Naslov a verovatno i sam tekst( nisam citao dalje od naslova) podilazi prostackoj, primitivnoj i iskompleksiranoj publici zeljnoj senzacionalizma, a vrlo verovatno i prilicno ostrascenoj, pri cemu motivi autora mogu biti iskljucivo finansijski. On zna sta se dobro prodaje i zna sta publika zeli da procita i to im i servira. Moguce da on misli i oseca isto sto i oni kada vidi ovakav naslov cime spaja lepo sa korisnim, ali to za ovu pricu nije ni bitno. Sustina je da postoje ciljna grupa koja se pali i prima na ovakve stvari zbog licnih osobina koje sam na pocetku naveo, a kada takva grupa postoji uvek ce se naci ljudi koji ce im prodavati ovakve price. Ovo smece nije ni trebalo postavljati na Novakov topik. ;)
No announcement yet.
Nole, idi u peršun!
Nije. Ja to ne poricem. Zato sam i pitao gdje je granica.
Je li taj za ciji se interes pise srebroljubac?
U ovom clanku postoji vaznija stvar od neobjektivnosti vezane za sportski dogadjaj. To je poticanje na mrznju, ali to nije za ovaj forum.
''Vec danas putujem dalje, idem u Rim kako bih sto pre nastavio sa treninzima i pripremama za sledeci turnir. Dimitrov je odigrao sjajan mec i zasluzeno je odneo pobedu. Vrlo mudar prijatelj mi je jednom prilikom rekao: oni koji nemaju puno pobeda u zivotu, fokusiraju se na poraze. Voleo bih da sam imao vise vremena da se prosetam Madridom, ali bice prilike sledeceg puta jer planiram da ostanem duze ''
U pravu je,odlicno je napisao na FB-kusigpicFokus Nole i ne zaboravi- u pertle... idemo Noleeeeeeeeeee
''Na jedno uho ne čujem ništa, a na drugo sve. Zato slušam samo one koji mi priđu sa prave strane...
Originally posted by Vanja #66 View PostJos 80 pobeda (i onoliko koliko ih do tad Lleyton ostvari) i po svemu prebacuje Hewitta...
preostala osmorica ispred na listi su sve same ikone ovog sporta i pravo je zadovoljstvo pratiti novakovu vladavinu i njegov udio u kreiranju teniske istorije.. cak ih trojicu moze preteci tokom ove godine!
SpoilerCode:1. Rodžer Federer 302 2. Pit Sampras 286 3. Ivan Lendl 270 4. Džimi Konors 268 5. Džon Mekinro 170 6. Bjern Borg 109 7. Rafael Nadal 102 8. Andre Agasi 101 9. Lejton Hjuit 80 = Novak Đoković 80 11. Stefan Edberg 72 12. Džim Kurijer 58 13. Gustavo Kirten 43 14. Ilije Nastase 40 15. Mats Vilander 20 ...
sto se turnira u madridu tice,
novak tek nesto bolji nego na pocetku monte-karla, s tim da je odmah naletio na raspolozenog protivnika u velikom usponu.
siguran sam da bi igrao bolje kako bi turnir odmicao ali, dobro je neko primjetio, pitanje je koliko bi mu se to isplatilo u nastavku (reskiranje sa zglobom, nenaklonost lokalaca) ionako posle zadnje titule u knezevini (bar kod mene) ima toliki kredit da mu ne bih zamjerio da i u vjecnom gradu kiksne na startu.
dimitrov zasluzeno. na svim novakovim set loptama u prvom je ocistio linije. sreca ili ona stvar, ja kazem oboje..
kako god, pokazao je karakter i bice u vrhu u dogledno vijeme tu nema sumnje..
sinoc naliazim na podatak da je djokovic od 14 velikih turnira koji se igraju tokom sezone (4 mejdzora, 9 mastersa i masters kup) na cak njih 12 tukao nadala! dakle ako izuzmemo rolan-garos dje je nadal (jos uvijek) nesavladiv i kineski sangaj (najmladji masters) novak ga prakticno mlati dje se god pojavi..
stoga mogu da razumijem fudbalsko skandiranje "dimitrov dimitrov" usred madrida. ne, nisu to bugarski navijaci.. istu posdrsku bi sinoc imali i himeno-traver, tomas beluci ili dudi sela
a na natpise i opservacije pojedinih portala iz "regiona" bih se samo osmjehnuosamo toliko
idemo dalje..
Ana i Nole, sinoćni gosti u "Mravinjaku"
Nole reketom porazbijao 2500 čašaPokazao im je ;)
"My body feels great. I mean, it´s only five hours"
Dnevna štampa (ona stara i prava) i portali su dve različite stvari, mada se i ovi prvi dosta pokvarili, jer narod traži i kupuje senzacionalizam.
Primer je i Blic. Portal im je užasan, dok štampano zdanje mnogo umerenije i objektivnije i sutra ovakvog naslova neće sigurno biti kao što je danas na njihovom sajtu.Last edited by miloolja; 08-05-13, 17:40.sigpic
Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.
G. DIMITROV/N. Djokovic
7‑6, 6‑7, 6‑3
THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.
