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FC Chelsea

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  • Vitesse cleared over 'irregular relationship' allegations with Chelsea

    The Dutch football association KNVB launched an investigation last year to see whether the Chelsea-Vitesse relationship went beyond limits, with suspicions that Chelsea were interfering with the running of the Dutch side.
    Today, the football association revealed the results of the investigation, finding no evidence backing up any claims that Chelsea interfere in and/or control any of Vitesse's operations.
    "Vitesse have accurately informed the KNVB over its current ownership and legal structure. This is the main conclusion from the independent investigation into the club's current situation."

    "Vitesse's legal structure is in compliance with the existing regulations."

    "The KNVB and other experts looked into the transfer of the Vitesse shares in 2010 and no irregularities were found during said investigation. Ongoing reports in the media in 2014 prompted the KNVB to open talks with Vitesse again over their organisational structure in the interest of Dutch football's integrity."

    "Vitesse fully cooperated and provided all the necessary documentation, as well as giving insight into the club's financial transactions between 2010 and 2014."

    "The relationship between Vitesse and Chelsea was part of the investigation. The conclusion reached by the KNVB is that there is no evidence Chelsea have control in the policies of Vitesse."

    "There is no written agreement between both clubs, but they do cooperate in certain areas, like loaning players. The loan agreements are in accordance with regulations and are similar to loan agreements involving other clubs."
    "When people get hurt, they learn to hate… when people hurt others, they become hated and racked with guilt. But knowing that pain allows people to be kind. Pain allows people to grow… and how you grow is up to you"


    • sigpic


      • sigpic




          • Gledaj ga Ikona,oteraće nas sve u grob jednog dana,Drogba od tad stigo dva puta da napusti klub i 2x da se vrati ahahhahahaha
            Last edited by saburo sakai; 26-12-15, 10:50.
            "When people get hurt, they learn to hate… when people hurt others, they become hated and racked with guilt. But knowing that pain allows people to be kind. Pain allows people to grow… and how you grow is up to you"


            • Tima za danas: Azar klupa

              CHELSEA XI: Courtois; Ivanovic, Cahill, Terry (c), Azpilicueta; Fabregas, Matic; Willian, Oscar, Pedro, Diego Costa. #cfc


              • Pa gde su klinci bree?!


                • Originally posted by Avramovic View Post
                  Pa gde su klinci bree?!
                  Nema ih nigde, evo klupa:

                  Chelsea Subs: Begovic, Baba, Zouma, Mikel, Ramires, Hazard, Remy. #cfc


                  • Pih.. :/


                    • Comment

                      • Nekad jednostavno nema ni srece ni nista.Naidje tako vrijeme i jbg,a jos su i igraci pravi misevi.Meni je to u sustini najvece razocarenje jebe mi se za rezultate sto mora svaka sezona u vrhu da se provede.Nije to nikakav ni bauk ni problem...nadam se samo drugacijem stavu do kraja sezone i ako se ispadne negdje da se ispadne sa stavom

                        Koliko bi samo taj penal znacio za samopouzdanje ekipe,da je dosao taj preokret.Nema veze idemo dalje...
                        Zeljko Malnar-Nocna mora <3

                        #the return


                        • Ruku na srce, nisu lose igrali, naravno uvek moze bolje, ali ono juce je bilo skroz okej.
                          Sto se tice Oscara i penala-greota, ali svima se desava pa i njemu. Wilian je imao par finih prilika, koje nazalost nije iskoristio.
                          Penal za Watford... Maticu mucenice gde si onolki stao tamo i da ne kazem mlatarao... doduse izvukli smo bod sto je bolje nego da smo izgubili.
                          Ne znam da li ste primetili da je komentator oslovio Costu sa "Koshta" o.O O njegovom zutom da ne pricam, znalo se da ce ga dobiti, bilo je samo pitanje vremena.
                          Hazard, pa onako, moze to bolje, ali neverovatno je koliko ga fauliraju, polomice ga


                          • Samo nesto da skrenem paznju..vidim da se pise o tome da je Teixeira vec zavrsen,to nije tekst Telegrafa nego "eksluziva" Ekspresa il nekog tamo desnog lista koju je Telegraf samo preneo u okiviru svoje trach rubrike,da tu ima nesto vise ja bih do sad verovatno vec nesto postao

                            Jedino sto nas povezuju trenutno,to je sa Vardijem,u igri je i Siti s tim je njihov interes nesto slabiji,pise se naravno o famoznoj HG kvoti te mogucnosti igranja u LS
                            "When people get hurt, they learn to hate… when people hurt others, they become hated and racked with guilt. But knowing that pain allows people to be kind. Pain allows people to grow… and how you grow is up to you"


                            • Uff sad kad krenu vesti o transferima.. :S

                              Nesto razmisljam najpametnije da nikoga ne dovodimo sad u januaru, treba sacekati leto i novog menadzera.

                              Kako imam neki osecaj da Mikel startuje veceras. xD
                              Last edited by Avramovic; 28-12-15, 11:54.


                              • Taman sam kod nas htela da napišem ... jao sada počinju priče o transferima

                                A može Mikel, može
                                Last edited by miloolja; 28-12-15, 12:18.

                                Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
                                But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.

