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ARAGON, Velika nagrada Spanije

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  • Jaoj, zacrveneo sam se...


    • Vesti sa FBa
      Sandro Korteze: "A good first day of free practice!!i hope we still can improve a bit..and hopefully its not so hot then today!!"

      Ben Spiz 4 posta!
      1. "FP2 delayed"
      2. "if they can't fix it within 4,40, no practice"
      3. "OK, start at 16,20 Aragon time"
      4. "Another power shortage! Session cancelled"



      • Zavrsen je FP2, produzena verzija, za MotoGP, Rossi je vise napredovao nego Lorenzo i Pedrosa, to je stvarno odlicno, njemu posvecujem prvi deo jer je nadoknadio cak 1.2s u odnosu na FP1, taj prednji deo od aluminijuma (toes viljuske, negde sam procitao da su samo one od aluminijuma...) stvarno radi svoj posao, na Misanu je nadoknadio 1.1s tek kad je zavrsio kvalifikacije!!! Odusevljen sam, verujem da ce inzenjeri shvatiti sta jos treba srediti i da ce se to resiti u potpunosti do kraja sezone! Ni Hayden nije puno losiji, i on je dosta nadoknadio, definitivno se isplacuje taj deo... Ostali, Stoner izasao rano i odmah postavio najbrzi krug, kasnije je skino jos oko pola sekunde i to je vreme koje sad ima. Randy de Puniet je odvezao odlicno, i on je skinuo dosta, oko 1.2 takodje. Lorenzo je slabo odvezao, bio je svega 0.04s brzi od Doktora... , sta mu bi, pa ima sjajn motor, trebalo bi da je mnogo brzi od Doktora... Jos sad kad dobijaju sve pare od Yamahe...
        125cc: Zarco prvi, iskoristio hladnije jutro i odvezao sekund brze vreme nego juce, Vinales je tik uz njega, Danny Kent (lepo sam rekao da cu ga pratiti, evo, vec je pokazao zasto ) je na jos 0.1, to je sve treptaj oka... Terol tek 12. sa 1.5s zaostatka, jos kad bi tu ostao... Rezultati iscela:


        • FP2+FP3

          1. Casey Stoner AUS Repsol Honda 1m 49.272s
          2. Dani Pedrosa ESP Repsol Honda 1m 49.334s
          3. Randy de Puniet FRA Pramac Racing 1m 50.003s
          4. Andrea Dovizioso ITA Repsol Honda 1m 50.139s
          5. Marco Simoncelli ITA San Carlo Honda Gresini 1m 50.197s
          6. Ben Spies USA Yamaha Factory Racing 1m 50.376s
          7. Alvaro Bautista ESP Rizla Suzuki 1m 50.422s
          8. Jorge Lorenzo ESP Yamaha Factory Racing 1m 50.444s
          9. Valentino Rossi ITA Ducati Marlboro 1m 50.484s
          10. Nicky Hayden USA Ducati Marlboro 1m 50.567s
          11. Hector Barbera ESP Mapfre Aspar 1m 50.584s
          12. Cal Crutchlow GBR Monster Yamaha Tech 3 1m 50.690s
          13. Hiroshi Aoyama JPN San Carlo Honda Gresini 1m 50.760s
          14. Colin Edwards USA Monster Yamaha Tech 3 1m 50.898s
          15. Karel Abraham CZE Cardion AB Motoracing 1m 51.026s
          16. Loris Capirossi ITA Pramac Racing 1m 51.561s
          17. Toni Elias ESP LCR Honda 1m 51.882s


          • Konacno su se ovi iz Dukatija dozvali pameti i stavili klasican ram,mada je i bilo ocekivano da to sto pre urade.

            E sad bi i mozda mogli ocekivati neki bolji rezultat od Rosia.


            • Originally posted by YAMAHAY View Post

              8. Jorge Lorenzo ESP Yamaha Factory Racing 1m 50.444s
              9. Valentino Rossi ITA Ducati Marlboro 1m 50.484s
              Sto volim kad ih vidim zajedno!!!


              • i ja,ali u obrnutom redosledu
                don't be scared homie


                • Polako denia, ima jos kvalifikacije, pa trka... Sasvim je dovoljno vremena za to! Osim toga, samo se na trci dobijaju bodovi!

                  Kako se razbio Bradley, majko mila...


                  • Po mom misljenju Lorenco nema neke sanse da ucini bilo sta na ovoj trci.Ako uopste bude na postolju to treba da slavi kao pobedu.


