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  • Interview with USA TODAY:

    Q. Can reflect on the feeling when you lifted the No. 1 trophy in the ceremony Tuesday vs. 2011?
    DJOKOVIC: Well, last year, it was the best year of my career. It was also the first time that I lifted the year-end No. 1 trophy. So it was special. But I think also this year, it’s kind of special knowing that we had the four different Grand Slam winners and it was quite even. All the top four players could have been in this position lifting that award. So that makes the success really even bigger and makes me even more proud.

    Q. What would you say was the difference in your game this year vs. last year mentally and physically?
    DJOKOVIC: Physically I feel fitter than I was last year, even though I had an incredible run. But it caught up with me couple months before the season ended, so I didn’t really play my best and I could not recover physically to play well indoors. This year I feel much better. Mentally it was a more difficult year for me, 2012, than it was last year. This year, just in my head, knowing what I’ve been through mentally on and off the court, is maybe even a better year.

    Q. You said the other day you promote global promotion of the World Tour Finals. It was announced today they are keeping it in London another two years to 2015. Where would you like to see it go?
    DJOKOVIC: I think a lot of cities and countries around the world, first of all, deserve that opportunity to have the tournament, and I’m sure that they would accept this very politely to organize such a great event.

    Q. You were talking about a tough year. You lost your grandfather. You couldn’t play in the Serbian tournament. Are you worried at all about the Belgrade event?
    DJOKOVIC: We are thinking what to do right now. To be quite honest with you, we don’t know if we going to have it next year, because it has been a very tough, tough period for us in that certain time of the year when we organizing the tournament because my family also has to run it. There is a lot of pressure and it takes a lot of time, a lot of effort, a lot of energy. So we will see. Even though, as much as I like to play in Serbia, I also feel that schedule-wise it’s not the best week.

    Q. You’ve been private about your father’s recent respiratory illness. Can you tell us anything more?
    DJOKOVIC: He’s better. He’s better. We all from family trying to give him enough strength to win this fight that he has right now.

    Q. Tuesday you received the ATP’s Arthur Ashe Humanitarian Award. What does it mean to you?
    DJOKOVIC: It’s a special award, maybe the biggest one I ever receive in my life because it’s an understanding and appreciation for all the effort that people in my foundation have done. And that’s something that makes me very happy, and also inspires not only me, but all the people, my girlfriend, all the people who are onboard of our foundation, and ones who are really on the field really trying to help people to even do a better job. Because there is a lot of people around the world, especially this crisis times, that need help, a lot of kids that need to be allowed to dream. And we are there to take this responsibility and allow them.

    Q. We’ve been seeing pictures of you walking your dog, Pierre. How is he?
    DJOKOVIC: Pierre is great. Actually we’ve been warming up together for these two matches and it’s been working well for me. I always take him to my warm-up to try to move him around because he has to wait throughout my match locked up in a small room. But he’s great. He has all the attention of my girlfriend and me.

    Q. Does he like London?
    DJOKOVIC: He likes it because there is a lot of grass, a lot of nature around. It’s a little bit cold, but he has a little jacket for himself.

    Q. What would it mean for you to win here?
    DJOKOVIC: It would end a great season and I would have the perfect start and perfect ending of one beautiful year.
    You can read more of the interview on USA Today

    @ Bonomo... Uopšte te nisam pomenula, niti je tebi bilo šta upućeno
    @ Ledeni... Stvari iz pp ne prenosimo javno!
    Last edited by miloolja; 08-11-12, 08:20.

    Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
    But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.


    • Ukoliko Novakove bitne meceve pratite u celosti, bez preskakanja bitnih poena i u kontinuitetu odgledate te meceve -
      Vi ste tezak adrenalinski zavisnik, a pracenje Novakovih meceva spada u kategoriju ekstremnih sportova
      Last edited by pecaros; 08-11-12, 09:29.


      • Originally posted by pecaros View Post
        Ukoliko Novakove bitne meceve pratite u celosti, bez preskakanja bitnih poena i u kontinuitetu odgledate te meceve -
        Vi ste tezak adrenalinski zavisnik, a pracenje Novakovih meceva spada u kategoriju ekstremnih sportova
        Apsolutno se slažem
        Ima momenata kad jednostavno nemam snage za još jednu brejk ili meč loptu i moram da ugasim i pobegnem napolje.
        "My body feels great. I mean, it´s only five hours"


        • Originally posted by pecaros View Post
          Ukoliko Novakove bitne meceve pratite u celosti, bez preskakanja bitnih poena i u kontinuitetu odgledate te meceve -
          Vi ste tezak adrenalinski zavisnik, a pracenje Novakovih meceva spada u kategoriju ekstremnih sportova
          Ja pratim u celosti,kad bih samo jos mogla da udjem u televizor
          A da sam zavisnik jesam,ne mogu da ne odgledam Noletove meceve do kraja,nema sanse,ma kako napeti bili,kad se setim samo AO,al izdrzala posle skakala ko luda,moji su umirali od smeha gledajuci me
          E,kako sam prezivela onaj jedan mec s Federerom,onaaaaaaaajjjjjjj,znate na koji mec mislim,al posto bi se pogresno shvatilo necu nista vise da napisem,pa finale RG i kisu,pa,Madrid, Rim i tako to jel,da ne nabrajam dalje
          Nema veze,jako srce imam ja,idemo Nole
          ps.jedva cekam AO;)

          sigpicFokus Nole i ne zaboravi- u pertle... idemo Noleeeeeeeeeee

          ''Na jedno uho ne čujem ništa, a na drugo sve. Zato slušam samo one koji mi priđu sa prave strane...


