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ATP - Rafael Nadal

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      Saturday, July 05, 2008

      The night eight paparazzi attacked me

      First of all I would like to apologize for not sending this blog post last night as usual. I always do it after dinner while I'm at the massage table and my physio works on me. I dictate it and my PR manager writes it. This is how I have been doing it every day. But yesterday we finished late with all the post-match obligations such as TV Interviews and greeting the people that came yesterday from Spain and receiving a media prize. All in all, over two hours of work. That's OK, but then I had told my family that we were going out for dinner. Most part of my family has arrived and therefore we just don't fit in the house for dinner. So we decided to go out. I have only gone out for dinner twice during these 16 days here at Wimbledon. I went out the first time for Albert Costa's birthday surprise dinner and last night. It was late (midnight) when I came back and I was tired. We worked a bit on the table but I really didn't have time for the blog. Sorry.

      One thing that did surprise me yesterday was the eight paparazzi waiting for me at a restaurant. I didn't tell anyone I was going out and when I arrived they sort of attacked me. I don't know if this is the right word, but believe me it was strange. Too much. I am a person that always works with media, does interviews with them, works closely with them, but I don't find it fair that when I have a few hours free, with my family, simply going for dinner, they persecute me and get those pictures that they sell. I am a public figure, I understand, but I don't live off publicity. I live off what I do on-court. I work there. But I feel this thing last night was too much. I am not complaining since it is not my style, and I am not going to hide and not go out because there might be paparazzi but I just find it unfair. But as I say this is the way it is and hopefully society will one day go against this kind of people.


      • Odg: ATP - RAFAEL NADAL

        Saturday, July 05, 2008
        Questions for Rafa: giving up tennis, biting trophies, playing McEnroe

        Has there ever been a moment when you wanted to give up tennis, especially during everyday practice sessions which must be boring and tiring at times? How do you get through that?
        Harriet, Bedford

        : No, I have always enjoyed tennis. Sure you have bad moments but I never think like that.

        Are you a rough sleeper, meaning you usually wake up with your sheets, pillows, and hair all messed up?
        Brandy, Memphis

        : Yes.

        How does it feel to be doing so well at Wimbledon
        Veronica Romm

        : It feels great but there is one more match to go. I am the same as last year but with more experience.

        Why do you bite your trophies when you win them?
        Jacqueline Gilzene

        : I started when I won the first one and I just keep on doing it. Something like a brand mark?

        What is it that your Uncle Toni has done and continues to do that supports and inspires you so?
        Claire Packham

        : Lot of things everyday. He is a wise person and I know he will always be there for me.

        When you are on the tour, who looks after all your kit? Typically, going to a grand slam, how many tops/shorts/shoes do you take?

        : Nike brings me the kit I need and a number of everything, shirts, shorts, shoes, etc. If I am running short they always have some extra stuff. There is a guy called Roy who is a great, great guy that is always there ready. Roy is simply the best.

        Is renting a house unique to Wimbledon
        Lynn, Surrey

        : Wimbledon is the only time I do this. It is simply convenient.

        This is a rather personal question. When you go for a toilet break during a match, how close do the officials have to get? Jenny

        : Very close. Too close?

        Do the players get to have a say about the umpires at tournaments, particularly if a player thinks an umpire has made bad calls? Is there a way for players to give feedback to make sure the umpires are professional?
        Anna, Brisbane

        : We can always talk to the ATP Tour Manager or Supervisor and complain. I have only done it once. I think they do a good job in general.

        Which retired player would you most like to play?
        Katie, Kettering

        : I practiced with John McEnroe the other day. I wish it was him tomorrow in the final and not Roger... :-)

        I've read that when you're at home in Mallorca you enjoy going to the beach. What do you like to do there? Surfing? Volleyball? Building sand castles?
        Katie, UK

        : Just swimming, maybe doing some sports and what I like most is to go on the boat.

        Do you think that one reason why fans feel a special connection with you is because many of them have either watched your uncle during his football days?
        Leonora Seah, Singapore

        : Maybe but I think most of them don't see the association.


        • Odg: ATP - RAFAEL NADAL

          Samo napred Rafa idemo na pobedu


          • Comment

            • Odg: ATP - RAFAEL NADAL

              VAN SEBE SAM!!! VAMOS VAMOS VAMOS!!! Rafa je propustio mnoge shanse protiv iskusnijeg Feda, ali srecom mu se to nije boilo o glavu!!! Novi W.!!!
              Chestitke i za Feda, igrao je fenomenalno!!!



              • Odg: ATP - RAFAEL NADAL

                Potpuno zasluzena pobjeda iako se Federer nije dao do samog kraja.Ovaj put je presudila jaca psiha i mislim veca zelja za trofejom,mada je malo glupo reci da ga FedEx nije zelio...U svakom slucaju sve cestitke navijacima Rafaela Nadala.