                    • a mene zanima koji ce biti naslov knjige koju ce doticni izdati posle ove sezone
                      don't be scared homie


                      • Originally posted by denia_el View Post
                        a mene zanima koji ce biti naslov knjige koju ce doticni izdati posle ove sezone
                        Usponi i padovi.


                        • Sta, nesto u fazonu snoubording prirucnik... Idemo gore, idemo dole...

                          Marquez bije iz svih oruzja, spustio je ispod 54... STRASNO!!!
                          Last edited by Vanja #66; 17-09-11, 12:05.


                          • Originally posted by Vanja #66 View Post
                            Sta, nesto u fazonu snoubording prirucnik... Idemo gore, idemo dole...


                            • MOTOGP: Stoner - Something Strange At Ducati
                              Casey Stoner, the MotoGP world title leader with Honda, is puzzled by the massive difficulties his former team has struggling with since his departure.

                              In Friday's single practice session Rossi was behind two other standard, carbon fiber bikes -- Hayden (GP11.1) in seventh and Frenchman Randy de Puniet (GP11).

                              Hayden has not been allocated one of new alloy Dukes.

                              A year ago on the carbon fiber GP10 Hayden finished third in the Aragon GP.

                              Twelve months on and Hayden was 0.5s slower in Friday's opening free practice session than in the same session in 2010.
                              While Valentino Rossi predicts no miracles from Ducati's new aluminum Desmosedici the red team's former star, Casey Stoner, remains mystified by the continuing underperformance of the Bologna bike.

                              Rossi and Ducati will concentrate on the new alloy bike in preference to the now seemingly unloved carbon fiber GP11.1 in advance of Sunday's Motorland Aragon Grand Prix.

                              While early results are inconclusive because of the cancellation of the second free practice session here on Friday, due to a major electricity outage, there are few signs of a significant improvement.

                              Rossi admits the aluminum frame -- a metallic replica of the carbon fiber airbox concept -- will not deliver the "0.8s improvement to the other bikes" that he needs to again challenge for the podium.

                              "We improved the agility of the bike and the change of direction where we were very slow," Rossi added. "We still have a bit of understeer but the front feeling it is not so bad. It looks a small step, but we have to understand it more clearly."

                              This bike is the fourth major revision to the Ducati for Rossi since the great Italian joined the team 11 months ago.

                              Stoner, who won 23 races in four seasons at Ducati, noted, "I had four chassis in four years at Ducati.

                              "I think they should have found something by now considering that Nicky Hayden's results were better with the old bike. It is very strange to see especially as they asked for the aluminum chassis."

                              On the massive budget and resources that Ducati have deployed to satisfy Rossi's demands Stoner said, "They've put out a lot of money but haven't gotten any rewards so there is something strange."
                              Stoner, now on a Honda, plus Dani Pedrosa (Honda), and Jorge Lorenzo (Yamaha) all easily improved upon their Friday morning times of a year ago.

                              “Stoner rides very well in this track. Looking at the TV you can see he is riding fast in the long corners, so maybe this is the reason,” Rossi said.

                              But even the GP11.1 is not a step forward for Hayden, clearly deepening the puzzling loss of performance that Stoner refers to.

                              "When you see a massive improvement after you try something different then okay, but if there is no improvement from the old bike, then to a newer bike, and then another new bike and new parts, it is a little strange," Stoner said.

                              "They seem to have a lot of reasons why they want to try aluminum and maybe it can work or maybe it can't, or maybe they just need to find something different with the carbon.

                              "Whatever bike I had at the start of the season (at Ducati) it was the same at the end of the season apart from a couple of updates of electronics or maybe a link or a swingarm. That was it; we had to find everything else ourselves."

                              Stoner won this race last year on the Ducati GP10 and he will surely be a contender on Sunday as he targets his eighth win of the season on a Honda.


                              • Pola pdfa kaze da ce Zarco pobediti, pola kaze da nece, ovo ce biti zanimljivo...

                                Inace, Marquez je (naravno) najbrzi, ide De Angelis, Redding, Luthi (konacno se malo popravio), Bradl. Iannone je 12. sa +0.92s za Marcom... Bice zanimljive kvalifikacije, tojest, bice zanimljivo videti da li ce Bradl naci makar 0.4s, da bi bio uz Marca za ovu trku... A i Iannone bi mogao nesto da popravi, mada i ne mora, on ce na stazi da poprav ko od sale...

