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NBA Regular Season 2010-11 - opste diskusije, vesti, spekulacije...

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  • Re: NBA Regular Season 2010-11 - opste diskusije, vesti, spekulacije...

    [quote author=dusan1610 link=topic=2955.msg195729#msg195729 date=1289667567]
    Mozda moze i Chris Nash ili Deron Nash. h5g6k8

    Ma ne, Steve Nash Junior je mnogo bolje, ipak je on naslednik h5g6k8


    • Re: NBA Regular Season 2010-11 - opste diskusije, vesti, spekulacije...

      Brandon Roy pati od artritisa kolena! +-*^%*
      Nece morati na operaciju, a znate zasto? Zato sto nema meniskus ni u levom ni u desnom kolenu! Levo mu redovno otice i mora da uzima pilule protiv toga, i to striktne doze jer te pilule mogu da dovedu do problema sa jetrom.
      Ovo je naravno hronicna povreda koja ce Roy-a da prati do kraja karijere...

      Jebene povrede, prvo saznam da Rose pati od jedne (koja ga trenutno ne sputava, ali vremenom itekako hoce), a evo sada i jedan od mojih omiljenih igraca i ljudi u NBA-u Brandon Roy. +-*^%*

      "The last time I was intimidated was when I was 6 years old in karate class. I was an orange belt and the instructor ordered me to fight a black belt who was a couple years older and a lot bigger. I was scared s---less. I mean, I was terrified and he kicked my ass. But then I realized he didn’t kick my ass as bad as I thought he was going to and that there was nothing really to be afraid of. That was around the time I realized that intimidation didn’t really exist if you’re in the right frame of mind." - Kobe Bryant


      • Re: NBA Regular Season 2010-11 - opste diskusije, vesti, spekulacije...

        Kako nema meniskus ni u levom ni u desnom kolenu? fghj48d
        Mnogo gotivan lik i uopste se ne eksponira, a kad je zdrav sigurno u top3 beka u ligi
        I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I can't accept not trying...


        • Re: NBA Regular Season 2010-11 - opste diskusije, vesti, spekulacije...

          [quote author=T-Mac link=topic=2955.msg196072#msg196072 date=1289690746]
          Brandon Roy pati od artritisa kolena! +-*^%*
          Nece morati na operaciju, a znate zasto? Zato sto nema meniskus ni u levom ni u desnom kolenu! Levo mu redovno otice i mora da uzima pilule protiv toga, i to striktne doze jer te pilule mogu da dovedu do problema sa jetrom.
          Ovo je naravno hronicna povreda koja ce Roy-a da prati do kraja karijere...

          Jebene povrede, prvo saznam da Rose pati od jedne (koja ga trenutno ne sputava, ali vremenom itekako hoce), a evo sada i jedan od mojih omiljenih igraca i ljudi u NBA-u Brandon Roy. +-*^%*

          I ko zna koji je jos igrac,a da se ne zna?!? *(z$8
          Na kraju ce ispasti pola lige...kako otkrivas!


          • Re: NBA Regular Season 2010-11 - opste diskusije, vesti, spekulacije...

            Evo opsirnije, zaboravih da ostavim link u prethodnom postu.


            +-*^%* +-*^%* +-*^%* +-*^%* +-*^%*

            "The last time I was intimidated was when I was 6 years old in karate class. I was an orange belt and the instructor ordered me to fight a black belt who was a couple years older and a lot bigger. I was scared s---less. I mean, I was terrified and he kicked my ass. But then I realized he didn’t kick my ass as bad as I thought he was going to and that there was nothing really to be afraid of. That was around the time I realized that intimidation didn’t really exist if you’re in the right frame of mind." - Kobe Bryant


            • Re: NBA Regular Season 2010-11 - opste diskusije, vesti, spekulacije...

              Jedna veoma zanimljiva izjava Vejda... Inace u poslednjih 20 godina 5 ekipa je osvojilo prsten sa skorom 5-4 ili gorim skorom.. Takodje je i MJ svoju prvu sampionsku titulu osvojio tako sto je sezonu otvorio sa 0-3 a kasnije i 5-6..
              I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I can't accept not trying...


              • Re: NBA Regular Season 2010-11 - opste diskusije, vesti, spekulacije...

                Da, zanimljiva izjava i pokazatelj da losiji start ne mora apsolutno nista da znaci.Mnogo jos ima da se igra i siguran sam da ce kvalitet Majamija pre ili kasnije doci do izrazaja...


                • Re: NBA Regular Season 2010-11 - opste diskusije, vesti, spekulacije...

                  [quote author=LeBron fan link=topic=2955.msg196079#msg196079 date=1289691217]
                  Jedna veoma zanimljiva izjava Vejda...
                  [/quote] A Vejd je beše ko?? &*#GI(]


                  • Re: NBA Regular Season 2010-11 - opste diskusije, vesti, spekulacije...

                    [quote author=dejan1111 link=topic=2955.msg196370#msg196370 date=1289742066]
                    [quote author=LeBron fan link=topic=2955.msg196079#msg196079 date=1289691217]
                    Jedna veoma zanimljiva izjava Vejda...
                    [/quote] A Vejd je beše ko?? &*#GI(]

                    Ahaha...E vidis, to je jedan cika koji je vec osvojio sampionsku titulu i planira narednih godina da ih osvoji jos mnogo &($%WP+


                    • Re: NBA Regular Season 2010-11 - opste diskusije, vesti, spekulacije...

                      Želim mu još mnogo titula čim pređe u Boston $#^%RT


                      • Re: NBA Regular Season 2010-11 - opste diskusije, vesti, spekulacije...

                        Ne, ne, on se vraca u svoj rodni grad, a eto vama Bosh. $%&5@$A

                        "The last time I was intimidated was when I was 6 years old in karate class. I was an orange belt and the instructor ordered me to fight a black belt who was a couple years older and a lot bigger. I was scared s---less. I mean, I was terrified and he kicked my ass. But then I realized he didn’t kick my ass as bad as I thought he was going to and that there was nothing really to be afraid of. That was around the time I realized that intimidation didn’t really exist if you’re in the right frame of mind." - Kobe Bryant


                        • Re: NBA Regular Season 2010-11 - opste diskusije, vesti, spekulacije...

                          Bosh nek se kali po drugiorazrednim timovima još malo, a posle možda i zaigra u Bostonu... pod uslovima da se dokaže. Za sada mrka kapa...

                          A Vejdu će kad se dokaže, finansijski motiv biti jači od lokalpatriotskog (*#^R^ $%&5@$A


                          • Re: NBA Regular Season 2010-11 - opste diskusije, vesti, spekulacije...

                            Kevin Garnett je imao od NBA live 2000 do NBA live 2006 ili 7 overall 99 &8@^J &8@^J &8@^J &8@^J


                            • Re: NBA Regular Season 2010-11 - opste diskusije, vesti, spekulacije...

                              Imao je i na nba 2k9


                              • Re: NBA Regular Season 2010-11 - opste diskusije, vesti, spekulacije...

                                Meni su za Vejda nekako pomesana osecanja, ove godine sam nekako cak vise bio da on predje u Chicago, bas zbog toga sto je tamo rodjen i zbog neke simbolike sa Jordanom, a opet sa druge strane bilo bi lepo da karijeru zavrsi tamo gde je poceo, i da u Majamiju osvoji jos mnogo titula, jer ipak je on simbol tog tima &($%WP+

