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  • Sad ce to Chris da vrati
    Blake Mott svega 15 godina

    Evo i live scorea


    • Izadje Chris na mrezu posle ocajnog servisa i to na brejk loptu
      Servirace Smith za prvi set

      edit: Dobro odservirao,7:5 prvi set

      edit 2: Pobjeda Smitha,7:6 u drugom setu.Opet Chris izlazi na mrezu posle servisa,a podloga prespora za to.Zasluzena pobjeda
      Last edited by Vladan; 07-12-11, 01:48.


      • Originally posted by Vladan View Post
        Eto sta je glava u tenisu
        Taman sam to htio da postavim. Evo i prevoda

        O tome sam i ranije pisao. Svi teniski stručnjaci imaju pamćenje od par dana ili nedjelja (ovo "nedjelja" samo važi ako je pauza kada niko od top tenisera ne igra). Sad, kad je Federer napravio dobru seriju odmah priča "Ipak je Federer - Federer". Sam Becker je potpuno druge stvari pisao prije mjesec ili dva. Dakle, nije samo Reed, Vladane, već svi .
        Last edited by amnesiac; 07-12-11, 12:09.
        Australian Open (2004, 2006, 2007, 2010, 2017, 2018) French Open (2009) Wimbledon (2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012, 2017) US Open (2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008)


        • Boris svakako nije izmislio toplu vodu ovom izjavom ...


          • Originally posted by MiljanVR View Post
            Nadalova 2008 bolja od Novakove 2011,pa ne bih bas rekao,ali ajde sta me briga to jedan covek bira
            Tesko je proceniti, jer je uzeo RG i W, sto je jedno od najtezih dostignuca u tenisu + OI ... Vec smo distkutovali o tome, zaista su nijanse ...


            • ATP naravno donosi 5 najvecih iznenadjenja kao i svake godine.Danas 3,na 5. mjestu je pobjeda Milosa nad Verdascom u finalu San Josea,potom Bogomolova nad Murrayom u 2. kolu Miamija,a na 3. pobjeda Keija nad Novakom u polufinalu Basela.Koja li su najveca dva?

              Ako stave Rogera nad Novakom na RGu onda stvarno nisu normalni,jedna je Dodigova nad Nadalom ubijedjen sam u to,a ovo drugo npr. Tsongina nad Rogerom u cetvrtfinalu Wa ili pobjeda Roberta u prvom kolu RGa protiv Berdycha

              Originally posted by amnesiac View Post
              Taman sam to htio da postavim. Evo i prevoda

              O tome sam i ranije pisao. Svi teniski stručnjaci imaju pamćenje od par dana ili nedjelja (ovo "nedjelja" samo važi ako je pauza kada niko od top tenisera ne igra). Sad, kad je Federer napravio dobru seriju odmah priča "Ipak je Federer - Federer". Sam Becker je potpuno druge stvari pisao prije mjesec ili dva. Dakle, nije samo Reed, Vladane, već svi .
              Da,vecina,ali gledaj sta kaze Lendl za Rogerov kraj godine
              People tend to overthink all of this. Let's see what happens in Australia
              Last edited by Vladan; 07-12-11, 17:37.


              • Jangova pobjeda nad Marejem u IW?


                • Dodig -Nadal 1. iznenađenje ... Za ovo drugo je teško reći. možda taj poraz Berdiha, jer je igrao polufinale RG-a ...


                  • Evo, ipak Federerova 2006. ;)

                    The 10 Greatest Men's Seasons: No. 2, Federer's 2006


                    • Izgleda da Sod propusta i AO:


                      google prevod:
                      Soderling miss Australian Open
                      December 7th, 2011 at 18:14, Updated: December 7, 2011 at 20:19
                      Robin Soderling miss this year's first Grand Slam tournament, Australian Open, starting on 16 January. Soderling is still fresh from his glandular fever and are therefore forced to rest throughout January.
                      - The good news is that he is feeling better and better every day but it is impossible to say when he might make a comeback, says his agent Nina Wennerstrom said.

