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  • najduzi nizovi u istoriji
     98  Bill Tilden 	  1924–25
     92  Don Budge 	          1937–38
     55  Roy Emerson 	  1964
     50  Bill Tilden 	  1930
     49  Bjorn Borg           1978
     48  Bjorn Borg           1979–80
     46  Guillermo Vilas      1977
     44  Ivan Lendl 	  1981–82
     43  Novak Djokovic       2010-11
     42  John McEnroe         1984
    182  Suzanne Lenglen      1921–26	
    180  Helen Wills Moody    1927–33	
    116  Suzanne Lenglen      1914–21	
     74  Martina Navratilova  1984
     66  Steffi Graf 	  1989–90	
     58  Martina Navratilova  1986–87	
     57  Margaret Court 	  1972-73	
     56  Chris Evert 	  1974	
     54  Martina Navratilova  1983–84	
     46  Steffi Graf          1988


    • Originally posted by jacques9 View Post
      Neče NOvak popustiti za godinu dvije. Vladat če tenisom još najmanje 5 godina.

      A na travi i brzom hardu nema šanse da Thiem dobije Raoniča. Barem v sljedeče 3-4 godine ne
      Naravno da neće popustiti
      A što se tiče Raonića i Tima tu baš i nisam sigurna, mislim da Tim ima dobre šanse protiv Miloša, možda ne u narednih 6 meseci, ali za godinu ili dve itekako.
      Samo ne znam odakle ti baš poređenje njih dvojice kada ih niko nije pomenuo u tom smislu.
      Korija je izdvojio Tima kao mogućeg Novakovog naslednika kada jednog dana Novak "okači reket o klin" ili popusti. A ako dobro tumačim ti tu vidiš Raonića?
      Šampioni se ne stvaraju u teretanama. Šampioni se stvaraju od nečega što imaju duboko u sebi- želju, viziju i san. M.Ali
      Ko sme taj može.Ko ne zna za strah taj ide napred.
      "When the crowd is chanting Roger I hear Novak."


      • WC za Delpa i Frica u Indian Velsu
        Pancho Gonzalez ; Ivan Lendl ; Andre Agassi ; Rafael Nadal



        • Djokovic post-US Open record over the last four years:

          14 out of 16 tournaments won. 76-3 win/loss record.

          Of those 79 matches, a massive 43 were played against top 10 players. 41-2 record against them.
          I don't know anybody who's ever played tennis like this. Since I know this sport I've never seen somebody playing at this level.



          • Samo od Rogera Ko je dobio 3. mec?


            • Kveri valjda u Parizu.


              • Federer Šangaj, Kveri Pariz i Federer u WTFgrupici. Može da se računa kao 2.5 poraza
                I don't know anybody who's ever played tennis like this. Since I know this sport I've never seen somebody playing at this level.



                • Nenormalno nesto, bas brutalna dominacija. Ko bi rekao prije samo 5 godina da ce Djokovic biti jedan od najboljih igraca u dvoranama ikad.

                  Zak je postavio u Nadalovoj temi, ali neka i ovdje

                  Francis Roig: ´We´ve to try to win against Murray and Federer. If Rafa drops down, he´ll retire´

                  This is the second part of Francis Roig's interview to El Confidencial (Click HERE to read the first part).

                  One of the most interesting topics of the interview was what Roig said about playing Novak Djokovic. Apparently, Nadal's team has not set a particular goal to beat him: 'We are not worried about Djokovic. We know he is at a very high level; there is so much difference between him and the others. He is not an obsession (for us). We have to return to beat players that you can win or have lost to. I do not speak about Djokovic, but against Murray and Federer, we have to try to win as many matches as possible. With Djokovi, we have to enter the court knowing we could lose, but we have to try to win. Now Novak is at a very high level and you have to recognize it. I do not think he will drop his level for a good period.'

                  Then Roig revealed an anecdote: 'In 2013, after injuries, he (Rafa) started winning all tournaments. I remember a phrase he said to us after his win in Acapulco, when he played really well and won against David (Ferrer ) in the final. We arrived in Indian Wells, he had not played on hard courts for a while and he was a little bit afraid of it, but he told us: 'If I win a couple of matches here I will be happy.' He ended up winning the tournament. At that moment, he did not think about winning, but he is a very good player who can have a good day at any moment. He faces every match in the best way possible. I think he has the possibility to improve.'

