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AC Milan

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  • Morata? Otkud to? Bas me zacudilo ovo... Hoce li mi konacno svanuti da mi vise najbolji drug ne tutnji po glavi, sa pitanjem kako igra Milan a on inace navija sa Juve


    • ....

      Real Madrid striker Alvaro Morata has agreed to join Milan this summer, according to reports.

      Gazzetta dello Sport indicates that the former Juventus man has decided not to wait for offers from Chelsea and Manchester United, instead giving the green light to a €7.5m per season deal from the Rossoneri.

      Milan chiefs will now have to deal with the club over a fee for the Spaniard, who has failed to find regular playing time in Zinedine Zidane’s side.

      The 24-year-old has scored 15 goals along with four assists in La Liga this term, making just fourteen starts in addition to 12 as a subsitute.

      Morata also scored the winning goal for Juventus against Milan in the Coppa Italia final last season.

      The offer is said to be in the region of €60m, with executives looking to replace Carlos Bacca in the summer window.


      • Ajde zavrsite Contija.

        Milan are currently in pole position to sign Andrea Conti. His price is at least €20M.[Gazzetta]


        • Originally posted by Miletić View Post
          Dogovorili licne uslove sa Moratom, 7.5 miliona godisnje... Javlja Gazeta...
          Ostaje da se pronadje dogovor sa Realom, oko 60 miliona se pominje

          Послато са LG-D838 уз помоћ Тапатока
          60 miliona za Moratu !?
          Majko moja...


          • Ako je to istina onda ce Milan potrositi preko 120 miliona na pojacanja, ali glavno mi je pitanje sta ce biti sa FFP? Treba i prodati nekog, a ne znam koga bi mogli sem Romanjolija, Donarume i Bake mogli prodati za neke vece pare, a kazu da ostaju i sledece sezone.
            Fina bi to ekipa bila da se ostvari sve ovo.
            Dreams are coming true.

            Marcello Lippi: „Usporeni snimci akcija nisu realan fudbal. Svi mi želimo da vidimo Moniku Beluči golu, ali ne želimo da je gledamo kroz rendgen“.


            • Kakav fps kad ljudi ne igraju u Evropi, a i ta prica je proslost, mogu da potrose 500 miliona.


              • Ako dodje Morata, Bacca zna da se moze da se pakuje.

                Originally posted by Vladan View Post
                Kakav fps kad ljudi ne igraju u Evropi, a i ta prica je proslost, mogu da potrose 500 miliona.
                To se ocekuje u narednim godinama.
                Last edited by Rossonero; 25-05-17, 11:28.


                • Pa igraju u LE ove sezone, jedino ako namerno ne ispadnu u kvalifikacijama
                  Kreativca nekog dovesti u veznom redu, treba neko slati lopte ka napadacima, dobre bekove zele Rodrigez i Konti, sasvim dobar izbor, uz Romanjolija i Musacia pozadi, konacno krstena odbrana.
                  Dreams are coming true.

                  Marcello Lippi: „Usporeni snimci akcija nisu realan fudbal. Svi mi želimo da vidimo Moniku Beluči golu, ali ne želimo da je gledamo kroz rendgen“.


                  • To bi se onda racunalo za sledeci prelazni i to za tri sezone probijanja fps, nema od toga nista, jednostavno su dozvolili Sitiju i PSZu i sad ce dozvoliti svima. A da ti ne pricam da ce Kinez obezbijediti sponzore preko svojih sestrinskih firmi, fps je propali projekat.


                    • Izgleda da nam se vraca drvo iz Watforda.


                      • Gennaro Gattuso insists that his new job as Milan youth team Coach is 'not a step back' for him.

                        The 39-year-old has spent time as first team Coach of FC Sion, Palermo, OFI Crete and most recently Pisa.

                        "I am very happy," the former defensive midfielder told Mediaset Premium. "When I was asked at the beginning I thought about it, I spoke with [Massimiliano] Mirabelli and [Marco] Fassone.

                        "It is not a step back, I think it's the right choice. I’m going back to a glorious club that wants to return to greatness. I hope to convey a sense of belonging and to help them improve.

                        "Family is important, but the choice was made because I’ll be back at a club who wants to come back to being great, I really liked the proposal to return as Primavera Coach, I was thrilled.

                        "In the past two years at Pisa we have improved the youngsters a lot. I didn’t think this had been done through training them but with this experience I am convinced that things can be done to improve young players. There’s a need to be very attentive to these words, revisiting what I previously thought.

                        "Of course the team will be strengthened, new purchases will come, and also things will be done with the youth. It is up to the doctor, the Mister [Vincenzo] Montella, I’ll think about my own area, then the rest we will see. Milan want to make a great comeback and to do something important.

                        "I am the Coach of the Primavera, but will be in close contact with the first team because you have to play with the same idea and to have the same identity. I will listen to the advice that Montella gives me, he’s a great Coach.

                        "I come from three seasons that were a little bit complicated, both OFI Crete and Pisa weren’t the best at corporate level, but they are much safer now. I have much more knowledge, I’m more mature and I go out there with a completely different mentality.

                        "I can not wait to start, I have a lot of desire but we must think only of the present."


                        • Ovo sto radi Milan je fantasticno, ako se ostvari svi transferi koji se pominju. To je maltene gotov i formiran tim koji mora da bude medju tri i onda one tamo sezone napadne titulu. I sjajno je sto idu po Moratu, a ostavljaju Belotija Zozeu


                          • Sad bih opet poceo da navijam za Milan, al' sta cu kad nemam arene
                            Mnogo mi je drago sto moj nekad omiljeni tim dovodi dobra pojacanja. Zasluzuju da se vrate na vrh Evrope gde im je i mesto.


                            • @Vladan

                              Andrea ti je 100 miliona pa izvol'te.


                              Nista to Ljubo, izdao si nas. Sada si u plavom taboru.
                              Last edited by Rossonero; 25-05-17, 11:51.


                              • Mislim da je svima u interesu jak Milan, nisam nikad navijao za njih ali zelim im brz povratak u sam vrh svetskog fudbala.

