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ATP - Rafael Nadal

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  • NI uvek napravi dobru analizu, bez obzira za koga je rec.
    Slazem se inace da nije ovo toliko bitan poraz, jer igra je bila ceo mec na nivou. Problem je bio bas taj pad krajem treceg seta, kada nije uspeo odrzati brejk prednosti i privesti mec kraju. Treba reci da je tada i Dolgopolov podigao igru, a on bas zna biti odlican i prelep za gledanje. Ipak, Rafa je kiksao i nije uspeo dovesti treci set bar do tie-breka.
    U svakom slucaju fina priprema za Wimbledon, vreme za odmor ima, a i vreme da popravi neke finese. Mnogo zavisi i od zreba, ali fakt je da u boljoj formi na travi nije usao na Wimbledon, sigurno pet godina, od 2010 godine.


    • Originally posted by Niki View Post
      NI uvek napravi dobru analizu, bez obzira za koga je rec.
      Slazem se inace da nije ovo toliko bitan poraz, jer igra je bila ceo mec na nivou. Problem je bio bas taj pad krajem treceg seta, kada nije uspeo odrzati brejk prednosti i privesti mec kraju. Treba reci da je tada i Dolgopolov podigao igru, a on bas zna biti odlican i prelep za gledanje. Ipak, Rafa je kiksao i nije uspeo dovesti treci set bar do tie-breka.
      U svakom slucaju fina priprema za Wimbledon, vreme za odmor ima, a i vreme da popravi neke finese. Mnogo zavisi i od zreba, ali fakt je da u boljoj formi na travi nije usao na Wimbledon, sigurno pet godina, od 2010 godine.
      I tvoja analiza je odlična.

      Rafa je u potpunosti spreman za Wimbledon. Dodatno če još nabrusiti formu u dublima u Quensu. Dubli su uvijek dobar trening za return, servis i volley, a baš return ne ide najbolje kod Rafe. Inače sam primijetio, da bi Rafa bolje mogao koristiti BH slice i koji put upotrebiti taj udarac kao prilazak na mrežu.


      • Originally posted by jacques9 View Post
        Jako dobra analiza. Treba Rafi još vremena da u potpunosti popravi samopouzdanje. Baš je zanimivo, da kad Rafa jednom izgubi sa nekim igračem kojeg je u prošlosti uvijek pobeđivao, onda izgubi i drugi put
        Imao je protiv Verdasca H2H 11:0 (ili nešto slično) a onda izgubi 2 puta za redom
        Imao je protiv Dolgopolova H2H 5:0 a onda izgubi 2 puta za redom
        Imao je protiv Wawrinke H2H 12:0 (ili nešto slično) a onda izgubi 2 puta za redom
        Imao je protiv Fogninija H2H 4:0 (ili nešto slično) a onda izgubi 2 puta za redom

        kad može jednom, može i drugi put.
        To je jedan od Rafinih objektivnih problema. Drugi igraci ga se ne boje kao nekada. Ne gube meceve u svlacionici. Ali to je problem i za Federera a, za sada u manjoj mjeri, i Novaka. Ne vjerujem da bi Vavrinka dobio finale RG-a da nije pobijedio Novaka u Australiji. Efekt tog problema je zapravo dvostruk. S jedne strane se drugi ne boje velike cetvorke, s druge strane ni cetvorka vise nije potpuno samouvjerena kada igra protiv njih.


        • Originally posted by NI View Post
          To je jedan od Rafinih objektivnih problema. Drugi igraci ga se ne boje kao nekada. Ne gube meceve u svlacionici. Ali to je problem i za Federera a, za sada u manjoj mjeri, i Novaka. Ne vjerujem da bi Vavrinka dobio finale RG-a da nije pobijedio Novaka u Australiji. Efekt tog problema je zapravo dvostruk. S jedne strane se drugi ne boje velike cetvorke, s druge strane ni cetvorka vise nije potpuno samouvjerena kada igra protiv njih.
          NI,da se Wawrinka bojao Novaka,ne bi on onako odigrao na Ao 2013, pa i godinu kasnije,problem je sto Novak nikada nije imao i nema taj autoritet koji imaju Rafa i pre svega Roger,ipak se zna ko su dvojica najvecih,Novak je imam osecaj tu izvisio,nikad mi nije bilo jasno kako su Rafa i Roger u periodu dominacije uvek stizali do finala,ali razlog je strahopoštovanje koje su protivnici osećali prema njima,pre svega zbog medijske propagande i fenomena Fedal,mediji danas ne stvaraju sliku Novaka kao dominantnog,najveceg,najboljeg,najvise zato sto su Rafa i Roger i dalje prisutni,sto se tice aspekta strahopoštovanja prema protivniku,nazalost postoji samo velika dvojka,a ne velika četvorka

          Neka neko prebaci u drugu temu,ako nije za ovu
          Last edited by Srkisa; 17-06-15, 12:19.


