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  • "Once you leave Arsenal, you can only go down, really." - Jack Wilshere

    Dakle, ti si portir!


    • Je l' moguce da je ovol'ka propalica?



      • Originally posted by AK47 View Post
        Kad za dvije sezone pokuca na vrata ponuda vrijedna 100 miliona od Florentina,vrati se sve ti je oprosteno
        Sve dok ne bude veca svota od one koja bude rekordan transfer tada ne dolazi u obzir

        I ako dodje 100 m ponuda nema problema, vas je, cak bi ga ja zapakovao i poslao u Real, ali za 2 godine


        Jel se ja tripujem ili sam vidio Piresa na pocetku ovog videa sa treninga??

        I osjeca se ugodno vidi se. Cim ima Peru da mu tu pomogne odma je lakse mnogo
        Last edited by maliajnstajn; 12-09-13, 15:42.


        • Originally posted by maliajnstajn View Post
          Sve dok ne bude veca svota od one koja bude rekordan transfer tada ne dolazi u obzir

          I ako dodje 100 m ponuda nema problema, vas je, cak bi ga ja zapakovao i poslao u Real, ali za 2 godine


          Jel se ja tripujem ili sam vidio Piresa na pocetku ovog videa sa treninga??

          I osjeca se ugodno vidi se. Cim ima Peru da mu tu pomogne odma je lakse mnogo
          ono fotografija što sam sa treninga vidio, Ozil se ne odvaja od Mertesacker-a


          • Originally posted by Condition23 View Post
            Je l' moguce da je ovol'ka propalica?

            Ako znam koji je ovo lik jbs mi sve Ko je ovo


            • Pa dobro ocekivano. I ti i ja i svako se drzao onoga koga je znao kada dodje u novu sredinu, posebno u srednju skolu. A Ozil je introvert tako da je ocekivano da se drzi poznate osobe sa kojom se usput zna bas bas dugo, jos od vremena kada je bio balavac iz Werdera

              Edit: Proto to ti je samoproglaseni najbolji fudbaler svijeta, Niklas Bendnter I jos je igrao za tvoj ljubljeni Juve ccc


              • To ti mislis da je igrao Posle 5 godina gledanja mozda bih ga i prepoznao, propalitet


                • Originally posted by maliajnstajn View Post
                  Pa dobro ocekivano. I ti i ja i svako se drzao onoga koga je znao kada dodje u novu sredinu, posebno u srednju skolu. A Ozil je introvert tako da je ocekivano da se drzi poznate osobe sa kojom se usput zna bas bas dugo, jos od vremena kada je bio balavac iz Werdera

                  Edit: Proto to ti je samoproglaseni najbolji fudbaler svijeta, Niklas Bendnter I jos je igrao za tvoj ljubljeni Juve ccc
                  naravno, puno je lakše kada imaš nekoga koga od ranije znaš prilikom dolaska u novu sredinu....

                  bog te mazo koliko je Niklas propao, ni ja ga nisam prepoznao, katastrofa


                  • Originally posted by Prototype View Post
                    To ti mislis da je igrao Posle 5 godina gledanja mozda bih ga i prepoznao, propalitet
                    Stvarno sramota ovakvim da se napravi prvenstveno zbog godina. Ajde da je u 28oj poceo da kanali pa da ga razumem ali on vec dve godine umire, znaci sa 23 je poceo da propada a sa 25 je sam sebe zakopao. Bio bih ga gde god ga sretnem zbog toga sto me je na neki nacin prevario Kad se pojavio i kad sam ga prvi put video mislio sam da je neki dobrica koji ce da pogine na treningu da daje sve od sebe tokom karijere, izgradice neko ime ovo ono. Zajeba me na keca...on klosar klasican jos je i bezobrazan.



                    • Jbt ni ja nisam prepoznao Bendtnera! Samo da NIKADA vise na zaigra za 1. tim Arsenala. Nije mi jasno sto ga nisu dali Kristal Palasu da greje klupu Chamakhu.
                      Originally posted by maliajnstajn
                      Arsenal ako uzme narednih 5 tekmi, uzima i titulu, nema previse tu filozofije.


