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ATP - Rafael Nadal

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  • Sretno sutra i da pogledamo još jedan epski duel sa Novakom Đokovićem.


    • Komentatori na kanadskoj TSN televiziji su bukvalno pravili sprdnju od Endija, morala sam i ja da se smejem od muke na neke njihove izjave.

      Srećno u finalu Rafa
      "It's not a good idea to look at Tommy Shelby the wrong way..."


      • La Famillia


        • Mora bas veliko cudo da se dogodi da sa ovakvom igrom pobedi Novaka.


          • Originally posted by Jigsaw92 View Post
            Mora bas veliko cudo da se dogodi da sa ovakvom igrom pobedi Novaka.
            Bas je zabrinjavajuce sto je izgubio 6 gemova protiv Mareja
            It's not who you are underneath, it's what you do that defines you


            • OVAJ INTERVIEW RAFE sa L`Equipom je zaista super...........

              The Spaniard talked of his emotions, tears, superstitions and lies, or as he calls it, "omissions"…

              The day when you completely used the wrong tactic

              “Ouh, so many times! Many times, however, luckily I managed to change the wrong tactic during the same match and find a better one. For example in Rome against Murray this year, I really did the wrong choice in the first set (6-1 for the Brit)…

              They day when Marinko Matosevic kicked your bottles in Monte-Carlo

              “It was funny. No I never thought for a second that he was trying to make me nervous. It was a joke, so there was no problem. Where do all my superstitions come from? Well, it all started when I was very young. I don’t really know why I started to all of this. But they interfere with me, yes, they disturb me a bit. Could I ever play a match without doing all of that? I think I could. For sure I could one day play without touching my nose and pulling my hair back. I could one day play without positioning my bottles in front of my chair. But no, I will never be able to stop pulling my underwear before serving. That I can’t do (laughing)!”.

              The day when you saw for the first time pictures of yourself and your girlfriend in swimsuits

              “It’s life. Personally, I don’t really like this concept. I don’t really find it normal that no matter who can take a photo of you no matter when or where and make it public without your authorization".

              The day when the doctor said you career was in danger because of a foot injury

              “It was a tough day. It came in a moment when I was just starting my career. I had just done my first very good season (winning his first title in Paris) and then…I always said that it was the toughest day of my entire career. It was harder to deal with, more than all I had to go through with my knees. In fact, the toughest day regarding my knee was arrived in 2012. I had already won 11 Grand Slam titles, don’t even remember how many Masters 1000, I had achieved things I never thought I could, and not just in tennis, but also with my life. Even if I had to stop then, I would have had something to be proud of, a great career. The foot injury came at the beginning. I didn’t cry in front of the doctors, but when I got back home, yes, I cried. I was afraid I would never have a chance to live my passion”.

              The day when you cried watching a movie

              “Well, I cry incredibly often when watching a movie. Which movie? Pff…there are too many, it really happens to me a lot”.

              The day when the world of sports made you cry

              “I cried the day that Federer won the French Open in 2009. It really touched me. He really deserved to win this tournament, after all the finals and semifinals he played. He really deserved to have all 4 Grand Slam titles. I also cried when Spain won the Soccer World Cup in South Africa (Rafa was there)”.

              The day when you lied in a press conference

              “Lied? I don’t really have the habit of lying. Sometimes I just don’t say things, it’s different (smiling). If I understand Gulbis when he says our press conferences are boring? I respect his opinion, but I like politeness, good manners. Then, what is good for me may not be good for others. My battle is on court, not outside. The lack of respect, the trash-talking, the little fights, the arrogant attitudes, that’s really not very important to me. Do the show before or after? Not my thing, sorry”.

              The day when you were most scared before a match

              “Fear? I would say at the 2012 French Open final. Because of the rain? Because of Djokovic? No, it was because I had just lost the 3rd consecutive Slam final against Novak (Wimbledon and the US Open, 2011 and Australian Open 2012). That final was incredibly important to me. The night before I couldn’t really sleep”.

              The day when the crowd on the Center Court in Paris wanted to see you losing

              “That day (against Soderling in 2009) it really wasn’t great. What wasn’t cool was to feel people wanted you to lose, in a place you love and you always loved more than anywhere else. The crowd wasn’t really for my opponent, they wanted me to lose. I think it’s the sport. Sometimes people just get really tired of seeing always the same person winning. They were more against what I represented, than against me. Me, I didn’t do anything wrong (laughs). Anyways, what hurt me the most that day was losing, but then I had to accept it. My relationship with the French crowd only got better and better from that day on”.


