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Indian Wells 2013. - BNP Paribas Masters 1000

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  • Kakvi diletanti rade ovaj prenos. Opasna stvar kada daš nekome moć.

    Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
    But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.


    • Originally posted by Ivan Piper View Post
      Pooolaakooo, polaako, nista ovdje nije gotovo.

      Kakvu seriju FH-a ispali Delpo...
      E optimista ne zezaj. Ti rece da ce Federer dobiti Rafu i sta bi?

      Znamo mi naseg Novaka ne brini se ti nista.

      Pada Argentinac.

      Joking around is part of my personality, just who I am. Novak Djokovic

      Yesterday i was clever, so i wanted to change the world. Today i`m wise, so i`m changing myself.

      Without error there can be no brilliancy.


      • Novak je potpuno drugi teniser na mrezi , pa igra voleje bolje nego braca Brajan


        • Ovo konstantno forsiranje "Djoke" je poprilicno degutantno.


          • Hvala ti Boze.

            Zavrsavaj ovo MOLIM TE.

            Idi odmori se pa na finale.

            Joking around is part of my personality, just who I am. Novak Djokovic

            Yesterday i was clever, so i wanted to change the world. Today i`m wise, so i`m changing myself.

            Without error there can be no brilliancy.


            • Originally posted by Bonomo View Post
              E optimista ne zezaj. Ti rece da ce Federer dobiti Rafu i sta bi?

              Znamo mi naseg Novaka ne brini se ti nista.

              Pada Argentinac.
              A jbg, desi se i meni nekad da pogrijesim, sta cu
              Znam ga i ja, smeta mu sunce ovo ono, a onda se povampiri i dobije mec. Odlika velikih sampiona
              Everything you want is on the other side of fear.


              • Bez vredjanja
                Last edited by bojanaBG; 17-03-13, 10:19. Reason: ...


                • Tesko Delpo moze da prati ovaj tempo.Mada je u jednom delu meca,Novak usao tvrdoglavo u bespotrebna raspucavanja Fh-dima,ali se vratio u pravom trenutku svojoj izvornoj igri.
                  * Telo je slabo, ali je duh krepak, zato ga treba svakodnevno održavati. *


                  • Ko gubi ima pravo da se ljuti. Mada ovde još nije gotovo.

                    Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
                    But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.


                    • TORANJ iz Tandila xaxaxaxa.

                      Joking around is part of my personality, just who I am. Novak Djokovic

                      Yesterday i was clever, so i wanted to change the world. Today i`m wise, so i`m changing myself.

                      Without error there can be no brilliancy.


                      • Šteta za prethodni poen.

                        Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
                        But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.


                        • Ne razumem, Federer sme da se zove nadimcima a Djokovic ne sme?
                          in another life
                          I will love you again, RF.


                          • Pazo ovo dvoje što se uortačili.

                            Ajde, samo čuvaj svoj servis do kraja.

                            Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
                            But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.


                            • Ajde Nole zavrsavaj ovo treba se sutra F1 gledati.
                              "When I was young, I never wanted to leave the court until I got things exactly correct. My dream was to become a pro."-Larry Bird

                              "Da budale svijetle ja bi bio zvjezda danica".


                              • ebga, rekoh da ga sačuvaš

                                Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
                                But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.

