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  • Svako ko uporno pise neke nebuloze dovodi do toga da mnogi korisnici izbjegavaju forum na kome se to pise. A da ne pricamo kako to utice na neutralne navijace pa i same navijace tog kluba. Svi smo mi ponekad nerealni kad je Arsenal u pitanju ali pojedinci stvarno umiju ponekad da pretjeraju.


    • Lik se sprda a ljudi se primaju na to .
      Ovo je Arsenal, a ne ono što je danas bilo na Emiratesu.


      • Raspali klovn kako ga vi zovete ima daleko bolju sezonu od savrsenog Cecha, just for the record. Znam da sam u manjini ali ja bi voleo da se Klovn vrati jer je jos uvek mlad golman i ima sta da pokaze u godinama koje dolaze. Cech mi izgleda istroseno i bledo ovu sezonu smo dobili napokon tog drugog stopera ali i pored toga jako puno problema sa odbranom.
        Sto se tice one spike oko Ozila slazem da je nedovoljno konstantan i nekako mi je pao u drugi plan uopste mi ne nedostaje ovih par tekmi Ziru i Sancez igraju na visokom nivou konstantno za razliku od njega. Ziru ima bolji učinak u ligi od njega 6 golova i 3 asista a samo 3 tekme starovao
        Last edited by krele90; 09-01-17, 13:08.


        • Dobar je Aki decko, jos je i ozbiljan, odgovoran, marljiv, disciplinovan i posvecen clan ovoga foruma. Svi ovi napadi na njega su obicna politicka farsa od strane politickih oponenata. Jasno je da Hilari stoji iza toga


          • Crvena buržoazija prvo napala Gorana , sad Akija . Izgleda sam ja sledeći


            #PRAVDA ZA BRAĆU


            • Mozemo mi nazad na Mesuta, Wengera i Arsenal?


              • Klinac je, loži se preterano i ispada smešan, a često i bezobrazan.

                Proći će ga verovatno, ali to ne znači da treba da bude dozvoljeno na forumu.

                Neki nivo poštovanja prema ostalim članovima mora da postoji.


                • Evo koga zanima ceo intervju Ozila za Kicker,zanimljiv bas....

                  Mr Özil, for the Kicker writers and editors you were world class for the past half year. What was different in recent months compared to all the years before?

                  First of all, I’m really happy about it. Because this ranking shows that my desire to continually improve has been acknowledged by the public. Many expected me to finish more often and score more goals. That has worked much better this season than in previous years.

                  Arsène Wenger also demanded more goals from you. Have you become more selfish on the pitch?

                  I wouldn’t say selfish, but I make different runs on the pitch. I don’t drop deep to pick up the ball anymore, I wait further forward. Then I might go five minutes without touching the ball, but have more chances in front of goal. The most important thing for me: I need to be free on the pitch. That’s what I need. The coach gives me that freedom, that’s why it’s going well.

                  Was 2016 the best year of your career?

                  If you look back throughout the years, I always performed, also back in Bremen and Real Madrid. The statistics would prove it, they were always very positive. What has changed apart from me scoring more goals is that the expectations have grown this year. The people always expected good games from me. When I have one bad game after ten good ones, the criticism comes immediately.

                  Just like after the recent losses at Everton or Manchester City. You were the scapegoat of the English media.

                  We didn’t have much of the ball and didn’t do well as a team, that’s why I did not really get into my game. I have been in the business for so many years now, if I’d believe everything that is written about me and get affected by it, then I would have gone crazy. But I have the experience and confidence to handle criticism. It only makes me stronger.

                  Was your cross for the winner against West Brom on Boxing Day your response to the criticism?

                  Not just the cross. I performed throughout the game, had many touches and created many chances. The beautiful part of our job is that you can always prove yourself over and over again.

                  Towards the end of the year you didn’t seem as fit as in the autumn, you missed recent games with an infection. Do your legs feel heavier in this season compared to others?

