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FC Barcelona

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  • Barcelona have confirmed plans to build the third largest stadium in the world with a capacity of 105,000.
    Ne znam jel neko postavio ovo.
    Bice treti najgolem stadion na svetu....


    • Gradiće se novi stadion ili će se renovirati Kamp Nou.

      barcastuff ‏@barcastuff 8h
      Faus (economic vice-president): "Remodelling the Camp Nou would cost 300M, while building a new stadium would cost 600M." [rac1]
      Još malo vijesti:

      barcastuff ‏@barcastuff 8h
      Barcelona offer Marc Bartra (22) to renew for 5 seasons, while the centre back prefers a 4-year contract. A deal would be close. [md]
      barcastuff ‏@barcastuff 2h
      According to Montoya's entourage renewal talks are going well, but a deal is not expected soon. Player has doubts about playing time [sport]


      • Ne mogu da opisem koliko mi je drago sto smo napunili ove Skotske anti-talente. Vidim da ih i Dale ne voli, mnogo odvratna ekipa I mladi tim ih odrao 3:0 dan ranije, valjda je ostalo 3:0..

        Sto se Neymara tice, on igra sjajno od pocetka sezone i bilo je samo pitanje vremena kada ce negde eksplodirati i sa golovima.. Postao je prvi covek koji je postigao het-trik i u Copa Libertadores i u LS.

        Nadam se da ce nastaviti u tom ritmu, trebace nam dosta njegovi golovi u odsustvu Messi-a. Pedro veceras postigao 10. gol u sezoni, cele prosle sezone je imao 10. Necete ga se tako lako otarasiti.

        Statistika meca:

        Moguci protivnici u 1/8 finala: Leverkusen, Galatasaray, Olympiakos, Manchester City, Schalke, Arsenal i Zenit.

        City i Arsenal bi svakako bili zajebani.. sa ostalim ne bi smeli imati nikakvih problema.


        • Trebala su biti i 4 , da mu onaj maloumnik nije ukrao loptu ..

          Super igra majstor , ko sto kazes od pocetka sezone , a vremenom ce biti samo bolji i bolji , u to nema apsolutno nikakve sumnje .. Kad se Leo vrati , ako Bog da u top formu ne smijem ni da zamislim sta ce da rade , plus ako Alexis u formi bude .. ZLO !

          Blizu je januar , ocekujemo ponude za prljavog


          • Neymar je sinoć bio dominantan u svim pogledima, igrao je kao da nam je utakmica za prolaz bitna.

            Samo treba oprezno sa Neymar-om, ne treba ga preforsirati jer je on još mlad i još je u fazi profilisanja, iako će se morati sa njim najviše ići u ovim utakmicama dok nema Mesija . Jako malo je imao i odmora tokom one ljetne pauze, prvo onaj transfer u Barsu pa onda vraćaj se u Brazil na Kup Konfederacija i onda malo kasnije neka humanitarna utakmica.
            Martino: "We hope to be able to give him some rest soon."
            Afellay je počeo da trenira. Takođe Kuenka je još tu. Gotovo sigurno njih dvojica odlaze, Kuenka možda i u januaru ode.

            Sumnjam da će neko od ovih standardnih otići u januaru, pod tim mislim i na Pedro-a. Eventualno Song, onda se treba nadati da dođe štoper. Na štoperskim pozicijama imamo Pikea, Maskerana, Bartru i Puyola. Za Karlesa nisam siguran koliko može pružiti u jakim utakmicama. Po meni najviše rezona bi bilo da prodamo Songa i dovedemo štopera a Maskerano može da mijenja Busketsa kada bude bilo potrebe na zadnjem veznom.

            Kada već spominjem Sergia da kažem da je i Martino zadovoljan njegovim partijama.
            barcastuff ‏@barcastuff 21h
            Martino: "Busquets is an extraordinary player. He's a quality footballer and he's tactically very smart. He is decisive for how we play."
            Motoya demantovao navode oko svog odlaska, kaže da želi ostati. Mada činjenica je i ta da mu ugovor ističe na ljeto a nešto se i ne spominje potpisivanje novog. Možda Martin bude zamjena za Alvesa iduće sezone, ko zna. Morao bi još da napreduje što se tiče defanzivnih zadataka a ofanzivno je sasvim pristojan a i na tom polju može još više.

