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Russia - Premier League

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  • kako to da nema Hulk-a na ovim posterima?


    • Кажу није фотогеничан.
      Не'м појма.


      • Хахаха... УРАЛ РУЛЕС!!!

        Губили 0-1 против ЦСК-а и сад је 2-1, две шансе два гола!

        EDIT: 2-2 Вагнер Лав.. 86'
        Last edited by Avramovic; 17-07-13, 17:15.


        • Спартак и Кубан су постигли договор о преласку 23-годишњег фудбалера Араса Озбилиза. Јерменац је потписао дугорочни уговор и задужио дрес са бројем 11.


          • Lokomotiv Moscow have signed from Volga Novgorod, the goalie Ilya Abaev (31). He has signed a 3-year-deal.


            • Argentinian defender Cristian Ansaldi will leave Rubin Kazan and he will play for Zenit St. Petersburg. A 6 million euro deal. The player has been selected by Argentina coach, Alejandro Sabella, for the next game, a friendly match against Italy.


              • Artur Petrosyan ‏@arturpetrosyan 14m
                Dinamo Moscow is the most probable destination for the Russian trio Zhirkov, Kokorin and Denisov.
                A Kokorin tek sto je dosao, isto vazi i za Denisova... Sad videh na TM procenat na Kokorina 78%, kad pre toliko...

                “We have to change, from doubters, to believers, now.”
                -Jürgen Klopp


                • When news broke that Anzhi Makhachkala, the billionaire-backed Russian Premier League club, were cutting their budget and selling their top players, many journalists - myself included - thought it was a late April fool.

                  But this was no joke. In the hours that followed a series of announcements, each more puzzling than the other, confirmed "The Anzhi Project", at least as we previously knew it, was coming to an end. Suleyman Kerimov, Anzhi's billionaire backer since January 2011, was no longer happy to finance a gravy train.
                  The club's budget, officially quoted at an extravagant £116m per season (second only to Zenit St Petersburg in Russia), was to be reduced to between £32m and £45m.
                  An official statement said as much, stating that "having analysed the club's recent sporting results, the decision has been taken to work on a new long-term strategy for the club".
                  Rumours have been rife of training-ground bust-ups ever since Meulensteen was handed the manager's job just over a fortnight ago. There were reports that a rift between newly signed Russia captain Igor Denisov and £130,000-per-week striker Samuel Eto'o, with Meulensteen caught in the middle, had destroyed the Dutchman's authority.

                  Ceo clanak ovde. Kakvo brutalno kresanje budzeta...

                  Zenit St Petersburg (£184m)
                  Anzhi (£116m)
                  Rubin Kazan (£93.45m)
                  Dinamo Moscow (£80.5m)
                  Lokomotiv Moscow (£75m)
                  Spartak Moscow (£67m)
                  CSKA Moscow (£58m)
                  A CSKA uzeo titulu...

                  “We have to change, from doubters, to believers, now.”
                  -Jürgen Klopp


                  • Kako Spaleti moze da ladi jaja, Zenit uvek ima para.

                    Neverovatno da CSKA ima tako "mali" budzet.

                    Sever celi sada se veseli, crveno-beli, 'ajmo u napad zajedno! Sa severa nek zapeva svako, nek grmi jako, Zvezda šampion!

                    "Nema velike ljubavi bez velike radosti, ali i bez velike patnje. E, to vam je Crvena zvezda. Ima da se raduješ do neba, ali sekiracija ti ne gine." Gospodin Ljuba Tadic

                    Batica Wilshere je gospodin covek...

                    All hail the Chan-Chan man!


                    • Динамо је данас саопштио да су досадашњи чланови Анжија Игор Денисов, Јуриј Жирков и Александар Кокорин нови чланови московског клуба. Сва тројица су стандардни репрезентативци Русије.

                      “Моћи ћете да видите Кокорина, Денисова и Жиркова на тренингу у петак”, рекао је потпредседник Динама Генадиј Соловјев за руску Известију.
                      Он је нагласио да ће играчи бити ускоро представљени, а Денисов ће највероватније играти у следећем мечу у Краснодару.


                      • Ez ‏@Number10Role 8m
                        Boussoufa, Lass Diara and Willian won't face Zenit on Sat. First two could be off to Lokomotiv while Spurs/Liverpool are in for the latter.
                        Derbi kola, Anzhi bez pola tima...

                        “We have to change, from doubters, to believers, now.”
                        -Jürgen Klopp


                        • Genoa announced to have reached an agreement for the transfer of Andreas Granqvist to Fc Krasnodar for 5.3 millions euros.


                          • 29 year old Dutch-born Moroccan winger Mbark Boussoufa has left Anzhi Makhachkala to sign a three-year deal with Lokomotiv Moscow.


                            • Браћа јуче издоминирала!




                              • Eto'o ce morati da vrati €20M Anzhiju, koje su uplacene unapred.
                                Njegov agent gleda na sve nacine da dug preuzme buduci klub.
                                Valjda niko nije toliko lud?!
                                It is not the violence that sets a man apart.
                                It's the distance he's prepared to go.

