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Barclays Premier League & Championship 2012/13 - Diskusija i komentarisanje utakmica
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Diaby se pobrine da je Arsenal uvek u samom vrhu. Hvala Bogu pa se Jack sklonio odatle. Sada se eto vratio, bice valjda duze zdrav nego sto je bio slucaj u prvom delu sezone.sigpic
Sever celi sada se veseli, crveno-beli, 'ajmo u napad zajedno! Sa severa nek zapeva svako, nek grmi jako, Zvezda šampion!
"Nema velike ljubavi bez velike radosti, ali i bez velike patnje. E, to vam je Crvena zvezda. Ima da se raduješ do neba, ali sekiracija ti ne gine." Gospodin Ljuba Tadic
Batica Wilshere je gospodin covek...
All hail the Chan-Chan man!
Southampton eye Mauricio Pochettino as Adkins replacement
Nigel Adkins is STILL under massive pressure at Southampton - despite the club's upturn in fortunes.
The Mirror understands that the club are seriously considering former Espanyol boss Mauricio Pochettino to replace Adkins, and sources in Spain believe he is in the frame.
Adkins has worked under pressure all season following the club's promotion back to the Premier League.
Even a decent run of results - they have lost just two of their last 12 league games, including a battling 2-2 draw at Chelsea on Wednesday after going 2-0 down - has not helped.
Pochettino, the Argentina centre-back who 'fouled' Michael Owen for England's winning penalty at the 2002 World Cup in Japan, is the latest name to be looked at as Southampton ponder making a "big name" appointment.
Adkins, who has led the club to two successive promotions, is aware of the expectations under executive chairman Nicola Cortese.
Wealthy banker Cortese expects Southampton to avoid an instant return to the Championship and is prepared to spend big - and it is believed he feels a foreign manager is worth considering.
Pochettino, 40, had three years at Espanyol - the 'other' club in Barcelona - but was sacked in November after a poor run of results, although that fact does not seem to have dissuaded Southampton, who appear to be considering a change if results turn again.
Adkins was on thin ice earlier this season and it is believed he nearly went after a defeat at West Brom two months ago, but was spared after intensive talks with Cortese.
The players have pulled out results whenever Adkins has been in danger and clearly are fighting for him, but he knows another bad run or defeat may tempt Cortese to pull the trigger.
Ex-Chelsea boss Roberto Di Matteo was in the running to replace Adkins earlier in the season, and even the dramatic draw at Stamford Bridge has not taken away the uncertainty despite the club climbing out of the drop zone to 15th place.
edit. Potvrdjeno vec
Southampton Football Club has this morning appointed Mauricio Pochettino as First Team Manager, having relieved Nigel Adkins of his managerial duties.
Forty year old Pochettino has earned a reputation as one of the most talented young coaches in European football thanks to an impressive spell in La Liga with Espanyol.
The Argentine was widely linked with a future role at one of Spain’s top clubs, but having left Espanyol in November now joins Southampton to continue his top-flight managerial career.
Pochettino will take charge of training on Saturday ahead of his first game as Southampton First Team Manager on Monday evening (21st December) against Everton in the Barclays Premier League.
The Club would like to thank Nigel Adkins for his service over the past three seasons, and wish him well for the future.
Executive Chairman, Nicola Cortese said:
“This decision has been made with the long-term ambitions of Southampton Football Club in mind. Whilst we acknowledge the contribution Nigel has made during the past two years, for the Club to progress and achieve our long-term targets a change was needed.
“Mauricio is a well-respected coach of substantial quality who has gained a reputation as an astute tactician and excellent man manager. I have every confidence that he will inspire our talented squad of players to perform at the highest possible level.
“He also shares my belief that the most successful clubs are built by nurturing young players through a development system that provides a clear path to the First Team, thereby creating a culture that keeps them at the Club for the long term. This is an approach he has employed with great success in the past and I look forward to him bringing that experience and expertise to Southampton.”
Southampton First Team Manager, Mauricio Pochettino added:
“This is the kind of opportunity that any coach would relish. Southampton is a club with great heritage, and an even more exciting future. There is a clear vision to take the Club to a new era of sustained success in the Premier League, and beyond, which I’m delighted to be part of.”Last edited by ExEric; 18-01-13, 13:14.sigpic
Bas sam hteo da pisem o ovome, ali si me pretekao.
Sta da kazem osim NEVERICA!!!!! Pravice Kortese (predsednik) Najdzela od blata! Ma, kakvog blata, od govana i to svojih! Smeniti onakvog coveka i strucnjaka i to sad kad nam je krenulo i dovesti lika koji je oterao Espanjol u Segundu, ravno je ludilu! Ccccccc....
Originally posted by saint View PostBas sam hteo da pisem o ovome, ali si me pretekao.
Sta da kazem osim NEVERICA!!!!! Pravice Kortese (predsednik) Najdzela od blata! Ma, kakvog blata, od govana i to svojih! Smeniti onakvog coveka i strucnjaka i to sad kad nam je krenulo i dovesti lika koji je oterao Espanjol u Segundu, ravno je ludilu! Ccccccc....Last edited by ExEric; 18-01-13, 14:22.sigpic
Originally posted by KingEric7 View PostA iza njega Gaston i Lalana.
Што се тиче тог рангирања Рединг ми је убедљиво последњи, каналисање екипа, кад би иступили из лиге послао бих им флашу вискија да то лепо тамо залију на мој рачун, не бих штедео
Bas sam danas porucio dres sa autogramom Lamberta i dan mi krene skroz fino, a onda me ova vest sjebe skroz. Mozda smaram, izvinite, ali ja za Saints-e navijam od njihovog ispadanja u trecu ligu, onda je dosao Najdzel, promocija za promocijom itd....nije lako! Mnogo, mnogo lepih trenutaka!
Originally posted by Brajkula View PostТако је бре, дефинитивно ове сезоне најсимпатичнија екипа у ПЛ.
Што се тиче тог рангирања Рединг ми је убедљиво последњи, каналисање екипа, кад би иступили из лиге послао бих им флашу вискија да то лепо тамо залију на мој рачун, не бих штедео
Meni je QPR ubedljivo najgori ali ja imam neke druge razloge. Po igri su mi ove sezone Vila i Sanderlend ubedljivo najveci kanal za gledanje. Prosto ne mogu da poverujem da su ovi odvalili Liverpul 3-0 kuci a ovi dobili Siti
Reding je igrao ludacke utakmice sa Arsenalom i nama pa su mi i zanimljivi.sigpic
Па навикао сам да Вила и Сандерленд играју тврд фудбал, као и Стоук, то ти је клише.
Рединг, не знам колико си их пута гледао, а ја сам још веће будала што сам то урадио пар пута, канал брате, пас ту не може да се споји. Једину текму коју су добро одиграли је на почетку са Челзијем када су и водили мислим, одличан пресинг, кидање и док нису пали са снагом Челзи није могао лопту преко пола ваљано да пренесе. Наравно кад су пали са снагом уследела је канонада.