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Force India ce prodati rucno oslikan auto na aukciji, novci idu Velikoj Londonskoj Ulicnoj Bolnici za Decu Ormond i Akademiji Fors Indije:
Force India have announced plans to auction a hand-painted Formula One car later this year to raise funds for two charities. The team have collaborated with motorsport artist Dexter Brown to transform the VJM01-05, driven by Giancarlo Fisichella at 16 races during the 2008 season, into a unique ‘Art Car’.
“Seeing one of my Formula One cars transformed into a painting is a wonderful initiative that combines two of my greatest passions: cars and art,” said Force India chairman and team principal Dr Vijay Mallya. “I wish to thank Dexter for producing this exquisite piece of work, which I am sure will be of great interest to art collectors around the world, and will raise valuable funds for charity.”
The painted car will be completed this week and displayed at several high-profile events ahead of Sunday’s British race, including Wednesday's F1™ Party. An official presentation will take place at Force India’s post-race party on Sunday.
“I was immediately excited by the project,” said Brown. “Of course, it’s not the first car I’ve painted, but it’s the first time I’ve had the chance to work with a modern Formula One car. The last car I painted was a BMW in Genoa in 1993, but the Formula One car was a different challenge because I had to work around the complex bodywork. It’s great to be involved in such a unique project and I look forward to seeing the reaction of the public.”
The 'Art Car' will be auctioned later this year, following October’s inaugural Indian Grand Prix. The funds raised will be split between London’s Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children and Force India’s Academy, which aims to encourage Indian youngsters into motorsport.
Originally posted by Vanja #66 View PostForce India ce prodati rucno oslikan auto na aukciji, novci idu Velikoj Londonskoj Ulicnoj Bolnici za Decu Ormond i Akademiji Fors Indije:
Force India have announced plans to auction a hand-painted Formula One car later this year to raise funds for two charities. The team have collaborated with motorsport artist Dexter Brown to transform the VJM01-05, driven by Giancarlo Fisichella at 16 races during the 2008 season, into a unique ‘Art Car’.
“Seeing one of my Formula One cars transformed into a painting is a wonderful initiative that combines two of my greatest passions: cars and art,” said Force India chairman and team principal Dr Vijay Mallya. “I wish to thank Dexter for producing this exquisite piece of work, which I am sure will be of great interest to art collectors around the world, and will raise valuable funds for charity.”
The painted car will be completed this week and displayed at several high-profile events ahead of Sunday’s British race, including Wednesday's F1™ Party. An official presentation will take place at Force India’s post-race party on Sunday.
“I was immediately excited by the project,” said Brown. “Of course, it’s not the first car I’ve painted, but it’s the first time I’ve had the chance to work with a modern Formula One car. The last car I painted was a BMW in Genoa in 1993, but the Formula One car was a different challenge because I had to work around the complex bodywork. It’s great to be involved in such a unique project and I look forward to seeing the reaction of the public.”
The 'Art Car' will be auctioned later this year, following October’s inaugural Indian Grand Prix. The funds raised will be split between London’s Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children and Force India’s Academy, which aims to encourage Indian youngsters into motorsport.
svaka im cast
Dr Vidzej Malija zadovoljan trenutnim mogucnostima bolida. Ocekuje se jos vise.Na celom svetu samo Crvena zvezda
treba prokomentarisati Sutilovo šesto mesto u Nemačkoj. Sutil je uvek bio jak na ovoj stazi, sećam se da se borio za prve poene tima pre nego što ga je udes sa Kimijem izbacio iz trke. Biće zanimljivo videti hoće li uspeti da ponovi prvo top 10 plasman u Mađarskoj, a onda i nešto više..
FI ce tek u decembru otkriti ko ce biti vozaci za narednu godinu.Volio bih da Sutil vise ne bude njihov vozac iz razloga sto zasluzue bolje,ali bolji imaju vozace.Ne vidim da ce se tu nesto promijeniti i mislim da cemo ovu postavku gledati i 2012.sigpic
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Hulkenberg mozda umesto Zutila od sledece godine u FI. Adrian ce pokusati da nadje mesto u Vilijamsu, ako mu ne uspe, smesi mu se mesto u nekom od najlosijih timova sampionata i verovatno brzi zaborav. Steta...Na celom svetu samo Crvena zvezda
Bas steta za Sutila, ako se to desi. Mislim da je odlican vozac, cak mislim da bi odradio mnogo bolji posao od Masse u Ferrariju ili Webbera u Red Bullu. Jbg, nema dovoljno sponzora, Schumacher i Rosberg su ipak glavni Nemci, iako po meni Rosberg nezasluzeno, nikad me nije nesto impresionirao...
U svakom slucaju, Hulkenberg zasluzuje mesto u F1, ali nadam se da ce uci umesto nekog drugog, ne Sutila...sigpic
Originally posted by Tony_G View PostBas steta za Sutila, ako se to desi. Mislim da je odlican vozac, cak mislim da bi odradio mnogo bolji posao od Masse u Ferrariju ili Webbera u Red Bullu. Jbg, nema dovoljno sponzora, Schumacher i Rosberg su ipak glavni Nemci, iako po meni Rosberg nezasluzeno, nikad me nije nesto impresionirao...
U svakom slucaju, Hulkenberg zasluzuje mesto u F1, ali nadam se da ce uci umesto nekog drugog, ne Sutila...Na celom svetu samo Crvena zvezda
Sutil mi nikad nije izgledao kao narocito dobar vozac,bio je konstantno losiji od Fizikele dok su bili u istom timu,verovatno se od tada poboljsao(u nekim segmentima sigurno),jedino (meni)nema smisla sto se kao njegova zamena pominje Hulkenberg,koji se prosle godine i nije bas proslavio,pogotovo uzimajuci u obzirom reputaciju sa kakvom je dosao u F1(kad se oba vozaca porede sa Barikelom,Maldonado deluje kao bolji vozac,mada je Hulkenberg dok su vozili za isti tim u GP2 bio mnogo bolji-ko zna,mozda ima istine u pricama da Barikelu smeta opterecenje velikim brojem dugmica i podesavanja koje vozac mora da promeni tokom kruga,moguce je da mu gume manje odgovaraju,ne bi bio jedini koji deluje losije nego prethodnih sezona,ili je jednostavno nemotivisan zbog loseg bolida),ali u to su najbolje upuceni ljudi iz tima.Ne verujem u mogucnost prelaska Sutila u Vilijams iz razloga sto su za to mesto u igri i neki bolji/perspektivniji vozaci,a ima glasina da ce Sutil ostati bez sponzora(moguce zbog incidenta sa Lux-om,a navodno bi Medion postao Hulkenbergov sponzor).
Force Indija objavila vozačku postavu za 2012.
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