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  • Originally posted by pecaros View Post
    Imam neka posla.
    Crko tuti cinculator na kalibratoru, odma do bos pumpe.
    Treba ce mozda i djunta i blajbinger da se menja.
    Poso do guse
    ako vam zatrebaju gurtne da ponesete levu gefufnu, javi te se


    • Nije da nisam, hteo sam ja sacuvati Novaka kroz ceo turnir.
      Al dzabe, iskrsle obaveze pecaroske, turnir u humanitarne svrhe.
      Valja u nevolji pomoci, a i vi pomozite, Noleta sacuvajte, dok se vrnem u nedelju.
      Noto notiraj sutrasnji slucaj, pa u nedelju da se zapijemo u tvoje i Noletovo ime.


      • Pitam se jel Tuta turio pivo dasoladi do sutra..
        Originally posted by gokara
        Valjda ćemo dočekati dan da kloniraju Federera pa da možemo da ne gasimo televizore kad igraju svi koji nisu Federer i uživamo u meču Federer-Federer.


        • Jasta je, to je tuta, tu nema da fali...


          • N. DJOKOVIC/T. Berdych
            7‑6, 6‑4, 6‑3

            THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

            Q. When you come back from two breaks down against a player like Berdych, what kind of confidence does it give you?
            NOVAK DJOKOVIC: It was a huge confidence boost obviously being two sets up. I could feel that, you know, he was frustrated in the third set.
            That was my opportunity, so I capitalized when I needed to. You know, he missed some few easy shots, especially on the second set set point. I don't know how I managed to turn the second set around.
            But generally it was a very close match, and that's what I expected. Tomas is a very powerful player. As you could see, we went toe‑to‑toe in the first set and one shot decided a first‑set winner.
            That was important for me, you know, to get the set advantage. Even though I started poorly in the second, I still felt quite good on the court. Just really glad to go in three.

            Q. Your first time at this stage of the tournament without dropping a set. Is that reflective of how you feel your form is and also your confidence level?
            NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Yes, I think so. I've been serving very well, efficiently. I've been returning also quite good. You know, a lot of balls back in the court, which allows me to be confident on the baseline, which is my game.
            I'm trying also to step in the court a little bit more. Today I wasn't able to too much because I had a very aggressive opponent who plays a lot of deep shots. I was maybe too defensive at the start.
            But then, you know, afterwards, middle part of the match, I managed to step in and just tried to be a little bit more aggressive. That brought me a victory.
            So, you know, coming into the semifinals I feel physically fresh. I have another two days to get ready for that match.
            And I'm ready. Plenty of motivation to win every match that I play on here.

            Q. Now you'll play Del Potro. Last time you played on grass was in the Olympics. How do you expect the match to go?
            NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, I lost to him for bronze medal here. Was close match also. DelPo is a great player. I have a great respect for him. He's a Grand Slam winner.
            He struggled with injuries in last few years, but every time he comes back he comes back very strong because he just has this talent, you know, and qualities as a player.
            He's very tall, so he uses that serve as a powerful weapon. And of course forehand, that is his signature shot.
            You know, it's semifinals, so everything is open, on the table, and we both want to win.

            Q. You spoke a few minutes ago about how you're feeling as you're progressing through the tournament. Can you compare the feeling you have now with other times in your career, or is this somehow different?
            NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Every time is different really. Every year is different. Brings some new sensations.
            But, of course I'm trying to use that experience that I had in past, especially in this tournament, in 2011, when I won the only title in Wimbledon.
            As I said, using that necessary experience to feel comfortable and calm and confident towards the end of the major tournament.
            Now I'm in the semifinals. Hopefully I can get a step further. You know, I'm really going to try to step out on the court in two days and give my best to be in another final of Wimbledon.
            I believe I can make it. Now, of course I have a quality opponent. As I said, there is no really clear favorites now in the later stages of the event.
            But inspiration is out there, you know. Of course you always want to do your best in the Grand Slams.

            Q. You mentioned Del Potro's injuries. It seems that he's carrying on at the moment. Does that affect the way you go into the semifinal tactically?
            NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, he's kind of a similar opponent from the one that I had today. You know, tall, powerful serve, quite flat shots from both sides on the baseline, and he can move around the court quite well for his size.
            So tactically, of course I'm going to make few adjustments and see, analyze my opponent, as I always do.