            Sada slijedi Villareal na Kamp Nou, maksimalno ozbiljno.

            barcastuff ‏@barcastuff 21h
            Martino: "We're in permanent contact with Messi. A staff member travels to Argentina tomorrow for the last stage of his recovery."
            Last edited by ognjen; 12-12-13, 20:14.


            • barcastuff ‏@barcastuff 4h
              Official: 18 players are called up for the game against Villarreal tomorrow:

              Goalkeepers: Pinto, Oier
              Defenders: Montoya, Bartra, Pique, Puyol, Mascherano, Alba
              Midfielders: Busquets, Song, Xavi, Iniesta, Sergi Roberto, Cesc
              Forwards: Pedro, Alexis, Neymar, Tello
              Adriano je suspendovan. Alves još nije fit.

              U utakmici sa Seltikom se moglo vidjeti koliko to sve lakše ide kada se igra bez lažne devetke.


              • Pobijedismo Žutu podmornicu Ni malo naivna ekipa.

                Nisam gledao čitavo prvo poluvrijeme, znam da smo iz penala poveli. U drugom Villareal izjednačuje nakon kornera. Odlična reakcija ekipe nakon primljenog gola, mnogo su ubrzali igru što je dovelo do vodstva, Neymar nije imao težak zadatak da pogodi praznu mrežu nakon što su Fabregas i Sancez sve prije toga pripremili. Bilo je još šansi, da smo bar pola od tih prilika realizovali bilo bi mnogo ubjedljivije ali opet bitno da smo pobijedili, sasvim sigurno da bi se trebalo poraditi na realizaciji kontra napada.

                Sada smo na +5 u odnosu na Real.

                "Song-Busquets? Plan was for Busi to play 3rd centre back, Alex def mid, attacking full backs, but Villarreal changed formation."

                "Losing or winning, we always miss Messi. He's the best player in the world. With him, we would have played even better today."

                "The team is getting better, it's a shame the winter break is coming. I'd almost wish they postpone the holidays..."

                "Alex's match was ok. It was my fault that he had to play an uncomfortable game."

                "Getafe game without Messi and Neymar? We'll miss the best in the world and one who's among the 5 best, but we have to win anyway."
                Neymar propušta utakmicu protiv Hetafea zbog žutih kartona.

                Barcelona passes against Villarreal

                Song poslije utakmice

                o patikama da i ne govorim

                Last edited by ognjen; 15-12-13, 00:54.


                • <3


                  • Ima vremena do duela sa City-je, sasvim dovoljno da se blagovremeno reaguje u januaru i dovede bar jedno pojačanje prije svega u odbrani, realna meta je Agger. Smatram da bi nam trebao i jedan klasičan napadač ali opet kada razmislim ne treba ni dovoditi bilo koga eto samo da se dovede, a klasu od igrača nije lako dovesti u zimskom prelaznom roku. Takođe, vidjećemo u kakvoj će formi biti Barsa i City pred taj dvomeč, biće izuzetno teško nositi se sa njima pogotovo tamo u Engleskoj. Treba nam jako stabilna odbrana, ako ništa drugo neka se do tada ustabili ova postojeća.


                    • Nismo tezeg protivnika mogli dobiti.. ali dobro, mi svakako ne smemo biti ti koji ce pricati o teskom zrebu, nek pricaju to u Manchesteru. Mislim da nas pre svega ocekuje sjajan fudbal, a sa dace Bog zdravim Messi-em, imacemo sigurno dobru sansu.

                      Slazem se Del za odbranu, licno bih voleo da vidim Aggera. Kad vec Thiago Silva i Hummels nisu realni, mislim da bi se Agger bas fino uklopio u nas sistem.


                      • Messi se u Argentini oporavlja, nadam se da će ovaj put potpuno oporaviti i onda biti što bolje spreman za zahtijevan nastavak sezone.