          • Srkisa,

            Tema je o Nadalu pa de ne ulazimo previse u Vavrinku.

            Daleko najveci autoritet je imao Rafa na sljaci. Sada je taj autoritet nagrizen. Federer je imao ogromni autoritet na svim podlogama osim sljake do negdje 2010. Od tada njegov autoritet slabi. Jos se drzi samo medju onima koji su puno gubili puno od njega prije 2010. (Ferer npr.) Ta generacija je na izmaku. Novakov autoritet je u ovom trenutku najveci. To je i normalno. Svjedno, on sigurno nikada nece biti na nivou Nadalovog autoriteta na sljaci. I to je normalno. Da li ce biti na nivou Federerovog iz 2006? Ne vjerujem.


            • Ako gledamo sa igračkom aspekta kad ga usporedim sa najboljim godinama Rafa je strašno izgubio na returnu. Ima velike probleme, da čita servis.
              Kretanje je OK. Kad sam ga gledao na ATP u RImu u živo meni se činilo kao da leti po terenu. Ne verujem, da je puno izgubio na eksplosivnosti.

              Ove godine je fizički fit - bez ozljeda i barem v tom aspektu je za sada više ne odlično.

              Servis je bio u Studgardu bolji nego ikada (na nivoju US opena 2010)

              Volely je bolji nego ikada i tu Rafa napreduje iz godine u godinu.

              Bh spin mu nikad nije bio najjače oružje. Ove godine ga igra sa oscilacijama - nekad dobro nekad totalno bez feelinga kao u 1.setu protiv Troickog v studgardu - mislim da je privh 10 BH izbacio u out.
              BH slice je opet druga priča: Rafa ima dobar osječaj za taj udaraj ali nikako da ga upotrebi kako treba. Zbog čega ne napada sa BH sliceom na mrežu kad ima priliki za to na travu samo on i Toni mogu da pojasne.Kad imaš tako dobar volley treba li to više puta izkoristiti.
              BH slice mogao bi biti i dobro oružje da se suprostavi odličnom BH-u Novaka, Andija, Stana i Keia. zbog čega ne raditi na tom udarci i ga usavršiti kad ima potencial za to?

              Bitan dio analize je najvažniji njegov udarac FOREHEND. PUno više greši nego na FH strani nego u prošlosti. Kao da nema više osječaj za kontrolu. Kad pokuša nešto jače sve leti van
              U 2013 je tako dobro odigravao FH inside - outside sa viperom a ove godine viper se nikada ne viđa. Opet konstantno lupa laso na inside - outside ali naravno da laso ne može biti tako ubojit kao viper.
              Laso FH paralela nikad da uče u sam čošak. Uvijek leti van.
              Kado usporedimo njegov broj UNFORCED errors za osnovne linije sa najboljim godinama boli glava koliko je sad slabiji u toj kategoriji. Pa opet ne mislim, da je tu razlog kretanje.

              Nedostatak samopouzdanja, loš return, slabija kontrola Fh za osnovne linije, neodigravanje FH viper na inside- outside su glavni razlog, da Rafa nije više onja stari.

              Ja sam optimist i vjerujem, da če se stvari brzo popraviti.


              • 3 reasons why Rafael Nadal can win Wimbledon
                With Wimbledon starting next week we break down three reasons why two-time champion Rafael Nadal can win his third title at the Grand Slam.
                1. Rafael Nadal’s injury concerns seem to have subsided

                After an injury and illness marred 2014 Nadal’s injury worries seem to be behind him - for the time being anyway. “The first three and a half months of the season were terrible for me, very bad,” Nadal said. “But I feel I am playing better now, my knees are fine, and if my knees are fine I have chances to compete well.”

                Following his early loss at Queen’s last week he also told reporters that he planned to be 100 per cent fit for Wimbledon. “The good thing is that I am positive mentally,” Nadal said. “I’m playing well and I hope to have some more good days of practice here and then some good days at home. I’m going to come back strong and get a good week of training before Wimbledon and I hope to be 100 percent fit to play at Wimbledon. Today was a good motivation for me. I lost today when I had the chance to win, but that’s it, that’s tennis on grass.”

                He has also managed to play more matches than Novak Djokovic (53) and Roger Federer (40) this season to date and despite not having as much success as either Djokovic or Federer, it is nevertheless a good sign for Nadal who was forced to play a reduced schedule last season, which included missing the US Open due to a wrist injury.

