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  • #16
    Sutra nema spavanja, treninzi pocinju u 2h i 15min. posle ponoci, i tako do jutra,
    Jedva cekam.


    • #17
      Uf, tesko ce se ustati u 5h da se gledaju trke, verovatno cu gledati snimke trka, vidim da odmah repriziraju u podne Moto 2, i odmah zatim GP...
      Sta reci, ocekujem u 125-icama Zarka da se bori za prvu pobedu, i izbori za nju... Terol je po meni vec sampion, samo ga neki splet nekih nesrecnih
      okolnosti moze omesti u tome. Zasluzio je u potpunosti titulu, pa da ga vidimo sledece sezone u Moto 2 sa starim drugarima. Dizace mu se kosa na glavi...
      Moto 2, Markez deluje nezaustavljivo, ali ocekujem odgovor od Bradla. U Aragonu se uprkos problemima sa gumama borio do kraja, nadam se da ce ga to
      zaobici ovaj vikend i da cemo gledati zestok fight! A i Andrea je tu... iako imam neki predosecaj da cemo Smita videti medju prva tri... nadam se da cu
      dobro istipovati kladionicu, ha, ha...
      Moto GP, ocekujem da "dosadni nesampion" Stoner dodje do jos jednog trijumfa i voleo bih da u Australiji definitivno osvoji titulu. Zasluzio je takav scenario..
      Citam ovde da Stoner osvaja titulu zato sto ima mocnu Hondu, zato sto Lorencu nije tako zanimljivo da ulazi u duele sa njim kao onomad sa Rosijem, kako
      Rosi i ekipa ne mogu da nadju resenja za Dukati, pa jos ko zna koliko razloga da se ospori da Stoner nije za duele i bla, bla, bla...
      Cinjenica je da Kejsi nije zanimljiv lik van staze, moze se reci da je pomalo i dosadan. Ne svidja mi se sto je takav, ali kao vozaca ga izuzetno cenim i navijam
      za njega. Jeste, van staze je nezanimljiv, ali je zato na stazi ZVER...


      • #18
        Pa ti uopste nisi citao nase radove o sampionima, pa ni o Stoneru.
        Stoner je izuzetno pitom mladi covek, i na stazi i van nje.
        A to uopste ne umanjuje njegovo fenomenalno umece kada je u pitanju voznja motora.

        A sto se tice ustajanja, ja imam lek za to---uopste se i ne ide na spavanje.
        Moze se izdrzati 3 dana.
        Bar cu ja sve gledati direktno.
        Last edited by vesna8.11; 28-09-11, 23:34.


        • #19
          Citao sam vase radove, ne sve, ali o Stoneru sam procitao, naravno. Nekako imam utisak da se njegovi uspesi ne vrednuju na isti nacin kao uspesi nekih drugih...
          Kazu, ima najbolji motor. Pa, zar ga Pedrosa nema vec godinama, a rezultata nigde. Stoner prva sezona, i titula... pu, pu da ga ne ureknem...


          • #20
            Lose si protumacio procitano, Speed Master... Nisam siguran da je iko rekao da Stoner sigurno ne bi uzeo titulu da je Rossi u boljoj poziciji ili bilo sta slicno. Honda je napravila gotovo idealan motor, Stonerov izbor je da sa njim pobegne od ostalih, kad mu se za to ukaze prilika. Meni se, recimo, to ne svidja (i dosadno mi je), kao ni cinjenica da voli da prica o Ducatiju i o Rossiju... To je sve njegov izbor, kao sto je i Lorenzov izbor da kaze kako je sa Rossijem bilo zanimljivije ili bilo sta drugo...

            Stoner je sjajan vozac, kao trkac, pa bas i nije, kao uostalom ni Lorenzo... Sic je sjajan trkac, ali ne tako dobar vozac...


            • #21

              Ajmo Dani,do pobede ovaj vikend!!!

              26 godina puni,da mu se slaze sa brojem! ;)
              "The fact is that when my bike is prepared and I can ride like I want to, no one can beat me!"

              "I arrive. I see..... is possible. I go fast. I WIN!"

              "...Maverick Vinales, Marc Marquez, and it was Simoncelli. These are guys who were good figures for the sport. They always look to be having fun. There's always going to be the Pedrosas. There's always going to be the Stoners. But once Valentino is gone, all the character in the sport is gone. "



              • #22
                Ovako se počinje.

                Last edited by YAMAHAY; 29-09-11, 11:05.


                • #23
                  Web kamera sa staze u Motegiju
                  Last edited by YAMAHAY; 29-09-11, 11:10.


                  • #24
                    Zeko, srecan rodjendan!!! Zelim ti (a i nama) da Janone pobedi u nedelju!!!

                    Originally posted by vesna8.11 View Post

                    A sto se tice ustajanja, ja imam lek za to---uopste se i ne ide na spavanje.
                    Moze se izdrzati 3 dana.
                    Bar cu ja sve gledati direktno.
                    Pre izlaska sunca se budimo za trku u zemlji izlazeceg sunca!
                    Obzirom da na poslu imam Prajm i tamo sve trke gledam, mislim da ce nedelja biti dan kad sam na posao stigla 4 sata pre pocetka radnog vremena!
                    Last edited by Pablo; 29-09-11, 12:34.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Zeka29 View Post

                      Ajmo Dani,do pobede ovaj vikend!!!

                      26 godina puni,da mu se slaze sa brojem! ;)

                      Srecan rodjendan, Zeko !

