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Week 4 (15. November - 21. November)

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  • Odg: Week 4 (15. November - 21. November)

    Timmah $#^%RT ne moze da se sastavi, jbt Asik ga cuva sa pola snage. &*#GI(] &8@^J
    Lose smo zatvorili poluvreme, 4 point play i onda dva 3 point play-a totalno bez veze, ali dobro, opet je 10 razlike. Bogaljs jbt ne moze loptu da polozi u kos, ako nista bar odbranu igra. #%d*

    EDIT: Jos nije izasla vest zvanicno, verovatno ce se pojaviti tokom utakmice...
    Dobra stvar za Blazers-e je sto nisu potpisali ugovor sa Oden-om i sto ce na kraju sezone biti FA.

    I da, Eva je podnela zahtev za razvod, tako da, opet smo u igri. +*@WT*48*

    EDIT 2: Ne moze da se dobije vrhunska ekipa sa zapada na gostovanju bez igre pod kosem, a Taj sutira 0-7 tako da ce sad da nas otresu od kurca...

    "The last time I was intimidated was when I was 6 years old in karate class. I was an orange belt and the instructor ordered me to fight a black belt who was a couple years older and a lot bigger. I was scared s---less. I mean, I was terrified and he kicked my ass. But then I realized he didn’t kick my ass as bad as I thought he was going to and that there was nothing really to be afraid of. That was around the time I realized that intimidation didn’t really exist if you’re in the right frame of mind." - Kobe Bryant


    • Odg: Week 4 (15. November - 21. November)

      Bulls-e stigao umor, a ovaj San Antonio u trecoj da baci frizider na kos upao bi lagano u pm. #%d*

      EDIT: Kakav crni frizider, pa i sporet bi usao. &*#GI(] &*#GI(] &*#GI(]

      "The last time I was intimidated was when I was 6 years old in karate class. I was an orange belt and the instructor ordered me to fight a black belt who was a couple years older and a lot bigger. I was scared s---less. I mean, I was terrified and he kicked my ass. But then I realized he didn’t kick my ass as bad as I thought he was going to and that there was nothing really to be afraid of. That was around the time I realized that intimidation didn’t really exist if you’re in the right frame of mind." - Kobe Bryant


      • Odg: Week 4 (15. November - 21. November)

        Auu.. Kakvo je ovo prasenje bilo u 3/4.. Dankan proradio $#^%RT
        I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I can't accept not trying...


        • Odg: Week 4 (15. November - 21. November)

          osim ako Sacramento nekako ne preokrene i dobije pogodio sam 10/10 utakmica za veceras..

          bem ti engleze i kapela i uopste kladjenje na fudbal i mesanje fudbala i NBA na tiketu #%d*

          mada ne.. to su kosmichke sile sto posto.. da su englezi dobili ili odigrali nereseno, veceras bi popucali i lejkersi i boston i majami #%d*


          • Odg: Week 4 (15. November - 21. November)

            Noah prvo promasi 2 bacanja i onda napravi korake. #%d* #%d* #%d*
            Sad ce Hill da baci neku ciglu sa 9 metara da zavrsimo sa ovim nerviranjem. +*@WT*48*
            Ali, Rose definitivno nije normalan... &8@^J

            EDIT: LB fan, sve si video. $JS}|
            Covek promasuje otvoren sut sa 4 metra na -6! $JS}| $JS}| $JS}|

            EDIT 2: I onda dopusti Jefferson-u da pokupi loptu pored njega posle promasenog slobodnog. $JS}| $JS}| $JS}|

            "The last time I was intimidated was when I was 6 years old in karate class. I was an orange belt and the instructor ordered me to fight a black belt who was a couple years older and a lot bigger. I was scared s---less. I mean, I was terrified and he kicked my ass. But then I realized he didn’t kick my ass as bad as I thought he was going to and that there was nothing really to be afraid of. That was around the time I realized that intimidation didn’t really exist if you’re in the right frame of mind." - Kobe Bryant


            • Odg: Week 4 (15. November - 21. November)

              Jesam... Stvarno je zasrao... Mnogo...
              Samo ne znam kako je Rouz igrao onako slabo na SP-u.. $%&5qw7

              Edit: I dobi bananu od Dzefersona $#^%RT
              I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I can't accept not trying...


