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NHL 2021

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  • NHL 2021

    I ako niko zivi ne zalazi ođe, isto je red da imamo temu za predstojecu sezonu.

    Joe Thornton potpisao za Maple Leafse. Ja mislio da zeli da osvoji kup prije nego sto ode u penziju, kad ono međutim...

    Inace, Yzerman odradio vrhunski posao sa FA igracima. Tacno niko od ovih ne bi dosao da je bilo ko drugi GM.

  • #2
    Doc Emrick otisao u penziju.


    • #3
      Jel cemo naterati Urosa da gleda i hokej?

      Ako nista drugo, samo hajlajtse ujutru.


      • #4
        Valjalo bi da nas je malo vise.


        • #5
          Tužna je ova jesen bez hokeja. Ne očekujem više od 5 ljudi na ovom kanalu.


          • #6
            Ma bice super ako uopste i bude sezone. Nadaju se skracenoj sezoni koja bi pocela 1. januara. Vidjecemo sta ce biti sa divizijama, s obzirom da kanadski timovi ne mogu da se igraju sa ostalima.

            Samo da krenu, pa daj sta das.


            • #7
              Šta kažete na retro dresove? Slave, ovi tvoji kao da nisu hteli da učestvuju u tome Kod nas neuhranjeni medved Ducks je baš dobar, NYR, i Vancouver.


              • #8
                Pozdrav ljudi! Da li neko od vas zna hoce li SK mozda prenositi NHL? Naravno, ako se bude igrala sezona. Video sam nesto pre neki dan o mogucim novim divizijama

                Ako imate vremena, bacite pogled...

                The last time the NHL was in action, the league was earning praise for its ability to smoothly navigate the coronavirus pandemic. It successfully completed the Stanley Cup Playoffs inside two hub cities -- Edmonton and Toronto -- while administering over 33,000 COVID-19 tests without a single positive case.

                Now, a little over two months since the Cup was handed to the Tampa Bay Lightning, the NHL has largely been stuck in a state of radio silence. After the 2019-20 season concluded, the expectation was that there would be a quick turnaround and the league would jump into a new season in late December or early January. That timeline has been pushed back to at least the middle of January, according to a recent report from ESPN. Scheduling-wise, the NHL typically operates in near-lockstep with the NBA. But, as NBA training camps are already underway and the league is set to kick off its 2020-21 season in just a few weeks, the NHL is still stuck trying to navigate through negotiations setting up an unprecedented season. The league and NHLPA have been at an impasse for much of this strange offseason. While the latest mid-January timeline is good news for those hoping to see hockey during these winter months, there remain a number of hurdles that the NHL and NHLPA will have to clear (and quickly) in order to cross the finish line in setting up a new season. Scheduling crunch Chances of a full 82-game season are all but dead at this point, and if the NHL hopes to play a sizable schedule (50-60 games) then they're running out of time. NHL commissioner Gary Bettman has already said that he doesn't want the playoffs to carry well into the summer like they did in 2020. With the NHL playoffs and Olympics both being handled by NBC networks, it's likely that the league is looking at early-mid July (the Olympics are scheduled to begin on July 23) as its targeted end date for the 2021 playoffs.

                Given the need for a multi-week training camp period and likely a short preseason, the NHL is likely looking at a minimum 3-4 week prep window after a deal is agreed to, meaning a mid-January start should be considered very optimistic at this point. When the league played a lockout-shortened campaign in 2013, the season began on January 19 and saw a 48-game season played ahead of the playoffs, which wrapped up in late June. With that timeline in mind, if the league doesn't agree to a deal over the next few weeks, they'll likely have to start cutting the number of games they hope to play and/or get very creative with the scheduling in dje si karamazove, jbem li ti mater posranu order to come up with a viable and respectable season. This could be further complicated by a projected spike in COVID-19 cases over the holiday season. Keep in mind that the league will also likely want to have a built-in grace period in between the regular season and playoffs in order to allow teams to make up any postponed games throughout the season.

                CBA disagreements
                Stop me if you've heard this one before: the biggest thing preventing the NHL from getting back to playing right now is a holdup with the league's collective bargaining agreement. After two lengthy lockouts in the past 16 years, it looked like we were going to avoid another CBA saga when the NHL and NHLPA agreed to a deal back in July.

                However, much like the situation that we saw play out with MLB and the MLBPA earlier in 2020, the NHL has gone back on its original deal and is asking the Players' Association for more concessions given the state of the pandemic and the financial projections for the upcoming season.

                Here are some details on the CBA situation, courtesy of Forbes:

                "The NHL is asking the NHLPA to agree to one of two proposals. The first proposal would see the portion of salaries placed in escrow increase to 25% for the 2020-21 season while players deferred 20% of their salaries. Alternatively, the league is asking the players to defer 26% of their salaries next season while the escrow figure stays flat at 20%. In the current deal, the players agreed to a 20% escrow figure and a 10% deferral of salary."
                As you'd imagine, players aren't thrilled with the idea of giving up more money, especially with a shrinking number of game checks (potentially) coming their way. Given that there's already been an initial olja kurvo raspala prestani jebat ovaj napaceni narod agreement and there's no full-blown lockout or strike on the table, it's not the same level of disagreement that we've seen plague the NHL's operations over the past few decades. But the two sides already shared a relatively contentious relationship before attempting to hash out concessions in an unprecedented situation, so it's not entirely surprising that there have been some bumps in the road. At this point, the two sides are still attempting to reach a (new) agreement, and if they're able to do that then the details of a shortened season will likely be hammered out in short order. However, there remains the possibility that the league could use the pandemic to invoke a force majeure -- unforeseeable circumstances that prevent a contract from being fulfilled -- and cancel the season.

