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  • Lik slagao sve sto je napisao, a onda kada je uhvacen u nizu lazi se jadno vadio da je mislio na evre, a ne na dolare. Pobedio je cinjenicom da je dokazao da je Law imao platu koju sam jos juce napisao - 50k dolara. Koliko je vama dobro...

    Uzgred, kada se vec pominju RSB-ovci, razni Kuperi i Bauntiji se od njih razlikuju samo po klubu za koji navijaju, inace im je mentalni sklop i narativ koji forsiraju identican. Neka je Bog u pomoci i jednima i drugima, ne bio im u kozi.


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      30 / 08 / 2018
      (Gist, James, Gordon, Bill A. Duffy International, Inc. v/ Basketball Club Partizan)
      American Players, James Gist, Dominic James and Drew Gordon, and their Agency Bill A. Duffy International Inc. filed a claim against the Serbian Club Basketball Club Partizan for outstanding salaries, bonuses and agent fees. The Claimants submitted that the Respondent breached the Contract by failing to pay salary instalments, bonuses and agent fees in accordance with the respective Contracts for each player. In its Answer, the Respondent argued that the claims brought by the Claimants were time-barred and, regarding the claim for Mr. Gist, that the Player had committed a doping violation, which the Parties agree would allow the Respondent to withhold the remaining amounts owed to him. The claim was partially upheld by the Arbitrator.

      American Players, James Gist, Dominic James and Drew Gordon, and their Agency Bill A. Duffy International Inc. filed a claim against the Serbian Club Basketball Club Partizan for outstanding salaries, bonuses and agent fees. The Claimants submitted that the Respondent breached the Contract by failing to pay salary instalments, bonuses and agent fees in accordance with the respective Contracts for each player. In its Answer, the Respondent argued that the claims brought by the Claimants were time-barred and, regarding the claim for Mr. Gist, that the Player had committed a doping violation, which the Parties agree would allow the Respondent to withhold the remaining amounts owed to him. The claim was partially upheld by the Arbitrator.

      On 14 January 2014, the Agency sent a formal warning letter to the Club with respect
      to the outstanding salaries for Players Gist, James and Gordon (USD 20,000.00, USD
      37,500.00, and USD 32,933.00, respectively), and the outstanding agency fees (USD
      10,000 under the James Contract and USD 9,793.00 under the Gordon Settlement
      Agreement). The Agency threatened the initiation of a BAT arbitration in the event that
      the outstanding amounts would not be received by 21 January 2014.
      14. In an internal e-mail of 21 January 2014, a member of the Agency reported that
      Respondent had promised, via phone, to pay the outstanding commission fees by the
      end of the month and the players’ salaries by September/October 2014.
      15. On 5 May 2014, Respondent informed the Agency by e-mail that “[w]e are fully aware
      of our debt” and that “[o]ur plan is that by the end of the season up to August at latest
      […] to pay the agents commission at full amount [and] the rest of the debt would be
      paid off soon after.”
      16. On 31 March 2015, the Club explained to the Agency by e-mail that due to a loss of
      sponsoring funds, the Club’s financial situation had worsened, but that the Club hoped
      that new financial resources could be secured soon. The e-mail ended as follows:
      “We are kindly asking for some more patience and we are doing our best to pay
      out our debts to you, since we have a great cooperation with you, which we also
      hope for the future.”
      17. On 27 April 2015, the Club again asked for more patience and expressed its hope to
      gain new funds by selling players during summer time.
      18. On 5 January 2016, the Club informed the Agency that while it still had financial
      problems, the situation was getting “better and better every day” and that “we are sure
      that very soon we will be able to propose a final solution” in respect of the outstanding
      3× ABA League champion (2015–2017, 2021)
      6× Montenegrin League champion (2007–2012)
      3× Serbian League champion (2015–2017, 2021)
      2× German League champion (2018, 2019)
      6× Montenegrin Cup winner (2007–2012)
      4× Serbian Cup winner (2014, 2015, 2017, 2021)
      2× ABA League Coach of the Year (2014, 2015)


      • Originally posted by dekkard View Post
        Majstore, sezona traje 10 meseci. Informiši se pre blamiranja.
        Originally posted by Jimi22 View Post
        Gledam vase postove i smejem vam se koliko ste tanki sa zivcima. Nije vama dvojici uopste lako.

        Osedecete brzo ako vec niste.

        Mene vasi postovi nisu iznervirali, ali vama ce da prokljuca mozak od mog.
        Last edited by Ricma; 03-09-18, 17:31.


        • Originally posted by Ricma View Post
          Gledam vase postove i smejem vam se koliko ste tanki sa zivcima. Nije vama dvojici uopste lako.

          Osedecete brzo ako vec niste.

          Mene vasi postovi nisu iznervirali, ali vama ce da prokljuca mozak od mog.
          Mhm, jako smo se potresli dekkard i ja.


          • Originally posted by Ricma View Post
            Gledam vase postove i smejem vam se koliko ste tanki sa zivcima. Nije vama dvojici uopste lako.

            Osedecete brzo ako vec niste.

