To je jos davno bilo, znam da sam u Novostima citao. Rekao Djokovic, ako u naredne 2-3 godine osvoji jos 5,6 GS-ova da se povuce...
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Originally posted by zdravkelja View PostTo je jos davno bilo, znam da sam u Novostima citao. Rekao Djokovic, ako u naredne 2-3 godine osvoji jos 5,6 GS-ova da se povuce...
Coria koji je car inace je planirao da se oprosti nakon onog cuvenog finala sa Gaudio-em,ne znam da li bi se predomsilio i da li bi se javila odredjena slast prema naslovima,ali kako je radio, razmisljao i s obzirom da je Argentinac ne bi me to iznenadilo uopste,steta sto nikad nije osvojio Slem...Zeljko Malnar-Nocna mora <3
#the return
Pa realno je onda morao osvojiti, bio je za klasu bolji igrač od zemljaka, ali očigledno nedovoljno fizički spreman. Poraz od Verkerka godinu ranije nikada nisam svario, mada bi tad teško prešao preko komarca, kojem taj RG nije mogao pobjeći.
Originally posted by notorious View PostPa realno je onda morao osvojiti, bio je za klasu bolji igrač od zemljaka, ali očigledno nedovoljno fizički spreman. Poraz od Verkerka godinu ranije nikada nisam svario, mada bi tad teško prešao preko komarca, kojem taj RG nije mogao pobjeći.
Kasnije dolaze ozbiljne povrede i pokusaji da se vrate,ali problemi sa zglobovima i ledjima posebno to nikada nisu dozvolili.Dolazi do pokusaja promjene ionako skromne servis tehnike zbog ledja,ali je to izazvalo beskonacno mnogo duplih gresaka i cak je na nekim mecevima gubio od smijesnih igraca na sljaci.Igrao je i na Challengerima u pokusaju da se vrati ali nije uspio nikada jer su ledja ucinila svoje,mnogo sam ga gotivio i jako mi je zao zbog toga
Mislim da je Djokovic osvojio Amersfort upravo protiv velikog majstoraLast edited by AK47; 11-01-12, 23:21.Zeljko Malnar-Nocna mora <3
#the return
Ovo shvatite kao salu, iz svajcarskih je novina i namera nije da se ozbiljno analizira 2012. godina
Bürer looks ahead: "This is how tennis will be in 2012"
The Australian Open, the first GS tournament of the year, is already upon us. SF commentator Stefan Bürer believes that 2012 will be very special not only because of the Olympics. It could go like this. Or maybe not.
29th January
Roger Federer defeated Andy Murray in the final in Melbourne 7:6, 7:6, 7:5. After his 17th GS title the Swiss said: "Murray has the potential to win Grand Slams. Unfortunately he seems to be somehow blocked in finals." Murray's new coach Ivan Lendl answered: "Nonsense. Andy was better than Federer. He just didn't win the big points. We will work on it in the coming weeks. "
Roger Federer can lift big titles again in 2012. reuters
20th May
Rafael Nadal won in Rome the last warm-up tournament before Roland Garros. He beat Novak Djokovic in the final for the first time in a long time. After his first title of the year (Djokovic won in Dubai, Indian Wells, Miami and Monte Carlo) Nadal told the press: "For me it would be a surprise if I reach the second week in Paris."
10th June
Djokovic, who was defeated by Federer for the second consecutive year in the semifinals in Paris, told the Spanish television that the Swiss wouldn't even win 10 games in the final against Nadal (who hadn't dropped a set). Roger Federer defeated Nadal 6:4, 1:6, 7:6, 6:3. Nadal's comment: "I've always said that Roger is a better player than me also on clay." Federer's critics acknowledged that the Swiss defeated Nadal for the first time in Paris. However they insisted that the Nadal of 2012 was only a shadow of his former self.
Rafael Nadal: "Roger is the better player than me." Reuters
8th July
Nadal defeated Andy Murray in the Wimbledon final 7:6, 7:6, 7:5. Murray had surprisingly defeated Roger Federer ("He wouldn't beat me in the final" ) 6:1, 6:3, 6:2 in the semis. Nadal was relieved after his first Grand Slam title of the year: "I just feel good against Murray. Nevertheless it was tight. If he had won one of his 13 set points in the first and second sets - who knows!" Ivan Lendl sees it differently: "Bullshit. Andy was much better than Rafa. Very little is missing - this is what we are going to work on now."
Andy Murray's coach Ivan Lendl (right) wants to push his protégé. Keystone
5th August
Roger Federer is an Olympic champion! After his final victory against Jo-Wilfried Tsonga he was plagued by crying fits for several minutes. It was contagious - about half the audience were also fighting back the tears. Tsonga also wept and said afterwards: "That was not because of Roger. My performance in the final was just pathetic." Andy Murray lost the bronze medal match without winning a set against Djokovic. Lendl said defiantly: "Andy is a winner. His time will come. We're working on it."
Winning the Olympic gold touched Roger Federer to tears. Reuters
9th September
Djokovic won the U.S. Open. His opponent in the final Andy Murray (6:7, 6:7, 5:7) is as exasperated as the British media (The Sun: "Andy, leave the country!" The Times:.. "Never Ever" The Mirror: "LOOOOOOSER!" ). Murray fired Lendl on the same day and hired Jose Mourinho as a consultant. Mourinho said: "I will make Murray the greatest of all time. After me."
