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  • Samo sam ukucao Bollitieri Djokovic Wimbledon 2012 i ovo mi se prvo pojavilo na googl. Naravno da mi je cudno jer ne vjerujem da su pricali, znaju oni tako da nadju po netu pa stave ekskluzivno za Blic, za B92, za Kurir...


    • Sve je nama ekskluzivno.I ovi na b92 redovno najavljuju eksluziv GS,Masterse,ali na kraju gledamo samo Novaka ili mozda Janka i to,ako im se uklapa u program.

      Malo Becker-ovih filozofija...
      I have noticed a lot of psychology in their encounters, maybe even the occasional moment of gamesmanship. In the French Open final a fortnight ago, they had very different approaches to the weather. Nadal wanted to come off, but Djokovic was keen to stay out in the rain, because even though he was two sets down, he was fighting back so hard that he reeled off eight games in a row.That was the moment when last year’s Djokovic started creeping back into Nadal’s head, opening a few old wounds, and Nadal was getting very anxious and ratty. Then the officials finally decided to take the players off and that was a huge relief for the whole Nadal camp. They were able to get off the court and regroup, and when the players came back the next day he was right back on his game.

      Uh kad se setim...

      Srecno danas na novoj travi...
      Last edited by draza; 25-06-12, 13:03.


      • Dobar mec, mada je bilo cupavo na pocetku. UNIQLO izgleda sasvim OK, lepa kombinacija.

        BH paralela se trazi, mora se pronaci sto pre, kao i poeni na drugi servis. Sve ostalo - cista 10-ka!


        • Imao je Nole ovde neka ispitivanja varijanti na temu, inače je moglo to ubedljivije. Statistika je ubitačno jasna. Svaki set je odigrao sa različitim tempom u udarcima i taktičkim varijacijama.

          Kakav radostan dan, ptice pevaju Aleluja....


          • Comment

            • Zeleno, volim te zeleno...


              Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
              But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.


              • Odličan Novak danas, idemo dalje

                Last edited by milicica; 25-06-12, 17:22.


                • Nole odigrao sampionski!Ritern je bio savrsen danas...jos na travi onako riternirati Majstor je majstor,laksi trening,idemo bre!!

                  Bjezmo Grumfe,njih je dvojica a mi smo sami!


                  • nego, odgledah sad reprizu na SK+ i videh da Vajda i ekipa još uvek nose ST opremu..
                    Originally posted by gokara
                    Valjda ćemo dočekati dan da kloniraju Federera pa da možemo da ne gasimo televizore kad igraju svi koji nisu Federer i uživamo u meču Federer-Federer.


                    • Vidiš, ja na to nisam ni obratila pažnju, jer je glavna tema bila, kad god prikazuju box, šta to toliko Vajda i Miljan ćaskaju, čula si Viška sigurno.
                      Ko zna kakav je dil.

                      Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
                      But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.


                      • Da, od glave do pete ceo box u STu


                        • Ako neko nije gledao Novaka evo repriza upravo počela, sa engleskim komentatorom i čini mi se da je Beker konsultatnt (na kratko sam ga čula)

                          Nema ništa od reprize, čekali da počne sledeći meč.
                          Last edited by miloolja; 25-06-12, 19:25.

                          Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
                          But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.


                          • Verovatno ne menjaju jer jos nisu odstampali Fit Line na UNIQLO odeci. A mozda imaju nezavisne ugovore sa njima. Vata me nostalgija kad ih vidim...


                            • Novak vodio Jelenu na put u Murrayev rodni grad za njen rodj pred W i poslao Andyu sliku

                              As for Djokovic’s invasion of Murray’s Scottish turf, it turns out that it was a pre-Wimbledon birthday trip for his girlfriend, Jelena Ristic. Was there a subtle message of aggression behind it as well? Perhaps not. When he got to Dunblane, Murray’s hometown, Djokovic said he “made a little picture and sent it to him.”

                              Murray replied as you might expect: “What are you doing there?”

                              Nole and Jelena had a nice time. Or as nice as they could in that part of the country.

                              “We went to see the William Wallace monument,” Djokovic said, “took in some historic culture. We really liked it, although it rained for two days.”
                              Djokovic prepares for Wimbledon by taking girlfriend to Murray's Scottish region


                              • Nisu mogli ruzniju Jecinu sliku da nadju od ove, jel?