                        Ujedno će to biti i test na kom smo nivou, ne treba bježati od teškog protivnika u ovom takmičenju jer prije ili kasnije se sastaneš sa njima a meni lično igra samo osvajanje LŠ-a tako da mi eventualno ispadanje u osmini-finala ili polu-finalu dođu isto.

                        Martino: "City in CL? Tough draw, think they will think the same. It'll be crucial to be at our best in February."
                        Nema razloga da u ovaj duel ne uđemo sa optimizmom. Taktički se treba dobro pripremiti.


                        • Mesijev tata


                          • Mundo Deportivo piše o čovjeku koji je u subotu donio izjednačenje Villarealu protiv Barselone, štoperu Mateo Musacchio-u. 23 godine, ugovor ističe na ljeto 2014. Kažu da ga je Martino zapazio ali to je opcija eventualno za ljetni prelazni rok.


                            • Official: Barcelona midfielder Andres Iniesta (29) will sign his contract renewal until 2018 on Monday.

                              barcastuff ‏@barcastuff
                              Andres Iniesta, who joined Barcelona in 1996 and made his first team debut in 2002, has played 479 games and won 21 trophies with Barcelona.
                              Ništa se drugo nije ni očekivalo.

                              Inače, srećan rođendan Sanchez-u, danas puni 25 godina.


                              Rosell se obratio javnosti te se osvrnuo na poslednjih nekoliko mjeseci:
                              1. “We are very happy to have hung onto our lead. Staying top of the league is even harder than getting there”

                              2. “The Ministry of the Interior and the Guardia Civil have explicitly disassociated Leo Messi and his family from any legal enquiries. However, the attack on the player and his family has not stopped”

                              3. “The National Court has asked us for information about the transfer of Neymar. We are delighted to be able to provide them with all the documents they need”

                              4. “As for the information coming from the European Commission, I have to say that Barça complies with Spanish law, which states that a club does not have to become a public limited sports company if it is solvent. FC Barcelona has not received funds of any type from any official bodies”

                              5. “Those are the facts. All of this has happened after FC Barcelona have led the way for the last few years. Such caustics clearly make people think and I like to believe that the sum of these events is coincidental and that there is no organised persecution of any kind”

                              6. “Our aims are to continue being as transparent as ever, to keep growing and stay top”

                              7. “On January 20, at an Extraordinary Board Meeting, we will be making the most important decision at the club for fifty years. The Board has to decide on the future of the stadium and we’ll be making the most sensible and sustainable decision. Then the members will be able to voice their opinion, which is what will count. We said we would tackle this decisive issue, and we are indeed doing so”

                              8. “I think we’ll have to build a new stadium, either here, using the current structure, or in the Diagonal. We have to compete with the other great clubs around the world over the next 30 years and we need a stadium that can generate more income. There are many stadiums that are more internationally renowned than our own. We have to invest in order to grow and not get left behind. A bit of wood and paint is not enough”

                              9. “I can confirm the renewal of Andrés Iniesta’s contract. This is part of our plan to strengthen the first team and be able to maintain the leadership that Barça started with Guardiola, continued with Tito Vilanova and is now consolidating with Tata Martino”

                              10. “Martino has already denied that he wants to leave in 2014. It seems we always have to declare our innocence and deny these stories that appear in the media, in this case in Argentina”

                              11. “I’d be worried if it was true but I haven’t heard him say such a thing. Puyol is one of the best captains ever, at least in my generation, and I’d be worried if he ever said he wanted to leave. He is a leader and does a lot for the team whether he plays or not”

                              12. “We haven’t spoken to Messi but the door to our office is always wide open. I have no doubt that Messi should be the best paid player in the word because he’s the best player on the planet”

                              13. (On the referendum on Catalan independence of November 9, 2014) “I know what I’ll be voting for, but Barça will not vote because it is not a person. It is formed by a set of people with different opinions”

                              14. “My wish for 2014 is for everyone at Barça to put the club’s interests before personal interests. We have a lot to play for.”

                              Last edited by ognjen; 19-12-13, 16:20.


                              • Puyol na utakmici protiv Villareal-a

                                Last edited by ognjen; 20-12-13, 22:25.

