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  • Happy birthday @RGrosjean

    Last edited by jovan; 17-04-15, 10:54.
    * Telo je slabo, ali je duh krepak, zato ga treba svakodnevno održavati. *


    • Finances have restricted Lotus progress

      Nick Chester concedes that Lotus have been hurt by a restricted budget which has curtailed the development of the E23.

      Last time out in Brazil, Lotus lost out on fifth place in the Constructors' Championship while their current P6 is under threat from Toro Rosso with just nine points separating the two.

      It has been a difficult year for the Enstone team has they been short on money and long on speculation. The latter is expected to end soon as Renault push ahead with plans to purchase the team, a move that will also resolve the financial situation.

      It is buy-out that technical director Chester must be eagerly anticipating after admitting that this year's money troubles have hurt Lotus out on track.

      "I was pleased with the car in a lot of ways but disappointed in the amount of development. We made a good basic car that handled well and with which the drivers could extract the maximum from," he said.

      "Unfortunately we have not been able to put developments on it due to finances; we could have gone a lot further with it otherwise and that would have been very interesting to see."

      He added: "In a normal year we'd bring quite a few major upgrades whereas this year we brought fewer and more minor developments. This means that we had to be more selective in what we brought and we have been a bit more creative in the more minor upgrades."

      Meanwhile Lotus deputy team principal Federico Gastaldi believes F1 must review its business model to help the sport's smaller teams and also F1 as a whole.

      "I believe it is crucial for Formula 1 to review its business model," he said. "There are so many financial issues throughout the sport, whether for teams or promoters, that it is hard to see where things will go.

      "I know that both Mr Ecclestone and the FIA have been trying to change things and I also know that teams aren't always the easiest to work with when we have to join forces. Our agendas and situations differ too much and are almost always preceded with self-preservation.

      "Additionally, and I have said this before, we have to do everything that we can – all of us – to help promoters sell tickets. Without fans, where would we be?"


      • Renault takeover of Lotus ‘pretty much’ done

        Although F1 is still waiting for Renault to buy-out Lotus, team principal Gerard Lopez says it is "pretty much" a done deal.

        Two months ago Renault signed a letter of intent to purchase the Formula 1 team with Lotus saying they are now engaged to be married.

        The two parties, though, have yet to walk down the aisle.

        Lopez isn't at all concerned about the delay as he reckons it is believes it is just a matter of finalising the legalities.

        "I think we are pretty much there with Renault," he told Sky Sports.

        "I understand that Renault still have some things they need to clear with Formula 1 and FOM, but as far as we are concerned we are pretty much at a deal now."

        And when it is all said and done Lopez has revealed he'll still be in the sport as Renault have asked him to stay on.

        He added: "It won't be me finished because they have asked me to stay on, so when the deal happens, I will stay on."


        • Hulk izgleda novo lice Renoa.

          Sjajna vijest za tim.
          E sada ko ce biti vozac broj 2?
          Vjerujem Okon.
          Jbg ipak Francuz je Francuz.
          Em talentovan.


          • Verovatno će Ocon preći, ali ako se ne odluče na to Kevin ostaje. To su neke trenutne predikcije...


            • Mada ima slobodnog mijesta i u Wiliamsu.
              Tako da ima opcija za Okona.

              A za Reno. Bolja opcija bi im bila Okon.
              Francuz u Francuski tim.
              Dje ces bolje.


              • Nema mesta u Williamsu, Massu menja Lance Stroll... Ostavih negde link, u drugoj polovini ove godine voziće cca 20 000km u starim Williams bolidima (2014. ako se ne varam) na raznim stazama. Uzeo je F3 titulu u ovoj sezoni i to je to...


                • Ako se ne varam jos nije 100% potvrdjeno.
                  Ako se ne varam.

                  Doduse kao i Reno-Hulk.

                  Kako god. Reno sa Hulkom dobija bogatstvo, blago receno. E sada ko ce biti vozac broj dva. To su iskreno manje bitne stvati.
                  Obje strane ima pozitivne i negativne osobine. Ali ipak to sto je Okon Francuz ima veliku tezinu i vrlo moguce da ce to presuditi.


                  • Hulk je potvrđen u međuvremenu...


                    • Sjajna vijest za tim.

                      Ne znam da li bas i za njega...


                      • Ipak je to fabricka ekipa. Cilj su titule a kada ce doci do toga to niko ne zna. Prosli put im je trebalo 5 godina ali tada su imali Alonsa i Briatorea. Sada ne znam ko vodi Renault a i Hulk nije Alonso.
                        Titule i pobede ne znače mnogo, jer je to do razine bolida koje imate u karijeri Sergio Perez


                        • Kad tad Reno ce poceti da pobedjuje Fors India nikad.


                          • Kevin Magnussen's Haas talks for F1 2017 normal - Renault


                            • Magnusen u Hasu.
                              Palmer ostaje sa Hulkom.

                              Ako ce Okon u Forc Indiju. Gutijerez kao sto kaze Jordan u Sauberu sa Eriksenom. Pitanje dje ce Nasr?
                              U Manor sa Vehrleinom?


                              • Renault najavljuje konceptaulne novine na svojim motorima sledeće godine, ali tek negde posle Španije (kao i obično, prvi vikend sa većim poboljšanjima u sezoni)...


                                Deluje mi da imaju stvarno velike apetite za budućnost, bar tako tvrde.