            Q. What did you think of Nemanja Vidic coming to see you rather than taking a seat in the Royal Box?
            NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, he came to see me play. I was very much delighted to see him in our box today and watching the match and supporting me. It's the first time he actually came to watch me. I've watched him before in the national team a few times. We met briefly.
            I'm looking forward to seeing him actually now. He's a big star in our country. He plays for one of the best teams in the world. I was just very happy to see him there on the stands and supporting me.

            Q. How do you assess your own situation now? Can you get much better?
            NOVAK DJOKOVIC: I believe that you can always get better. It's kind of the mindset I always try to have, because that's, you know, something that keeps me going every single day on the practice courts, day in, day out, trying to give my best and trying to always, you know, inspire myself to play better tennis and to improve.
            I know I have a quite complete game, but I still feel there are rooms for improvement. That's something that excites me actually for the future.

            Q. How much out of 10, would you say?
            NOVAK DJOKOVIC: I can't give you a number. I'm sorry. But there's always something I feel I can do better.

            Q. Over the tournament we've seen a lot of players slip over on the grass. You haven't so much. What do you put that down to? Do you have natural balance? Is it experience?
            NOVAK DJOKOVIC: It's not like I haven't been sliding this year and also previous years. I mean, I had nasty falls also. But sliding is part of my movement, I can say. Throughout all my career and all my life I have been sliding on different surfaces.
            Of course, on the grass is not necessary too much to slide. If you do that, sometimes you can lose that half a step that is very much needed for recovery for the next ball.
            But sliding is there, and I do slide on some balls. Sometimes it helps me, you know, to recover better, to defend better. It's the way I have been moving all my life.

            Q. Have you watched Murray's side of the draw with a little bit of envy? Cilic, Tsonga, Nadal, Federer all go.
            NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Not at the start (smiling).
            But, look, you know, the draw is something you can't really affect. I'm sure that he's also trying to focus on his own matches and his own games as I do. Sometimes you have luck; sometimes it opens up; sometimes it doesn't.
            If you want to be the best, you have to beat the best players in the world. There's no question about it.

            Q. Can you explain how that Nemanja came? Did you invite him?
            NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Yes, we got in touch with him actually for our fundraiser event that's going to happen on Monday night after Wimbledon is finished. It's going to be the first fundraiser of our foundation here in London.
            We wanted to invite Nemanja because he's one of the most successful and most recognized Serbian people in the world. Of course it would be a great pleasure to have him.
            He accepted that, and he said he would be here in these days. You know, he wanted to come and watch with his wife, so that's how we got in touch.

            Q. Do you want him back for the semifinals?
            NOVAK DJOKOVIC: He's a lucky charm. I'll make sure he's there.

            Q. Another nutrition question. What do you eat and drink during the match? Is it always the same even if the match is shorter or longer?
            NOVAK DJOKOVIC: I do have my own things that I eat. I don't eat too much. Obviously, you can't during the match because your stomach and digestive system is clogged up. You have to eat little bit by little bit to maintain your sugar levels high so you cannot have any drop downs. And also hydrate yourself as much as you can.
            That also depends if I play on a hot day or not. It's also what I do before the match, you know, to prepare myself for that challenge.

            Q. It's your 13th semifinal in a row in Grand Slams. You're No.1, expected to go all the way. Is there a special feeling when you reach the last four of a Grand Slam?
            NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, there is a special task to reach Roger's 30 something (laughter).
            No, I'm kidding. It's a huge achievement for me. I'm very proud of my success on Grand Slams because that's exactly where I want to do my best and where I want to play my top tennis and reach the latter stages of the event because these are the most important, most valuable tennis tournaments in the world.
            All the attention of the sport is focused on four Grand Slams, especially Wimbledon. So I'm really glad that I've been managing to continuously make that great success in reaching at least the final eight.

            Q. Does it feel like business as usual reaching the semis?
            NOVAK DJOKOVIC: You have to work for that. It's not that easy. It doesn't come to you.

            Q. We know your dog Pierre is an important fellow.
            NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Yes, very important.

            Q. Have you brought him over?
            NOVAK DJOKOVIC: He's back home waiting for me. When I come back from my work, first thing I see when I open the door of the house is him. He greets me. That's a huge joy.

            Q. He's here?
            NOVAK DJOKOVIC: He's here, yes. And I can't wait to go and see him, if you don't mind (smiling).

            FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports

            Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
            But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.


            • Last edited by miloolja; 04-07-13, 23:48.

              Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
              But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.


