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Premier League 2011/2012

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  • United jedva pobjedjuje? Jbg sad, tu i tamo se desi neki los dan ali daleko od toga da bi titula bila nezasluzena ili nesto slicno. Uzmi u obzir stanje Unitedove ekipe u ovoj sezoni i sve ce ti biti jasno ;)

    S Liverpoolom smo na Anfieldu imali x, na OT imali pobjedu, Chelsea smo dobili na OT, na Bridgeu bio X, zatim Arsenala dobili u obje utakmice, jedina mrlja je taj City koji nas je dobio. Kada se sve ovo uzme u obzir, daleko od toga da je United ove godine jedva pobjedjivao i da se provlace ;)

    P.S: ovoj listi mozemo dodati i taj famozni Totenham koji je po nekima mogao da bude cak i prvak


    • Originally posted by Sir Giggsy View Post
      Ok... ali eto moje misljenje je da bi se on verovatno raspucao u nekoj drugoj ekipi.
      Pa bi jer bi otisao za nekih €20m i sva novinarska pompa oko njega bi se splasnula. Ne bi bio na naslovnim stranama tabloida, pritisak bi spao i dosao bi sebi psihicki.
      Takođe, ovde se uvodi i jedan divan kriterijum pomoću koga prosuđujemo je li žurka prestižna, dakle ona je “obično prestižna ako se neko od poznatih pojavi bar na pet minuta”. Zahvaljujući upravo ovom genijalnom kriterijumu, ako na primer na žurku upadne Manda, uđe u klonju, iskenja se i ode kući (pod pretpostavkom da mu za to treba više od 5 minuta), može se zaključiti da je ta žurka prestižna. Lepo je znati.


      • Nesto ga nisam vidjao na naslovnicama, ocigledno su i novinari vec odustali od njega!




          • Recite da sam budala, ali ja sam zadovoljan Torres-ovim igrama i volio bih da ostane u klubu i naredne sezone.
            Everything you want is on the other side of fear.


            • Viera treba da se lijeci...mnogo je opterecen covjek.
              Evo citam da bi Adam mogao da propusti ostatak sezone..mozda je tako bolje po Liverpul


              • Originally posted by Ivan Piper View Post
                Recite da sam budala, ali ja sam zadovoljan Torres-ovim igrama i volio bih da ostane u klubu i naredne sezone.
                Dijelimo isto misljenje

                Originally posted by Powerslave View Post
                Viera treba da se lijeci...mnogo je opterecen covjek.
                Evo citam da bi Adam mogao da propusti ostatak sezone..mozda je tako bolje po Liverpul
                Ma ja ne razumijem koji mu je qrac stvarnoNjegov City je imao u jednom trenutku 7 bodova prednosti u odnosu na United i nisu iskoristili. Sta sada hoce? Da Arapi kupe titulu?
                Razumijem da mu je krivo sto on sa svojim 36-37 godina ne moze da potrci, i da mu je krivo gledati starije kolege Scholesa i Giggsa kako igraju kao da im je 20 ;)


                • Ne znam zasto je Vieira odjednom tako prepaljen na City, a do pre godinu dana je trenirao sa Arsenalovim igracima. Opada u mojim ocima kao covek.

                  Pazite, "Djavoli", ponavaljam vam slavicete titulu nakon utakmice Arsenala i Citya na Emiratima.
                  Originally posted by maliajnstajn
                  Arsenal ako uzme narednih 5 tekmi, uzima i titulu, nema previse tu filozofije.




                    • Viera poceo zesce da se gubi u zadnje vreme udarila mu nafta u glavu

                      #PRAVDA ZA BRAĆU


                      • Posle ovog kola,vise se nece javljati,ocekujem X2 ako znate na sta mislim imaju dobar sastav gosti,sto se Sitija tice,oni imaju samo 2 zvede a ostali su preplaceni vise nego sto vrede...
                        Last edited by Vule_89; 29-03-12, 14:20.


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                          • Fanta ne teraj me da iskopam Webovu statistiku kad sudi u Junajtedovim utakmicama

                            #PRAVDA ZA BRAĆU


                            • Originally posted by Gangrena View Post
                              Fanta ne teraj me da iskopam Webovu statistiku kad sudi u Junajtedovim utakmicama
                              Ajde iskopaj!


                              • Originally posted by Sir Giggsy View Post
                                Ajde iskopaj!
                                Prvi rezultati sa Gugla naravno ne podrzavam Vieru za to da imate povlastice kuci ali kod Webba itekako imate

                                Webb has officiated or to be more precise played 16 games for the devils and has successfully lead his side to victory on no less than 13 occasions, that’s 82% win rate. Perhaps that’s the most prolific record no other United player holds. He hopes to maintain that level of performance for years despite being the oldest member of the squad.

                                Although Webb is famous for his shiny head but he can’t head the ball in for united, never mind he lets his whistle do the talking to provide United with plenty of penalty kicks in crucial circumstances. Howard Webb has issued 10 of his 54 penalties to Man Utd. More than 18% and remarkably 10 penalties in 16 games.

                                In January 2011, Webb played iconic role in defeating rivals Liverpool in FA Cup. The man in black gave away first minute penalty to United for Berbatov dive in the box. Replays indicate that Berbatov falls to the ground in an exaggerated fashion and show that Webb linesman did not signal that any foul took place. Above that he made sure that there are no last minute screamers coming in from Steven Gerrard to steal the show so Webb showed him the door to settle the match there and then.

                                December 2010 vs Arsenal , a nonexistent hand ball by Gael Clichy, and web rubber stamped his assistant call to award United penalty. March 2010 vs Liverpool, replays clearly indicated that Javier Macherano tackled Valencia outside the box but the eagle eyes of Webb saw it was inside. United then equalized and eventually won 2-1.

                                On at least 2 occasions United have come back to get a result after being 2 or more goals down, both times with their opening goal being a ridiculous penalty decision awarded by Howard Webb.

                                First In April 2009 vs Tottenham, Heurelho Gomes challenged United's Michael Carrick for the ball; Webb judged that Gomes fouled Carrick without any hesitaton although replays suggested that keeper won the ball. United were trailing 2-0 with barely half an hour left to play when Webb 'who was almost 35 yards away, and behind play' awarded a penalty that perhaps secured them the title. Spurs crumbled and United went on to win 5-2.

                                More recently vs Chelsea, where Villas Boas men comfortably lead United 3-0 and Webb again won the limelight and rescued United from turmoil awarding them 2 penalties in space of 10 minutes to become a legendary figure.

                                April 2008 vs Arsenal, Gunners leading 1-0 when Howard Webb steps up to award “of course a penalty”. Fair play to him as Gallas handed the ball but 10 minutes later Web awarded Free-kick from which Hargreaves scored the winner for the devils. Replays clearly indicate that Gilberto did not make any contact in the tackle.

                                February 2009 vs Blackburn, Final seconds of the game and United winning 2-1, Webb went blind when Rafael clearly pulled back Pederson’s shirt to bring him down. No penalty obviously.

                                #PRAVDA ZA BRAĆU