                  No player in the Premier League will claim that they’re as sharp now as they were at the beginning of the season. I also had a short break due to the Euros and couldn’t really prepare myself for the season. As a player you need a break once in a while, not just for the body, but for your mind. You don’t get that in the Premier League. It did hurt between Christmas and New Year, when your colleagues and friends from the Bundesliga and other leagues post pictures from their holidays. Julian Draxler sent me a video from a different place every other day to annoy me (smiles).

                  Did the league title slip away after those two defeats?

                  Definitely not, the past showed it. This time last year we were on top, and quite a few said that we could finally do it. Now it’s Chelsea in that role. There is a long way to go this season. We need a run, then you get to the front very quickly. I’m convinced that we can be at the top at the end of the season and achieve our target. We have more potential in the side with the new signings like Granit Xhaka and Shkodran Mustafi. And we have a better team spirit.

                  How does it show?

                  We always had players in previous years that would be upset when they’re on the bench. Now the players that come in, are hungrier. Everyone can sense that we can achieve something this year.

                  Shouldn’t you prioritise sealing fourth place and your minimum target of reaching the Champions League?

                  If you look behind youself, that’s where you end up! If you’re scared of that, then you play like that on the pitch. Then you don’t only drop out of the Champions League places, but from the European spots altogether. If you want to realise your targets, you have to look forward.

                  Arsenal were knocked out three times by Bayern in the Last 16 stage of the Champions League. Is the exit certain?

                  You never know in football. To win the title, you have to play against the biggest clubs in the world and prove yourself. It’s good that we have gotten another chance. Bayern belong to the favourites, they have been playing outstanding football in recent years. This year they have become more vulnerable. They’re not invincible, certainly not this year.

                  Your contract at Arsenal expires in 2018, contract negotiations have been going on for well over a year. Why can’t you and the club find an agreement?

                  It’s the first time I am thoroughly talking about it. I am very, very happy to play at Arsenal, and I feel very, very well here. I have expressed my willingness to extend my contract to the club. The fans want me to stay. It’s all up to the club.

                  Is it the money?

                  A lot of people say it is. But to be perfectly honest: It was never about the money in my career. It was about fun and trust. The club knows that Arsène Wenger was one of the main reasons I came, he brought me here and I have his trust. The club also knows that I want clarity with what he is doing...

                  His contract runs out in the summer..

                  That’s right.

                  Arsenal legend Thierry Henry accused you and Alexis Sanchez of holding the club hostage with your wage demands.

                  Everyone has a right to say their opinion. But those comments don’t interest me, they don’t affect me. Ex-players or others, who always have to add their two cents, don’t know what the club and I talk about. For me it’s all about trust and appreciation, not the money.

                  In the national team you have taken over the Number 10 shirt after Lukas Podolski stepped down. Why are you still playing with the 11 at Arsenal?

                  I would like to wear the 10, I always wanted it, the club knew from the beginning. But Jack Wilshere had the 10 when I joined Arsenal in 2013. The club told me I’d get it as soon as it becomes available. It’s been free since Wilshere left in the summer, but I still haven’t gotten it.

                  Der Spiegel (German newspaper) devoted their front page to you in early December - with yellow Euro signs in your eyes. You have been asked to pay over two million Euros to the taxman in Spain and you have been fined €800,000 for a serious breach. What is the current standing?

                  All I can say to the article is that I got my legal team involved immediately. A preliminary injuction has been issued and the front page as well as the essential points of the story have been judicially prohibite

                  Back to the football. After losing to France at the Euros, you seemed more hurt than anyone else in the German team. How difficult was it to accept the semifinal exit?

                  Very difficult, it was a bitter deja-vu experience. Of course we won the World Cup in 2014, and had a great experience in Brazil. But we were always knocked out in the semifinal in the tournaments before that. 2010 against Spain, 2012 against Italy and now France. That hurt a lot, the disappointment is still there.


