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  • Prosli put su bili izbrisani snimci sa TC-a o 100 najboljih igraca svih vremena po njihovom izboru, evo jos jednom svih 5 epizoda ako neko hoce da skida

    Pancho Gonzalez ; Ivan Lendl ; Andre Agassi ; Rafael Nadal



    • Da li neko ima snimak cijelog meca Federer-Nadal u Rimu 2006? Pozeljno sa engleskim kometarom.


      • NI, to sigurno ima na torentima.
        Mogu da pogledam kad dodjem kuci, pa ako hoces da ti posaljem invite

        Here's the most remarkable thing to me about Federer: Seems to me that the more you know about tennis, the more amazed you are by the guy. If you know nothing at all about tennis, he's amazing. If you know a little something about tennis—maybe you have played a few times in your life—he's more amazing. If you know a little more about tennis—maybe you played in high school and once had illusions of becoming a pro—he's even MORE amazing. And if you were a great player—if you are a McEnroe or a Connors or a Jim Courier—then Federer is preposterously amazing


        Don't argue with idiots. They'll drag you down to their level and beat you...
        with experience.


        • Bio je mec na YT-u letos ali je taj kanal smaknut tako da su sad samo torenti opcija
          Pancho Gonzalez ; Ivan Lendl ; Andre Agassi ; Rafael Nadal



          • Hvala Bojana i Warrior.

            Bojana, molim te posalji ako nije problem.

            Odgledao sam jedan dosta dobar sazetak od pola sata. Strasan mec. Nije mi jasno kako je Federe izgubio. Imao je 4:2 u drugom TB. Imao je 4:3 i 40:30 na svom servisu u petom setu, imao je 6:5 i 15:40 na Nadalovom servisu u petom setu i 5:3 u zadnjem TB-u.

            Na momente je Nadalova strasna zelja za pobjedom cinila da izvodi nemoguce udarce, kao protiv Djokovica u 4. setu Australije. Ipak glavni krivac je Federerova brzopletost i nedostatak samouvjerenja u par kljucnih poena. Obije mec lopte je igrao jako lose. Bazicna FH greska na 5:3 u zadnjem TB.

            Inace u mecu nema sistema. Nijedan igrac nema jasnu taktiku. Federer vjeruje da ima dovoljno raznovrsnu igru da ga nadigra a Nadal da ima dovoljno volje i kondicije da traje duze od Federera. Na odredjeni nacin su obojica u pravu.

            U osnovi Federer reba da igra 110% svojih mogucnosti tokom 4-5 sati da bi pobijedio Rafu na sljaci. To je previse.
            Last edited by NI; 25-12-12, 23:15.


            • Imaš čitav meč na i to sa engleskim komentatorom. Ja sam stavio da se skida, brzina je i više nego dobra.

              Gledao sam i ja danas highlights sa tog meča i zaključak je manje-više isti. Osim Rogerove brzopletosti u određenim trenucima, odnosno manjka samopouzdanja, Rafina volja magarca i mental strentgh su između ostalog odlučili meč. Roger je odigrao jedan od najboljih mečeva u karijeri i opet je izgubio. Rafa nije odigrao najbolje što može na šljaci i opet je pobijedio. Još jedna potvrda teze da je Nadal najlošiji match up za Federera i da Švajcarac treba da odigra najbolje što može da bi dobio Nadala, dok je ovaj drugi u stanju sa prosječnom igrom dobiti Rogera.
              Kada uzmem u obzir ovo napisano, rečenica koju je rekao jedan momak sa drugog foruma gdje stoji, parafraziram "Nadal kao da je pravljen u nekoj laboratoriji da bude 'Anti Federer' sve mi više ima smisla.
              Last edited by Prle!; 25-12-12, 21:01.
              “It's no accident, I think, that tennis uses the language of life. Advantage, service, fault, break, love, the basic elements of tennis are those of everyday existence, because every match is a life in miniature. Points become games become sets become tournaments, and it's all so tightly connected that any point can become the turning point. It reminds me of the way seconds become minutes become hours, and any hour can be our finest. Or darkest. It's our choice.”


              • Thoughts on '13: What's At Stake For The Big Names?

                Interesantan mi je deo o Skotu i mogu reci da se uglavnom slazem sa Tignorom
                Andy Murray

                The 25-year-old spent 2012 removing an unwanted title from his career resume: Best Player Never to Win a Major. Now that Muzz’s Olympic and U.S. Open breakthroughs have been achieved, could the floodgates open the way they did for his coach, Ivan Lendl, in the mid-1908s? The Czech, who won his first Slam at 24, finished with eight and spent four years at No. 1. Or did Murray temporarily benefit from the absence of his primary Slam tormentor, Rafael Nadal, at both of those events?

                Murray likely won’t win seven more majors, and finishing No. 1 even once will be a struggle. A lot will depend on what his competition does. We know Novak Djokovic is going to be an obstacle for years to come, but how strong will Federer, who turns 32 in August, and Nadal, who will always be troubled by his knees, be in 2013 and beyond? For this year, I don’t see Murray riding his Open win to multiple Slam titles or the top ranking. He’ll have to take his chances when they come, which is what he finally learned to do last season.
                O Novaku
                Novak Djokovic

                In 2011, Djokovic showed how high he can climb when he dominated two of the game’s greats, Nadal and Federer. In 2012, he showed how steady and resilient he can be by winning another major, reaching all four Slam semifinals, and finishing the season a decisive No. 1. What can Novak do as a third act, in 2013? If he were to repeat what he did last year by finishing No. 1 for a third straight season and winning his sixth major, he would take a step toward the Lendls, the McEnroes, and the Jimbos of tennis history, reliable Hall-of-Famers who recorded at least four year-end No. 1 finishes and won at least seven Slams. That's good company.

