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  • Novak Shapovalov

    Jeste me Novak danas iznervirao ali sam na kraju bio vrlo zadovoljan.

    Novak je usao u mec pribojavajuci se Shapovalova. Vrlo brzo se pokazlo da za to nema razloga, da treba da drzi loptu u igri a Denis ce ostalo da napravi. Poslije drugog brejka i vodjstva od 4:1 u 1. setu, Novak je imao prilican pad koncetracije. Cim je postalo jasno da ima Shapovalova, nivo igre pada. To pripisujem motivaciji. Njemu se ne igra 3. kolo, njemu se igraju visa kola.

    Drugi set je Novak profesionalno odradio, sa minimalnim utroskom energije. Denis je bio bolji nego u prvom setu, ali je pravio previse neiznudjenih da stvarno ugrozi Novaka. Isto se nastavilo i u 3. setu. Novak je odmah napravio brejk i sve je izgledalo tako lako. Moglo mu se zamjeriti da ne pokusava previse na Denisov servis i generalno, vidjevsi da Shapovalov puno grijesi, da igra pasivno, da nije ni usao u pravi ritam. To je uvijek opasno, jer ako bude trebalo, nece imati top igru.

    I onda pad u 7. gemu na sopstvenom servisu pri rezultatu 4:2. Ako se izuzme 6. gem 1. seta, to je onaj kada je Novak odlutao, Denis je, do tog trenutka, u 9 Novakovih servis gemova uzeo 10 poena. I to obicno kad bi Novak poveo 30:0 ili 40:0. I ovom gemu je Novak imao 40:15. Medjutim, Shapovalov je igrao bolje i pogadjao vise, upravo situacija u kojoj je Novak trebao visu brzinu. Uz to ga je iznerviralo paljenje svijetala i imamli smo krizu. Od 40:40 je poceo da se plasi, igrao stegnuto. Tako je to, kad nemas pravi ritam. Dobacivanje iz publike je dolilo ulje na vatru. To ce ga kostati dva brejka.

    U zadnjem gemu 3. seta, na Denisov servisu Novak se u mnogome bio vratio, dosao do BL, ali mu je izmakao rebrejk. Svejedno, pitao sam se kojim ce putem krenutu 4. set. Pojavio se potpuno novi Novak. Ubacio je u visu brzinu, jos uvijek ne u najvisu, i Shapovalov je imao ogromne probleme. U prvom setu je naucio da ne ide ako odmah napada. U trecem je odlicno drzao loptu u razmjenama i napadao u pravom ternutku. Sada to nije islo. Prvo, teze je bilo drzati loptu u razmjenama. Drugo, jos i teze je bilo docekati trentak u razmjeni kada se moze napasti. Trece, kad bi napao, ako to ne bi bilo perfekno, tesko je bilo probiti Novakovu defanzivu. Cetvro, ako bi isao na linije, onda bi promasivao. Peto, Novak je malo grijesio.

    Imali smo 6:0. Novak obicno ne tezi da pobijedi 6:0, ali ovoga puta je to bio cilj. Treba Denis da nauci da je, za sada, klasu iza Novaka.

    Ako ponovi igru iz 4. seta, koji je bio daleko najbolji Novakov set na ovom turniru, nece imati problema protiv Medevdeva, iako je Rus u zivotnoj formi. Mevedev mi se uvijek svidjao vise od Kacanova. Medjutim, ako bude imao padove koncetracije, bice tesko, moze i da izgubi. U ovom trenutku, od svi preostalih igraca u Novakovoj polovini, jedino je Zverev opsaniji od Medvedeva.

    I pored svega, Shapovalov mi se jako svidio. Ima i brzinu i snagu, ima udarce, ima eksplozivnost i hrabrost. No, treba tu jos puno brusenja. I mora promijeniti trenera. Danas je pokazao dvije mane. Prvo, kako ima veliki izbor udaraca, ne bira uvijek najbolji. Drugo, malo se uobrazio. Zato je usao u mec preambiciozno. Umjeto da udje sa zeljom da da sve od sebe pa sto bude, on je usao uvjeren da moze ozbiljno da ugrozi Novaka. Zato je poceo da igra bolje kad je sve bilo izgubljeno. Po mom misljenju, on moze da bude broj 1, ali treba jos puno da radi i do daljega treba da prihvati da ima boljih od njega. On igra na inspiraciju, ali nema jos kvalitet da inspiracijom moze odnijeti prevagu protiv igraca nivoa Novaka.


