get his draft stock moving. Right now, Franklin is projected to go somewhere in the back of the first round.
                          Dennis Schroeder's agent disputed the report that his client had received a draft promise.
                          "I don't know where that came from," his agent said. "I don't know anything about that." Interestingly, the Bucks have apparently watched and monitored Schroeder's development for almost a year, and it looks as if Milwaukee is giving serious consideration to drafting him. Both GM John Hammond and Bucks player personnel director Dave Babcock traveled to Germany to watch him play last year. Schroeder said that doctors have told him he's still growing and he's already regarded as a freak athlete.


                          • #88
                            Све извесније је да ће Бјелица следеће сезоне у Минесоту.

                            А да вас питам, онај Пангос из Гонзаге ће следеће године на драфт?
                            Arise, Serbia!
                            You fell asleep long ago,
                            And have lain in the dark.
                            Now wake up
                            And rouse the Serbs!



                            • #89
                              Gde ce bre Pangos da igra u NBA?


                              • #90
                                Ма сигурно ће да изађе на драфт. Кад могу разноразни Дреновци и Бешовићи може и он.
                                А мени ушло у главу да је он неки опасан шутер.
                                Last edited by Урош94; 05-06-13, 16:37.
                                Arise, Serbia!
                                You fell asleep long ago,
                                And have lain in the dark.
                                Now wake up
                                And rouse the Serbs!