              • Originally posted by pecaros View Post
                Lošije od lošijeg, da lošije ne može biti.
                Bednih 3-0, da je makar 6-0 pa da mu i čestitaš.
                Servis - bruka, sram i stid. Jadnih 16 asova naspram Tomicinih 6. Makar da su lepi ko Tomicini, nego podli i kukavički, većma u ćošak. Namerno gađa te ćoškove, ko da je Tomica od buble gum pravljen pa da se po zapovedi isteže. I gde je tu, moliću lepo, poštovanje prema deklarisanom serveru? Šta ima da se servisom nadmećeš sa pritkom od dva metra. Zapeo samo on da servira, ko da mu je tata doktor Ivo. Popustiš malo, omašiš poneku, ispoštuješ čoveka, daš mu elana. Sramno.
                Brejkovi 4 od 10. Jadno. Ceo prvi set propušta prilike i baš na kraju u tb-u oduzme mu par servisa. Totalni nedostatak konstantnosti!!! Kad si tero ceo set bez brejka tako set i završiš, bez oscilacija.
                Daš mu dva brejka fore u drugom setu i onda vratiš nazad!!! Uzimala-davala, ko neka jajara.
                Čisti poeni 36 naspram Tomicinih 31. Ceo život ti govore da ti odbrana kuću gradi, a ti napadaš. Kud srljaš, gde ćeš? Staneš 6 metara iza osnovne i čekaš. Tako se igra, tako se kolena čuvaju.
                Neiznuđene greške 13 mizernih, a Tomica junačkih 25. Ko radi taj i greši. Lepo se vidi da se Tomica satro od rada, a ti ko da si na Maldivima.
                Poeni 102 naspram 86. Jaka stvar, pa nije ovo bre, košarka. Čudo nisi tražio tajm aut, duplu il tehničku. Samo ti da pobediš, bruko jedna.
                Vraćeni servisi Čovek obuko bele patike, a ti mu namerno ceo meč vraćaš pod noge. I ko sad da pere te patike. Em prašina, em zelena travuljina, sad može da ih baci. Izvini se čoveku, i da si mu nove kupio.
                Kretanje Onoliki fini svet se okupio zarad tenisa, a ti u inat glumiš Sandru Dubravčić. Kliza se dečko, ko da je u Ledenoj dvorani. Samo je falila još neka pirueta, luc, ritberger il ne daj Bože aksel.
                O onim kukavičkim forhendima u stranu i trivijalnim bekendima uz liniju tek ćemo popričati.
                Obrati pažnju na buduće ponašanje Novače Djokoviću!!!

                sedmog dana u sedmom mesecu do sedme titule. trinajeste, trinajeste...
                Nije dovoljno samo "like", moram i ovako


                • Nole i Nemanja, intervju



                  • Pivo se ladi...nego kako.Valja ugasiti ovu vrucinu i zaleciti izgubljene zivce u toku meca...nadam se da ih nece biti puno.Pralica je bio dosta hrabar kad je prognozirao 3-0 za Novaka...ja bih rekao nekih 3-1 i to u slucaju da je Delpo 100% spreman u sta iskreno sumnjam.Vidim da britanci ubadaju lagano sa naslovima u novinama.Pokusavaju svim silama da poremete naseg Noleta...znam da ne bih trebalo da obracam paznju na nekad stvarno neprimerene naslove,ali ovaj me je razbio....britanci...jbn prepotentan narod je nasao za shodno da izbaci naslov..."prepotetni Djokovic danas za finale...." Pih...sramota...e zato cemo Murray-a da ocistimo 3-0 u finalu...cisto zbog naslova.


                    • Originally posted by Vanja #66 View Post
                      Ja i plucno krilo, komada dva u stvari...
                      Ok, ko je srecni dobitnik, nisam bas razumeo...

                      Ne znam samo kome treba da bude zahvalniji, Novaku ili folirantu...


                      • Da ćutiš inače će ti zafaliti štotšta pored bubrega i krila
                        Sreća te sam u jednom momentu imala salvetu u rukama, inače ode moj skupoceni TV od 40'

                        Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
                        But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.


                        • meni je stradao enter na tastaturi i jos po koje slovo


                          • Originally posted by miloolja View Post
                            Da ćutiš inače će ti zafaliti štotšta pored bubrega i krila
                            Sreća te sam u jednom momentu imala salvetu u rukama, inače ode moj skupoceni TV od 40'


                            • Samo da vam se javim, bolje da ništa ne komentarišem...
                              "My body feels great. I mean, it´s only five hours"


                              • Originally posted by ledeni 80 View Post
                                meni je stradao enter na tastaturi i jos po koje slovo
                                Ma to je potrosna roba ali bolje to nego TV

