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  • Hey guys, Im working for CaterhamF1 and we just signed a senior engineer from Lotus.

    Over lunch today he was telling us how during testing the average driver would have such varied lap times that it made it so difficult for the engineers to correlate whether improvements were from the car modifications or driver skill evolving over laps. But Kimi would show up 15mins late, and first lap itself he would set a ridiculously quick time and remained consistent through out his stint. Kimi's consistency took the driver skill out of the equation making it easy to see small changes in aerodynamics and car setup and how it ultimately affected lap time.

    I know this is not new information, but it was extremely pleasant to hear it from someone who actually worked with Kimi.
    ,,MO8, nemoj da se salis sa zivotom, zna se raspored: basket, F1, Nole, pa sve ostalo... Dakle No1e>skola... Na izvrsavanje!"

    "Cekamo sutra da se ozvanici Kimster i mogla bi da krene lagana dominacija plus kada bi i Ross dosao....ludilo :)
    I eto nama novog paketa u Ferari: Allison + Raikkonen + Slade + MarkedOne8 :D mozda jedino da je zvucniji transfer Bejla od ovog naseg novog :biggrin:"



    • Text message from Kimi to Lopez:
      "I'll take it easy , 4-6 weeks, then there's a new examination. All the best for the last two races of the season".
      ,,MO8, nemoj da se salis sa zivotom, zna se raspored: basket, F1, Nole, pa sve ostalo... Dakle No1e>skola... Na izvrsavanje!"

      "Cekamo sutra da se ozvanici Kimster i mogla bi da krene lagana dominacija plus kada bi i Ross dosao....ludilo :)
      I eto nama novog paketa u Ferari: Allison + Raikkonen + Slade + MarkedOne8 :D mozda jedino da je zvucniji transfer Bejla od ovog naseg novog :biggrin:"



      • Translated by our friendly Finnish translator

        Domenicali went silent and cancelled the interview

        F1 | Turun Sanomat 10:35 |

        Stefano Domenicali was supposed to give an exclusive interview to Turun Sanomat in Brazil GP. The meeting was scheduled already in the beginning of November, but the secured meeting was cancelled at the last moment since Domenicali has decided to keep a low profile about matters concerning next year.

        According to paddock rumours Domenicali's position in Maranello is shaky. In Interlagos they think that Ross Brawn will step down from Mercedes and return to Ferrari after being away for seven years.

        A lot of new people are coming to Ferrari - like Kimi Räikkönen for example.

        Since Domenicali was hindered from giving comments we asked MTV Sport's new F1-commentator Toni Vilander to do the interview with Domenicali in Italian.

        Kimi Räikkönen returns to Ferrari next year. After he left in 2009 did you ever think that it was possible for him to come back ever again?

        – My philosophy is to never say never. Kimi's behavior towards us has always been professional and positive. I am very pleased that his return is now possible. When he returned back to F1 he proved that he is in a tough stitch. He is a very special guy in this sense, Domenciali said.

        Do you think that Kimi's arrival to Ferrari is now easier than it was the first time, now when you both know how you work?

        – Absolutely. We know his strenght and he knows our team very well. The F1-serie needs experienced drivers. Kimi's experience will definitely help in the challenges that the new rules bring along. His input is in a very important position, Domenicali emphasized.

        A top driver needs a top car

        Next year Ferrari has two drivers and also two strong personalities both on and off the track. How do you prepare your team and your engineers for the situation and how will you ensure that you all work well together and avoid unneccessary fights?

        – My only worry is to be able to offer both drivers a competitive car. If we have a good car then we won't have any problems. Both Kimi and Fernando are mature and adult persons, world champions, and they know what it means to give your all to the team. The team always comes first in Ferrari. The will to give your everything to the team and putting the team's interests ahead of your personal interests is important, Domenicali said.

        The new Turbo-Ferrari is ready in the end of January. The winter tests start January 27th in Jerez, Spain.

        Turun Sanomat, Sao Paulo

        ,,MO8, nemoj da se salis sa zivotom, zna se raspored: basket, F1, Nole, pa sve ostalo... Dakle No1e>skola... Na izvrsavanje!"

