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  • Bolje bumbar na grani, nego ovca na panju.

    "The last time I was intimidated was when I was 6 years old in karate class. I was an orange belt and the instructor ordered me to fight a black belt who was a couple years older and a lot bigger. I was scared s---less. I mean, I was terrified and he kicked my ass. But then I realized he didn’t kick my ass as bad as I thought he was going to and that there was nothing really to be afraid of. That was around the time I realized that intimidation didn’t really exist if you’re in the right frame of mind." - Kobe Bryant


    • Роуз кренуо са приремама:
      Arise, Serbia!
      You fell asleep long ago,
      And have lain in the dark.
      Now wake up
      And rouse the Serbs!



      • Originally posted by Brajkula
        Veruj meni, radi kako hoćeš

        Brajkula, 2014. N.E


        • Sta mislite ko je ovde pobedio? Hint: Nije Melo.

          "The last time I was intimidated was when I was 6 years old in karate class. I was an orange belt and the instructor ordered me to fight a black belt who was a couple years older and a lot bigger. I was scared s---less. I mean, I was terrified and he kicked my ass. But then I realized he didn’t kick my ass as bad as I thought he was going to and that there was nothing really to be afraid of. That was around the time I realized that intimidation didn’t really exist if you’re in the right frame of mind." - Kobe Bryant


          • Gospodin obrva?
            Originally posted by Brajkula
            Veruj meni, radi kako hoćeš

            Brajkula, 2014. N.E


            • Russ Bogotac koji spava u avionu sa naocarama i kacketom, kakav car, zavoleo sam ga kao brata.
              Koliko je neiskvaren i jebe mu se za sve ostalo.

              "The last time I was intimidated was when I was 6 years old in karate class. I was an orange belt and the instructor ordered me to fight a black belt who was a couple years older and a lot bigger. I was scared s---less. I mean, I was terrified and he kicked my ass. But then I realized he didn’t kick my ass as bad as I thought he was going to and that there was nothing really to be afraid of. That was around the time I realized that intimidation didn’t really exist if you’re in the right frame of mind." - Kobe Bryant


              • russ zajebao sve za kilometar
                It is not the violence that sets a man apart.
                It's the distance he's prepared to go.


                • Arise, Serbia!
                  You fell asleep long ago,
                  And have lain in the dark.
                  Now wake up
                  And rouse the Serbs!



                  • 10 sati gledam skupstinu i jedini covek koji je rekao nesto sto ima smisla je Ceda. Jebem ti drzavu.


                    • Молим те реци ми шта је то паметно рекао... баш ме занима.
                      Arise, Serbia!
                      You fell asleep long ago,
                      And have lain in the dark.
                      Now wake up
                      And rouse the Serbs!



                      • Istekao mi pritvor pa samo da se javim. Pozdravljam sve hejtere King-a & Co. i sve fanove Bulls-a. Jeste li me se uzeleli? Šalim se. Znam da me se niko nije uželeo ali jbg. Šta da radim kada mi je ovaj forum prirastao za srce.

                        Ima li šta novo? Ako ima, molim vas da me obavestite jer umirem od želje za "novim".


                        Podhitno ukinuti tzv. fudbalske lige i timove na ovim prostorima, a navijače (kriminalce i huligane) strpati u zatvore i ludare. Izvinjavam se svim navijačima zvezde i partizana ali vaši saborci, koji su pod pokroviteljstvom ko zna koga, nisu mentalno zdravi.

                        LEBRON "KING" JAMES - GLOBALNI FENOMEN. G.O.A.T.!
                        - 4xMVP -


                        • Нема то везе са навијачима. Може исто да се напише уместо навијача, ученици пете гимназије изболи једног машинца.
                          Arise, Serbia!
                          You fell asleep long ago,
                          And have lain in the dark.
                          Now wake up
                          And rouse the Serbs!



                          • Ne moze, u modi je pisati po navijacima i generalizovati stvari.

                            "The last time I was intimidated was when I was 6 years old in karate class. I was an orange belt and the instructor ordered me to fight a black belt who was a couple years older and a lot bigger. I was scared s---less. I mean, I was terrified and he kicked my ass. But then I realized he didn’t kick my ass as bad as I thought he was going to and that there was nothing really to be afraid of. That was around the time I realized that intimidation didn’t really exist if you’re in the right frame of mind." - Kobe Bryant


                            • Продужи бан.
                              Arise, Serbia!
                              You fell asleep long ago,
                              And have lain in the dark.
                              Now wake up
                              And rouse the Serbs!



                              • Originally posted by Uros94 View Post
                                Нема то везе са навијачима. Може исто да се напише уместо навијача, ученици пете гимназије изболи једног машинца.
                                Itekako ima veze sa tzv. navijačima. Za razliku od učenika gimnazije koji mogu da urade tako nešto samo sporadično, pod dejstvom alkohola, droge ili drugih psihoaktivnih supstanci ili zato što su mentalno bolesni, tzv. navijači su organizovana grupacija.

                                Originally posted by T-Mac View Post
                                Ne moze, u modi je pisati po navijacima i generalizovati stvari.
                                Moj komentar nije postavljen zarad bilo kakve "mode". Ne pratim modu u fudbalu, pogotovo ne u ovom našem nazovi fudbalu. Vrlo dobro znaš u šta se pretvorio fudbal na globalnom nivou. Postao je od svih sportova najmanje sport. Znaš i čemu on danas služi, u koje ga svrhe koriste, ko ga vodi i na koji način. Još bolje znaš ko sedi po upravama naših nazovi klubova i kako liga funkcioniše. A najbolje znaš ko su pripadnici raznoraznih "navijačkih" grupacija i kako funkcionišu. Nema "mode", nema generalizacije. Fudbal je postao suvo dno i to je surova realnost.

                                LEBRON "KING" JAMES - GLOBALNI FENOMEN. G.O.A.T.!
                                - 4xMVP -

