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Nole, idi u peršun!

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  • Baš vala, kao da su ga naterali da izađe na teren ili je možda i on malkice preterao u novogodišnjoj noći
    Sreća pa je lepotica odigrala sjajno i na kraju, ipak, izvukosmo pobedu Idemo dalje



    • Nole
      Kao što sam i rekao posle meča: ovo je bio Anin dan! Zahvaljujući njenoj fantastičnoj igri #TimSrbija je izvukao pobedu protiv Australije. Nisam baš igrao najbolje danas, a ni Tomic mi nije dao puno prostora jer je igrao snažno i odlučn i zasluženo je pobedio. Radujem se našem sledećem meču protiv Nemačke u petak i nadam se da ćemo uspeti da se plasiramo ponovo u finale. Hvala vam svima na podršci!


      • Carla Franconeri is our Team Leader of Monaco for the Fan Club and she had the chance to have an exclusive interview for his school blog ( with Nole in Montecarlo after his training session on December 20th 2012. Nole talks about his goals, how he feels when he has to defend match points and many more. Nole also danced with Carla Gangnam Style and sent a special message at the end. We hope you enjoy it so much as we did!!

        This is what Carla has to say about this amazing experience:
        First of all I want to thank you Novak for taking time to answer my questions, to accept this interview, because for me it meant a lot, it was the begining of my dream to do a career in the sports journalism. This opportunity appeared to me as the best one because I really admire you the way you are on and off the court, always a natural and happy person. As I said you are an example for everyone but more than all for people who are watching you to be one day a tennis player like you!
        I have to admit that before the interview I was very under stress because you are my idol, I always watch you play and I was realizing step by step that you will be in front of me answering my questions which is a privilege. When the interview began, the way you were calmed me, so I felt better and enjoyed! I was very attentive and concentrated on your answers which were very interesting ones. At the end, I didn’t know if I would ask you the question of marrying me but I thought that I lose nothing and that it would be funny. But the must was the gangnam style dance, I was afraid you were bored by it but I thought, nothing ventured, nothing gained. I was very excited by the interview when it finished, I was very emotive, so proud of what I’ve done because it was something very important for me, I also worked a lot to have good questions to ask. Finally, I can tell that it was an amazing experience and that I hope to do another interview in few years, in french though, as you said. You are very close and kind and generous with your fans, stay like you are, a beautiful person and a great champion! Thanks again, I really appreciate.

        Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
        But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.


        • AIPS: Đoković najbolji u Evropi

          Prvi reket sveta Novak Đoković proglašen je za najboljeg sportistu Evrope od strane evropskog odseka Međunarodnog udruženja sportskih novinara (AIPS).

          Đoković je drugu godinu dobio to priznanje, ovoga puta sa 39 glasova, deset više od dvostrukog olimpijskog šampiona Britanca Moa Faraha, dok je treći bio šampion Formule 1 Sebastijan Fetel sa 28 glasova.

          U konkurenciji sportistkinja, najbolja je bila olimpijska šampionka u sedmoboju Džesika Enis sa 62 glasa, ispred norveške skijašice Marit Bjergen, koja je osvojila 23 glasa, i beloruske teniserke Viktorije Azarenke sa 17 glasova.


          • Bravo Nole, samo sakuplja nagrade i priznanja ;)

            Naš Noki, kao dečkić

            Last edited by Larisa; 03-01-13, 15:18.
            "My body feels great. I mean, it´s only five hours"


            • Kada majstor igra ovako, nema zime


              Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
              But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.


              • Prosto fenomenalna igra,uzivanje je gledati Novaka kada ovako igra!!!


                • Vole Nemci krompir, a Novak nije skrtica pa da ne udeli makar jedan
                  Nas najveci izvozni projekat - krompiri za Nemce
                  Last edited by pecaros; 04-01-13, 12:53.


                  • To je bilo pojedinacno...pitam se sta ce li tek biti krompira u dublu,majku mu..


                    • Bravo za oboje danas agresivni, fokusirani, brzi, milina je bilo gledati ih
                      Nadam se da će u istom ritmu nastaviti u finalu pa da polako, u dobrom raspoloženju, dočekamo početak AO



                      • sigpic

                        Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
                        But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.


                        • Predobro!


                          • Da li je ikad postojao neposredniji, talentovaniji zabavljac od sadasnjeg svetskog br. 1?


                            • Similis simili gaudet


                              • Bravo Nole!Takticki je igrao kako je trebalo,a sada Ana da pobedi,svi smo uz tebe Ana idemo!!!