                  We wanted to show the world that we can be like Spain and shape an era. I really wanted to become European champion, because I knew how good it feels after winning the European Championship with the U21s. We were the better side in the first half, totally dominated the French, the final was a possibility. But when it was all over in Marseille, a lot emotions came up as well as tears. I couldn’t accept losing that game, despite clearly being the better team...

                  Does missing out on a chance to win the title outweigh the feeling of reaching the semifinals?

                  Definitely. I am very good friends with Cristiano Ronaldo, and the Portuguese can be proud of what they have achieved. But when I see how they reached the final and won it, it hurts even more. I’m sure we would have beaten them. But that’s football. The better team doesn’t always win, a little bit of luck is also part of it.

                  And more determination?

                  That too, yes. In a tournament it is important that everything fits and that the players are fit. We missed Sami Khedira and Mario Gomez in the semifinal. We didn’t have a proper striker, someone that really forces his way into the box.

                  What can you do better for the World Cup in Russia?

                  Eliminating sloppy mistakes, like handballing in your own box or wasting many chances. We have to be clinical and hungrier to score goals. If we manage that, then we will achieve our target.

                  Joachim Löw has introduced many young players recently. Has the face of the team changed?

                  I can’t follow the Bundesliga intensively, as I play at the same time. But I can see that the young players that have joined us have the quality to play at a big tournament like the World Cup.

                  Who do you think of?

                  Julian Brandt for example, he’s very good on the ball. Max Meyer, too. Leroy Sane and Julian Draxler were part of the Euro squad, but they’re still young. We have a lot of potential, not just for Russia, but for the years ahead.

                  The national team has lost leading figures in the last couple of years with Philipp Lahm, Per Mertesacker, Miroslav Klose, Podolski and Bastian Schweinsteiger. Has your role in the team changed?

                  I think only Mario Gomez has been around longer than I have, but my role was always the same. I just want to play football. If something goes wrong on the pitch, then I will open my mouth and my words will have weight. But other than that I’m rather quiet and let other players from the team council do the talking.

                  Was it an important signal to the team that Löw extended his contract until 2020?

                  Yes. We’re delighted to have a great coach with us. It is his achievement that German football has developed in the last couple of years. He had this vision for many years to play beautiful, attacking football and consistently pulled it through.

                  Löw has already announced that he will leave players like you at home during the Confed-Cup in the summer. Are you happy about it or would you rather play in Russia during the summer?

                  Of course you want to play, that’s why you become a footballer. But I appreciate that a break during the summer would do me well. At some stage the body will not carry not and you won’t be at 100%. That’s why I’m thankful that Joachim Löw as well as Arsène Wenger give me the occasional break or let me sit out a game.

                  Klose retired at 37. Do you have an idea of how long your career will carry on?

                  Difficult to say, how long my body will allow it. But I certainly have an idea about what I will do first after my career.

                  What would it be?

                  I always tell my friends and family: After my career I will take a complete year off, will go on holiday with the family and see the world, play football with my brother and friends.

                  You had over a dozen relatives and people close to you at your house in London over the Christmas period. Do you always need someone around you?

                  Yes, definitely. I have frequent visitors, my cousin Serdar and my dog Balboa are always with me. I was fortunate growing up with my friends, today they work for me and are always there. And new friends that I can trust hundred percent. When I was in Bremen I was on my own, watched TV on my own, ate out alone. That wasn’t for me. Now over the Christmas period everyone was here. People slept all over the place as there was no space in the house. It was fun.
                  Last edited by Jack; 09-01-17, 18:39.


                  • sigpic

                    #PRAVDA ZA BRAĆU


                    • Ozil je lenjivac, to se vidi i na terenu i ubedjen sam da bi ostao jer ima zagarantovano mesto u timu. Sto je rekao neko na prethodnim stranama moguce da je otisao iz Reala jer nije zeleo da se bori sa Iscom.Gotivim ja njega, ali to njegovu nonsalanciju ne volim uopste.

