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  • RadioShack-Leopard(Trek) nece produziti saradnju sa Frank Schleckom.Od sledece sezone nece vise biti RadioShack-a pa ce najvjerovatnije Trek biti glavni spoznor.To znaci da ce biti i promjena u budzetu pa ce neki vozaci morati da traze novi tim.

    "Leopard wishes Fränk Schleck a successful continuation of his career."

    Sta ce sad Andy bez njega? Mozda i on ode

    Njima je najbitnije sto su vec potpisali Cancellaru za naredne tri godine.

    A Mathias Frank je danas na trci oko Austrije dosao do druge uzastopne pobjede pa je tako BMC povezao tri trijumfa. Kevin Seeldraeyers iz Astane i dalje vodi u generalnom plasmanu.


    • Gerald Ciolek je trijumfovao na sestoj etapi trke oko Austrije.Seeldraeyers je i dalje prvi u generalnom plasmanu i ako je danas pao dva puta.

      Andy Schleck je nagovijestio da ce voziti sa bratom i sledece godine tako da ce i on vjerovatno napustiti Radioshack-Leopard.


      • Riccardo Zoidl je juce preuzeo vodjstvo u generalnom plasmanu na trci oko Austrije. Na jucerasnjoj etapi(individualni hronometar) je trijumfovao Cancellara. Danas je vozena poslednja etapa koja je bila ravna pa je Zoidl lako zadrzao prvo mjesto u generalnom plasmanu. Tako je na trci oko Austrije,nakon pet godina,trijumfovao domaci vozac.

        1 Riccardo Zoidl (Aut) Team Gourmetfein Simplon 27:49:51
        2 Alexandr Dyachenko (Kaz) Astana Pro Team 0:00:33
        3 Kevin Seeldraeyers (Bel) Astana Pro Team 0:00:50
        4 Sergei Chernetski (Rus) Katusha 0:00:53
        5 Dries Devenyns (Bel) Omega Pharma-Quick Step 0:01:20
        6 Petr Ignatenko (Rus) Katusha 0:01:24
        7 Matthew Busche (USA) RadioShack Leopard 0:01:45
        8 Fabio Aru (Ita) Astana Pro Team 0:02:19
        9 Nicolas Edet (Fra) Cofidis, Solutions Credits 0:02:32
        10 Matija Kvasina (Cro) Team Gourmetfein Simplon 0:03:31

        Veliki uspjeh za hrvatskog vozaca!

        Evo ga ono o cemu sam pisao u temi za Tour.

        Controversy is in the air at the 100th Tour de France amid claims by a prominent former coach that riders who dope can be detected simply by calculating the power generated while on their bikes.

        Antoine Vayer, a coach at the Festina team between 1995 and 1998, has used maths and physics to calculate a rider's power, which is measured in watts.

        The results provided make for irrefutable proof in the eyes of some, but are dismissed by others.

        "Analysing power helped me to optimise training (at Festina) but also allowed me to observe the effects of doping," Vayer said.

        "In certain race situations it is clear that a rider should not be able to use as much power."

        Vast swathes of data are used to make his calculations -- from the length of a race to the weight of a rider and his bike, air resistance, gravity and air density -- and help bring the performances of riders of all body types together.

        However, the weight of 78kg is taken as a benchmark.

        Vayer's work has led him to consider that there is a threshold beyond which the performances of a rider are abnormal -- at 410 watts, he says, a performance is considered "suspicious", at 430 watts it is "miraculous" and at 450 watts it is "humanly impossible".

        As an example, during his record-breaking ascent of the Alpe d'Huez in 1995, Marco Pantani produced 468 watts, while Lance Armstrong registered 455 watts cycling the Hautacam in 2000 and Alberto Contador 491 watts on the Verbier in 2009.

        Vayer says his work should be considered as an alternative to attempts to detect doping offences using traditional testing methods, which can sometimes miss certain substances, such as EPO during the 1990s.

        "Using watts does not reveal the cause but rather the consequence of doping," he says.

        His figures, published by the press worldwide, have sparked controversy.

        "It's pseudo science," dismisses Team Sky principal Dave Brailsford.

        "In our team, we can already see how difficult it is to get precise and direct data (gathered from power meters on bikes) which we can use.

        "To do it from distance is even more complicated.

        "To trace a line through a moment in history and say, 'Beyond that is doping' is a rather dramatic way of thinking.

        "The history of human sport has shown that you can go faster by your own means."

        David Millar, who was arrested in 2004 for possession of doping products and served a ban before eventually returning to the sport, said: "It is a useful tool. The methodology is not perfect -- it gives an idea but you cannot say that it's black and white."