    • Originally posted by Milutinov Tata View Post
      Izvukao sam ovo:
      To je potuno prirodno ako protivnik toliko promasuje koliko je Denis danas promasivao. Shapovalov je imao 21:57 odnos vinera i neiznudjenih. Zasto bi onda Novak isao na vinere? Osim toga, ako se izuzme 3. set u kojem ej Novak bio 5:14 (V/NE) imamo 11:19 za ostatak meca.


      • Ma i Sapovalovu je game-plan nula kao i Timu. To je glavni problem, slazem se da mora da promeni trenera.

        A sto se Medvedeva tice, najgora faza turnira i najgori protivnik za takvu fazu. Jos uvek nije sama zavrsnica, pa Novak nije dovoljno naostren, a ovaj igra odlicno.

        Always somewhere Miss you where I've been I'll be back to love you again

        U crnim rupama možeš ludo da se zezaš. Da lebdiš iznad zemlje. Da slušaš rock ´n´ roll.Dozivaš kišu.
        Ili da mazneš neku lepu ribu. Samo je bezveze kada se probudiš….


        • Originally posted by NI View Post
          To je potuno prirodno ako protivnik toliko promasuje koliko je Denis danas promasivao. Shapovalov je imao 21:57 odnos vinera i neiznudjenih. Zasto bi onda Novak isao na vinere? Osim toga, ako se izuzme 3. set u kojem ej Novak bio 5:14 (V/NE) imamo 11:19 za ostatak meca.
          Novak je najbolji na svetu. Vadi on najbolju igru kada je to vazno ali treba da ide na vinere na vreme, da ne bi isao na vinere u 4.setu i ostajao jos pola sata da odigra, ako ne mora. A ovako ce poslati svima sliku o svojoj formi. Posto jos uvek nije imao onaj vrhunski performans na terenu, od pocetka sezone.

          Potpuno je pogresan rezon da ne ides na vinere ako protivnik toliko promasuje. Novaku treba protivnik koji ce da mu podigne nivo igre, da zahteva od njega bolje trcanje, rad nogu, tajming za ritern, dobar servis, rizik, nervozu i sve ostalo sto simulira polufinale i finale.

          Nadam se da Medvedev moze da napravi probleme Novaku, jer posle toga sam siguran da Nisikori to ne moze da uradi. Valja imati pravi test pred polufinale.

          Ukoliko Novak sa ovom igrom i ovim stavom dodje u finale i osvoji turnir, to ce znaciti da je ili on nedodirljiv ili su svi ostali zaista dosta dosta slabiji od njega.


          • Originally posted by Sandugp View Post
            Ma i Sapovalovu je game-plan nula kao i Timu. To je glavni problem, slazem se da mora da promeni trenera.

            A sto se Medvedeva tice, najgora faza turnira i najgori protivnik za takvu fazu. Jos uvek nije sama zavrsnica, pa Novak nije dovoljno naostren, a ovaj igra odlicno.
            Slazem se sto se tice Medvedeva. To je mozda kljucni mec turnira.

            Shapovalov ima veci potencijal od Tima. Brzi je, mastovitiji je, ljevak je...


            • Tennis: Stan Wawrinka pens blistering letter to Novak Djokovic faction


              Ako je ovo istina, ni najmanje mi se ne svidja. To Novaku ne treba.


              • Bas sam sad to citao, prava budalastina.
                Rasipa fokus tamo gde ne treba.
                There's something wrong with me chemically
                Something wrong with me inherently
                The wrong mix in the wrong genes
                I reached the wrong ends by the wrong means
                It was the wrong plan
                In the wrong hands
                With the wrong theory for the wrong man
                The wrong lies, on the wrong vibes
                The wrong questions with the wrong replies


                • +1
                  Vjda je tu sklonost političarenja povukao od strica
                  Dobro je dok se flaše ne dohvati.


                  • Ma glupost prenose. Eno i na kzn rekao


                    Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
                    But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.


                    • Šta je po sredi?
                      Čitao sam nešto ali mi ništa nije jasno. Novak je doneo neku odluku a da nije pitao neke igrače, šta li?


                      • sigpic

                        Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
                        But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.


                        • Jedan lep tekst iz NYT


                          Far From Serbia, Novak Djokovic Delivers Some National Pride

                          For Serbs living in Australia, Djokovic is a sporting hero who provides a connection to their culture and tradition.

                          By Karen Crouse

                          Jan. 18, 2019

                          MELBOURNE, Australia — Novak Djokovic, the men’s world No. 1 from Serbia, has been lifting up people from his homeland for years, but not usually like this. At the end of a practice session during last year’s Australian Open, Djokovic walked over to a waist-high fence where fans were packed 10-deep to watch him and hoisted a boy from the front of the crowd over the barricade and onto the court.

