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  • Mada bih ja pre preporucio finale Majamija 1987.

    Ja iskreno Mecira smatram GS sampionom, jer ako ovo nije dovoljno za GS titulu ne znam sta jeste
    Pancho Gonzalez ; Ivan Lendl ; Andre Agassi ; Rafael Nadal



    • Da je ovakve performanse pružio na nekom od izgubljena dva GS finala, bio bi i legitimni GS šampion. A Miami je i formatom mečeva i žrijebom sa 128 igrača bio u istom rangu sa GS turnirima.

      Planirao sam u listu uvrstiti i Safinov USO i Kuertenov masakr na Masters kupu 2000, ali mislio sam da bi to bilo previše, pa sam odustao. Pored toga bih morao i promijeniti naslov, budući da su oni GS šampioni, a nije mi se dalo smišljati novi.
      “It's no accident, I think, that tennis uses the language of life. Advantage, service, fault, break, love, the basic elements of tennis are those of everyday existence, because every match is a life in miniature. Points become games become sets become tournaments, and it's all so tightly connected that any point can become the turning point. It reminds me of the way seconds become minutes become hours, and any hour can be our finest. Or darkest. It's our choice.”


      • Polako, sledeci tekst

        Spisak igraca, best of 5 mecevi, i infrastruktura jaca od Rolan Garosa i jos uvek od Australian Opena koji ce tek za 10 meseci preci u Melburn Park.. nepravda ali sta ces. Lendl nije smeo da ispusti ta finala, jednostavno je znao da ima kvalitet, iskustvo i mentalnu prednost i tada nije imao takmaca. Na US Openu 1986. ljudima je postalo toliko dosadno da su poceli citati novine (Artur Es medju njima), bio je to treci najveci poraz u finalima US Opena od kada je izbacena Celindz runda 1912. Ivan je uzeo poslednjih 9 gemova u mecu, a razlog ovako slabe Mecirove igre lezi u super suboti, posto se samo dan ranije ganjao sa Bekerom u 5 setova. Na Australian Openu 1989. bio je jos slabiji, ocajno je servirao a Ivanu nije trebala druga sansa za prvu titulu u Melburnu. Takodje, ovde je uticaja imalo i vreme, posto su igrali u sred bela dana na nekih 55 stepeni celzijusa na samom terenu

        A da je bio malo pribraniji mogao je igrati i finale Vimbldona, stvarno cudesan igrac
        Pancho Gonzalez ; Ivan Lendl ; Andre Agassi ; Rafael Nadal



        • Lendl, Edberg, Wilander, Becker, Connors, maltene čitava postava iz TOP 10 je učestvovala te godine u Miamiu. E sada te moram pitati da li i Wilanderov uspjeh sa ovog turnira godinu dana kasnije cijeniš kao GS titulu ?

          Ali mi je interesantno da Wilanderu Mecir nikako nije odgovarao, što potvrđuje i njihov međusobni omjer. Bez obzira što je bio taktički možda i najpotkovaniji teniser, nije uspjevao naći lijek za Mecira. Šta misliš šta je razlog tome ? I Mecir je itekako znao umrtviti igru, u kretanju je bio i bolji, u igri na mreži da i ne govorim. Mislim da je generalno imao više mogučnosti da dođe do poena od Wilandera, a sama činjenica da se i on sam mogao prebacivati sa osnovne do jutra Wilanderu nikako nije išla na ruku.
          “It's no accident, I think, that tennis uses the language of life. Advantage, service, fault, break, love, the basic elements of tennis are those of everyday existence, because every match is a life in miniature. Points become games become sets become tournaments, and it's all so tightly connected that any point can become the turning point. It reminds me of the way seconds become minutes become hours, and any hour can be our finest. Or darkest. It's our choice.”