                2. Nadal won his first grass-court title since 2011 in Stuttgart

                Nadal defeated Marcos Baghdatis, Bernard Tomic, Gael Monfils and Viktor Troicki to clinch the Mercedes Cup title in Stuttgart straight off the back of his French Open disappointment. It marked his first grass-court title since he triumphed at Wimbledon in 2011 and it proved he is still a threat on grass despite an up-and-down season. "Since 2011, I didn't play a final on grass, so finally to win a title again after five years on grass is very good news for my game, for my mentality too and at the same time is another title,” Nadal said.

                “I was not surprised that I lost at Roland Garros because I didn’t make the right things before the tournament,” he said.

                Nadal subsequently lost in the Queen’s opening round the week after, although the defeat could be used as a positive as it gave him an opportunity to rest ahead of the Grand Slam. “This week I lost an opportunity, but, you know, my feeling, my thoughts are no different today than yesterday. I am better, I am playing better than before, and enjoying more on court than before. Today I lost. I accept. I keep going. I’m [going to] keep practicing hard,” Nadal said following the loss.

                “I have been traveling a lot this year. Since the beginning of the season I have been playing some more tournaments than usual, normal when you don't win that match. But at the same time I need my timings and I need my periods of rest. After Roland Garros, I only came back home for two days and I was flying to Stuttgart to prepare the tournament.

                “It will be great if I can be here for a few more days and can practice a little bit more and then have period of three days at home and then come back. That's my idea.”

                3. Nadal has won the most amount of grass court matches in the lead up to Wimbledon since he triumphed at the Grand Slam in 2008

                Irrespective of his poor clay-court form (compared to his standards), Nadal has in fact been his most impressive on grass to date this season, since he managed to win the Wimbledon title in 2008. He may not have won a Grand Slam title leading up to Wimbledon for the first time in eleven years, although Nadal has won four grass-court matches already this season, which is more than he has won in the lead-up to the Grand Slam for the past six years. He won five in 2008 to triumph at The Artois Championships before he defeated Roger Federer to win his maiden Wimbledon title.

                There is no doubt that Nadal is entering Wimbledon slightly less confident than previous years and a lot could come down to his draw. He has suffered early exits at the Grand Slam over the past three years, as he has not advanced beyond the fourth round since he reached the final in 2011. But the current World No. 10 has still reached the Wimbledon final on five occasions and he is a two-time champion.


                • Rafa trenutno igra egzibiciju protiv Hasea i vodi sa 1-0 u setovima, tacnije 6-4. Vrlo solidno izdanje, servira odlicno, voleji su besprekorni. Kao za egzibiciju za sada je odlicno.


                  • Kako je return funkcionirao Stefane? Po meni je to trenutno najslabiji deo igre koji Nadal mora popraviti da bi imao sanse protiv Murray-a u 1/4 finalu. Servis funkcionise odlicno po Nadalovih standardi jos od RG-a. Brzina prvog i preko 200 km, slice i kick drugog vise nego solidni. Udarci iz igre na solidan nivo mada malo nekonstantni. Return je protiv Viktora bio ocajan, tokom prvog seta Rafa je osvojio samo 3 poena na servu Viktora u 6 gemova i da nije Viktor puko u tie-breaku mec bi se vrlo lako mogao zavrsiti drugacije.


                    • Healthy Nadal in a better state of mind

                      For the first time since he was 17 years old, Rafael Nadal will arrive at the wrought-iron gates of the All England Club without the self-confidence that comes from being the French Open champion -- or the title-holder at any of the Grand Slams. Stopped in the quarterfinals at Roland Garros by Novak Djokovic, Nadal's second-ever defeat at the tournament, the Majorcan enters the lawns of Wimbledon with an air of uncertainty. Though he won Stuttgart last week, Nadal then encountered some turbulence at last week's Aegon Championships at London's Queen's Club, where he was beaten in the opening round.

                      "With every defeat, you feel less confident," said Toni Nadal, Rafa's longtime coach. "It's a pity that Rafael hasn't had a very good year, and that he has had more defeats than ever and more defeats than is normal. That's our problem. Rafael's game isn't bad, it's just that he needs more confidence."

                      Although Toni suggested Nadal could be the champion at the All England Club this summer -- which would give him a third Wimbledon title -- he put him behind Djokovic, Andy Murray, Roger Federer and perhaps even Stan Wawrinka in the list of contenders for the golden, pineapple-topped trophy. Much could depend, Toni said, of Rafa's draw; if the 14-time Slam champion makes it into the second week, such a run could give him more confidence in his grass-court game. Then "anything is possible."