                          That boy, 8-year-old Novak Pokrajac, then got to play a few points with the man for whom he was named, including a 29-shot rally that ended with him hitting an overhead smash past Djokovic for a winner.

                          Both Novaks are back at Melbourne Park this year — Djokovic, 31, is seeking his seventh Australian Open title and 15th Grand Slam trophy, and Pokrajac, 9, is hoping to entice Djokovic into a practice-court rematch.

                          For the tens of thousands of Australians of Serbian descent, Djokovic is the secular saint of sport, worshiped by Serbs who still feel an acute sense of persecution nearly two decades after the worst of the Balkans’ fractious ethnic violence. That was evident on Wednesday afternoon, when Djokovic hit with the Australian teenager Alexei Popyrin in front of a crowd that included about a dozen fans flying the red, blue and white colors of the Serbian flag.

                          Even during the 50 weeks of the year when the Melbourne Park courts go quiet, Djokovic’s presence looms. In the office off the Serbian Voice, a weekly newspaper on the western edge of Melbourne, one wall serves as a shrine to celebrated Serbian figures from history: Serbian Orthodox Church figures; Vuk Karadzic, the creator of the Serbian Cyrillic alphabet; Nikola Tesla, the Serbian-American inventor; and Djokovic.

                          For Serbia, a nation of seven million people, it is “a big deal” to be able to claim the top-ranked player in men’s tennis — and one of the best ever — said Zeljko Prodanovic, the newspaper’s editor.

                          “After the war, it’s not so easy to say, ‘Here we are,’” he said. “You look at the movies, Serbs are always the bad guys. But now we can say we have the best tennis player in the world. That makes us proud.”

                          The newspaper’s owner, Zivana Jovanovic, has welcomed several Serbian luminaries to her office in her two decades at the helm, including the actor Dragan Nikolic and the retired N.B.A. player Vlade Divac. She has never met Djokovic but said she felt as if she knows him because of his high profile. For all his fame, Jovanovic said, Djokovic comes across as humble.

                          “I like that about him,” she said. “He hasn’t let all his success go to his head.”

                          Djokovic’s celebrity status has made it hard for him to move freely in public in Melbourne, but in his younger days he had regular haunts: a church where he would ring in the Orthodox New Year, or the restaurants on Lygon Street, known for its outdoor cafes and European eateries. Now, though, when Djokovic ventures out into the city, as he did before the tournament for a photo opportunity for one of his sponsors, he is swarmed by admirers.

                          Still, Djokovic said he tries to meet and chat with Serbs wherever he goes and invite them to watch him play.

                          “I guess it nurtures the culture and tradition,” he said. “Me as one of the athletes from our country that is internationally successful, I feel there is also a responsibility to represent the country in a right way. For a lot of those people, especially who live here, they have not seen or been to Serbia for a long time. So for them it’s quite a treat to have me playing here and other tennis players from Serbia.”

                          Michael Popovic, a middle-aged Serb who emigrated from Belgrade to Melbourne in his 20s, was at Rod Laver Arena in 2008 when Djokovic defeated Roger Federer in the semifinals to reach the final, where he would defeat Jo-Wilfried Tsonga for his first major title.

                          “The feeling I had at that moment was very hard to describe,” said Popovic, a restaurateur. “It was like I just won.”

                          Popovic owns Mediterraneo, a restaurant on a quiet street in an upscale neighborhood south of the city center that specializes in steak and seafood. The restaurant also offers vegan and gluten-free dishes — “Because of Novak,” Popovic said, referring to Djokovic’s decision several years ago to overhaul his diet.

                          “I serve Serbian burgers with no bread crumbs,” Popovic added. “That was Novak’s influence, also.”

                          But the only Djokovic whom Popovic has served is Novak’s uncle Goran. “Somehow I’ve never had the pleasure of having Novak here,” he said.

                          That nearly changed last weekend, when a large party of Serbs — including the pro Janko Tipsarevic, who every year distributes tournament tickets to the local Serbian community through one of his friends — stopped in for dinner. Djokovic was supposed to join them, but long after they had been seated, they received a text from him saying they should eat without him because he was stuck in meetings related to his responsibilities as the president of the ATP Player Council.

                          “It was a pity,” Popovic said. “I was really hoping he would come.”

                          On Monday, Pokrajac, the young fan, made sure he wouldn’t miss Djokovic, arriving at Melbourne Park with his mother, Snezana, more than an hour before the player was scheduled to practice. He wanted to claim a prime viewing spot, up against the fence again. The night before, Pokrajac said, he had imagined getting to hit again with Djokovic, borrowing a technique that has served him well in his matches.