          • Nije bilo Lendla ali je turnir i dalje bio vrhunski, zasto da ne. I pazi ti Konorsa u finalu sa 35 i po godina

            Nisam nesto gledao njihov H2H, ko bi rekao da ce ga ovako omlatiti u dva prva duela na sljaci! Vilander moze biti zadovoljan ovom jednom pobedom na tepihu, tu se sigurno najbolje videla Mecirova veca sposobnost da dodje do vinera ili bude agresiviniji, a u razmenama je mogao da ostane sa svakim, cak i sa Matsom. Ne znam jesi li gledao finale Dalasa sa Mekinroom (stavio sam ga u tekst), jeste bila 1987. ali onako razoriti jednog Dzona Mekinroa u dvorani na tepihu sigurno nije mogao svako
            Pancho Gonzalez ; Ivan Lendl ; Andre Agassi ; Rafael Nadal



            • Connors je bio budala, ja ne mogu vjerovati da je udarao onako ravno i FH i BH, sa onim čudima od reketa. Vrijedi pogledati meč njega i Agassija sa USO-a 1988, ono je nešto neprevaziđeno, čisto sa tog aspekta ballstrikinga. Taj meč iz Dallasa sam sutra planirao pogledati, taman kad Šminku razvalim tenisa. Vrijeme mi je uzeo ovaj meč Lendla i Mecira iz Miamija, skidao ga preko torrenta i jebavao se, a nisam vidio da ima na youtubeu. Moron.

              To svakako, ali treba uzeti u obzir da je Johnovom gamestylu najviše škodila ta tehnološka modernizacija. Pobijediti Johna iz 1981 sa drvenim reketom na tepihu se već može zvati pravim uspjehom. Inače, govorio sam prije otprilike godinu dana koliko Mecir s tim mlakim udarcima i kratkim zamahom podsjeća na Tomika. Naročito kad u po' frke raspale BH dijagonalu ili forhend paralelu i protivnika ostave onako da se ibrete u fazonu 'odakle sad ovo' ?
              “It's no accident, I think, that tennis uses the language of life. Advantage, service, fault, break, love, the basic elements of tennis are those of everyday existence, because every match is a life in miniature. Points become games become sets become tournaments, and it's all so tightly connected that any point can become the turning point. It reminds me of the way seconds become minutes become hours, and any hour can be our finest. Or darkest. It's our choice.”


              • Nisi valjda trosio ratio na T3nnisTV-u? Pocetnik

                Bogami, bilo bi svasta i sa drvetom, sumnjam da se ne bi snasao. Stvarno lice, samo sto je ovaj mali budala, ali mozda mu nekad dodje iz dupeta u glavu, jos je mlad
                Pancho Gonzalez ; Ivan Lendl ; Andre Agassi ; Rafael Nadal



                • Andy Murray has questioned the ATP's stance on Grand Slam champions and the season-ending World Tour Finals, saying it reduces the significance of regular tournaments.

                  According to ATP rules, a Grand Slam champion can qualify for the World Tour Finals by finishing in the Top 20, rather than the mandated Top 8. With two of this year's major champions, Stan Wawrinka and Marin Cilic, yet to qualify, one or both could block the eighth-ranked player from reaching the tournament. Murray, who is currently in ninth place, could be in that position, and was critical of the rule.

                  "If the ATP want their tournaments to be the most important tournaments, which I think they do—it’s the ATP World Tour Finals—you would hope that the players who would get in would be those who accumulate the most points across the whole year on the ATP tour," he said. "But by putting the Grand Slam champions in then they would be saying the Grand Slams are the most important events."

                  The 27-year-old understands why the rule is in place, but asked whether the ATP should be favoring the Grand Slam champions.

                  "I’m not saying that's wrong. I've put a lot of my time and effort and training into getting prepared for the Grand Slams and playing the best-of-five-set matches. They mean a lot to all the players. If Marin was to get in placed ninth, he would deserve to be there. Winning the U.S. Open is a great achievement," he said, but added, "[i]f you want to protect your own tour, then you need to make sure that the tournaments that we are playing throughout the whole year are seen as being just as important as the other ones."

                  There are fewer than 500 points between No. 6 and No. 11 in the standings.


                  • kad spomenuste matorog Mecira, jel znate na kom challengeru je bio glavni&odgovorni pre koju godinu? (i dal' je jos uvek)

                    secam se da je sincic kao anonimus imao solidan vetar u ledja nekoliko rundi


                    • Andy Murray questions ATP World Tour Finals rules for Grand Slam champions (see: Cilic)

                      Andy Murray has questioned the ATP's stance on Grand Slam champions and the season-ending World Tour Finals, saying it reduces the significance of regular tournaments.