                It's been suggested by some that league owners might stand to lose significantly more money if a season is played rather than cancelled.

                Realignment and border complications
                With the pandemic surging once again, the NHL will have to navigate various protocols and mandates as it attempts to create a new season schedule. As we've seen with other leagues, such as MLB and the NBA, a closed border between the United States and Canada presents some challenging obstacles. The Blue Jays moved to Buffalo while the Raptors will play this season in Tampa. Because there are so many teams in Canada, the NHL's task is far more complicated than forcing one team to change home cities for a season. The league was able to avoid cross-border headaches losmi blavorcino glupa nabijem te na kuraclast season thanks to its two hub cities being located in Canada (which was rightly viewed as the safest option to host the playoffs) but it's highly unlikely that the league will pursue a similar bubble-type solution for the upcoming season. Two NHL players who participated in the NHL's playoff bubble told CBS Sports that there is little interest in another bubble. One player described the experience as "miserable" and the other said they'd prefer the season be canceled over participating in a bubble.

                NHLPA executive director Don Fehr said in September that "nobody is going to do that for four months or six months or something like that," regarding bubbles.

                So instead, it's more likely that the NHL would seek a temporary league realignment to create a division comprised of all Canadian teams. The remaining 24 U.S.-based teams would likely be grouped into three divisions based on closest geographical proximity in an effort to limit travel miles.

                But even a league realignment may not save the NHL from future headaches. As we've seen in California's Santa Clara County, local health and government regulations can dictate whether sporting events are played in individual cities. Santa Clara recently suspended all sporting events for three weeks as a measure to curb coronavirus outbreaks, and that forced the San Jose Sharks to shut down their facilities. In the NFL, it has forced the San Francisco 49ers to temporarily host games in Arizona. If other cities were to follow suit in the coming weeks and months, that could throw a wrench in an already difficult scheduling process.


                • #9
                  Mislim da NHL ostaje na Areni, inače bio SK već uveliko radio najavu i promo. Ne znam na koliko je ugovor za NHL, i da li ga je Arena obnovila. Ono što je sigurno da sad kad nema NBA, može da se uzme NHL, ali treba uzeti u obzir da je SK proširio NFL maksimalno na 7 utakmica nedeljno, tako da ne znam kakav bi bio paket za NHL. Ako i kupi NHL, npr za sezonu 2023/24, ne sme da se oglašava o tome sve do kraja 2022/23 sezone.

                  Ja se uglavnom svercujem na strem, gledam free tekme na NHL.TV, sve negde do februara, kad kupim paket za sve utakmice+ playoff za nekih 20-30$. Nisam siguran da želim da slušam naše komentatore, tu bi trebalo poraditi na stručnim konsultantima kao što su uradili za NFL. Na državnim i lokalnim USA/CAN televizijama to rade max profesionalno, i mogu reći da su mi približili hokej, i da ga sad gledam totalno drugačije nego kad sam počeo.


                  • #10
                    Ici ce NHL na Sport Klubu. Saznao malocas.


                    • #11
                      Super, video sam. Mada sam očekivao da će pre da krenu u promo, ali s obzirom da se još ne zna tačno kad sezona kreće i u kom formatu, ovo je ok. U svakom slučaju, SK ima bolje komentatore za hokej od Arene. Na Areni nije gledljivo.


                      • #12
                        Počinje sezona večeras!!! Očekujem da će ova grupa biti sad malo aktivnija, da ćemo imati više postova. Već 5,6 godina se vrtimo u krug sa 5 istih ljudi.


                        • #13
                          Pohvala sam prenose ali veliki minus za komentatore ....Steta sto nije ispraceno kao NFL gde postoje specijalne emisije sa komentarima veoma blizu profi analizi
                          Kod NHL komentatori zakazali ....Jedan zove Stilers umesto Pingvins nikako da se navikne drugi kaze lopta umesto paka i sam priznaje da mu je tesko da se navikne
                          I OK ako su vec takvi komentatori mogli su bar gosti da budu iz struke ...Tokom prenosa vrlo malo se cuje strucnih komentara ili zanumljivih informacija


                          • #14
                            Tesko je pronaci ludake koji ce da prenose NHL. Ljudi koji prate hokej imaju pored toga regularan posao(ili se bave necim) i njihovo znanje je neosporno, ove kojima je to da kazem jedini izlaz je tesko uociti.

                            Kada bi se pronasa lik koji zadovoljava standarde forumasa, ja bih odmah znao da je lud ko struja.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Ricma View Post
                              Tesko je pronaci ludake koji ce da prenose NHL. Ljudi koji prate hokej imaju pored toga regularan posao(ili se bave necim) i njihovo znanje je neosporno, ove kojima je to da kazem jedini izlaz je tesko uociti.

                              Kada bi se pronasa lik koji zadovoljava standarde forumasa, ja bih odmah znao da je lud ko struja.
                              Po meni je jos teze pronaci ludake koji prenose NFL ali izgleda da se pronadjeni solidni ludaci za to ...garantuujem i da takvi imaju regularan posao
                              Koliko se secam dovodili su i neke bivse igrace Americkog fubbala kao goste sto je po meni teze nego naci bivse hokejase jer je hokej rasporstaranjeniji