                • Odg: ATP - RAFAEL NADAL

                  Hvaaaaaalaaaaaa Max!!! :-* :-* :-* :-*


                  • Odg: ATP - RAFAEL NADAL

                    evo kada sam se odjavio sa ovog turnira obe?ao sam da ?u se vratiti da ?estitam pobedniku pa evo to ?inim ovom prilikom i na ovom mestu:...
                    sve ?estitke najbolji je pobedio.


                    • Odg: ATP - RAFAEL NADAL

                      Dopao mi se ovaj ?lanak napisan 30. juna, ali nisam smela da ga postujem zbog sujeverja. Naro?ito poslednji deo u ?lanku.


                      INTERVIEW | Rafa Nadal

                      "Being number one is closer and it's possible"

                      Rafael Nadal Parera starts the second week at Wimbledon today against Mikhail Youzhny in quest of his third final and his first title at the All England Club, where Roger Federer is chasing his sixth consecutive title. On the eve of the match, Nadal spoke frankly to AS.


                      Q: Some years ago, almost everybody thought Nadal could be a great player on clay, but it didn't occur to anyone that you might begin to play finals at Wimbledon. Sincerely, what do you think today when you recall these views?

                      I've never thought that reaching a Wimbledon final was unattainable. Difficult, yes, difficult for everybody, as difficult as for anybody else. Because of the surface, the mentality... but well, a bit like all the big tournaments. Roland Garros, the US Open and the Australian Open are also very tough tournaments, and it shows. Each one has its reasons for being hard, and this one has its own. But, it can now be seen that in no way is it unattainable. The facts show that we Spaniards have taken a leap forward on this surface, on grass.

                      Q: Looking back, since 2004 when you started to win so many things, how have you done what you have done? Have you looked for explanations for it?

                      The only explanation is mentality. Wanting to do it. Almost nothing occurs by itself. You know some things, of course, but you have to adapt yourself and work to achieve the majority. If you want to do things and you do them, then you can begin to have options.

                      Q: For some time now, it seems as if Nadal has been placed in a panoply or showcase of the grand stars of a Spanish sport that's about to take off. It's always been the same names, until now when football is having its turn: Alonso, Nadal, Gasol, Pedrosa, in whatever order you please. How do you evaluate this?

                      I do my thing, I'm involved in what I do. If it goes well, perfect. I live my epoch, this epoch.

                      Q: You do what you do so well, although it's not openly admitted, that your performance on grass has led to three Spaniards being in the fourth round at Queen's this year.

                      Just a moment, I'm not an introvert, Shy, yes. Introvert, no. I open up quite a lot to people.

                      (The group headed by his Uncle Toni have a few things to say to him about this statement, but Rafael Nadal won't hear of it and, though thoughtful, persists: "That I don't open up to people?")

                      Q: Leaving the nuances on one side, let's continue with that competiveness; because it's what strikes one's attention most about Nadal.

                      The only thing is that I love competition. I want to win, to win always. Winning is the only motivation. It's what tastes best, the best that can happen to you. That's what makes me devote the maximum time to this.

                      Q: And don't you have moments of distress? I mean, moments when, because of the tension and everything there is on top of that, you really want to give everything up, or you wonder to yourself: "What am I doing here?"

                      There are good moments and bad moments. Nobody is born touched by God. But the bad moments make you appreciate the good ones more. I could almost say that those bad moments are necessary for you to learn to savour the good ones afterwards.

                      Q: Some bullfighter once said something like: "Misfortune and success go together".

                      I didn't know that. Well, then, something like that.

                      (He thinks for a moment, and responds without hesitation) Federer.

                      Q: With Federer ahead of you and all that this involves, including a possible meeting in the Wimbledon final, are you still planning on being number one?

                      How am I not going to have it in my plans, if I've been at number two for four years? Being number one is possible, of course it's possible. I would even say that it's nearer this year.

                      Q: And, reaching number one, requires..

                      Obviously, winning this tournament, and then having a good American tour, something that's also very tough.

                      Q: Off the courts, does Nadal have heroes? I mean, people you admire, people that inspire you or for whom you would do anything.

                      None in particular. I admire good people, people who do good things and don't wish anybody any harm.

                      Nadal takes a look at the marvellous court, the sanctuary of world tennis, and one likes to imagine that, with a week to go to a final he wants to win with all his heart, the lines by Rudyard Kipling that adorn the entrance to Centre Court, in the very heart of the All England Club, come into Rafael Nadal's head:

                      "If you can meet with triumph and disaster, and treat those two impostors, just the same". Then, wrote Kipling, "you will be a man". The next time Rafael Nadal sees that, before a final, those lines should be greeting a boy who has become a man: the new Wimbledon champion.)


                      • Odg: ATP - RAFAEL NADAL

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                        • Odg: ATP - RAFAEL NADAL

                          Enhorabuena campeon!!!!!!! Gracias Rafa !!!!!!!!!!!!!


                          • Odg: ATP - RAFAEL NADAL


                            Idemo dalje.


                            • Odg: ATP - RAFAEL NADAL

                              Hvala svima Goldi , Biljana, Max ..... mnogo vam hvala ...vecina nas jos od srece, napokon


                              • Odg: ATP - RAFAEL NADAL

