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FC Barcelona

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  • Lijepe riječi Fergusona na račun Barselone
    barcastuff ‏@barcastuff
    Alex Ferguson (ex-coach Man United): "Barcelona are the best team ever to line up against my Manchester United sides."

    Alex Ferguson: "Messi has something magical about him when the ball touches his feet. It's as if it's landed on a bed of feathers."
    Hummels demantovao vezano za onu skorašnju priču oko njegovog transfera
    barcastuff ‏@barcastuff
    Hummels (Dortmund): "Permission to join Barça? There is no truth in that. It's just a story because someone started to care about a rumour."


    • Džonatan Dos Santos se povrijedio na jučerašnjem treningu. U pitanju su ligamenti desnog koljena i neće ga na terenu biti narednih 6 mjeseci, praktično do kraja sezone.

      Pique je poslije utakmice u Milanu osjetio bolove u desnoj nozi tako da je njegov nastup diskutabilan u El Kasiku.


      • Evo odgledah snimak. Ne znam koga bih posebno izdvojio od igrača. Neymar je ako sam dobro shvatio proglašen igračem utakmice, što mu i pripada s obzirom na učinak ali mora se istaći i veliki posao koji su iznijeli momci sredine terena. Takođe, Alves i Adriano na bekovskim pozicijama na visini zadatka. Alexis je ušao u pravo vrijeme u igru, dijelom je vratio agresivnost koju smo izgubili u drugom poluvremenu a i onaj gol je samo pokazatelj da mu se vraća samopouzdanje. Što se tiče konkretno dvojca odbrane, Pique - Maskerano, sasvim pristojno, mnogo bolje nego recimo u utakmici protiv Milana. Valdeza sam već ranije hvalio, u sjajnoj je formi trenutno a pored odličnih refleksa, sjajno prati igru, dakle koncentracija na nivou. Šteta što će golman u ovakvoj formi otići za 0 evra na kraju sezone.

        Nije naša igra bila ono najbolje što Barselona može, prvenstveno što se napada tiče ali opet mi je lijepo vidjeti kako je Martino to fino postavio u smislu da se ne napada "kao muva bez glave". Znamo koliko je Real jak na kontrama te iz tih razloga smatram da je trener dosta obratio pažnju na taj defanzivni dio.

        Generalno gledajući, zadovoljan sam poslom našeg trenera.

        Izjave igrača i Martina:
        Martino: "Madrid were in control during 20 minutes in the second half. Our subs changed the rhythm of the game again."

        Martino: "Referee? As I've done until now, I'm trying not to talk about the referee, and more so when the other coach already did so."

        Martino: "Song subbed on? It was indeed a defensive sub, unless I now want to make you believe he's a playmaker. Wanted to regain midfield."

        Martino: "We worked very hard in the first half, we got tired in the second."

        Martino: "Alexis breakthrough? I don't have anything to with that. Players play well because they are good."

        Martino: "Neymar played a good game, but I think he already played better games at Barça."

        Martino: "Messi not scoring? He worked incrediblyy hard in defense, to help the team to recover balls. For me, that is as important."

        Martino: "I'm staying calm? I'm happy and satisfied, but this was only an important game, we didn't win any trophy."
        Xavi: "I think it was a good game of football. Both teams wanted to play football. And for me we were a bit better. First goal was crucial."

        Neymar: "Today I've fulfilled a dream, playing a clasico. It was very special."

        Alves: "We knew Madrid can be dangerous at counter-attack and that we had to try to control that. That's why we changed some things."

        Full Match
        1. poluvrijeme

        Last edited by ognjen; 27-10-13, 14:57.


        • According RKB, Zubi has closed a pre-agreement with the club and the player himself, 21 and internationally for Germany.

          Vjerovatno će Ter Stegen biti novi golman


          • I Bild objavio isto.


            • Katalonski Sport je stupio u kontakt sa Ter Stegen-om. On ne potvrđuje ovu vijest a ni ne demantuje tako da ima tu nečega. Mislim da potencijalni transfer neće prelaziti 10 miliona evra.

              Večeras utakmica sa Seltom u gostima, Pique neće biti u sastavu.

              Edit: Četvorica igrača Barselone nominovana za najboljeg: Messi, Iniesta, Xavi i Neymar
              Last edited by ognjen; 29-10-13, 15:45.


              • "Prema izvještajima određenih medija Zubizarretino putovanje u Njemačku usko je povezano i sa igračem Dortmunda Gündoganom."

                Nadajmo se da je istina


                • Nadajmo se da nije istina, ne moram objasnjavat zasto.


                  • Dale, koliko god ti volio vidjeti Gundogana u Barsi, ja ne vjerujem da je ovo istina.

                    Morali bi onda prodati nekoga, a i Sergi Roberto je na čekanju.

                    Inače, ljetos je Mundo Deportivo pominjao Gundogana ali samo u smislu ako bi Fabregas otišao u UTD. To je bilo neko njihovo "mišljenje" oko toga ko bi mogao zamijeniti Fabregasa ali daleko od toga da su se uspostavljali kontakti sa Borusijom.


                    • Kakav ludak..
                      Originally posted by Casiraghi
                      Al bar nauci me drugoj da se dam da tebi nevernoj budem Emre Can
                      Originally posted by Casiraghi
                      Ti nikad neces biti kao Joel Matip.

                      Originally posted by Casiraghi
                      Srecan Mane svima koji slave.


                      • Comment

                        • Sutra gradski derbi protiv Espanyol-a, Pique se vratio u sastav a Adriano se nešto lakše povrijedio u meču protiv Selte.

                          Golmani: Valdés, Pinto
                          Odbrana: Montoya, Alves, Piqué, Mascherano, Bartra, Puyol
                          Sredina: Sergio, Song, Xavi, Iniesta, Sergi Roberto, Cesc
                          Napad: Tello, Alexis, Neymar Jr, Messi, Pedro

                          Na press konferenciji Martino je pričao o trenutnoj formi ekipe:

                          “I know we can do better and we have an important margin of improvement, but seeing the results we’ve secured in these three months, we can only be optimistic about the future,” said the Argentine manager.
                          “I hope we can find our best form soon, but we shouldn’t always compare ourselves to past Barça teams.”
                          “As the manager I would like to get closer to the form Barça had two years ago, that was the best team in the history of the sport. There isn’t a best team in the history of football every year.”
                          “At the beginning we had dips in form but now we are more consistent. We could still do better with controlling matches, however.” He added: “It doesn’t suit us to have a feeling of not being in control, because our players are very decisive. The ideal is that our rivals feel as though they don’t have control.”
                          O Messi-ju:
                          “He’s very strong mentally. I have no worries whatsoever when it comes to him, the only thing we want is for him be match fit,” he said. Martino continued: “Messi has gotten us used to him scoring three goals per game and anytime he doesn’t we think something is wrong. He can play well and not score, like what happened in Vigo.”
                          Last edited by ognjen; 31-10-13, 23:08.


                          • Alves, Neymar and Song


                            • javio mi brat da je na nou kampu..
                              MESSI 10


                              • Kakav pas
                                Originally posted by Casiraghi
                                Al bar nauci me drugoj da se dam da tebi nevernoj budem Emre Can
                                Originally posted by Casiraghi
                                Ti nikad neces biti kao Joel Matip.

                                Originally posted by Casiraghi
                                Srecan Mane svima koji slave.