                      According to ATP rules, a Grand Slam champion can qualify for the World Tour Finals by finishing in the Top 20, rather than the mandated Top 8. With two of this year's major champions, Stan Wawrinka and Marin Cilic, yet to qualify, one or both could block the eighth-ranked player from reaching the tournament. Murray, who is currently in ninth place, could be in that position, and was critical of the rule.

                      "If the ATP want their tournaments to be the most important tournaments, which I think they do—it’s the ATP World Tour Finals—you would hope that the players who would get in would be those who accumulate the most points across the whole year on the ATP tour," he said. "But by putting the Grand Slam champions in then they would be saying the Grand Slams are the most important events."

                      The 27-year-old understands why the rule is in place, but asked whether the ATP should be favoring the Grand Slam champions.

                      "I’m not saying that's wrong. I've put a lot of my time and effort and training into getting prepared for the Grand Slams and playing the best-of-five-set matches. They mean a lot to all the players. If Marin was to get in placed ninth, he would deserve to be there. Winning the U.S. Open is a great achievement," he said, but added, "[I]f you want to protect your own tour, then you need to make sure that the tournaments that we are playing throughout the whole year are seen as being just as important as the other ones."

                      There are fewer than 500 points between No. 6 and No. 11 in the standings.

                      Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
                      But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.


                      • Dva puta u tri posta?
                        Pancho Gonzalez ; Ivan Lendl ; Andre Agassi ; Rafael Nadal



                        • * Victory makes you happy, failure makes you stronger!
                          * Smeš da izgubiš, ali ne smeš da se predaš!
                          NOVAK ĐOKOVIĆ #TrueChampion


                          • Ma može i sto puta što se mene tiče, kada ne mogu da otvorim ništa niti vidim nešto na prethodnim postovima/stranama, prema tome džabe ironičan komentar

                            Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
                            But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.


                            • ROME (AP)—Italian tennis players Daniele Bracciali and Potito Starace are facing corruption accusations after intercepted Internet conversations claiming they sold matches were printed Wednesday in Italian media.

                              The conversations are part of the extensive data that judicial investigators in Cremona have been sorting through as part of a widespread match-fixing inquiry into soccer.

                              In a July 2007 conversation on Skype between Bracciali and an accountant who was arrested in 2011, Bracciali discusses arranging a match in Newport, Rhode Island, against American player Scoville Jenkins.

                              Jenkins won 6-2, 6-1.

                              In 2011, an owner of a betting parlor who was later arrested is heard saying that Starace agreed to sell the final of a tournament in Casablanca.

                              Pablo Andujar of Spain won the final 6-1, 6-2.

                              Prosecutor Roberto Di Martino, who is leading the Cremona inquiry, confirmed to The Associated Press the authenticity of the conversations.

                              Di Martino added that foreign tennis players might also be involved.

                              ''I can't rule that out,'' Di Martino told the AP. ''But I can't say anything more for now.''

                              Bracciali and Starace, neither of whom are officially under investigation, had no immediate comment.

                              The Last Bet operation has resulted in more than 100 people placed under investigation in Italy since mid-2011, with suspect soccer matches being looked at by prosecutors in Cremona, Bari and Naples. Now the inquiry is branching out to other sports.

                              The 36-year-old Bracciali is now a doubles specialist while the 33-year-old Starace is ranked 150th in singles.

                              Bracciali and Starace were already two of five Italians — along with Alessio Di Mauro, Giorgio Galimberti and Federico Luzzi — who were given suspensions between 2007-08 by the ATP tour ranging from six weeks to nine months for betting.

                              In other cases of match-fixing in tennis, Daniel Koellerer of Austria and David Savic of Serbia were banned for life in 2011 and 2012, respectively.

                              Earlier this year, Russian player Andrey Kumantsov was banned for life by the Tennis Integrity Unit, which was formed by the ATP and WTA tours, the International Tennis Federation and the Grand Slam Committee.

                              And in July of this year, one man was charged and five others arrested in an Australian police operation against an international tennis match-fixing syndicate.


                              • Našao sam zanimljiv tekst o Robinu Soderlingu.

