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    Znam da je Daily Fail,ali ima li kakve istine u ovome?
    When I die, don't bring me to hospital. Bring me to Anfield. I was born there and will die there! S.G.8


    • RvP igra, znam da se ne radujes.
      A Verminator je pod znakom pitanja, mada je Wenger rekao na konferenciji pred mec da je Vermaelen samo igrao bez razloga protiv Grcke, i da je umoran, a da povreda nije toliki problem, tako da mislim da ce obojica igrati.
      "Once you leave Arsenal, you can only go down, really." - Jack Wilshere

      Dakle, ti si portir!


      • Originally posted by Wilshere_19 View Post
        RvP igra, znam da se ne radujes.
        A Verminator je pod znakom pitanja, mada je Wenger rekao na konferenciji pred mec da je Vermaelen samo igrao bez razloga protiv Grcke, i da je umoran, a da povreda nije toliki problem, tako da mislim da ce obojica igrati.
        a ti pozuri da se oporavis da sledece sezone da nam budes glavni igrac (salim se)
        bogami ja sam igrao gg3+,al kako igra liverpul na domacem terenu malo je verovatno da ce biti dosta golova,al kad smo nase drage komsije onako otresli kao prljavi tepih,zasto ne bi smo onda i liverpul dobili makar bilo to i sa 1:0


        • Nove vesti sa konferencije. :/

          on the injury situation...
          We have a problem with Vermaelen (ankle) that we have to assess on Friday. Van Persie has a little groin problem that we have to assess on Friday as well. As for Song, I have no news at all. Everybody else has come back well. At the moment it is very difficult to say [if Vermaelen and Van Persie will be fit] because we are before training. I can give a better view after the training session on Friday.

          on Tomas Rosicky…
          He has a back problem as well but I think he will play. It is 50:50.

          Ne svidja mi se ovo uopste...
          "Once you leave Arsenal, you can only go down, really." - Jack Wilshere

          Dakle, ti si portir!


          • Originally posted by c-bosh View Post

            Znam da je Daily Fail,ali ima li kakve istine u ovome?
            RVP imam malu povredu prepone zato je igrao samo 45 minuta protiv Engleske ali ce najverovatnije igrati

            Originally posted by Wilshere_19 View Post
            Nove vesti sa konferencije. :/

            on the injury situation...
            We have a problem with Vermaelen (ankle) that we have to assess on Friday. Van Persie has a little groin problem that we have to assess on Friday as well. As for Song, I have no news at all. Everybody else has come back well. At the moment it is very difficult to say [if Vermaelen and Van Persie will be fit] because we are before training. I can give a better view after the training session on Friday.

            on Tomas Rosicky…
            He has a back problem as well but I think he will play. It is 50:50.

            Ne svidja mi se ovo uopste...
            Meni nije jasno sta im rade na tim treninzima ne pamtim sezonu kad nismo vukli barem 5 povredjenih prvotimaca ...

            #PRAVDA ZA BRAĆU


            • dobijamo mi liverpul 2:0

              Real cars. Real racing. Dobrodosli


              • Remzi propusta sledeca dva meca.




                  Slike s treninga, raduje me sto su tu Verma i Robin... Wenger izabran za trenera meseca u februaru.
                  "Once you leave Arsenal, you can only go down, really." - Jack Wilshere

                  Dakle, ti si portir!


                  • Originally posted by Maric91 View Post
                    poznate licnosti su srecne zbog ove vijesti

                    Real cars. Real racing. Dobrodosli


                    • Definitivno najjaca slika sa treninga

                      Btw evo ga Mikel mozda je on solucija ako Vermalen ne bude igrao

                      #PRAVDA ZA BRAĆU


                      • Diaby se oporavio i bice na klupi sutra!
                        Originally posted by maliajnstajn
                        Arsenal ako uzme narednih 5 tekmi, uzima i titulu, nema previse tu filozofije.


                        • Mogo je Arsavin jos malo da saceka pa da ode, bas je voleo ove utakmice protiv Liverpula,kad se samo setim one kada smo imali 4 suta i 4 gola...i sve to Arsavin.


                          • Originally posted by Topdzija View Post
                            Diaby se oporavio i bice na klupi sutra!
                            Konacno jbt trebao je jos u januaru da se vrati ....

                            #PRAVDA ZA BRAĆU



                              Wenger sa jedinim trofejem iz ove sezone.
                              "Once you leave Arsenal, you can only go down, really." - Jack Wilshere

                              Dakle, ti si portir!


                              • Procitao sam i da Agger sigurno ne igra za Liverpool sutra, a da je Gerrard pod znakom pitanja.
                                Originally posted by maliajnstajn
                                Arsenal ako uzme narednih 5 tekmi, uzima i titulu, nema previse tu filozofije.

