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  • Predsednik francuske teniske federacije Aranauld di Pasquale za FT
    "I announce the exclusion of Benoit Paire after several warnings given by us. He did not respect he rules set by FFT on site. It is inacceptable. He lacked respect to his teammates and to the staff. There are rules to be respected when you are part of the French team".
    "We (the Federation) gave him a lot. We hardly saw him in Rio, you cannot just disrespect your team like that without punishment to follow. I asked him to pack and leave. He shouldn't have come if he is not able to stick to the rules the Federation had set before his arrival".
    Similis simili gaudet


    • Лепо сам рекао да Ноле не иде на олимпијаду, видело се из авиона да је у слабој форми и сад кад се десило шта се десило мора стојички да издржи свакојаке коментаре.... тако је то, таква величина на коленима у сузама, шта ће му то... стварно није пријатно ни видети ни чути ни читати све и свашта... али шта да се ради, свако плаћа своје грешке....


      • Šta god si konzumirao, rano je Žiko. Čuj greške...

        Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
        But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.


        • Otvorena tema Sinsinati

          Šampioni se ne stvaraju u teretanama. Šampioni se stvaraju od nečega što imaju duboko u sebi- želju, viziju i san. M.Ali
          Ko sme taj može.Ko ne zna za strah taj ide napred.
          "When the crowd is chanting Roger I hear Novak."


          • Zavrsen je jos jedan veliki teniski turnir. Nazalost, nisam bio u mogucnosti da pratim veci deo turnira, ali cu probati da napisem analizu dosadasnjeg dela sezone. Pre svega cu se koncetrisati na Djokovica i Mareja, dva ubedljivo najbolja tenisera.

            Najpre, sto se tice Novaka, ovaj poraz jeste veliki ali se ne moze porediti sa mnogim porazima, pre svega sa Roland Garrosa. Tacno je da je on sada plakao, ali, verujem da je bilo i tezih trenutaka u njegovoj karijeri kada se suzdrzavao da ne place.Ovoga puta mu je odgovaralo da pokaze koliko mu je stalo, da pokaze koliko voli Srbiju. Zato je pustio suze, a siguran sam da je nekoliko puta mogao i vise suza da pusti na Roland Garrosu. Nazalost ipostavilo se da je imao najtezi moguci zreb. Trenutno je u nesto slabijoj formi, i jako mu je bitno da nema preteske protivnike u prvim kolima.

            Sto se tice dosadasnjeg dela sezona, mi Novakovi navijaci, mozemo biti prezadovoljni. Da me je neke rekao da ce se ovako odvijiati stvari posle Roland Garrosa, odmah bi poptisao. Ne bih menjao Wimbledon i OI za finale Roland Garrosa sa Marijem. Skinut je najveci teret, i sledecih sezona ce Novak moci bolje da tempira formu za sve turnire, a ne samo Roland Garros. Tacno je da Novaku fali OI, ali na to ce da misli tek za cetiri godine.

            Edni Mari, sa druge strane, je fantasticno tempirao formu ove godine. Cini mi se da je mnogo bolji birao raspored ove godine nego prethodnih. Ali u jednoj stvari mislim da je pogresio: Dao je preveliki znacaj olimijskim igrama. Znam da ce neki reci da je on OI GOAT sada, ali ja bih pre imao jedno zlatu na OI i jednu nedelju na prvom mestu, nego dva zlata na OI. To ce ga verovatno kostati poena ne samo iz Toronto, vec i Sinsija. Iako sa tim poenima ne verujem da bi bio prvi na kraju godine, posle Majamija sledece godine mozda mu zafale. Ako bude igrao, dr. Ivo ce imati solidne sanse da ga izbaci vec na startu Sinsinatija . Takodje, mora se napomenuti da je imao i dosta sreca Endi ove sezone. Da li je sreca, ili su mu namesteni zrebovi, pitanje je. Gotovo sam siguran da bi izgubio ovde od Del Potra u prvom kolu, a takodje je imao dopre zrebove i na svim slemovima. U Australiji je izbegao Rodzera pre finala, na Roland Garrosa je Nadal bio kod Novaka(Da Nadal nije bio povredjen, Marijeve sanse za tirulu bi znatno porasle), i na Wimbledonu je imao dobar zreb i pomoc organizatora. Gde ces vise da trazis Sve u svemu, dobro je sto nema poena na OI, jer na osnovu svega prikazanog ove godine, Endi je zasluzio da ima nekih 2000 poena manje od Novaka u race-u.