              • Odg: Week 4 (15. November - 21. November)

                Zato sto je imao totalno drugaciju ulogu. Navikao je da ima slobodu u igri i da kreira za sebe i druge, a ne da to drugi rade za njega i da bude obican distributer lopti sto je radio u Turskoj. Vidis i sam da bukvalno ne moze niko da ga cuva, posebno kada ovako ide sut nema teorije. Jos kad bi Dung i Taj pogadjali jebene otvorene suteve i kad bi doveli SG-a koji ustvari moze da sutira mi smo tim za vrh istoka.
                Ali, ovo je jos jedna utakmica koja pokazuje koliki potencijal ima ovaj tim. Samo se treba setiti da Boozer uopste nije igrao od pocetka sezone, Brewer i Korver vec mesec i po dana igraju sa laksim povredama, a ovo je bilo BTB gostovanje Spurs-ima koji imaju 8-1. Bice ovo dobro, samo vremena i pametnih poteza uprave...

                "The last time I was intimidated was when I was 6 years old in karate class. I was an orange belt and the instructor ordered me to fight a black belt who was a couple years older and a lot bigger. I was scared s---less. I mean, I was terrified and he kicked my ass. But then I realized he didn’t kick my ass as bad as I thought he was going to and that there was nothing really to be afraid of. That was around the time I realized that intimidation didn’t really exist if you’re in the right frame of mind." - Kobe Bryant


                • Odg: Week 4 (15. November - 21. November)


                  "The last time I was intimidated was when I was 6 years old in karate class. I was an orange belt and the instructor ordered me to fight a black belt who was a couple years older and a lot bigger. I was scared s---less. I mean, I was terrified and he kicked my ass. But then I realized he didn’t kick my ass as bad as I thought he was going to and that there was nothing really to be afraid of. That was around the time I realized that intimidation didn’t really exist if you’re in the right frame of mind." - Kobe Bryant


                  • Odg: Week 4 (15. November - 21. November)


                    "The last time I was intimidated was when I was 6 years old in karate class. I was an orange belt and the instructor ordered me to fight a black belt who was a couple years older and a lot bigger. I was scared s---less. I mean, I was terrified and he kicked my ass. But then I realized he didn’t kick my ass as bad as I thought he was going to and that there was nothing really to be afraid of. That was around the time I realized that intimidation didn’t really exist if you’re in the right frame of mind." - Kobe Bryant


                    • Odg: Week 4 (15. November - 21. November)


                      "The last time I was intimidated was when I was 6 years old in karate class. I was an orange belt and the instructor ordered me to fight a black belt who was a couple years older and a lot bigger. I was scared s---less. I mean, I was terrified and he kicked my ass. But then I realized he didn’t kick my ass as bad as I thought he was going to and that there was nothing really to be afraid of. That was around the time I realized that intimidation didn’t really exist if you’re in the right frame of mind." - Kobe Bryant


                      • Odg: Week 4 (15. November - 21. November)


                        "The last time I was intimidated was when I was 6 years old in karate class. I was an orange belt and the instructor ordered me to fight a black belt who was a couple years older and a lot bigger. I was scared s---less. I mean, I was terrified and he kicked my ass. But then I realized he didn’t kick my ass as bad as I thought he was going to and that there was nothing really to be afraid of. That was around the time I realized that intimidation didn’t really exist if you’re in the right frame of mind." - Kobe Bryant


                        • Odg: Week 4 (15. November - 21. November)


                          "The last time I was intimidated was when I was 6 years old in karate class. I was an orange belt and the instructor ordered me to fight a black belt who was a couple years older and a lot bigger. I was scared s---less. I mean, I was terrified and he kicked my ass. But then I realized he didn’t kick my ass as bad as I thought he was going to and that there was nothing really to be afraid of. That was around the time I realized that intimidation didn’t really exist if you’re in the right frame of mind." - Kobe Bryant


                          • Odg: Week 4 (15. November - 21. November)

                            Zasto ova treca cetvrtina mora biti tako losa? #%d* #%d* #%d* #%d*


                            • Odg: Week 4 (15. November - 21. November)

                              Pitaj Dung-a i Gibson-a.

                              "The last time I was intimidated was when I was 6 years old in karate class. I was an orange belt and the instructor ordered me to fight a black belt who was a couple years older and a lot bigger. I was scared s---less. I mean, I was terrified and he kicked my ass. But then I realized he didn’t kick my ass as bad as I thought he was going to and that there was nothing really to be afraid of. That was around the time I realized that intimidation didn’t really exist if you’re in the right frame of mind." - Kobe Bryant


                              • Odg: Week 4 (15. November - 21. November)

                                Nesreca za Bulse, sve cetvrtine dobili, samo 3. izgubili i ceo mec izgubili.

