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  • Mekinro: Svaka cast Srbima

    Legenda americkog tenisa Dzon Mekinro odusevljen je Srbima, i tvrdi da je nas mentalitet kljuc uspeha u "belom sportu".

    "Srbi se medjusobno podrzavaju i guraju napred jedni druge. To je sjajno. Imate Novaka koji prosto motivise druge da budu kao on, posebno Troickog i Tipsarevica, a slicno je i sa Anom i Jelenom, tu je Bojana. A zahvaljujuci njima, bice jos sjajnih devojaka na WTA turu", kaze Mekinro.

    Amerikanac veruje da je to primer na koji bi ostale nacije mogle da se ugledaju.
    "Srbija je sjajan primer kako jedni drugima pomazu. Svaka im cast", zakljucio je Mekinro.

    "Telenor Wap"


    • Originally posted by ClayWarrior View Post
      Pa da li je moguce da neko za ovo dobija i platu!! Da nije ovih linkova nikada nista ne bih ni procitao na nasim sajtovima sto se tice tenisa, jasno je i zasto

      Cuj, Federer jedini osvajao Slemove na svakoj podlozi
      Ma, bitno da je on svoju sliku stavio i da mu je slika veca od teksta...
      A i inace, kurir nisu novine...


      • Originally posted by draza View Post
        Mekinro: Svaka cast Srbima

        Legenda americkog tenisa Dzon Mekinro odusevljen je Srbima, i tvrdi da je nas mentalitet kljuc uspeha u "belom sportu".

        "Srbi se medjusobno podrzavaju i guraju napred jedni druge. To je sjajno. Imate Novaka koji prosto motivise druge da budu kao on, posebno Troickog i Tipsarevica, a slicno je i sa Anom i Jelenom, tu je Bojana. A zahvaljujuci njima, bice jos sjajnih devojaka na WTA turu", kaze Mekinro.

        Amerikanac veruje da je to primer na koji bi ostale nacije mogle da se ugledaju.
        "Srbija je sjajan primer kako jedni drugima pomazu. Svaka im cast", zakljucio je Mekinro.

        "Telenor Wap"


        • Nick Bollettieri's letter to Serena and Venus.

          Nick Bollettieri: Thanks, with all my heart, for letting me be part of Team Williams
          If I never do anything further in tennis, you made my life so special in so many ways

          Dear Serena and Venus,

          "It is close to impossible to describe you, Serena. I was up early on Tuesday – there weren't many here when I came through the gates at Wimbledon – and I used the time to do some thinking. I thought and thought and came up with the following: "A can-do attitude makes the impossible possible."

          I have no doubt that 99 per cent of all people would have accepted what you, Serena, have experienced and decided to settle with saying how lucky they are to be alive, now it's time to move on and adjust to a complete new way of life.

          Not you.

          You told me that all you thought about as you faced that operation and the real fear that your life was in danger – let alone your future in tennis – was to play again the game that has been life to you. And you have fought and fought to get back. You just love this goddamn game.

          Sitting on Centre Court and watching every single move of your first game against Aravane Rezai, I tried to imagine what you were thinking. With every serve, volley, backhand and forehand that crossed that net out there on such a great stage, it made me realise more than ever before how fortunate I have been to be more than a spectator on both of your careers' and to have been a very close part of the Williams team.

          As the match progressed I glanced up at the coaches' box, wondering what Venus, Richard and the rest of the family were thinking too, back at this tournament that has become the Williams' second home. Before the match I spent some time with your father – a man I first met when you guys were 10 or 11 and arrived at my academy. We spoke of the years on the road together and I made it absolutely clear to Richard that he and Oracene, your mother, are responsible for the values and work ethics they instilled in both you guys. That is extremely important and both of you would not be here, on this world stage, if Mum and Dad were not by your side with words of positive enforcement and lots of love and hugs at all times.

          I want the entire world to know that Richard Williams never, never, not once raised his voice when working with his daughters. Over these years, since even before you turned pro Venus at the age of 14, many, many people, from the tennis establishment, coaches, former players, the media, put Richard down, down, down, right down man, when he did not let you girls play tournament tennis over your formative years.

          He's crazy they said, the way he trains you. You know what I say? If only some of the tennis parents we see around today, from the very top level down, were crazy like that. I wish, and sometimes I even pray, that our tennis parents would follow the Williams' philosophy.

          There's a simple way of winning any argument in your favour, and in your daddy's favour; look up your record. Let's do that.

          OK, there's 80 career titles between you, 20 Grand Slams, nine of them here on the grass of Wimbledon. That's not counting the doubles, there's another 12 Slams to add to the list.

          And that's not all, not by a long stretch. Every single time you set foot on a court, you girls give your all, every last drop – exactly 100 per cent. You have defied the odds and are still the best. You give hope to other boys and girls.

          I could keep writing about the Williams, go on and on and on, but will end with this: Serena, thank you for letting me be a small part of your life. You are truly my "Hall of Fame" and if I never do anything further in tennis you made my life so special in so many ways. Venus, you are also special to me. Tennis needs you girls. Hey guys, how about another Williams v Williams showdown in the final?"

          All the best, Nick


          • Originally posted by majabl View Post
            Nick Bollettieri's letter to Serena and Venus.
            Kad neko voli to sto radi...