                          “If I visualize something before,” Pokrajac said, “then it will happen.”

                          After Djokovic finished practicing, Pokrajac shouted, “Remember me, Novak? I’m here from Perth.”

                          Djokovic remembered. He came over, hoisted Pokrajac over the fence again, handed him a racket, and they began to hit. They played four “points.” The second rally was 34 shots; the fourth ended on the 16th, when Pokrajac hit a half-volley for a winner.

                          His prize was a hug and a signed T-shirt from Djokovic, who also offered a tip on how to return a slice.

                          “He told me to get lower,” Pokrajac said.

                          Two days later, Pokrajac staked out his same spot. He unfurled a Serbian flag that he had signed and which he intended to present to Djokovic as a parting gift. After his session, Djokovic came over and accepted the flag. He read what Pokrajac had written: “To Novak from Novak from Perth.” Under his signature Pokrajac had written, “It’s going to be worth gold money” and added a smiley face.

                          Djokovic hugged him. As Pokrajac turned to rejoin his mother, his smile was incandescent.

                          “I feel like I know him,” Pokrajac said. “I think we’re going to be friends now.”

                          Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
                          But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.


                          • Novak Djokovic 3R interview
                            Interviews 18 Jan 19

                            Third round
                            def. Denis Shapovalov 6-3 6-4 4-6 6-0

                            Q. What happened at the end of the third set, the violation? What happened in your opinion?
                            NOVAK DJOKOVIC: What specifically?

                            Q. You gave a thumbs up, and there appeared to be a violation.
                            NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Yeah. I misconducted myself verbally. That's why I got the code violation for.

                            Q. Did you feel justified at the time?
                            NOVAK DJOKOVIC: I mean, it's not the first, nor the last time.

                            Q. On Saturdays in general, first Saturday, has some of the biggest crowds tennis ever sees. Does it feel different for you?
                            NOVAK DJOKOVIC: It was a great atmosphere. It's great to see a packed house in the first week of a slam. I think the middle weekend is quite popular within the crowds here in Australia, but also the other slams. You get to see a lot of matches, singles, doubles, mixed doubles, men's, women's. You got a very rich schedule with matches from 11:00am till late night.

                            The crowd is excited, and we are, too. Of course, you want to see a packed house anywhere you play. Australia definitely loves their tennis. They've been some of the most loyal tennis fans in the world, for sure.

                            Q. It was a tricky match to play against a gifted young player. How do you assess your performance overall?
                            NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Other than the little letdown that I had when I was 4-1, 4-2 up in the third set, other than that I thought I played well, especially in the fourth set. I expected Denis to come out and be aggressive. He made a lot of unforced errors, I thought, for the first set and a half.

                            I just stayed solid from back of the court and served well, played the right shots. For the first two sets, just had things under control. At 4-1, I was agitated. As I said, should not happen to me. I know better. I have experience. But it does happen, I guess. I allowed him to come back to the match.

                            Yeah, it was important to start off the fourth set well. It was close game, couple of close games first two games. Making that break was crucial for me.

                            But I like the fact that I was tested, as well, because you want to be tested, especially as you are improving, kind of going along in the tournament. Matches and opponents are going to get tougher.

                            I feel like I've been playing well, so things are progressing well.

                            Q. What was the issue with the lights?
                            NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, look, as I said on the court, I don't remember having lights in the past years at 5 p.m. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe not. I just felt with such a low position of the sun, the lights being switched on at 5:00pm was completely unnecessary. It was very bright. There was no reason for the lights.

                            But the explanation that I got from supervisor was that TV requested that. Whatever TV says, we have to respect I guess.

                            Q. I don't know if you've seen Carlos Moya's comments with Chris Kermode. He seems to think the ATP is doing well financially. He names you, says you must have your own reasons for Chris to not continue his term. Can you clarify your position, and tell us why you think he shouldn't carry on?
                            NOVAK DJOKOVIC: First of all, exactly to your point, I don't know why people keep on talking about me as being against Chris. Who said that that was the truth? One of my greatest concerns right now, of every council member, is that we have leaking information from someone within the council in the last couple months.

                            Many of those things that have been leaked to certain media are also not 100 per cent true. It's obvious that there is a certain kind of one-dimensional agenda in place. Players and certain medias are served with quite a one-sided story.

                            We all have to understand the complexity and how sophisticated the body of ATP is. Our job as a council members is to liaise with as many possible players as we can. As I was mentioning before, the process of renewal of Chris' contract doesn't depend only on the players, it also determines on the tournament board representatives. It's going to be voted on the board by both tournaments and players.