        "Cekamo sutra da se ozvanici Kimster i mogla bi da krene lagana dominacija plus kada bi i Ross dosao....ludilo :)
        I eto nama novog paketa u Ferari: Allison + Raikkonen + Slade + MarkedOne8 :D mozda jedino da je zvucniji transfer Bejla od ovog naseg novog :biggrin:"



        • Rekoh ja davno, gde ce onako da nabudze tim i onda da ga daju u ruke onom volu. Sa Rossom, Kimijem i svim inzenjerskim dodacima, Ferrari je za mene glavni kandidat za titulu i pored Red Bula.
          Na celom svetu samo Crvena zvezda


          • To bi bilo previše čak i za Montezemola...


              ,,MO8, nemoj da se salis sa zivotom, zna se raspored: basket, F1, Nole, pa sve ostalo... Dakle No1e>skola... Na izvrsavanje!"

              "Cekamo sutra da se ozvanici Kimster i mogla bi da krene lagana dominacija plus kada bi i Ross dosao....ludilo :)
              I eto nama novog paketa u Ferari: Allison + Raikkonen + Slade + MarkedOne8 :D mozda jedino da je zvucniji transfer Bejla od ovog naseg novog :biggrin:"



              • Ma njemu su i prošle godine korigovali twittove pre nego da ih pusti u etar... Novinarsko prepumpavanje, nije ovo ništa novo...


                • ,,MO8, nemoj da se salis sa zivotom, zna se raspored: basket, F1, Nole, pa sve ostalo... Dakle No1e>skola... Na izvrsavanje!"

                  "Cekamo sutra da se ozvanici Kimster i mogla bi da krene lagana dominacija plus kada bi i Ross dosao....ludilo :)
                  I eto nama novog paketa u Ferari: Allison + Raikkonen + Slade + MarkedOne8 :D mozda jedino da je zvucniji transfer Bejla od ovog naseg novog :biggrin:"



                  • ,,MO8, nemoj da se salis sa zivotom, zna se raspored: basket, F1, Nole, pa sve ostalo... Dakle No1e>skola... Na izvrsavanje!"

                    "Cekamo sutra da se ozvanici Kimster i mogla bi da krene lagana dominacija plus kada bi i Ross dosao....ludilo :)
                    I eto nama novog paketa u Ferari: Allison + Raikkonen + Slade + MarkedOne8 :D mozda jedino da je zvucniji transfer Bejla od ovog naseg novog :biggrin:"



                    • Da li ovo znači da Domenicali definitivno odlazi?
                      ,,MO8, nemoj da se salis sa zivotom, zna se raspored: basket, F1, Nole, pa sve ostalo... Dakle No1e>skola... Na izvrsavanje!"

                      "Cekamo sutra da se ozvanici Kimster i mogla bi da krene lagana dominacija plus kada bi i Ross dosao....ludilo :)
                      I eto nama novog paketa u Ferari: Allison + Raikkonen + Slade + MarkedOne8 :D mozda jedino da je zvucniji transfer Bejla od ovog naseg novog :biggrin:"



                      • Pa, obzirom da je Massa otišao, a Kimi još nije došao, ostao je samo Alonso kome može da recituje hvalospeve u smislu pozdravljanja sa timom. Potpis bi to i sugerisao... Međutim, još uvek ima reči o nategnutim odnosima, tako da moguće da je ovo neki pokušaj odobrovoljavanja Alonsa, naročito jer je preko twittera... Rekao bih da je prvo, ali sačekajmo. Brawn izgleda nema želju da već sad ode u penziju, a opcije su mu McLaren i Ferrari, isključivo prihvata ulogu šefa ekipe. Whitmarsh je takođe na posmatranju i Brawn ima i dalje jake veze sa Hondom. Ali, Ferrari je Ferrari...


                        • EEE moj crni Domenilaki pa ti neznaš pisat čovječe
                          If a bike and rider coming past you three feet from your face at 180mph down a hill on a public road doesn’t raise even a grin, you are already dead.


                          • Nemoj tako, to su Italijani, ne shvataš umetnički dojam rukopisa...


                            • Ferrari je ove godine bio najefikasniji tim u boksu, prosečna vremena su 2.75s za Alonsa, 2.76s za Massu...


                              • Znam tačno koji će broj Kimi da uzme...

