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  • "...Ovi Amerikanci će da krenu sa letnjim preipremama... i pobediće ga..." Hahahahahahahahahahah od 2:00

    Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
    But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.


    • Originally posted by miloolja View Post
      "...Ovi Amerikanci će da krenu sa letnjim preipremama... i pobediće ga..." Hahahahahahahahahahah od 2:00
      Svakakve budale postoje Ja ne znam sta pristaju da komentarisu kad maltene ne znaju ni sta je tenis


      • E, a ovo od 1:40 mora da je bila emila. Sve je tu, ko se ne slaze, nek ponovo pogleda...

        Stvarno imamo neke careve kao ovaj sa 2:00, sta ces, pogresi covek...


        • Originally posted by Vanja #66 View Post
          E, a ovo od 1:40 mora da je bila emila. Sve je tu, ko se ne slaze, nek ponovo pogleda...
          I ja sam to odmah pomislila

          Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
          But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.


          • E, a carica je mala, dodje, napise nesto, verovatno ni sama ne zna sta, a mi ovde lupamo glavom zbog nje i jos je prozivamo i to zesce, a ona nas ne sljivi 3%!

            EDIT: Opa, ovo mi je 100-ka, haha, napredujem!
            Last edited by Vanja #66; 18-05-11, 19:20. Reason: 100


            • Pa na ovom klipu ne postoji covek koji se razume u tenis i oni to puste
              a ova 0:20 mi je jos gora, postace no.1 i ostace tmao zauvek

              Here's the most remarkable thing to me about Federer: Seems to me that the more you know about tennis, the more amazed you are by the guy. If you know nothing at all about tennis, he's amazing. If you know a little something about tennis—maybe you have played a few times in your life—he's more amazing. If you know a little more about tennis—maybe you played in high school and once had illusions of becoming a pro—he's even MORE amazing. And if you were a great player—if you are a McEnroe or a Connors or a Jim Courier—then Federer is preposterously amazing


              Don't argue with idiots. They'll drag you down to their level and beat you...
              with experience.


              • Originally posted by bojanaBG View Post
                Pa na ovom klipu ne postoji covek koji se razume u tenis i oni to puste
                a ova 0:20 mi je jos gora, postace no.1 i ostace tmao zauvek
                Uzmimo da je to rekla u afektu , ali da je lupila, lupila je zesce!!!


                • Comment

                  • Stomak me boli.Moze li samo neko da im kaze da ako ne bude prvi ove godine nece nikad biti
                    Ipak moj favorit je momak sa Amerima,oni ce sad da pocnu sa ljetnjim pripremama i pobijedice ga.Samo ne znam koji je opasniji od koga,Fish,Roddick,Querrey,Isner




                      • Ne mogu da verujem kakvi ljudi...
                        “If it be now, ‘tis not to come; if it be not to come, it will be now; if it be not now, yet it will come. The readiness is all.”
                        Tennis belongs to the individualistic past - a hero, or at most a pair of friends or lovers, against the world~Jacques Barzun


                        • Originally posted by bojanaBG View Post
                          a ova 0:20 mi je jos gora, postace no.1 i ostace tmao zauvek
                          Aaaa... to ti smeta...
                          Ko zna, možda tamo i ostane...

                          Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
                          But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.


                          • Originally posted by miloolja View Post
                            Aaaa... to ti smeta...
                            Ko zna, možda tamo i ostane...
                            hoce, hoce, zauvek ce da ostane no.1
                            a ona na 1:40 je klasican primer zenskog navijaca Nadala: navijam za njega zato sto je sladak

                            Here's the most remarkable thing to me about Federer: Seems to me that the more you know about tennis, the more amazed you are by the guy. If you know nothing at all about tennis, he's amazing. If you know a little something about tennis—maybe you have played a few times in your life—he's more amazing. If you know a little more about tennis—maybe you played in high school and once had illusions of becoming a pro—he's even MORE amazing. And if you were a great player—if you are a McEnroe or a Connors or a Jim Courier—then Federer is preposterously amazing


                            Don't argue with idiots. They'll drag you down to their level and beat you...
                            with experience.


                            • Originally posted by bojanaBG View Post
                              hoce, hoce, zauvek ce da ostane no.1
                              Samo se ti smej... kako se ono kaže...
                              ... ko se zadnji smeje, najslađe se smeje... hehe

                              Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
                              But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.


                              • Ovo je jos gluplje od onoga gde su Rafa i Rodzer zagrljeni