                      Zelim ti da i Dani proslavi rodjendan pobedom. Rosi moze da bude i drugi.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by vesna8.11 View Post

                        Srecan rodjendan, Zeko !

                        Zelim ti da i Dani proslavi rodjendan pobedom. Rosi moze da bude i drugi.

                        Ne ne , rossi može da bude prvi a dani drugi :P :P , zeko nek ti je sretan koliko si ti napunio godina ?
                        Valentino Rossi #46



                        • #27
                          I od mene torta!


                          • #28
                            Hvala svima!!! nadajmo se prvenstveno zanimljivim trkama!

                            Vesti: Marquez ce u Valensiji "testirati" Hondu 1000cc

                            sto znaci da je LCR gotovo sigurno njegov...

                            EDIT: @VR46 napunio sam 5 manje nego Pedrosa ;)
                            "The fact is that when my bike is prepared and I can ride like I want to, no one can beat me!"

                            "I arrive. I see..... is possible. I go fast. I WIN!"

                            "...Maverick Vinales, Marc Marquez, and it was Simoncelli. These are guys who were good figures for the sport. They always look to be having fun. There's always going to be the Pedrosas. There's always going to be the Stoners. But once Valentino is gone, all the character in the sport is gone. "



                            • #29
                              Originally posted by YAMAHAY View Post
                              Ovako se počinje.

                              Mislim da rossi vozi ovo biciklo bolje bi imao rezultate nego na dukatiju HAHAHAHHAHAHA
                              Valentino Rossi #46



                              • #30
                                Zanimljivosti o trkama u Japanu!
                                299 – Casey Stoner’s win in Aragón was the 299th podium finish in the premier-class for Australian riders.

                                284 – In spite of having a non-score at the Spanish GP earlier in the year, when he was knocked off by Valentino Ros¬si, Casey Stoner’s current points total of 284 is just three points less than he had accumulated at the same stage of 2007 when he took his first MotoGP world title.

                                99 – The victory by Marc Márquez at Aragón was the 99th victory for Spanish riders in the intermediate-class of Grand Prix racing. Spanish riders won 85 times in the 250cc GP class and now have 14 victories in the Moto2 class.

                                63% – Marc Márquez has won 17 of the last 27 GP races that he has started in the 125cc and Moto2 classes, starting at the 125cc Italian Grand Prix last year when he took his very first GP win. This represents a 63% win rate over this 27 race period.

                                50 – Jones Folger is scheduled to make his 50th Grand Prix start at the Japanese GP. If he makes the start at Motegi he will become the third youngest rider ever to reach the milestone of 50 Grand Prix starts; only Scott Redding and Jorge Lorenzo have reached this milestone at a younger age.

                                44 – On the first day of practice at the Japanese Grand Prix it will be exactly 44 years since the Canadian GP took place at the Mosport circuit in 1967. This is the only time that a Grand Prix event has taken place in Canada and becau¬se of the extreme cold weather the 500cc race, won by Mike Hailwood (Honda), was reduced in distance by ten laps, but Hailwood’s winning time was still 1 hr 13 minutes 28.5 seconds. Hailwood also won the 250cc race and Bill Ivy (Yamaha) won the 125cc race.

                                38 – Casey Stoner’s victory at Aragón was the 38th GP win of his career. This places him equal 11th in the all-time GP winners list with great rival Jorge Lorenzo and John Surtees who won the 500cc title on four occasions and the 350cc title three times.

                                33 – There have been 33 previous Grand Prix events that have taken place in Japan. In addition to Motegi that has been used twelve times previously, Suzuka has hosted a Grand Prix event on 19 occasions and the Fisco circuit has been used twice.

                                26 – Dani Pedrosa celebrates his 26th birthday on the day before practice commences at the Japanese Grand Prix.

                                21 – Dominique Aegerter celebrates his 21st birthday on the first day of practice at the Japanese Grand Prix.

                                14 – Nico Terol’s victory in Aragon was the 14th successive win for Aprilia in the 125cc class. This is the longest se¬quence of successive wins ever achieved by Aprilia in the 125cc class.

                                13 – This will be the thirteenth occasion that a Grand Prix event has been held at the Motegi circuit. The first Grand Prix at Motegi was held in 1999 and the circuit has been used every year since.

                                12 – Casey Stoner has finished on the podium at the last twelve successive MotoGP races. In the 63 year history of motorcycle Grand Prix racing only five riders have finished on the podium in more than twelve successive premier class races: Valentino Rossi, Giacomo Agostini, Mick Doohan, Wayne Rainey and Jorge Lorenzo.

                                9 – Casey Stoner’s pole at Misano was his ninth of the year; this equals the record for most poles in a single season in the MotoGP era previously achieved by Stoner himself in 2008 and Valentino Rossi in 2003.

                                4 – Since the introduction of the four-stroke MotoGP formula in 2002, Ducati have been the most successful manufac¬turer in MotoGP at the Motegi circuit with four victories. Honda riders have won on three occasions and Yamaha twice.

                                3 – The three riders who have had most Grand Prix wins at the Motegi circuit, each having won on three occasions, are: Loris Capirossi (3 x MotoGP), Toni Elias (2 x 250cc, 1 x Moto2) and Mika Kallio (2 x 125cc, 1 x 250cc).

                                0 – None of the riders starting the 125cc race at the Japanese Grand Prix have previously won a GP race at the Motegi circuit.

                                0 – The number of victories for Honda at Motegi during the 800cc era of MotoGP. Makoto Tamada’s victory in 2004 was the last time that a Honda rider won the MotoGP race at Motegi

