Originally posted by Sandugp
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Nole, idi u peršun!
Originally posted by Sandugp View PostTako je Petra, a jel vam bilo zao i Mareja tako kada ga je Nole "prao" u GS finalima ??? Novaku verovatno jeste, pa je onda odlucio da Skotlandjanin preko njegove grbace osvoji prvi GS ... znate kad bi se to desilo Federeru ili Nadalu ??? NIKAD ....
Nikog nikada ne sazaljevajte, ja Del Potru ne zelim da uzme niti jedan masters u karijeri iz najjednostavnijeg razloga : jer ako ga on uzme to automatski znaci da ga Novak nece uzeti .... moze da uzme neki na kom Novak ne bude igrao
Del potro ce pre ili kasnije uzeti neki masters mozda vec naredni u Parizu, ali ne trebam ja niti iko odavde iz Novakovog tabora a ni Novak sam da prizeljkujem to ...
Naravno kada sam napisao ovo "nikog nikada ne sazaljevajte" mislio sam na teniske igrace i njihove teniske neuspehe-poraze ... da me neko ne shvati pogresno ...
Vraticu se u nazad na W-don,kada sam bas bila "poludela" kad je Nole izgubio od Mareja, kritikovala ga ovde ,pa sam bila na neki nacin iskritikovana,a ja sam to uradila bas zato sto sam bila ljuta na Noleta sto je na onakav nacin ispustio GS,kao i USO,pa RG-ros.Ne kazem da im je namerno pustio,ali me uzasno nervira kada tako olako propusta vec dobijeno,nervira me-eto.
Sto se tice Delpa,ni ja ne bih volela da osvoji masters ako Nole igra,i ja nikako ne prizeljkujem da uzme masters na kom Nole igra.
Ne treba nikog da zali,ni njega niko ne zali,nek da tako kazem brutalno igra,nek osvaja sve sto moze,a nek se druzi ako hoce van terena skim hoce ako za to uopste ima vremena.
Uostalom oni i ne mogu biti prijatelji,mogu se postovati,ceniti jedni druge(teniseri)a znaju svi ko su im prijatelji.Ljudi iz njihovog okruzenja,mladosti itd.
Eto, sad sam pojasnila
Znaci neka gazi igrom sve redom,nema prastanja,popustanja-naravno u sportskim okvirima ali nemilosrdno kad su mecevi u pitanju.Last edited by Pertla; 13-10-13, 22:40.sigpicFokus Nole i ne zaboravi- u pertle... idemo Noleeeeeeeeeee
''Na jedno uho ne čujem ništa, a na drugo sve. Zato slušam samo one koji mi priđu sa prave strane...
Mi navijamo za Noleta. I oni pravi navijaci znaju taj osecaj da kad on pobedi jednostavno i dan je lepsi i naredna nedelja je puno lepsa. To je nesto sto samo navijaci razumeju. Mozemo da pricamo da nam je zao Delpa i sve to ali preko Novaka da uzimas trofeje e vala neces.
Drugi put vise srece i to kad ne budes igrao sa Noletom.
The end.
Joking around is part of my personality, just who I am. Novak Djokovic
Yesterday i was clever, so i wanted to change the world. Today i`m wise, so i`m changing myself.
Without error there can be no brilliancy.
Da poželimo Miljanu srećan put u Italiju.
Možemo samo da mu zavidimo, a ako ste pomislili da ga možda Novak vodi na zasluženo upoznavanje (mada Nole mora vredno da radi)... bili ste jako, jako blizu...
Spoiler... ali isključivo geografski, jer Miljan ide ipak samo na ekskurziju.
Lepo se provedi i uživaj!sigpic
Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.
Originally posted by Sandugp View PostTako je Petra, a jel vam bilo zao i Mareja tako kada ga je Nole "prao" u GS finalima ??? Novaku verovatno jeste, pa je onda odlucio da Skotlandjanin preko njegove grbace osvoji prvi GS ... znate kad bi se to desilo Federeru ili Nadalu ??? NIKAD ....
Nikog nikada ne sazaljevajte, ja Del Potru ne zelim da uzme niti jedan masters u karijeri iz najjednostavnijeg razloga : jer ako ga on uzme to automatski znaci da ga Novak nece uzeti .... moze da uzme neki na kom Novak ne bude igrao
Del potro ce pre ili kasnije uzeti neki masters mozda vec naredni u Parizu, ali ne trebam ja niti iko odavde iz Novakovog tabora a ni Novak sam da prizeljkujem to ...
Naravno kada sam napisao ovo "nikog nikada ne sazaljevajte" mislio sam na teniske igrace i njihove teniske neuspehe-poraze ... da me neko ne shvati pogresno ...
