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NBA Regular Season 2010-11 - opste diskusije, vesti, spekulacije...

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  • E ja dajem glavu da je Wall

    Ma svi su oni tu negde...a zaboravio si Collisona


    • Nisam u toku oko toga sta ste pricali vezano za CP3-a i Charlotte, ali po pravilu naravno da je novinarska patka, sramota je sta ce ti ljudi sve uciniti da naprave vest.

      Paul's comments on Twitter indicated he felt as though his words were taken out of context. "Come on now people," Paul tweeted, "I did 3 different interviews about the Jordan Brand Classic this morning and was asked if Michael Jordan had influence on free agent signings and I said at the end of the day guys want to win... they askd would I want to return home and I told them I'm focused here in NO and that's the future and anything can happen...Hate when people try to turn things around just to make it a story...#slowdown."

      "The last time I was intimidated was when I was 6 years old in karate class. I was an orange belt and the instructor ordered me to fight a black belt who was a couple years older and a lot bigger. I was scared s---less. I mean, I was terrified and he kicked my ass. But then I realized he didn’t kick my ass as bad as I thought he was going to and that there was nothing really to be afraid of. That was around the time I realized that intimidation didn’t really exist if you’re in the right frame of mind." - Kobe Bryant


      • obrni okreni isti ku*ac


        • Originally posted by K.Garnett 5 View Post

          I malo visi centar...
          Nema potrebe Noah sve to nadoknadi borbenoscu i osecajem za skok.

          p.s. A Russell? ccc Rose i Russel najbrzi start i prodor u halfcourt offense a Wade i LeBron in the open court.


          • Evo izbora strucnjaka za NBA nagrade

            Samo kliknite na ikonicu sa slikom i izacice njihovi glasovi i objasnjenja.

            P.S. Vecina ima Rose za no1 ali 90% njih kaze da je LeBron najbolji igrac u NBA. ccc

            EDIT 1: Moram da citiram jednog od njih : We expect so much of him that when he's just spectacular, we're a little disappointed.



            • Samo dve kratke vesti, NBA je otkazao letnju ligu i cini se da je lockout nazalost jako blizu, a PO ce u subotu zapoceti Chicago i Indiana utakmicom koja pocinje u 1 ET, sto je 19:00 kod nas.

              "The last time I was intimidated was when I was 6 years old in karate class. I was an orange belt and the instructor ordered me to fight a black belt who was a couple years older and a lot bigger. I was scared s---less. I mean, I was terrified and he kicked my ass. But then I realized he didn’t kick my ass as bad as I thought he was going to and that there was nothing really to be afraid of. That was around the time I realized that intimidation didn’t really exist if you’re in the right frame of mind." - Kobe Bryant


              • Ne spominji Lockout

                Citao sam negde Fisherov intervju,i on kaze da ima nade


                • Ljudi sta je sa Bynumom iz LA neka povreda?


                  • Originally posted by Popaj77 View Post
                    Ljudi sta je sa Bynumom iz LA neka povreda?
                    Da,povreda...stao je na stopalo Blairu.Mozda ce morati na operaciju...a opet Phil kaze da ce svi biti O.K.
                    I Bynum je rekao da se oseca dobro...ko ce ga znati!?!


                    • e jbg... e mamba reci mi jel moze Dalas danas do 2gog mesta, ili je sve vec fiksirano? OKC?


                      • Breaking news:
                        Los Angeles Lakers center Andrew Bynum, who injured his right knee in last night’s game versus the San Antonio Spurs, had an MRI this morning. Results of the MRI showed that Bynum has a bone bruise, but the injury is not deemed to be serious.
                        Lakers forward Matt Barnes also had an MRI exam on his sore right knee, which was surgically repaired on January 11, 2011. Results of Barnes’ MRI showed no new damage.
                        Both players are expected to be ready to play when the Lakers open the playoffs this weekend.

                        Eto, igraju i njih dvojica...idemo do finala Heat-Lakers!


                        • Originally posted by emil_portnoy View Post
                          Eto, igraju i njih dvojica...idemo do finala Heat-Lakers!
                          Mislis Chicago-OKC?

                          Evo koliko su stvari komplikovane na Zapadu:

                          West scenarios

                          Lakers will be seeded:
                          No. 2 if they win OR Mavericks lose
                          No. 3 if they lose AND Mavericks win

                          Mavericks will be seeded:
                          No. 2 if they win AND Lakers lose
                          No. 3 if they win AND Lakers win OR if Mavericks lose AND Thunder lose
                          No. 4 if they lose AND Thunder win

                          Thunder will be seeded:
                          No. 3 if they win AND Mavericks lose
                          No. 4 if they lose OR if Mavericks win

                          Hornets will be seeded:
                          No. 7 if they win OR Grizzlies lose
                          No. 8 if they lose AND Grizzlies win

                          Grizzlies will be seeded:
                          No. 7 if they win AND Hornets lose
                          No. 8 if they lose OR Hornets win


                          • Lakersi ako pobede sigurno su drugi.Nadam se da hoce,ali nije iskljuceno ni da Dallas izgubi od Hornetsa.Mada me ni bi cudilo da namerno izgube pa da igraju protiv San Antonio.


                            • Originally posted by Black Mamba 24 View Post
                              Lakersi ako pobede sigurno su drugi.Nadam se da hoce,ali nije iskljuceno ni da Dallas izgubi od Hornetsa.Mada me ni bi cudilo da namerno izgube pa da igraju protiv San Antonio.
                              Mudro zboris ali kako ti ide ta racunica Dallas-SAS?

                              LEBRON "KING" JAMES - GLOBALNI FENOMEN. G.O.A.T.!
                              - 4xMVP -


                              • Mislio sam da ce New Orleans (njih sam pomenuo u postu) i Memphis namerno izgubiti.