        Meanwhile, Frederic Grappe, a French coach and biomechanical researcher says that fixing a threshold and declaring that anything beyond that is doping is "scientifically and intellectually dishonest."

        "Antoine Vayer wants us to believe that he has come up with an infallible technique to detect drug cheats," he said.

        "These are basic equations of physics, it is not pioneering. The problem is knowing how to interpret these things. You cannot say that, because someone goes beyond 410 watts, he is doped."

        Grappe also believes that his methods are not completely reliable.

        "Between a 20-minute push like Verbier and a one-hour climb like the Tourmalet, there is a difference, and altitude is a factor too.

        "His results are accepted and nobody verifies them."

        "The thresholds are very generous," retorts Vayer. "At 410 watts, in other words according to the laws of physiology, you have the best athlete in the world who we have never seen before.

        "Our indirect calculations are shown to be exact.

        "Our margin of error is two percent. We receive direct data, like from (Jurgen) Van den Broeck, who was fourth on last year's Tour.

        "We compared that to what we had done and we were less than one percent out in our calculations."

        On this year's Tour de France he will collect data from six "hill radars" with the first of those on the climb to Ax 3 Domaines, scheduled for Saturday.

        The data from those should add to the controversy while the researchers wait in the hope that all riders will publish their own data, validated by independent laboratories, in order to create a concrete basis from which to work.
        Naravno,ovo ima nedostataka.Ne uzima brojne spoljne faktore u obzir,ali je svakako vrijedno paznje.
        Last edited by powerslave; 07-07-13, 18:57.


        • Zavrsena Giro Rosa

          Final GC
          1. Abbott Mara (Nazionale Usa) in 20h30'15"
          2. Guderzo Tatiana (MCipollini Ale Galassia) a 1'33"
          3. Hausler Claudia (Tibco To The Top) a 2'18"
          4. Gillow Shara (Orica Ais) a 3'29"
          5. Stevens Evelyn (Specialized Lululemon) a 3'39"

          The 5 Jerseys:
          Leader: Abbott Mara (USA)
          Points: Vos Marianne (Rabo Woman Cycling Team)
          KOM: Abbott Mara (Usa)
          Youth: Cauz Francesca (Top Girls Fassa
          Best Italian: Guderzo Tatiana (MCipollini Ale Galassia)
          It is not the violence that sets a man apart.
          It's the distance he's prepared to go.


          • Alessandro Petacchi se dogovorio sa OPQS.Eto nakon onog natezanja sa UCI,transfer je napokon zavrsen i Petacchi potpisati prvog avgusta,na 14 mjeseci.
            A ponovo se prica i o Uranu.Nista jos nije sigurno,ali su dobre sanse da i on dodje u OPQS.


            • Ко са Тура вози и Вуелту?
              И ко још од познатих вози који нису возили Тур (Нибали...)?
              Arise, Serbia!
              You fell asleep long ago,
              And have lain in the dark.
              Now wake up
              And rouse the Serbs!



              • Nibali vozi sigurno,a za ove ostale cemo saznati u narednih 15-ak dana.


                • Nibali,Pozzovivo,Majka,Henao,Uran,Dani Navarro,Monfort,Pinot,Casar,Szmyd,Valverde,Anton,N ieve,Horner,Kruijswijk,Basso i Ten Dam su vec prijavljeni.Naravno,neko od njih moze odustati,ali ovi ce najvjerovatnije ucestvovati.

                  Bice tu i Tony Martin,Cancellara,Luis Leon Sanchez i Degenkolb.Ima jos dosta do Vuelte pa se imaju kad prijavit ovi ostali.

                  Vuelta ce biti paklena.Kao i uvijek do sad,najvise ce odgovarati suvim brdasima


                  • Lagano uzima Nibali..
                    Originally posted by Casiraghi
                    Al bar nauci me drugoj da se dam da tebi nevernoj budem Emre Can
                    Originally posted by Casiraghi
                    Ti nikad neces biti kao Joel Matip.

                    Originally posted by Casiraghi
                    Srecan Mane svima koji slave.


                    • John Lelangue je napustio BMC.

                      "We respect John Lelangue's decision," General Manager Jim Ochowicz said in a team release. "He will now be pursuing other opportunities and challenges. We thank him for his contributions to the development of our team, and wish him the best in the future."
                      Officially, Lelangue left BMC for "personal reasons" but there have been ongoing reports of tension between the Belgian and fellow BMC DS Yvon Ledanois.
                      I ako iz uprave kazu da je John otisao iz licnih razloga, jasno je kao dan da su ga oni otjerali. Meni je bio bas gotivan lik i hvala mu na svem usto je uradio za tim. Veliki je strucnjak i sigurno ce jednog dana biti na nekoj visokoj funkciji u organizaciji.