Naravno, slazem se, ne treba bilo kome da bude zao Del Potra ili bilo koga drugog, a ponajmanje samom Novaku. Tapsanje po ramenu uz par kurtoaznih fraza tipa cestitam na sjajnoj nedelji, nastavi u istom ritmu, vise srece drugi put etc je sasvim dovoljno. Novak zestoko preteruje sa grljenjem i ljubljenjem, kao i hvalospevima na racun protivnika, zaista imam utisak da mu bude zao i da ga osecanje grize savesti koci u narednim mecevima. Ne valja mu to nikako.
Sto se tice borbe za prvo mesto, ukoliko oseca da moze tj da ima dovoljno energije Novak treba da istrci trku do kraja i tako natera Nadala da cedi suvu drenovinu. Vec postoje najave da ce Nadal igrati Pariz, ukoliko bude potrebno, a na Novaku je da ga natera da igra. Da li ce na kraju biti prvi ne znam, malo je verovatno, ali ne sme dozvoliti Nadalu da se bilo kog trenutka oseca komotno na prvom mestu. Videli smo kako je pizdeo protiv Del Potra, zna i on vrlo dobro da trka jos nije zavrsena (pizdeo je naravno i zbog drugih stvari, ali delimicno je i ovo razlog).
A zamislite kakav bi to epski zajeb bio ukoliko Novak zavrsi godinu kao prviBio bi to mali ali sladak revans za sve ono sto se desavalo ove godine.
Tom, your music is the best drinking partner I've ever had.
Originally posted by SaleRado View Postja ne mislim tako...moze Novak da bude dobar koliko hoce ali mislim da kad izadje na teren samo zeli da dobije protivnika preko puta mreze...seti se kako je dobio Viktora u Majamiju cini mi se one cuvene 2011...u drugom setu nije mu dao ni gem, pa da je tako kao sto ti kazes pustio bi prijatelju iz DK da uzme bar gem...sigpic
Hvala vam svima!Nas Nole opet igra kako treba i kako zna,ali naravno mora on to malo i da iskomplikuje ;)
Last edited by MiljanVR; 14-10-13, 00:10.
Po meni FANATSTICNE 2 nedelje u Kini. Posle Sinsinatija videlo se da su se upalile crvene lampice i da se neke stvari moraju hitno menjati. Za mene pozitivnih set i po u finalu USO, i posle toga nastavak vracanja na najvisi moguci nivo. Kada bi Nole igrao kako ocekuju njegovi navijaci sa ovog foruma bio bi idealan i nikad porazen, te kako to nije moguce onda ostaje da UZIVAMO u ovakvom po meni FANTASTICNOM Novaku. Vrati se onaj stav Bolje Izginuti nego Izgubiti, zbog cega sam ponajvise zadovoljan. Servis bstabilniji, voleji mnogooo bolji, a o BH paraleli da ne pricam. Iako je Zile u negativnom raspolozenju prema Noletu u poslednje vreme, a od Rafe pravi Boga, brze nego sto se ocekuje, ponovo ce praviti klipove o njemu, a mi cemo uzivati u gledanju istih!
Razumem navijanje u toku meca, i ja sam mu vec dosada pomenu celu familiju milion puta u zadnjih nekoliko godina, ali kad mec prodje i kad se slegnu utisci, dosta njih i dalje mu zamera milion stvari. Da li je mogao u zadnjih 2 godine vise da osvoji, uvek se moze, zasto nije, on to najbolje zna. Ima tu vise faktora, ali mu ja nista ne zameram, jer je on i dalje samo covek od krvi i mesa. Samo zivi ljudi grese, mrtvi ne mogu nikako! Ostaje zal za tim trofejima, ali hvala Bogu nije njemu karijera na kraju. U ostalom o tom poklanjanju meceva i trofeja, bas vas i ne razumem najbolje. Po tome ispada da Federerovi navijaci treba da lincuju svog ljubimca posto je poklonio meceve Noletu na USO!?!?!?! Mislim da preterujete i da svaki mec sa jakim protivnicima nije realno da se zavrsi peglanjem, satiranjem i.t.d.! Pa kao sto Nole grize kad se nadje u takvoj situaciji, to rade i ostali, bore se, pokusavaju sve sto im pada napamet, pa sta bude!
Nole zelim ti PUNO ZDRAVLJA, ZELJE i MOTIVACIJE da igras svoj prelepi tenis, a ja cu i dalje da te gledam ujutro, u podne, uvece, posle ponoci, da te podrzavam, da se nerviram zajedno sa tobom i da na kraju budem presrecan zbog tvojih pobeda, i tugujem sa tobom kada izgubis!
p.s. Znam da nisi SAVRSEN, ali za mene kao da jesi! IDEMOOOOOOOOOOOOO
October 13, 2013
Novak Djokovic
N. DJOKOVIC/J. Del Potro
6‑1, 3‑6, 7‑6
THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.
Q. Tonight you write two Chinese characters instead of one: love and smile. For the past two weeks in China, what is the thing you love the most and what gave you the best reason to smile?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, the thing I love the most is love, I guess. Two things that I love the most I have written on the camera after the match.