Q. What you can say about the match? Did you expect this, what happened? Was Dimitrov better in this match?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, he was the better player. The better player won the match, no question about it.
You know, I could have played better. You know, I had my chances. I was fighting until the end, so that's a positive thing. I always try to give my best in these moments, and he was the better player.
I congratulate him. He played great tennis and he deserved to win.
Q. How are you physically, and what do you make about the crowd and the way they reacted?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, physically it's not so good, you know, in this tournament. I didn't prepare myself so good. But, look, you know, I'm not trying to find any excuses for the loss. I tried to do my best in this moment, and maybe my best is not like it was in Monte‑Carlo.
But all the credit also to Dimitrov, because he was the better player on the court. He was striking the ball really well, serving great, changing the pace, and, yeah, he deserved to win, as I said.
For the crowd, they picked him as the favorite player to support, so that's all I can say.
Q. There seemed to be a point at 4‑5 in the first set where you thought you had won the first set and Dimitrov played a ball long. It was overturned. What happened in that moment?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Yeah, well, I don't want to discuss about those calls. The balls were really, really close. I thought it was out, but, okay. You know, it's chair umpire's decision in the end, and I respect that.
Q. Will you go back to Madrid next year after the boos of the spectators?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: I'll be bike. I like to play in this tournament. It's a big tournament. I will forget about this. I have to move on to another tournament.
Q. Novak, it seemed as though the crowd, I mean, there were a lot young kids calling your name out early on and cheering you on. Seemed to be a moment where you seemed to twist your ankle and you were in apparent pain and the crowd suddenly turned against you. Did you feel it that way?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: No. I felt it much earlier. You know, in the first set, every single close call that I went to look at the ball and the chair umpire comes to see, I got whistled. I don't see any reason for that. I didn't do anything bad.
When I see the ball, it's good, I clear the mark. I give him a point. I never did anything opposite in my life. I'm honest. If I see the ball in, I play the ball; if it's close, I call the chair umpire.
I don't understand why they turn against me, for what reason, but it is what it is. I'm a professional, and it's not the first time I'm experiencing that.
Q. I want to ask you about Dimitrov.
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: I just said about Dimitrov everything I am going to say.
Q. Why do you think this situation was with the crowd? Why?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: I don't know why.
Q. No?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: You tell me why. I don't know. (Smiling.)
Q. I don't know. Do you think...
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Did you see the reason that the crowd turn against me? I don't know what to say.
Q. No, but this is topic, sometimes people think that the audience in Madrid doesn't know much about tennis. What do you think about that?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: I don't think it's true because there is a tournament here for so many years. Plus, Nadal is for so many years a top player winning the big tournaments and he's Spanish.
People know tennis here. There is no question about it.
Q. You said for this tournament that you didn't prepare yourself so good. Can you elaborate? After Monte‑Carlo, what happened between there and now?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, for 12 days after Monte‑Carlo I haven't touched the racquet. I didn't know up to Saturday if I'm going to come here or not because of the ankle.
But in the end, you know, I made the decision to come because I like to play in this tournament. You know, maybe could have been different; maybe not. Now it's too late to think about what I decided.
I thought it was the right decision because, luckily for me, nothing really happened when I twisted the ankle during the match. It was a slight moment. I had good protection on my ankle.
So right now that is the only positive thing that I look into, is that I didn't injury my ankle worse before Rome and Paris.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sportssigpic
Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.
Samo sam čekala kad će da se jave lažni moralisti i likovi puni vrlina koji preko svojih usta nikad nisu psovku prevalili..
Da se razumemo, ne opravdam psovke i bilo koji vid nepristojnog ponašanja.
Ali, to je Nole.. ekspresivan kakav jeste, pokazuje i ljutnju i bes i radost i tugu.. isti taj Nole iskreno će čestitati Dimitrovu pobedu i bez problema priznati da je protivnik bio bolji..Originally posted by gokaraValjda ćemo dočekati dan da kloniraju Federera pa da možemo da ne gasimo televizore kad igraju svi koji nisu Federer i uživamo u meču Federer-Federer.
Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.
Dragi Novakovi navijaci ( sto sam i sam ),
ne oglasavam se precesto na forumu iako citam sve teme vezane za tenis.
O tome koliko ja volim i cenim Djokovica verovatno pomalo govori i cinjenica da mi se sin prvenac zove Novak.
Ne hranite trolove i zlobnike zeljne paznje po forumu, oni su samo zeljni paznje koju im nikako ne treba davati.
Nole je nebrojeno puta pokazao i kakav je sportista i kakav je covek.
Opsovao, cudna mi cuda, da, verovatno nije trebalo, al eto mi ga i zbog toga volimo, sto je i on samo covek i ne pati od laznog moralisanja nego kad mu prekipi - opsuje.
Ne sumnjam da ce vec od Rima nastaviti ka krajnjem cilju ove sezone - trofeju na RG.
Nek je on nama ziv i zdrav a za ostalo se ne sekiram!
Beautiful tennis club of Roma! Foro Italico.. Sempre un piacere di essere qui..sigpic
Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.