                      No, nakon ovakvog Toura, nesto se mora mijenjati. Nije to samo Tour. U BMC-u nista ne ide onako kako bi trebalo tj. kako bi moglo. John je bio prva zrtva promjena a nadam se da ce ih biti jos. Prvo i osnovno je da se skresu ogromne plate i da se promijeni taj "rock star" status koji imaju vozaci BMC-a.

                      Cadel Evans jos uvijek nije siguran u svoje mjesto u timu. I ako je imao odlican Giro, na Touru je prosao gore no sto su se neki nadali(sto se mene tice,ocekivao sam da zavrsi u top 20 i nista vise od toga...) Mnogi su, izgleda, imali iluzije po pitanju mnogo cega...
                      Cadel ima jos godinu na ugovoru i ja bi volio da ostane u timu i da se tu penzionise. Takvog covjeka ne smijes otjerati jer je previse iskusan.
                      Ne znam sta su planirali za transfere, ali znam da sa ovakvim timom i sistemom ne mogu napasti nijedan GT. Pare imaju, pa neka ih makar jednom pametno potrose.

                      David Millar najavio moguce povlacenje 2014.

                      Odlican biciklista i jos bolji covjek. Jbg, polako prolazi ta genracija.


                      • Alberto je rekao da mu je za sledecu sezonu cilj i Tur i Vuelta.
                        Originally posted by Casiraghi
                        Al bar nauci me drugoj da se dam da tebi nevernoj budem Emre Can
                        Originally posted by Casiraghi
                        Ti nikad neces biti kao Joel Matip.

                        Originally posted by Casiraghi
                        Srecan Mane svima koji slave.


                        • Alberto ce morati doobroo da zapne ako misli ponovo da osvoji Tour. Doslo je neko novo vrijeme i iskreno,ja nemam nista protiv toga da ovi "stari" ostanu po strani. Dosta su jahali, sad neka ih malo jasu.


                          • Ja imam protiv,vec sam se izjasnio da ne volim nove zvezde.Contador,Purito,Valverde,Evans to su vozaci za koje navijam,naravno Alberto je na prvom mestu i ocekuje da uzme sledece sezone bar jednu od ove dve trke koje je naveo kao cilj za sledecu sezonu,stoji to da ce morati dosta da poradi,ali mislim da njegovo vreme jos nije proslo..
                            Originally posted by Casiraghi
                            Al bar nauci me drugoj da se dam da tebi nevernoj budem Emre Can
                            Originally posted by Casiraghi
                            Ti nikad neces biti kao Joel Matip.

                            Originally posted by Casiraghi
                            Srecan Mane svima koji slave.


                            • Meni su skoro svi omiljeni biciklisti u ozbiljnim godinama ili pred penzijom. Ali kako da volim sport i da ga pratim ako nisam otvoren za nadolazece sportiste? Sta cu da radim kad se ovi stari povuku? I oni su bili mladji kad sam poceo da pratim.

                              Vec sam naisao na par ljudi koji odjedom ne vole Quintanu zato sto je "preko noci postao popularan" i zato sto ga "odjednom svi vole". Pa kome se biciklizam svodi na Tour de France onda je tome sve odjednom i preko noci.O njemu se pricalo u sirokim krugovima unazad godinu dana.

                              Ja ne mogu ograniciti sebe na stare zvijezde jer pratim sport od januara do oktobra i svake sezone "otkrijem" po nekoliko mladjih likova koji mi se svide zbog necega sto su uradili na nekoj od gomile trka koju sam ispratio.

                              Ni Contador nije bio veteran kad si poceo da navijas za njega nego je bio nova i najveca zvijezda kad je osvojio prvi Tour.


                              • ja sam u toj eri posle Lensa odabrao CSC/Saxo Bank/Leopard Trek/Radioshack ekipu i s njima sam jos uvek... u ono vreme, Sastre, braca Slek, Kancelara itd. bas su mi bili gotivni i ne mogu sad da steknem lako nove miljenike kad mi se ovi novi ne svidjaju eto jedino Kintana mi je bas dobar i njega cu podrzavati ubuduce... uvek podrzavam iskljucivo brdase tj. vozace za genralni plasman jer sprintere i sprint ne volim, jedino Kancelara od ostalih i to jer je Bogotac
                                VALENTINO ROSSI #46