                      • Sta mislite igrace Ozil sutra? Ja mislim da mora posto nemamo izbora jer Rosicki nece biti u sastavu.
                        Znaci ne vidim drugaciji tim od ovog


                        Sagna --- Per--- Kos---Gibbs

                        -------Remzi ----Wilshere

                        Walcott ----Ozil ---------Santi

                        Last edited by Lillard; 13-09-13, 10:35.


                        • Mislim da ce igrati od prve minute Ozil. Mozda Flamini bude igrao umesto Wilshera prvu postavu, no videcemo. Samo kad je vec prosla ova reprezentativna pauza, ubila me. Necu moci docekati sutra 16h.
                          Originally posted by maliajnstajn
                          Arsenal ako uzme narednih 5 tekmi, uzima i titulu, nema previse tu filozofije.


                          • How Ilkay Gündoğan move makes perfect sense for Arsenal

                            Several media outlets around Europe over the last few weeks have indicated that İlkay Gündoğan’s contract talks have stalled, namely because of interest from other clubs, and notably Arsenal. The 22 year-old German midfielder was one of the best in the Bundesliga last season and has impressed Arsene who seems to view him as the long-term heir to the ageing Mikel Arteta. The player has yet to start the season for Dortmund due to a back problem – but with just two years left on his contract Dortmund have been actively trying all summer to make sure they don’t lose another key player, with Robert Lewandowski set to join rivals Bayern Munich on a free, and Mario Götze also joining Munich this summer.

                            Over the last two transfer windows Arsenal have changed their transfer policy, learning lessons from the nightmares they have endured trying to offload the likes of Nicklas Bendtner, Park Chu-Young, Andrei Arshavin and many more. Arsene is not prepared to make any more mistakes in the market anymore, and therefore has altered his policy in order to look for quality rather than quality. Lukas Podolski, Olivier Giroud, Santi Cazorla, Nacho Monreal and Mesut Özil have been Arsenal’s last five major signings and İlkay Gündoğan appears to be the next big name target. At a glance, even with Flamini Arsenal seem short of options for the central midfield roles. Many thought someone like Yohan Cabaye would arrive following a £11.9million bid, but it seems Arsene had a change of heart, and is willing to wait for the top quality to become available, in a player like Gündoğan. Arsenal will take encouragement from the fact that contract negotiations between club and player have failed to progress over the summer – don’t be surprised to see Arsenal make a serious bid next summer if this impasse continues.

                            It might make perfect sense for Arsenal, but does it make any sense for the player? Many doubt whether or why Gündoğan would want to transfer from Borussia Dortmund to Arsenal but the move makes more sense than you might think. With Per Mertesacker, Lukas Podolski and Mesut Özil now at the Emirates, İlkay would find himself in a familiar environment and a new city with a new challenge. He’ll hear nothing but positive feedback from Arsenal’s Germans about the club. Currently earning around just £25,000 per week - you could argue a player of his calibre deserves a figure at least four times that. Can Dortmund offer such a figure? The fact contract talks have stalled would suggest there might be a disagreement in what the player is worth to the club. The reliable Ruhr Nachrichten supports these thoughts suggesting the player feels he deserves a salary in the same bracket as he could get elsewhere. The German side still have a stringent wage structure in place, Arsenal have recently abandoned theirs, or at least tweaked it. Theo Walcott is earning circa £100,000 per-week as of January 2013, with new signing Mesut Özil well above that figure.

                            If Gündoğan ever becomes available you can be sure every top European club will hold an interest, but Arsenal appear to have already laid foundations for a future bid. A transfer away from Dortmund will likely be for financial reasons, although people must not under-estimate the pull of Arsenal Football Club, after all, who would have predicted Özil would have switched the lights of Madrid for the Emirates this summer?


                            “I really like Arsenal. But you, yes, you. Do you really like Arsenal? Or just Arsenal with trophies?”

                            Come on you Gunners!


                            • Inace Verminator se vratio treninzima konacno i mozda ce biti na klupi sutra.
                              Originally posted by maliajnstajn
                              Arsenal ako uzme narednih 5 tekmi, uzima i titulu, nema previse tu filozofije.


                              • Pregledah par stranica zadnjih i nema nigdje :