            Mari ima 6 finala za redom. Medjutim, mnogo puta se izvukao "iz mrtvih". Ovekujem da se to promeni u narednom periodu. Nije toliko kvalitetan, a nije verovatno da se predugo toliko provlaci.

            I za kraj, Novak ove godine ima 18–1 protiv top 10 igraca. Mari cini mi se ima 10-4. Prevelika razlika da bi bili slicni po broju poena .


            • Del Potro dobio WC za USO

              Šampioni se ne stvaraju u teretanama. Šampioni se stvaraju od nečega što imaju duboko u sebi- želju, viziju i san. M.Ali
              Ko sme taj može.Ko ne zna za strah taj ide napred.
              "When the crowd is chanting Roger I hear Novak."


              • Hasova cerkica


                • ....

                  Del Potro: 'Djokovic is one of the people who supported me most in my worst moment'

                  Juan Martin del Potro is a player, whose relationship with top players is fantastic. Djokovic, Murray and Federer often send him messages on WhatsApp, Nadal even wished him good luck before his surgeries on social media. Interviewed by Canchallena La Nacion, the Argentinian shared some very good words about Djokovic and Murray, who were asked last week about his comeback.

                  'Nole told me beautiful things. He has been one of the people who spoke to me most in my worst moment. He helped me a lot. It's difficult to speak with tennis players without speaking about the sport, but with him I've a special relationship and that's why we hugged each other like that at the net,' the former world no. 4 mentioned.

                  In June 2015, while announcing that he was going to undergo yet another surgery, del Potro had said he did not want to hate the sport. Asked if he'd become friends with tennis again, del Potro replied, 'Yes, what else can I say? After experiencing one of the most emotional weeks of my life again thanks to tennis, I cannot do anything but thank God. Dreaming things out (of the court) can be easy, but making it true on (the court) is complicated and I definitely think I lived the most unforgettable week in my life at human and tennis level.'

                  He then continued, 'My results in Rio have gone beyond tennis, not only tennis and sports fans watch Olympics but also people who have no idea of what a racket is. When I won my first round match against Djokovic, who was the biggest favourite for the Gold medal, everyone knew it. My win against Rafa and the match with Murray made everything look like a film.'

                  Del Potro also talked about he felt when he got to know that he'd drawn to play against Djokovic in the first round. '15-20 days ago, I was coming back from Pesaro where we beat Italy and I was going to Rio with professionalism and seriousness, to win a couple of matches and not to try lose early. Imagine when I saw the draw and at first round level I had to face Djokovic. I was joking with my friends saying, "Let's prepare barbecue because in a few days I'll be here." It had been disappointing to see that draw, because a long time ago I was seeded and I could not face these players before the quarter-finals. Now I have to live this reality that is not so good, but sometimes things happen for a reason and I had to be ready in order to take advantage of this chance, which I did. It had been a battle mentally and emotionally every day. What I experienced is indescribable. When I believed that I didn't have any strength, the following day I had more incredible moments,' said del Potro.

                  Murray had mentioned that del Potro could be a top-five player again. In order to do it the 27-year old will need to improve his backhand, but even without being able to hit it as fast as possible, he thinks he is a more complete player thanks to the slice and volley that he's been hitting better than before 'I need to have the backhand I had before. Physically in the final, during some moments I could not see the score, I was dizzy, I was asking the umpire what the score was because I was feeling bad, did not have strength and I was cramping. But as the games, sets and hours went on, I resisted,' he commented.
                  Last edited by miloolja; 17-08-16, 13:35.

                  Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
                  But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.


                  • Marin je upravo objavio da će njegov novi trener biti Jonas Björkman.


                    • Svakako bolje od Ivanisevica


                      • Tomaš samo štanca saopštenja ovog leta.


                        Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
                        But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.


                        • Do ovog tjedna 54 od posljednjih 58 Masters 1000 turnira je osvojila 'velika četvorka' Đoković, Federer, Murray i Nadal. Iznimke su Soderling u Parizu 2010., Ferrer u Parizu 2012., Wawrinka u Monte Carlu 2014. i Tsonga u Torontu 2014.

                          Wawrinka koji je dvostruki Grand Slam osvajač ove godine ima 0-3 protiv Top 10 igrača i jedini je iz tog društva koji nema Top 10 pobjedu.


                          • sigpic

                            Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
                            But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.


                            • sigpic

                              Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
                              But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.


                              • ....
                                43 years ago today was 1st #ATP Ranking:
                                1 Nastase
                                2 Orantes
                                3 Smith
                                4 Ashe
                                5 Laver
                                6 Rosewall
                                7 Newcombe
                                8 Panatta
                                9 Okker
                                10 Connors