                  'If I were not his uncle, Rafa would have substituted me' - Toni Nadal said a few days ago. Has Rafa ever thought of make changes to his team? Answering this question, Roig said, 'We have never set it. We've spoke with Rafa and he is happy with the way he's working. He definitely cannot be happy with the results. They have asked this question so many times to Toni, and he has said clearly: 'If things do not go well then maybe we will see.' In theory we do not speak about any changes and you plan to keep improving with enthusiasm and hope that that there's a change.'

                  Finally Roig was asked whether he saw Rafa being prepared to face times when results in the big tournaments will not be as planned:'The day he doesn't see himself with good results, I imagine he (Rafa) will set a deadline. If these (good) results don't come, or there's a day in which he loses the will to compete, he will take some decisions. I do not see Rafa being world No. 15 or 20 and continuing on the tour. At the end, it's his decision, but I do not see him dropping to these positions. He is fifth in the world and he would like to be higheer. He is at a level of competing, perhaps not against Djokovic, but against others.'
                  Meni ovo nevjerovatno, priznanje da se nista ne moze protiv Novaka dok je na ovom nivou. Nezamislivo mi je da ovako nesto ikad kaze bilo ko iz Federerovog ili Marejevog kampa. Ili da oni tako razmisljaju, jer Nadal ocigledno razmislja.


                  • Djokovic tuzio vlasti Rija

                    Đoković je 2012. godine sa Gustavom Kertenom igrao revijalni meč i dogovor je bio da se srpskom teniseru plati 1,1 milion dolara, a do sada mu je isplaćeno samo 450.000, što znači da Vlada Rio de Žaneira duguje Novaku 650.000 dolara.


                    • Jutros citam da je Novak presao na cistu biljnu sirovu hranu.

                      Ja sam pobornik te vrste prehrane i sam pokusavam zadnjih godinu dana da sto vise i vise se prebacim na sirovo bilje iako jos uvijek ne mogu bez mesa.

                      Zapravo koliko proucavam te prehrane u zadnjih godinu dana, uopce nisam iznenadjen njegovom formom i tenisom, ako je istina da je napravio te promjene u prehrani. Jedino sto me jos interesuje jeste sta pije u toku meca, osim vode.


                      • Novak se ne hrani samo sirovom hranom. Novak ne jede samo biljke. On nije dobar primer za vege ishranu. S druge strane ima tritalonaca, strongmena, boksera, NFL igrača, hokejaša, MMA fajtera koji su vegani. Ko pita kako, trebalo bi da oseti da je vreme da nadogradi znanje jer gomila primera govori da "kako" ne traži nikakav specijalan odgovor.
                        I don't know anybody who's ever played tennis like this. Since I know this sport I've never seen somebody playing at this level.



                        • Sad vidim da kad se oduzmu bodovi zakljucno sa Wimbledonom Cilic preskace Berdycha, Ferrera, Gasqueta i Isnera. Tsonga mu bjezi 100 bodova (njega bi preskocio do RG-a).
                          Lijepa prilika za top 10, Isner i Tsonga ce ici iza vjerovatno.


                          • A šta ako Izner ode napred ili Raonić ili možda Anderson? Ili Tim? Zar nije bitnije da igra dobro i da u kontinuitetu pravi dobre rezultate, nego da udje u 10 pa za nedelju-dve ispadne opet iz top 10?

                            P.S. Neko je postavio pitanje pre neki dan u vezi sa ulaznicama za DK. Od sutra su u prodaji.
                            Šampioni se ne stvaraju u teretanama. Šampioni se stvaraju od nečega što imaju duboko u sebi- želju, viziju i san. M.Ali
                            Ko sme taj može.Ko ne zna za strah taj ide napred.
                            "When the crowd is chanting Roger I hear Novak."


                            • Naravno da je to najbitnije, takodjer uz rezultate ce i ici bolji ranking.
                              O ovima, Raonic moze ispred, Anderson ne a ni Thiem, jos je on daleko.


                              • sigpic