It was a great experience again in Shanghai with a thrilling performance from both my opponent tonight and myself. I think the tournament had a fantastic final. I'm just very glad to go out as a winner from the court tonight from such a close match.
I think either one of us could really take the title. I just managed to hold my emotions and I managed to believe in the victory enough in the end to play the right shots at the right time.
Q. You tried really hard tonight. It looks like you really wanted this one. Your opponent was a very decent opponent. It's possible you can gain back your No.1 ranking. Does that give you the extra motivation to put a lot into this match?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: First of all, I have to say my opponent was more than 'decent'. I would say he's a fantastic player and a great person. He showed that again. He has a really likable personality. He's a big fighter.
All the way up to the last point, I don't know if I'm going to win the match. It was a very even match. As I said before, he would definitely be a worthy winner of this trophy if he was there standing as a winner.
Considering the rankings, I put myself in a better position right now with back‑to‑back wins. But the fact that if I would win, I would put myself in a better position, did not affect my motivation. My motivation is there always, especially when I'm playing finals of such a big event.
I want this title as much as my opponent. That's what's going to stay forever.
Q. Could you talk about the first service game in the second set. Bit of an odd one.
Q. Yours.
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Just a bad game, you know. A few really bad forehand mistakes. I allowed him to come back to the match. Up to that point, I felt I was in control of the match. I was playing an incredible first set. Suddenly I just started making these unforced errors that got him back into the match.
When you drop your serve against Del Potro, you don't have many opportunities after. Even though I had the Love‑40 at 4‑2, he played great.
I think he increased the first‑serve percentage. He got more free points on his first serve. I think that's something that gave him confidence to go for his shots on the baseline. His forehand is one of the best in the game, one of the best I've ever played against. It's a huge weapon and once it's on, it's very dangerous.
Q. Were you struggling with your balance in that game, footing?
Q. Do you think Del Potro has a real chance of challenging right at the top of the game, the world No.1 ranking, also to win slams, if he can keep this up?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: He has potential for that, no doubt about it. Since his first Grand Slam title in 2009, we all knew has a caliber to be a top tennis player and always a contender to win any Grand Slam he plays on.
With his serve and his game, for his height, he moves extremely well. He uses the court very good. He has a very good anticipation. He's mentally really strong.
So he has the potential, there's no question about it. Now, for somebody his height, I think it's two or three times more physical effort to overcome these kind of matches. That's I think the biggest obstacle he has, is to be able to stay fit throughout the whole year.
Q. Which is more important to you next year, getting No.1 or winning the Roland Garros title?
Q. Yes.
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, I'm still in this year. It hasn't been finished. I really will try to do my best till the end of the season, then I'm going to start thinking about what my goals are for next year.
Q. How will you prepare for your wedding?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: That's a kind of preparation that I never had in my life, so it's going to be very difficult for me. I will leave most of the part of the organization for the wedding to my fiancée. I'm sure she's going to handle it better than I do.
Q. Maybe you can buy some souvenirs here.
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: I'm going to have to buy many gifts, that's for sure.
Q. You got really good fan support tonight. Talk about what part that played in your winning the match.
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: We both had a big fan support. Being able to play in this kind of atmosphere is really a pleasure. The tournament I think could not have a better final. We pushed each other to the limit, 7‑6 in the third set, two and a half hours, a packed stadium. It was really an enjoyable match, enjoyable experience.
When you have support in this particular situation, in big matches, it really helps. You try to feed on that positive energy.
Q. You talk about that support, but there were times in the second and third sets when you seemed to be getting pretty frustrated. Were you getting a little annoyed that the crowd were getting behind Juan Martin?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: I was trying to get them on my side. That's what you do as a player. It's very necessary to have the support. When the match is so even, we are going toe‑to‑toe, one point can really decide a match. So you're trying to get the crowd behind your back.
Q. The two characters you wrote on the camera, when you put it together, there's a meaning there. It means love smiling. We know you're the kind of a guy that loves to put a smile on people's face. When your opponent Del Potro hit the big forehand during the match even. Is that an attitude to relax yourself in the match?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, I think it's wiser and it's better for me, for a player in general, to smile than to break the racquet, that's for sure. But sometimes emotions get the best of you.
Yeah, in some situations when he hits such a big shot, you can't do anything else but smile. That's all.
Q. You talked a few times about how fantastic the fans here are. Can you tell us what gift that surprised you and impressed you most this time?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, there's been so many gifts really over the years here in China by the fans. What I'm impressed the most with is the appreciation that they have in really being able to come every single day in front of the hotel, morning and evening, and wait for you, wish you luck, welcome you. For me that's unusual because I don't get to experience that in the other tournaments. I really respect that a lot and I feel that love, and try to return that as well.
Regarding the presents, there has been so many beautiful ones. I think the few ones that stand out is the albums they make with the pictures, the whole story, the drawings. It's incredible how much talent these young people have. Really nice.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sportssigpic
Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.
Još nekoliko sličica iz Kine...
Kakav volej majstor.sigpic
Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.