                      In this newly extended grass-court season, with the period between the European Slams extended from two to three weeks, Nadal was the only one of the Big Four players to compete in the opening week of the swing. And his commitment was rewarded at the new grass-court tournament in Stuttgart, where he won for the first time in five years before falling at the Queen's Club.

                      "When Rafael played in Stuttgart, he beat some good players to win the title, and he made a good tournament," said Toni, who was promoting his nephew's academy, which is under construction in Majorca. "Before Rafael came here to London, I was thinking that his game is good. ... Rafael didn't play badly [at the Queen's Club], though he had some chances in the final set. But now he begins again and he tries again. I still think it's possible for him to make a good tournament at Wimbledon."

                      The last time Nadal played Wimbledon without the status of being the Roland Garros champion was 2003. (He didn't play in 2004 or 2009, which was the first time he experienced defeat in Paris.) The Wimbledon champion in 2008 and 2010, as well as the runner-up in 2006, 2007 and 2011, Nadal hasn't had the easiest of times at the All England Club in recent years.

                      After losing in the second round in 2012 to Lukas Rosol, which is regarded as one of the biggest upsets in the tournament's history, Nadal lost a round earlier in 2013 against Belgium's Steve Darcis. Last summer, Nadal was unseated by the insolence of youth, losing in the fourth round to Nick Kyrgios, with the young Australian even hitting a through-the-legs shot against the former champion on Centre Court.

                      Can Nadal put himself level with John McEnroe and Boris Becker with three Wimbledon titles?

                      "In the last few years, Rafael has had many problems with the knees when he has been playing at Wimbledon," Toni said. "It has been difficult for him to play at Wimbledon. Last year was a little different, and this year his knees are so much better. I believe he can win Wimbledon this year. For me, yes, that is possible, but it's true that he's not one of the biggest favorites.

                      "There are many favorites ahead of Rafael. But over five sets, Rafael has more possibilities, because a match doesn't run so fast as it did here at Queen's. A lot depends on the draw, and whether you are lucky. At Wimbledon, if you can make the second week, anything is possible."


                      • Originally posted by Draganot View Post
                        Kako je return funkcionirao Stefane? Po meni je to trenutno najslabiji deo igre koji Nadal mora popraviti da bi imao sanse protiv Murray-a u 1/4 finalu. Servis funkcionise odlicno po Nadalovih standardi jos od RG-a. Brzina prvog i preko 200 km, slice i kick drugog vise nego solidni. Udarci iz igre na solidan nivo mada malo nekonstantni. Return je protiv Viktora bio ocajan, tokom prvog seta Rafa je osvojio samo 3 poena na servu Viktora u 6 gemova i da nije Viktor puko u tie-breaku mec bi se vrlo lako mogao zavrsiti drugacije.
                        Pa s obzira na to da je bila egzibicija izgledao solidno, ali ne moze da se stekne pravi utisak. FH je bio dobar, pogodjivao je neke odlicne paralele, ako vrati taj udarac ima prostor za pozitivno razmisljanje.


                        • Originally posted by Stefan-kobe View Post
                          Pa s obzira na to da je bila egzibicija izgledao solidno, ali ne moze da se stekne pravi utisak. FH je bio dobar, pogodjivao je neke odlicne paralele, ako vrati taj udarac ima prostor za pozitivno razmisljanje.
                          FH paralela je dobro radila i u Stutgardu. Ono što brine je return. Svakako se slažem, da je trenutačno najslabiji dio Nadalove igre return, a protiv tako razpoloženom Murraya (ako do tog meća v Wimbledonu dođe) treba popraviti i igru sa osnovne linije te se dobro pripremiti na Muruyeve BH diagonale koje Andy igra ubitačno u poslednje vreme.


                          • Ako dođe do tog meča Rafa ga dobija.


                            • Idemo #15
                              1. Andrey Rublev
                              2. Thanasi Kokkinakis
                              3. Alexander Zverev
                              4. Ernesto Escobedo

                              Renesansa tenisa u 2016 godini.


                              • Koliko ce ovaj covek puta ove godine da nas sve razocara? Svaki veci turnir do 3 kola, i onda hajde kuci i prelaz na drugu podlogu. Ovo je neverovatno kolko je ovo frustrirajuce. Ovaj Rafa protiv onog iz 2010 ne bi uzeo 5 gemova. Sa ovakvim servisom ni zenski Vimbldon ne bi osvojio. I sutra na netu, Rafa pise dovidjenja trava, idemo na beton. A Vimbldon ni u drugu nedelju nije usao. Nikad vise "onakav" Rafa nece biti. A po meni onda ni sam tenis.
                                Last edited by miki7878; 02-07-15, 20:47.