                            From our side, we're going to do everything we can to speak to as many players as we possibly can during the Grand Slam, which is tough specifically for me and also the other players, but during the next couple months.

                            We have time. Where is the rush? I don't understand why there is a certain kind of agenda or propaganda in the media against me or the council members. Why do we have to rush with everything? It's a very complex process. We have to consider many different details, many different things before we make any kind of call or express our opinions or vote finally whether we want Chris to stay or whether we want someone else to come in.

                            It's not as simple as it has been presented in the media in the previous period. As I said, it's quite one-dimensional. If we can simplify that as it has been presented in media, it would be great, but it's not like that. It's far from that.

                            All the stats and all the requirements and all the numbers, everything that some of you guys have been talking about, posting about, ATP is 50 per cent players, 50 per cent tournaments. Those numbers cannot be observed one-dimensionally. You have to understand the whole process of how you got there, before Chris got there, before the president before him got there, who was participating in negotiations or talks with Grand Slams, whatever it is that we're talking about. It's far more complex than people think about.

                            I saw Stan's statement, as well. I respect him. We have a great friendly relationship. I respect his opinion, anybody else's opinion. Carlos Moya's as well, of course. But at the same time I encourage them and anybody else who has an interest to approach me, approach all the council members if they need more information, as we will do the same to them in the next period.

                            But where is the rush?

                            Q. A question about the match.
                            NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Thanks.

                            Q. You've seen Denis. Talk about the difference between seeing him and then getting on the court with him.
                            NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, he's got pretty complete game. He's got the big serve, a lot of rotation on the ball. He can hit it flat. He can hit it with a spin. I like his mentality. I like his confidence in himself, his approach. He's very positive on the court, always backing himself up. I like that.

                            Obviously he's lacking some experience playing on the big stage in the big matches, but that's going to come. I like the way he plays. He seems like a guy who dedicates a lot of time to training and to the process of understanding of how he can improve. These kind of experiences can only help him.

                            Q. You mentioned late-night matches. You're meticulous in your preparation. Have you ever practiced really late in anticipation of having to play after midnight? Are you crazy enough to train after midnight?
                            NOVAK DJOKOVIC: No, no, I have not done that I don't think ever. When I am aware that I'm going to be scheduled at night, first or second, from 7:00, then I do train the day before around that time, around 7:00, but not around midnight.

                            Q. Is there anything you can do to prepare?
                            NOVAK DJOKOVIC: It just depends. It's also subjective. Somebody is an early riser, somebody likes to go to sleep late. It really does depend.

                            I'm not here with kids, so it allows me to sleep maybe a bit longer. Different kind of rhythm than when I'm with my family. I've been used to getting up quite early.

                            I do not specifically like very late nights and late matches, but it does happen. You just have to, I guess, deal with it. If there is any particular way? I'm not doing push-ups at midnight before I go to sleep.

                            You train a bit later, and the whole routine is pushed back a little bit. But you also want to get a good night's sleep so your biological rhythm keeps going in the right way, I guess.

                            Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
                            But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.


                            • Ista prica kao i pre par godina. Miniraju glavnog favorita, iz male zemlje Srbije, da ga dekoncetrisu sa terena. Mozda zato ovako vrljavo igra. Kada bi se posvetio tenisu samo, igrao bi bolje. Zapravo mislim da ce to i uraditi. Druga nedelja je bitnija od prve a te stvari oko ATP, kao sto i sam kaze, mogu da sacekaju nekoliko meseci. Mislim da ce ovo resiti na terenu. Ovo nije prvi ni poslednji put. Vratio se i za 6,7 meseci samo jednom nije igrao finale. Vrag je odneo salu. Ako uzme Australiju, prakticno ide na RG, gde je postao domaci, po novi kalendarski Slem i polako krece brisanje Rogera Federera sa mesta GOAT. Pritom mnogo love je u celoj toj igri.


                              • Bravo za Novaka jos jedna prepreka predjena, igrao je koliko mu treba, treci set je izgubio ne svojim ne zalaganjem vec stvarima van terena!

                                Uvek se nesto pronadje ili ga ja pronadjem ali reflektori a sunce u zenitu NIJE MI JASNO u kombinaciji sa socivima, ko ih nosi zna o cemu pisem.
                                Kada je vezao sva 4 GS i ispisao istoriju imala je druga "bitnija" tema.
                                Kada je osvojio Sinsi i golden masters isto tako je to bilo po strani.
                                Ovaj AO ga uvlace i razvlace sa politickim pitanjima i odnosima sa igracima... Sve se pokusava, masinerija ne spava.

                                Idemooo Nole.

                                Послато са SM-N9005 уз помоћ Тапатока