              • Originally posted by Jigsaw92 View Post
                Mora bas veliko cudo da se dogodi da sa ovakvom igrom pobedi Novaka.
                Ako pričaš o cijeloj sezoni na šljaci in poslednjim 4 mečeva sa Novakom potpuno si u pravu. Ako pričaš o meču sa Murreyem onda znači, da nisi gledao meč. Protiv Murreya je Rafa odigrao daleko najbolji meč u ovoj godini a i možda u karieri. Istina,da je Murrey igrao očajno ali ono što je Rafa odigravao sa forehendom bilo je vanzemaljsko.


                • Originally posted by jacques9 View Post
                  Ako pričaš o cijeloj sezoni na šljaci in poslednjim 4 mečeva sa Novakom potpuno si u pravu. Ako pričaš o meču sa Murreyem onda znači, da nisi gledao meč. Protiv Murreya je Rafa odigrao daleko najbolji meč u ovoj godini a i možda u karieri. Istina,da je Murrey igrao očajno ali ono što je Rafa odigravao sa forehendom bilo je vanzemaljsko.
                  Mislim na generalno celu sezonu i na meceve sa Novakom Protiv Mareja je sve bilo odlicno.


                  • E tako, moram i ovde nešto da napišem još pre meča. Premda sam sa jednim drugarom ovde izgubila bila opkladu a on je, znajući koliko volim Novaka, smislio paprenu kaznu pa sam morala da pratim Rafine mečeve, radujem se njegovim pobedama, lajkujem njegove stranice na fejsu, itd. itd..
                    Ipak, nisam mogla da uradim ono zadnje a to je da danas navijam za Rafu, jednostavno to je jače od mene i ne mogu da foliram to. Ali gledajući Rafine mečeve na ovom turniru zaista jesam stekla simpatije prema njemu i mnogo više ga volim nego ranije. Samoinicijativno sam gledala ostale njegove mečeve preko YT-a i zaista uživala. Kao klasičan Novakovac, obično gledam samo njegove mečeve ali od sada ću dosta pratiti i Rafu, navijati za njega protiv ostalih tenisera na turu (osim protiv zna se koga ) i zaista veliko poštovanje ukazujem njemu, njegovom teniskom umeću i dosadašnjoj karijeri.

                    Danas neka pobedi bolji, ja se nadam da će to biti Novak, i da ovo finale bude samo još jedno u nizu sjajnih i uzbudljivih finala koja nas čekaju između ove dvojice majstora belog sporta.
                    "It's not a good idea to look at Tommy Shelby the wrong way..."



                      Vrh vrhova nemam rijeci!!!
                      9 putaaaaaaa

                      Sent from my GT-S6310 using Tapatalk


                      • 9-i Roland Garros u karijeri, imao sam osecaj da ce pobediti kada prestanem da gledam posto sam isao na fudbal u 17h.
                        U prvom setu dosta losa igra, Nole bio mnogo bolji, bio sam uveren da ce i dobiti Nole na kraju.

                        Meni je malo glupo sto moram da navijam protiv Djokovica, ali Rafu pratim odavno, jos od pocetka njegove karijere i jednostavno nikada nisam mogao da "zavolim" Noleta vise od Rafe pored svega sto je Nole uradio u karijeri, a bogami i za Srbiju...
                        Originally posted by maliajnstajn
                        Arsenal ako uzme narednih 5 tekmi, uzima i titulu, nema previse tu filozofije.


                        • Cestitke.
                          Dayman (a-a-ah...)
                          Fighter of the Nightman (a-a-ah...)
                          Champion of the sun (a-a-ah...)
                          You're a master of karate and friendship
                          For everyone


                          • čestitke Stefanu, Jigsaw-u, Niki, Dinu i ostalima..
                            Originally posted by gokara
                            Valjda ćemo dočekati dan da kloniraju Federera pa da možemo da ne gasimo televizore kad igraju svi koji nisu Federer i uživamo u meču Federer-Federer.


                            • Nema se sta mnogo reci..Sampionsko je opet pobedilo..Hvalaaaa Rafaaaaaa legendooooo


                              • Legendo, ne mogu da opisem kako sam srecan. Sampione, nek ti se mnozu titule