                Since most predictions simply assume what just happened will keep happening (and thus turn out to be wrong), it would be easy to look at the way Djokovic finished 2012 at the World Tour Finals in London and make him the heavy favorite to rule the tour in 2013. He has already proven that he can run, or very nearly run, the Grand Slam table. I won't make any (likely incorrect) long-term prognostication, but I will just say that, to start the season, all roads lead through Djokovic. Whether he’s serving or returning, the ball, for now, is on Nole’s side of the court.
                Tom, your music is the best drinking partner I've ever had.


                • Originally posted by Navras View Post
                  Thoughts on '13: What's At Stake For The Big Names?

                  Interesantan mi je deo o Skotu i mogu reci da se uglavnom slazem sa Tignorom

                  O Novaku
                  `Svi putevi vode preko Djokovica` je Tignorov rezime za najavu naredne sezone.
                  Toplu vodu nije otkrio, kao ni rupu na saksiji, ali da je realan-jeste.

                  Last edited by pecaros; 27-12-12, 18:20.


                  • Da, sto se tice Novaka tu je sve jasno i kako ce izgledati prvi deo sezone iskljucivo od njega zavisi. Skot je, u ovom trenutku, najozbiljniji rival, sa tim se takodje slazem, ali su njegovi limiti jasni i Tignor je jako dobro na to ukazao. Njegove sanse zavise od forme i raspolozenja drugih igraca i mora biti strpljiv. Kao sto je strpljivo cekao, cekao i napokon docekao prvi slem tako ce mozda docekati i naredni, a sansu ce svakako imati. Sad, da li ce to biti za godinu, dve ili pet, videcemo. Pitaju se drugi vise nego on sam.
                    Tom, your music is the best drinking partner I've ever had.


                    • Tennis Panorama News ‏@TennisNewsTPN
                      Rafael Nadal is out of Doha and the Australian Open. Getting set to return to tour for Acapulco. #tennis #Nadal
                      Last edited by MiljanVR; 28-12-12, 16:19.


                      • Tesko da ce se on vratiti ikada , kada ovoliko odlaze


                        • O boze.....


                          • Ovo nije naivno, automatski znaci da od Abu Dhabija nije odustao zbog virusa nego da krije pravi razlog. Ukoliko se nije oporavio ne treba zuriti sa povratkom ali bas lici na Robinove probleme


                            • Ovo znaci i da ce biti 5. na listi i da moze doci u cetvrtfinalu IWa Djokovicu/Federeru/Murrayu

                              With Nadal not playing till Acapulco (25 Feb), means by then it would be 8 mths since last official match - 2nd RD Wimbledon
                              "knee is much better & rehabilitation process has gone well as predicted doctors, but virus didn’t allow me 2 practice this past week"
                              Nadal withdraws from Australian Open
                              Saturday, 29 December, 2012
                              By Tennis Australia

                              Rafael Nadal has withdrawn from next month's Australian Open.

                              A stomach virus has plagued the Spanish superstar's preparation for the summer as he attempted to rejoin the tour for the first time since a mid-year knee injury.

                              Ironically, in the end it was the virus, and not the knee, that prompted his decision.

                              "I am sorry and very sad to announce that I will not play in the Australian Open," the 2009 Australian Open champion said. "My knee is coming along okay, but a stomach virus has left me unable to get ready in time to tackle the rigours of a Grand Slam.

                              "Because of the virus, I have been unable to get any match practice and simply would not be doing myself or my friends in Australia justice if I went down there so unprepared. You need your body to be at its best for the Australian Open," Nadal said.

                              "It was a difficult decision and I am extremely disappointed to be missing such a great event. I love coming to Melbourne and playing on Rod Laver Arena before the Australian crowds. It brings out the best in me. It hurts to have to wait another 12 months before I get another chance. In the meantime, the focus is now on desperately trying to get back on the tour."

                              Nadal was originally due to play his first matches since the surgery in Abu Dhabi followed by an event in Doha. The virus has meant he has had to withdraw from both, thus depriving him of match practice and no doubt playing a large part in his decision to withdraw.

                              "It is completely understandable and we really feel disappointed for him," Australian Open Tournament Director Craig Tiley said. "But without any match practice and without sufficient lead up time on the practice court, it makes it virtually impossible for him to get his body ready.

                              "We just hope he gets better quickly and we see him back on the tour as soon as possible. Tennis fans across the world have been missing him. Our Australian Open staff will very much miss him and his team as he is not only a great player, but also a great guy with good people around him,"explained Tiley who has been in regular contact with the Nadal camp in recent weeks.

                              "We wish Rafa all the best. I am confident we will see him back on the tour soon and back in Australia for 2014, no doubt as one of the contenders for the Norman Brookes Challenge Cup."


                              • Mmm Neki Rafini navijači se hvataju za slamčicu spasa, 28/12 im je u Španiji kao naš prvi april, aprili li li ;) pa kažu, daj bože da je šala...
                                Vrlo neukusna šala...ako je šala, a ja ne bi rekla.
                                "My body feels great. I mean, it´s only five hours"