            • The Early Days of One Would-Be Federer

              Bas lep clanak o Dimitrovu i svidja mi se ono sto je i on izjavio, sasvim na mestu

              Here's the most remarkable thing to me about Federer: Seems to me that the more you know about tennis, the more amazed you are by the guy. If you know nothing at all about tennis, he's amazing. If you know a little something about tennis—maybe you have played a few times in your life—he's more amazing. If you know a little more about tennis—maybe you played in high school and once had illusions of becoming a pro—he's even MORE amazing. And if you were a great player—if you are a McEnroe or a Connors or a Jim Courier—then Federer is preposterously amazing


              Don't argue with idiots. They'll drag you down to their level and beat you...
              with experience.


              • Fish,Delpo i Rodic vise od 3.5 setova,na 500 kinti-2500...To mora da se proba



                  Penzionisani britanski teniser Tim Henman strahuje da bi "belim sportom" u budućnosti mogli dominirati igrači čija telesna visina u ovom trenutku više asocira na košarkaše.

                  "Njihova je visina postala problematična", tvrdi četverostruki polufinalist Wimbledona.

                  "Kada sam ja započinjao u 90-im godinama bio sam jedan od najviših, a visok sam 185 cm. Dvanaest godina kasnije sam bio jedan od najnižih. Sad imate momke poput Johna Isnera (206 cm) i Ive Karlovića (208 cm), a ko zna koliko će visoki biti za 25 godina. Ne bi me čudilo da budu visoki 218 centimetara i dovoljno gipki za kretanje terenom".

                  "Košarka je tu dobar primjer, puna je fenomenalnih atleta. Visoki su, ali i dalje sposobni pokriti teren".

                  "U tenisu problem nastaje u zakonima fizike, takvi imaju bolji ugao pri servisima. Hoće li tenis postati sport u kojem će dvojica igrača izmjenjivati aseve na prvom servisu? Kako se tome suprotstaviti? Trebat će povisiti mrežu ili smanjiti servisno polje, a nisam siguran da je to ono što želimo učiniti", zaključio je Henman.


                  • Ne znam cemu to, i sta je hteo da kaze... Jednostavno, nizi igraci ce morati da poprave ritern i da igraju na duze poene u kojima ce setati protivnika. Tenis evoluira, kao i sve ostalo, ne shvatam cemu dizanje prasine... Mada ima ljudi koji nista ne bi menjali vec da 100 godina gledamo istu stvar... Ne ide to tako...


                    • Previse generalizuje stvari...
                      Prvo, ne znam koji od tih visokih tenisera toliko dominira? Izner? Karlovic?
                      Trenutno je najvisi dominnantni igrac Del Potro, za kog ja nikako ne bih rekla da je klasicni sever igrac... mozda i Raonic jednog dana uradi nesto vise, ali to cemo jos vidjeti...
                      S druge strane, Rodik ubija servisom vec godinama, a uopste nije toliko visok...


                      • Ti bi Drazo nekad i sam mogao da stavis svoje misljenje o necemu a ne da jurcas vesti po kvalitetnim srpskim portalima
                        Pancho Gonzalez ; Ivan Lendl ; Andre Agassi ; Rafael Nadal



                        • Druze,ja ovo stavim da ljudi procitaju,informisu se,ako ne mogu na nekom drugom mestu...Ne vidim problem u tome.A sto se tice mog misljenja...nisam nesto bas strucan da bi iznosio svoja misljenja pa bi to ponekad mozda i izgledalo smesno.U necemu drugom da mozda razglabamo bi imali vise srece,a ovde sam klasican navijac.


                          • Originally posted by ClayWarrior View Post
                            Ti bi Drazo nekad i sam mogao da stavis svoje misljenje o necemu a ne da jurcas vesti po kvalitetnim srpskim portalima
                            A sto vi kao moderatorilepo ne napisete recimo deset bozijih zapovesti o tenisu sta se sme a sta nesme pisati i postavljati , da ljudi ne lutaju vec da postave samo ono sto se vama svidja ,naravno ne trpam tu sve modreatore u isti kos ;)


                            • Evo AK ce napisati, znam da mu je oduvek bila zelja
                              Pancho Gonzalez ; Ivan Lendl ; Andre Agassi ; Rafael Nadal



                              • Originally posted by BOKI1969 View Post
                                A sto vi kao moderatorilepo ne napisete recimo deset bozijih zapovesti o tenisu sta se sme a sta nesme pisati i postavljati , da ljudi ne lutaju vec da postave samo ono sto se vama svidja ,naravno ne trpam tu sve modreatore u isti kos ;)
                                E da znas da ti ova ideja o 10 zapovijedi nije uopste losa, evo jedna za pocetak,pisite ne odvojeno od glagola(naravno osim u par izuzetaka),a za par dana ces dobiti i ostalih 9,jel moze?

                                Pretpostavljam da se ovaj dio o moderatorima odnosi na CW-a i moju malenkost,a mi cemo kao cijenjeni funkcioneri ovog foruma dati sve od sebe da nam se svi vasi postovi dopadnu...
                                Last edited by AK47; 25-06-11, 14:58.
                                Zeljko Malnar-Nocna mora <3

                                #the return

