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Juventus FC

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  • Originally posted by Prototype View Post
    Tesko da ce Juve dati velike pare za Sancheza, pokusace za neku "sicu" da ga dovedu. Realno je ocekivati da ce ponuda biti 15-20M i to na rate. Ako se neka druga ekipa umesa, kao na primer Bayern, imacemo teske probleme da ga dovedemo. Jer Bayern ce mu ponuditi mnogo vecu platu od nas.
    Ма прича је да ће доћи на позајмицу за 5 милиона, са правом откупа за 20 милиона, сад то пише по новинама колико је све тачно не знам.

    Интервју Контеа након меча са Сијеном


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          • Brajkula jel' ti to preca kafana od Juventusa ccc ?
            Ovo je Arsenal, a ne ono što je danas bilo na Emiratesu.


            • Originally posted by soe View Post
              Brajkula jel' ti to preca kafana od Juventusa ccc ?
              Брате морао сам да испоштујем ортаку рођендан, мсм није му био синоћ већ пре 20 дана али имао бронхитис па није звао па тек сада...бла, бла, бла....гледам ове прегледе и видим Мирко се баш испромашивао, како се у свакој јачој утакмици види да нам фали тај нападач реализатор, који користи 7 од 10 најизгледнијих прилика, надам се да ће Љоренте да нам то донесе.
              Видим и Кјелини и Кавани имали окршај, шамарање и то

              А наша легенда ставила еврогол намо на далеком а континенту


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                  • Simbolika at it's best.


                    • Читао сам како је Андреа обаш готиви вино, чак мсм да има неку своју мини винарију (али нисам сигуран за то, да те не слажем).

                      Данас дечаци рекламирали покер.

                      Last edited by Brajkula; 04-03-13, 22:40.


                      • Manchester United wide man Nani has been linked with moves to most of Europe's top clubs and those rumours will only grow as he gets closer to the end of his current contract.

                        His deal expires in the summer of 2014 and if he hasn't renewed by this summer it's likely Manchester United will look to sell him to avoid losing him for absolutely nothing. Even at the end of this season his value will have dropped because overseas clubs will know they could sign him on a pre-contract agreement in the winter and have him arrive for nothing at the end of the 2013/2014 season.

                        It brings him financially into the reach of more clubs and one of those would be Juventus. They signed Fernando Llorente on a pre-contract agreement in January and he'll join up for free in the summer, enabling the club to pay him the big wage he was looking for.

                        It's possible they could use that transfer as a blueprint and if they can't get Nani for what they think is a reasonable fee they can push the threat of that scenario Manchester United's way.

                        It's considered big enough news by Tuttosport that they splash the possibility over their front page today. They also mention Luis Suarez but in the story inside they make it clear he would be very expensive and possibly out of the reach of Juventus. they say the same for Gareth Bale, calling his signing a 'dream' and explaining that Nani is the more realistic option.

                        Other names are brought into the equation but it's clearly Nani who they feel is the most likely, probably due to his contract situation and that he's finding it hard to hold down a regular place at Manchester United.

                        When Cristiano Ronaldo left the club, Nani probably expected that he'd take on his role but it hasn't really happened that way and the right wing has belonged to Antonio Valencia. Nani is plagued by claims of inconsistency but when he's on form he's one of the best players Manchester United have got so it's a difficult situation for the club.

                        Unless Nani drops his wage claims, the only way Juventus can afford him is if they get him for a very reasonable fee, or wait and try and get for nothing. Llorente for zilch one summer and Nani the same the next summer, that sounds like a decent way to do football business.


                        • Ма дај Ђанија звериште овамо, дај бре


                          • Nadam se da nece dovodit Nanija totalno odvratan i nepotreban.
                            Ovo je Arsenal, a ne ono što je danas bilo na Emiratesu.


                              • Јувентус је 8 мечева без пораза у Лиги Шампиона
                              • Јувентус је победио у низу 5 последњих утакмица у Лиги Шампиона
                              • Јувентус на последњих 5 утакмица у Лиги Шампоина није примио гол
                              • Јувентус није примио гол пуних 490 минута у Лиги Шампиона
                              • Јувентус није примио гол из игре пуних 607 минута у Лиги Шампиона.


                              • Кад смо код Пирла и вина