                      Tennis The Swede, now ranked 13th in the world, has not played since July, when he won the Swedish Open.

                      Here's the most remarkable thing to me about Federer: Seems to me that the more you know about tennis, the more amazed you are by the guy. If you know nothing at all about tennis, he's amazing. If you know a little something about tennis—maybe you have played a few times in your life—he's more amazing. If you know a little more about tennis—maybe you played in high school and once had illusions of becoming a pro—he's even MORE amazing. And if you were a great player—if you are a McEnroe or a Connors or a Jim Courier—then Federer is preposterously amazing


                      Don't argue with idiots. They'll drag you down to their level and beat you...
                      with experience.


                      • Lici na Ancicevu pricu,nadam se da ipak nece zavrsiti tako,velika steta za AO svakako


                        • Ne znam dje je sad(ima li je vise) Maratova tema,prebacite ako ne treba ovdje da stoji

                          Safin Elected To Russian Federal Parliament

                          Former World Number One tennis player and star of the ATP Champions Tour, Marat Safin, has been voted into the Russian Federal Parliament, the Duma.

                          Two-time Grand Slam winner Safin, a member of Vladimir Putin’s United Russia party, has been elected into the Duma’s lower house as a representative for the Nyzhny Novgorod region, approximately 500k from Moscow.

                          Ahead of the election results, Safin explained to the ATP Champions Tour how he reached the decision to pursue his political ambitions.

                          “My life has been changing for the last two years,” he said. “All of a sudden I found myself in a situation where I had to make really serious decisions. It started with one small thing and it grew up to something big. I could go and make commercials left and right and pretend like I am a celebrity, but that is not me. I never did this, I never liked it. I had a few months of thinking ‘should I do this or should I not’ but now I am pretty sure of what I’m doing and I want to do it.”

                          The 31 year-old also explained his new political career shares some similarities with his former life as a professional tennis player.

                          “I’m in completely new shoes,” he said. "This is a completely new life, a new way of thinking, new way of doing things that’s nothing to do with tennis or sports at all. But the two things definitely have one thing in common and that is that you need to have a character. You have to be strong and you have to know where you’re going, what you want to do, and you have to be able to make sacrifices.”

                          “I will be working for the next five years day after day, sitting in an office, wearing a suit. I will have good days, bad days and I will have to fight once again like I’ve been fighting on the court. It will be complicated.”

                          One of the most prominent supporters of Safin’s political career has been the man who he beat to win his first Grand Slam at the US Open in 2000, Pete Sampras.

                          “In 20 years Marat will be the President of Russia!” joked Sampras, before adding seriously:

                          “Trust me, Marat is going to go a long way. He is very intelligent and articulate and he’s good with people, and that’s half the battle with being a politician.”

                          Safin is not the first Russian sports star to launch a second career in politics. The 2005 Australian Open Champion is joining an exclusive club which includes the likes of gymnast Svetlana Khorkina, figure skater Anton Sikharulidze and heavyweight boxer Nikolay Valuev, all of whom have run for office.


                          • I will be working for the next five years day after day, sitting in an office, wearing a suit. I will have good days, bad days and I will have to fight once again like I’ve been fighting on the court. It will be complicated.”
                            odelo mu odlično stoji ali ne mogu da verujem da će dugo izdržati da sedi u kancelariji, pre će biti da će povremeno navraćati što uopšte ne znači da će loše raditi svoj posao, ne sumnjam u njegove sposobnosti ;) samo mislim da nije kancelarijski tip. ali, ko zna, možda me demantuje.

                            btw, i ja bih glasala za Marata


                            • Broj 2 je pobjeda Dodiga nad Nadalom,a 1. mjesto zauzima Young



                              • Originally posted by Vladan View Post
                                Broj 2 je pobjeda Dodiga nad Nadalom,a 1. mjesto zauzima Young

                                Kao sto rekoh.
                                I meni je to bilo najvece iznenadjenje, ako se ne varam, prosao je kvalifikacije...