11th November
Murray won the Masters in London! However the final wasn't played because Rafael Nadal pulled out due to exhaustion. In the semifinal Federer had retired when the score was 1-0 because of a back spasm. Murray had won only one of his RR matches (6:1, 6:0 against Tsonga) as two players (Del Potro, Djokovic) could not play due to injuries either. A headline in the Mirror: "Unbeatable!!!". Mourinho: "He has destroyed all these nothings. 2013 is his year!"
18th November
Switzerland won the Davis Cup. In the final Stanislas Wawrinka won the decisive fifth match against Juan Monaco in 6 hours and 48 minutes and saved 11 match points 7:5, 6:7, 6:7, 7:6, 19:17. Federer had won his two previous single. The Argentines won the doubles. Switzerland was crying with happiness. A headline in Schweizer Illustrierte: "Our dream tennis pair - very private!"
16th December
Roger Federer (2 Grand Slam titles, Olympic gold, Davis Cup winner) came 3rd in the vote for the "Sportsman of the Year" behind Didier Cuche (second in Wengen) and Didier Défago (winner of Kitzbühel). Federer's comment: "I guess I just have the wrong first name." He announced that he wanted to win all the Grand Slam tournaments in 2013: "Perhaps then it will be enough."
Here's the most remarkable thing to me about Federer: Seems to me that the more you know about tennis, the more amazed you are by the guy. If you know nothing at all about tennis, he's amazing. If you know a little something about tennis—maybe you have played a few times in your life—he's more amazing. If you know a little more about tennis—maybe you played in high school and once had illusions of becoming a pro—he's even MORE amazing. And if you were a great player—if you are a McEnroe or a Connors or a Jim Courier—then Federer is preposterously amazing
Don't argue with idiots. They'll drag you down to their level and beat you...
with experience.
Bio je sigurno spremniji, Coria nije bio u stanju ni da servira, nije bilo skoka kao nekadakretao se dosta lošije. Taj meč bi završio 3-0 da nije došlo do velikih problema. Meč protiv Henmana nije bio bezazlen, moglo je doći do 5 seta, uskoro bih se mogao podsjetiti malo, prošlo je 7 godina. Upravo nakon Rima i čuvenog finala je uslijedio pad, finale protiv Rafe je bilo njegovo poslednje veliko izdanje. Davydenko je te 2005 godine mogao do finala, ali se našao na putu nadrogirani Puerta. Coria je već u početku turnira protiv Novaka djelovao loše, ali je srećom za njega Novak tada bio spreman za WTA.
Originally posted by notorious View PostBio je sigurno spremniji, Coria nije bio u stanju ni da servira, nije bilo skoka kao nekadakretao se dosta lošije. Taj meč bi završio 3-0 da nije došlo do velikih problema. Meč protiv Henmana nije bio bezazlen, moglo je doći do 5 seta, uskoro bih se mogao podsjetiti malo, prošlo je 7 godina. Upravo nakon Rima i čuvenog finala je uslijedio pad, finale protiv Rafe je bilo njegovo poslednje veliko izdanje. Davydenko je te 2005 godine mogao do finala, ali se našao na putu nadrogirani Puerta. Coria je već u početku turnira protiv Novaka djelovao loše, ali je srećom za njega Novak tada bio spreman za WTA.
Zeljko Malnar-Nocna mora <3
#the return
Henman je imao set i brejk prednosti a onda je otprilike shvatio da je tu malo zalutao (Britanci preko 40 godina nisu imali igraca u 1/2) pa je izgubio 13 gemova u nizu
Te godine turnir je trebao biti Koriin a analiticari su morali da se vracaju do 1934. i 1927. da vide kada je poslednji put neko na Rolan Garosu procerdao mec loptu u finalu.. naravno, Rim 2005. ga je potpuno dotukao, onaj mec necu nikad zaboravitiPancho Gonzalez ; Ivan Lendl ; Andre Agassi ; Rafael Nadal
Necu ni ja Rim zaboraviti,gledao sam ga i prosle godine,jednostavno klasik,Rafa bez bh-a i servisa,cak je i fh bio slabiji i meni je Coria bio bolji ali kroz zid tada nije mogao,cijeli mec je nesto gundjao sebi u bradu
Kasnije je gubio od Serre i slicnih na ChallengerimaZeljko Malnar-Nocna mora <3
#the return
Originally posted by shminka View PostDa nije Head ponudio kakav bolji ugovor Noletu,a odlucio da odustane od vjecnih nada? Od jutros sam upratio da Wawrinka i Azarenka vise nisu "njihovi"Everything you want is on the other side of fear.
Originally posted by Seoski TerminatorNije lud Federer da ugrozi celu godinu cak i zbog jednog GS-a, to ja bar mislim. A drugo uzeo je potreban odmor, da se to smiri i sredi. Nije on lud, i ovako pravi realan raspored koji moze da isprati, tako da zna sta radi, a taj komentator mislim da malo kaki.
Originally posted by Kamikaze View PostJa bas mislim da je lud. I ne pravi raspored koje njegovo telo moze da isprati. Si ti video njegov raspored ? Covek hoce da igra gomilu turnira ove godine a mator je. Ok izvinite sto moram tako da kazem ali da u odnosu na neke tenisere on je mator i ne moze da isprati takav ritam. Naravno da ce telo da se pobuni u jednom trenutku.Last edited by Seoski Terminator; 14-01-12, 13:10.