          • Dva genija..


            • Originally posted by pecaros View Post
              Ukoliko Novakove bitne meceve pratite u celosti, bez preskakanja bitnih poena i u kontinuitetu odgledate te meceve -
              Vi ste tezak adrenalinski zavisnik, a pracenje Novakovih meceva spada u kategoriju ekstremnih sportova
              Čista desetka, da ne kažem reputacija +... al' kad mi daju...

              Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
              But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.


              • Originally posted by miloolja View Post
                Čista desetka, da ne kažem reputacija +... al' kad mi daju...
                Reputacija nebitna, cas crveno, cas zeleno, kao i u zivotu, osmeh je vazan


                • Tuto, Torima, vracajte se, radi riba!

                  Ne radi, ne radi bez njih dvojice....
                  "My body feels great. I mean, it´s only five hours"


                  • Novak Đoković i Huan Mata ostvarili su u sredu vredne pobede u Londonu, a dan kasnije zajedno su išli u O2 arenu.

                    Tim povodom španski fudbaler okačio je na svom Tviter profilu sliku sa najboljim svetskim teniserom.

                    „Idem u O2 arenu sa genijem“, napisao je Mata.

                    Fudbaleri Čelsija u sredu su ostvarili izuzetno važnu pobedu u Ligi šampiona protiv Šahtjora golom u nadoknadi vremena, dok je Novak Đoković savladao Endija Marija i nalazi se na korak od plasmana u polufinale.

                    Last edited by miloolja; 08-11-12, 16:30.

                    Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
                    But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.


                    • Fanovi iz Vijetnama


                      Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
                      But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.


                      • Jel je video neko Novaka na mecu,da li je on bio sa Matom na mecu Federer-Ferer???


                        • Prikazali su Matu, ali Novaka nisu


                          • i
                            na kraju još jedne istorijske godine
                            kadse podvučem pod crtu i rezumiram
                            vidim daje moglo morbit dispane i bolje
                            al jopet i ovo je maikumu sjajno
                            volšebno i dubijozno
                            ato naročito
                            za svakog onoga
                            koji ume iskreno da volu i dase tome raduje
                            zato podržavam odobravam ai slažem se
                            sve skupa zajedno sosobljem iz rumunjske kavane
                            to tamo gde se na televizoru pustaju teniske utaknice
                            odnji posebno iosrca premporučujem onu konfrčastu konobaricu
                            svelkim sisama a smalim tesnim minićom i sobilatim dekoltejom
                            ija još uvek
                            volem da mirišem cveće
                            iako ga već odavno više ne berem
                            nekim ljudima
                            ai diskusantima isto primetijo sam
                            godine donose samo staros a nažalos ne i mudros
                            al od njima nebi
                            dane kvaru raspoloženje
                            jaltako jalda

                            srećna nova godina i Božić

                            lutajući reporter tuta bugarin
                            nežno šapće sneguljici
                            dok patuljci ruju
                            u rudnici


                            • Originally posted by tuta bugarin View Post
                              na kraju još jedne istorijske godine
                              kadse podvučem pod crtu i rezumiram
                              vidim daje moglo morbit dispane i bolje
                              al jopet i ovo je maikumu sjajno
                              volšebno i dubijozno
                              ato naročito
                              za svakog onoga
                              koji ume iskreno da volu i dase tome raduje
                              zato podržavam odobravam ai slažem se
                              sve skupa zajedno sosobljem iz rumunjske kavane
                              to tamo gde se na televizoru pustaju teniske utaknice
                              odnji posebno iosrca premporučujem onu konfrčastu konobaricu
                              svelkim sisama a smalim tesnim minićom i sobilatim dekoltejom
                              ija još uvek
                              volem da mirišem cveće
                              iako ga već odavno više ne berem
                              nekim ljudima
                              ai diskusantima isto primetijo sam
                              godine donose samo staros a nažalos ne i mudros
                              al od njima nebi
                              dane kvaru raspoloženje
                              jaltako jalda

                              srećna nova godina i Božić

                              lutajući reporter tuta bugarin
                              nežno šapće sneguljici
                              dok patuljci ruju
                              u rudnici
                              Odrah grlo prizivajuci, i na kraju odazva se


                              • Ajd viči još malo da dozovemo i "onog" drugog ;)
                                (tebe slušaju, peco)
                                "My body feels great. I mean, it´s only five hours"

