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ATP - Rafael Nadal

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  • Originally posted by zdravkelja View Post
    Nadal je fighter, vratice se on svakako, a najgore sto moze da prodje je da osvaja samo RG i Masterse na sljaci, sto nije lose.
    I to bi bilo dovoljno ;)
    Ocekujem revans za RG ;) ne moz' on sad tek tako da se povuce to ne bi bilo u redu prema Noletu
    "My body feels great. I mean, it´s only five hours"


    • Da je fighter to nije sporno i ja bih izuzetno voleo da se vrati, nedostaje tenisu mnogo, ali sam prilicno skeptican i sto se tice povratka i toga kako ce izgledati ako do povratka ipak dodje. Nadam se da gresim.
      Tom, your music is the best drinking partner I've ever had.


      • Comment

        • Daleko da je moguce porediti ova dva slucaja, ali Robert Kubica je nakon skoro fatalnog udesa planirao da se vrati trkama polovinom prosle sezone. Od toga je proslo godinu dana i ne izgleda kao da ce se vratiti u skorije vreme. Ono sto se moze porediti je to sto su svi govorili kako ce se brzo vratiti, a onda su polako pocele price o sve kasnije i sporijem oporavku... Sve ovo me nazalost podseca na to.


          • A ja bas mislim da ce se vratiti uskoro. Ne bi se prijavio na Beijing da je situacija previse kriticna. Mislim da se oporavlja polako.
            E sad, kako ce igrati- to stvarno ne znam... Mislim da ne treba ocekivati neke znacajnije rezultate do sledece sezone (ako se uopste vrati, naravno).
            Everything you want is on the other side of fear.


            • Rafa ce se vratiti pre ili kasniji i ce biti jaci nego ikad!!!


              • Evo prave kompilacije

                Opet nema banane sa meca protiv Verdasca
                Last edited by ; 01-09-12, 17:40.


                • Zanimljiva izjava

                  Juan David Castillo ‏@JuanDCastilloT
                  Rafael Nadal: "Si alguna persona dice que yo soy Mejor que ROGER, Yo pienso que esa persona No Sabe Nada acerca del Tenis"


                  • Originally posted by zdravkelja View Post
                    Zanimljiva izjava

                    Juan David Castillo ‏@JuanDCastilloT
                    Rafael Nadal: "Si alguna persona dice que yo soy Mejor que ROGER, Yo pienso que esa persona No Sabe Nada acerca del Tenis"
                    Trebao si prevod da stavis, nismo svi ovde Spanci (ako uopste ima takvih).

                    "Ако неко каже да сам бољи од Роџера, мислим да особа не зна ништа о тенису" ;)


                    • Nisam razmisljao, engleski, spanski, meni sve to isto


                      • Originally posted by zdravkelja View Post
                        Evo prave kompilacije

                        Opet nema banane sa meca protiv Verdasca
                        Naravno da nema, jer to nije bio passing shot. A video je kompilacija passing shotova
                        Everything you want is on the other side of fear.


                        • Rafa Nadal would not be at the Semifinals of the Davis Cup and will stop for the next 2 months

                          “I have to recover and I’ll be back once the pain is gone”

                          Manacor, Spain, September 3rd, 2012.- Spanish tennis star Rafael Nadal will not play in the next 2 months and will stop to rest and recover his knee. Among other things he won´t be able to be at the disposal of the Spanish Davis Cup captain for the semifinals tie against the USA.

                          Rafa has partial tear of the patella tendon at the distal pole of the patella plus an inflammation of the Hoffa’s fat pad of his left knee.

                          Since the diagnosis of that tear, Rafa has been receiving medical treatment consisting on specific medication, physical therapy and a progressive program of rehabilitation and muscular potentiation.

                          For Rafa Nadal “I have missed the Olympics and the US Open in the last few weeks, tow of the most important tournaments of the year and that I really wanted to play. I really want to be back competing and enjoying the tennis tour, but I have many years in front of me and my knee needs some rest. I will be back when I have no pain and able to compete with guarantee.

                          I feel better after the meeting with my doctors and happy knowing that the evolution of the past weeks has been positive and surgery has been avoided. I will continue to work with the plan my doctors have established to be able to compete as soon as possible in the right conditions.

                          I would also like to thanks all for the support I ma receiving these days.”


                          • Originally posted by zdravkelja View Post
                            Zanimljiva izjava

                            Juan David Castillo ‏@JuanDCastilloT
                            Rafael Nadal: "Si alguna persona dice que yo soy Mejor que ROGER, Yo pienso que esa persona No Sabe Nada acerca del Tenis"
                            Bas me zanima ko vise truda ulaze da poveruje u ovo Nadal ili Federer


                            • Pa pazi, njemu je Toni usadio nenormalnu skromnost, da je on sto se talenta tice inferiorniji od vecine igraca i da zato mora da radi i da daje sve od sebe. Tako da me ne bi cudilo da stvarno misli tako. Federeru je verovatno smesno


                              • Kako god, to sa talentom zvuci kao opravdanje za one koji ga kao imaju a ne mogu mu nista. Pobede se gledaju, pa zato sumnjam u iskrenost kad ovako govori.

