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Manchester United
"Victor Nilsson Lindelöf was perhaps Manchester Uniteds best player last season and with that comes interest from clubs who are better on the pitch right now. When Mathijs De Ligt chose Juventus, Victor became Barcelonas first choice. His play style, his DNA is very close to the way Barcelonas plays. He's one of the best center backs on his feet and Barcelona wanted him. That was it. I can talk openly about that now.
They contacted Ed Woodward multiples times with concrete offers. I met with their head of transfers Matt Judge to try and get a deal through. But they said "There is no way. Victor is one of our best players". It ended up with a new contract instead even though Victor had three years left on his contract. Normally they don't do extensions with players that have so long left on their contract, but when interest came in from this type of level they had no other alternatives."sigpic
Znači to je razlog za produženje ugovora. Hvala Ede, mogli smo ostati bez najboljeg igrača
Kako Ed razvaljuje sa poslom, rješava se škartova kao što je Smoling (barem privremeno), s druge strane zadržava najbolje igrače. Kako možemo biti nezadovoljni!I ain't psycho but my life is.
Valverde je retard, ali Barselona ima Pikea, Lenglea i Umtitija, svi su za dvije do tri klase bolji od Lindelofa, tehnicki su tek obuceniji masu, zasto bi isli po Svedjanina, zero logika
Inace Mancester Junajted je reverse Midas, sve sto dotaknu pretvore u govno, svi koji odu iz kluba prodisusigpic
Bar nesto lepo veceras na OT
omiljeni Irac i omiljeni Škot [emoji173]
Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.
Dzejms Nezbit, glumac, veliki Junajtedovacsigpic
Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.
Negativno na ovom meču: baš čudni bekovi, Lingard i po meni Pogba, totalno je suprotan duhu Mančestera. Verovatno je dobar igrač, ali neka je loša energija oko njega u Mančesteru.
Što se tiče Olea, svakako zaslužuje podršku a ne kritiku, on je satima svaki dan na terenu na treningu sa igračima, zna kako dišu i sigurno postoji neko logično objašnjenje zašto je Jang igrao desnog beka, a Tuanzebe levog.
Poslato sa WAS-LX1A pomoću TapatokaC'era una volta la Jugoslavia, il Brasile d'Europa