                      Bez Ozila bi mi lako, ali Sanchez je vec tesko zamenjiv.

                      Inace u FA Cupu, gostovanje Norwichu ili Southamptonu.
                      Originally posted by maliajnstajn
                      Arsenal ako uzme narednih 5 tekmi, uzima i titulu, nema previse tu filozofije.


                      • Is it the money?

                        A lot of people say it is. But to be perfectly honest: It was never about the money in my career. It was about fun and trust. The club knows that Arsène Wenger was one of the main reasons I came, he brought me here and I have his trust. The club also knows that I want clarity with what he is doing...

                        His contract runs out in the summer..

                        That’s right.
                        Drugim rijecima. Ostati cu ukoliko i Wenger ostane jer ce se tesko naci neka druga budala koje ce da me i pored mojih losih igara drzi u prvih jedanaest.


                        • Originally posted by Tobdzija View Post
                          Ozil je lenjivac, to se vidi i na terenu i ubedjen sam da bi ostao jer ima zagarantovano mesto u timu. Sto je rekao neko na prethodnim stranama moguce da je otisao iz Reala jer nije zeleo da se bori sa Iscom.Gotivim ja njega, ali to njegovu nonsalanciju ne volim uopste.

                          Bez Ozila bi mi lako, ali Sanchez je vec tesko zamenjiv.

                          Inace u FA Cupu, gostovanje Norwichu ili Southamptonu.
                          Nista losiji rezultati nisu bili u Arsenalu prije Sancheza...
                          Zeljko Malnar-Nocna mora <3

                          #the return


                          • Originally posted by Samuraj View Post
                            Drugim rijecima. Ostati cu ukoliko i Wenger ostane jer ce se tesko naci neka druga budala koje ce da me i pored mojih losih igara drzi u prvih jedanaest.
                            Nije bas tako. Mnogo me nervira njegova nezainteresovanost ali hoce covjek da zna kakvi su planovi kluba. Hoce da zna na cemu je, mozda se plasi da bude kao sa Junajtedom poslije Fergusona. Svudje na svijetu igraci zele da znaju situaciju u klubu, ne znam sto dizete frku zbog Ozila.


                            • Arsene Wenger nije samo trener kluba i menadzer, Arsene Wenger je puno vise.

                              Wengerov potpis je na svemu, klub je povezan sa njim, ako planiranje za njegov odlazak ne bude odradjeno kako treba, nas ce zadesiti gora sudbina od Uniteda, jer mi ne mozemo pljunut 900 miliona u 4 transfer roka.

                              Neki ljudi bi toliko htjeli da Wenger ode, da su spremni da se odreknu najboljih igraca, lol.

                              Arsene Wenger ode, odose i Sanchez i Mesut, sta cemo onda?
                              "IF YOU CAN MEET WITH TRIUMPH AND DISASTER
                              AND TREAT THOSE TWO IMPOSTORS JUST THE SAME"


                              • Originally posted by maliajnstajn View Post
                                Arsene Wenger nije samo trener kluba i menadzer, Arsene Wenger je puno vise.

                                Wengerov potpis je na svemu, klub je povezan sa njim, ako planiranje za njegov odlazak ne bude odradjeno kako treba, nas ce zadesiti gora sudbina od Uniteda, jer mi ne mozemo pljunut 900 miliona u 4 transfer roka.

                                Neki ljudi bi toliko htjeli da Wenger ode, da su spremni da se odreknu najboljih igraca, lol.

                                Arsene Wenger ode, odose i Sanchez i Mesut, sta cemo onda?
                                Nije bas sve ili crno ili bijelo...a sto dodje Simeone i dovede Grizmana i Saula i Arsenal osvoji velike trofeje?
                                Ako mislimo nesto da osvojimo nesto moramo da mijenjamo i to da bude neka veca promjena. Npr da se iskesiraju pare za 2 top pojacanja...