            Mene vasi postovi nisu iznervirali, ali vama ce da prokljuca mozak od mog.
            Mjok, Ricma znaš i ti da si mi omiljeni Grobar pored Mark it 0,. ne mogu da se ljutim na tebe pa da si još toliki [emoji6]
            “La vostra fama è come il fiore, che nasce e muore, e si secca allo stesso sole che gli ha dato vita dall'acerba terra"


            • Izgleda da će Partizan ipak morati da plati €150k za Jankovića.


              • Originally posted by la haine View Post
                Izgleda da će Partizan ipak morati da plati €150k za Jankovića.
                Mogao bi da prilozis i neki ugovor izmedju KKP i Jankovica u ovom trenutku - ako se i bude potpisivao, bice nakon sto isti bude imao ciste papire, tj. dobije vas na Arbitrazi zbog "neblagovremenog ispunjavanja odredbi iz Ugovora".
                "Brini se više za svoju savest, nego za svoj ugled. Jer savest je ono što ti zaista jesi, a ugled je ono što drugi misle o tebi. A ono što drugi misle o tebi… to je njihov problem."
                Meša Selimović


                • Originally posted by kronostime View Post
                  Mogao bi da prilozis i neki ugovor izmedju KKP i Jankovica u ovom trenutku - ako se i bude potpisivao, bice nakon sto isti bude imao ciste papire, tj. dobije vas na Arbitrazi zbog "neblagovremenog ispunjavanja odredbi iz Ugovora".
                  Pa komso onaj coper je to pominjao kao gotova stvar sa ugovorom i da se ceka skidanje BATa da bude registrovan..mislim bas na temi KKP.

                  Послато са GT-I9515 уз помоћ Тапатока
                  Ako mi časi smrti postanu bliski,
                  I nešto mi se crno oko nozdrva skupi,
                  Kažite drugovima da vojnik Zahar Gorodijski
                  Nije umio da odstupi,
                  Recite da sam, nagutavši se samrtnog vjetra,
                  Pao unapred, a ne unazad,
                  I da je slobode stosedamdesetdva santimetra
                  Uračunato i u moj pad.


                  • Comment

                    • Originally posted by Jimi22 View Post
                      Da vidimo kako ce limar objasniti kako je platio obestecenje, i da li ce... [emoji3]
                      Ovde sa Jankovicem jos nije sve jasno, da li se kasnilo, ciji je igrac...morali bi ili iz CZv neko (citaj Covic) da izadje i kaze takva i takva je stvar sa Jankovicem a ne da vlada omerta.
                      Ako je Ptznov igrac onda njihov predsednik treba da kaze a ne da se svi prave englezi...

                      Послато са GT-I9515 уз помоћ Тапатока
                      Ako mi časi smrti postanu bliski,
                      I nešto mi se crno oko nozdrva skupi,
                      Kažite drugovima da vojnik Zahar Gorodijski
                      Nije umio da odstupi,
                      Recite da sam, nagutavši se samrtnog vjetra,
                      Pao unapred, a ne unazad,
                      I da je slobode stosedamdesetdva santimetra
                      Uračunato i u moj pad.


                      • Originally posted by kronostime View Post
                        Mogao bi da prilozis i neki ugovor izmedju KKP i Jankovica u ovom trenutku - ako se i bude potpisivao, bice nakon sto isti bude imao ciste papire, tj. dobije vas na Arbitrazi zbog "neblagovremenog ispunjavanja odredbi iz Ugovora".
                        Na arbitraži je dobio patlidžan, ako me razumeš. A to kako ćete vi da zamaskirate da ste pljunuli 150k je vaša briga. Ima i priča da je pristao da kod vas igra za 80k, tako da ispada da ga plaćate 230k što je skroz realno za EL igrača na poziciji 4.


                        • Originally posted by la haine View Post
                          Na arbitraži je dobio patlidžan, ako me razumeš. A to kako ćete vi da zamaskirate da ste pljunuli 150k je vaša briga. Ima i priča da je pristao da kod vas igra za 80k, tako da ispada da ga plaćate 230k što je skroz realno za EL igrača na poziciji 4.
                          Mora da je bas patio u KKCZ kada je KKP dao kredit od 150k


                          • Originally posted by Ganac View Post
                            Ovde sa Jankovicem jos nije sve jasno, da li se kasnilo,
                            Kasnilo se jeste, samo je fora bila da li su prvo legle pare na racun, ili tuzba...
                            Meni se sve cini da je u stvari u pitanju valuta placanja... Banka primaoca ubaci pare na racun sa par dana zakasnjenja, ali sa datumom prave uplate. Tako da ti npr. 15. dobijes pare sa datumom 12.
                            Kako god, u pravu si da bi zaista bilo lepo da se neko oglasi. Ovako ispadaju muljavi i jedni i drugi. Doduse, nije da nisu...


                            • Kakav igrač za 0 jura, a komšije

                              Hvala što ste ga godinu dana privikavali na Evropu, sad kod nas ima da pokida


                              • Baš se čudno piše 150.000€ kod vas Grobara. Ne zaboravi da pare treba da legnu sa legalnog klupskog računa.

